26.A MILF Yandere Is Both A MILF And A Yandere! 1!

[[26.A MILF Yandere Is Both A MILF And A Yandere! 1!]

[[Jasmine's POV]]

After my angel and her new girlfriend finished their lovey-dovey moment, I led them to my and Marinette's condo unit. When they realized that I had been watching all along, the blonde had looked away in embarrassment while Marinette, my precious little angel, reprimanded me for watching their private moment. Faking hurt, I mentioned that "It wasn't really a private moment if you were doing it out in public.", which got the both of them to yelp and start looking around for other people.

Luckily for them, I still had the spell to direct people away from her up. Anyway, once we got into the unit, I immediately began to cook a quick meal for Chloé. I made sure that it would only sate her hunger for the time being, since dinner isn't too far from now.

[Everyone's speaking in English]

"Eat up, Chloé. I wouldn't want my angel's new girlfriend to die from hunger." Having exaggerated a bit, I placed the soup in front of her. Chloé, for her part, just blushed once again from my words.

"Maman! Stop embarrassing Chloé!" From beside the blonde, my daughter quickly reprimanded me with a weak glare that I easily shrugged off.

"'Chloé?' I expected a cute pet name by now." I casually mentioned it as I went to the sink to clean the pot I had used to cook the soup. And, as expected, the couple remained to be blushing messes. Adorable, really.

"Maman! I love you, but °please°(!), get out!" Raising her voice, Marinette pointed to the living room as she demanded me to leave them alone. Chuckling at her actions, I just casually waved at them as I walked out.

__/__/__/[[Chloé's POV]]

As I watched Marinette's adoptive mother, who I think is a top notch model, leave the dining room, I couldn't help but feel that she was familiar. Maybe she °is° a model and I have seen her somewhere.

However, other than that, I couldn't help but also feel like she resembled someone.

"Your...mother's kind of like aunt Sabine..." I gave Marinette my observation, hoping that what I brought up anything bad. I didn't want Marinette to hate me, especially when I just got her back, and I have no plans in letting go of her ever again.

"Yeah, she is. But maman Jasmine, even though she's like maman Sabine...they're still both different people." My....girlfriend? -I don't know what to call her, since we hadn't talked about it. True, we kissed, which was the best kiss I ever got in my life!, we still had to talk about what I had done, what she thinks of all this, and everything else- said in a soft tone. There was no hurt in her voice, no underlying tone of pain, just...acceptance and joy.

"Marinette....we need to-" I began, feeling the need to address the matter at hand, but Marinette cut me off with what I had wanted say.

"-talk." Her voice was now serious, but was also had a hint of warmth and affection in it, causing to nod as I smiled. Though I was hungry, I would rather watch Marinette smiling all day long.

__/__/__/[[Meanwhile]][[Julie's POV]]

[In English]

I exclaimed after Jasmine-onee-sama told me about what just happened earlier!

Jasmine-onee-sama, in her rare moments, gushed about her thoughts on Marinette and her new/first girlfriend!

Then, once I heard this, I immediately had the urge to have them!

I immediately asked for it, wanting to use them to tease my niece! Marinette's just so adorable that teasing is a must!

When Jasmine-onee-sama suddenly reminded me of this, that I was mid-stream when she called, I yelped in surprise!

Speaking as fast I could, I ended the call as I went back inside my room, where I saw that my Minecraft character was doing fine, since I just left her on top of a tree at night when Jasmine-onee-sama called me.

Taking my place on the chair, I immediately apologized to the viewers. "Sorry about that everyone! Ja-Minhe-onee-sama had called me, and I never let her calls reach the second ring!"

I almost said my onee-sama's real name, but I was able to quickly cover it up. And, since I had already told everyone that Minhe, the Succubi Princess, was my big sister before, the chat didn't ask any questions about her. However, after I went back to chopping trees after I ate an apple, chat had been inquiring about what Minhe-onee-sama had called me for.

I mulled over what I should do, but...since I °am° the Angel of Love, I must spread the love my niece has for her girlfriend! So, with the utmost casual tone I could muster, I told my chat, "Oh. Minhe-onee-sama just told me that little Nettie just got her first girlfriend!"

The chat had exploded after that announcement of love I jad made.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Marinette's POV]]

[In French]

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, I don't want to impose, but eating at your place is better than...meeting °them° again." Chloé, my °girlfriend°, expressed her concern for me. It was almost dinner time, which meant that everyone from Dupont would need to be in the public dining area for another roll call.

"I'll be fine, Bee. I'll be fine. Whatever happens...it won't affect me." I assure her, tightening my grip on her soft hand while doing so. And, since I'm also pretty sure that Chloé already knew me being Ladybug, I didn't hide that fact and went on the give her a pet name after her Hero name.

"And I'm pretty sure maman would hiding around in the shadows, making sure that nothing really bad would happen. She's quite overprotective, actually. And it's quite endearing how much she tries to protect me from harm." I tell her that as I wrap one arm around hers and lean against her shoulder, feeling absolutely happy like this.

"So that's why I felt like we were being followed." Chloé muttered out, looking behind us. I did the same, and I noticed maman's faint outline of her figure in the dark corner.

"Mm-hmm. Anyway, ignore her. I'm hungry now! So let's go eat!" Pulling Chloé along, I led her towards the dining area, which should already have prepared the buffet style meals! Though I lived in this building, I rarely ate here since maman would usually cook the best foods! And if she doesn't, I cook our food.

But, actually, concerning Chloé's worries, I felt that it wasn't needed. I am grateful that she worries over me, but...she doesn't need to when it comes to my old class. I am stronger now, better than I was before. Though still sometimes a bit self-conscious and low on self-esteem, I have grown from that!

Anyway, what I mean to say is, I'm ready for anything!

__/__/__/[[Jasmine's POV]]

Leaning against the wall, I watched as my angel and her girlfriend entered the dining area. Whatever happens there, I promised myself that I wouldn't do anything rash. I already planned for everything that would happen to the students, so there would be no need to make my move °now°!

Though, I do hope someone would slip, so that I could at least do something to scare them.


[A/N: Yep! Lila's gonna meet big Mama Yandere! Nothing too Yandere-ish would happen next chap, just some confrontation between the class and Jasmine, and then a collab stream!

Anyway, pertaining the punishments for the students, please, give me a much better one! I need a more Yandere appropriate move to make!


Lila-Will be sent to Juvenile Prison, (Add more!)





Juleka-(A minor punishment. I kind of like her. Probably turn her into Jasmine's pet actually.)





Nino-(Gang-rape by guys.)

Rose-(Send to terrorists.)

Lê Chiên-(Sharks and Gang-rape)]

BTW, I a made a Patr-oń account, and I don't know what to do!

I thought about making Tier 1 early access, but I don't know how exactly. I typically post at least 3 chapters a day, but I don't know how to properly distribute it! HELP!