36.P̵u̷n̴i̴s̵h̸m̷e̴n̷t̷! 2!

[[36.P̵̧̳̮̮̦̖̃̇́̽͝͠u̷̳͕̺͚̠̰̓̅̂̾̀ņ̶̗̗͉̻̓́i̶͕̲̠̦̱͌̈́͋̓̋͂ś̷̺̝̪̙͍͆̽̂̃h̸̖̋ṃ̶͉̞̼̜̪̣̥̈͋͋̽ë̷̛̹͕́̈́̐͊̕͘! 2!]]

[[Jasmine's POV]]

"Alexa, honey. Wake up. We're here." Poking Alexa's cheek, I giggled as she let out such a cute moan. I knew she was tired, and I honestly want her to sleep more. However, there are things that must be done first.

I smiled as I tried to wake her up again. "Alexa~~.", I sang as I began to kiss her hair. Looking outside, I saw the police officers that were prepared to take in Lila, and anyone else that decides to do anything funny, gazing at our car.

"Come on, Alexa. They're waiting for us." Thankfully, Alexa's eyes began to flutter open. And moments later, she yawned and stretched as much as she could inside the car.

"A-...are we there yet...?" She asks in a sleepy voice, still tired, still drained. I really wanted to let her sleep more, but I'm sure that once Lila gets taken by the police, I could make Alexa sleep. Since Alexa had already given her piece on this matter, there wasn't any current need for Alexa to deal with the police's questioning, so I could have her sleep with me in the hotel room I had already prepared, since my unit would clearly be used for evidence.

"Yes, we are. The Police are currently now looking for Lila. They didn't have that much time to waste waiting for us." I informed the shorter woman, causing her to look more awake.

"Ah! Let's go then!" She had reddened cheeks, embarrassed because she had made the police officers wait. Alexa quickly opened the door, with me following along with a smile still visible on my face.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Alexa's POV]]

For a whole hour, we have been looking for my daughter, but we never did. Miss Bustier, Lila's teacher, had become frantic and started to panick because she had lost my daughter. Then, Lila's friends were the same, all of them frantically looking for my daughter. However, for some odd reason, they blamed Marinette, Jasmine's daughter and the girl Lila had bullied so much, saying that she must have done something.

I, of course, didn't believe them, and Jasmine definitely didn't. Jasmine had also stated that her daughter was in her bakery, which was soon about to debut.

And, I, of course was worried about my daughter, and as...bad as she is, she is still my daughter. The only reason why I didn't join the search party that was made to look for Lila, was because Jasmine had been reassuring me that everything would be fine. She was there when I needed her. She was there when I needed to lean on someone.

Jasmine was...nice. She was...amazing, sweet, wonderful... I'm grateful that even though she's the mother -adoptive mother- of the girl that my daughter had practically tortured for years, she was kind to me, willing to help me. And...she definitely felt warmer than my husband...softer too...


When the hour was spent in a futile search for my daughter, Jasmine managed to convince me to rest in her place. I, at first, was adamant on finding my daughter, but after Jasmine had held my cheek and whispered her beautiful words, I finally agreed to accept her offer.

We were having a light conversation, keeping up the warm atmosphere between us. However, once we reached her unit, I think, Jasmine stopped in front of her door abruptly.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, worried about why she suddenly stopped.

"The door's...open..." The taller woman answered, but I don't know why it sounded like she couldn't believe it.

__/__/__/[[Jasmine's POV]]

Seeing how the door was opened slightly, I can't help but be in disbelief. I knew Lila was dumb in some places, but to leave the door to the place she broke into open? That's just plain dumb.

__/__/__/[[Alexa's POV]]

"Huh? Open?" I asked her as I tightened my hug around her arm, not fully understanding what was happening, but still feeling troubled.

Then, Jasmine slowly pulled something out of her purse. It was a pepper spray, something I was familiar with as I also had one of my own.

"Alexa. I want you to stay behind me. And, if something happens, I want you to go back to the lobby and call for the police." For the moment, I was dazed. However, I soon realized that we were in a possibly dangerous situation!

"Jasmine-!" I called out to her, worried about what she's about to do. But she cut me off with an disarming smile that just promised that everything was going to be fine.

"Remember Alexa. The first moment you notice anything dangerous, run out and call the police. They should still be in the lobby." With a calm and brave voice, Jasmine reassured me, and I just felt...safe.

Taking a moment to compose myself, I soon calmed down, and nodded.

"Stay behind me." After Jasmine said that, we then entered her unit. The living room had no one, and everything looked fine. Next, we quietly tiptoed to the kitchen. And like the living room, no one was there.

We checked the bathrooms, and everything was fine. The last places to check, according to Jasmine, was her and her daughter's bedrooms. And the first place we went for was Jasmine's room.

And that's where we found her, my daughter who had been missing, naked and sprawled against Jasmine's bed, all sweaty and smiling like a maniac. Seeing her like that, with that °smile°, I felt scared! Scared of what has happened to my daughter.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[3rd Person's POV]]

Alexa finding her daughter all naked and having a crazed smile on her face had her scared. Then, after finding out that her daughter -after she was taken into custody when Jasmine reported that she found her daughter in her room- had actually broken into Jasmine's home to commit such...°acts°, Alexa's image of her daughter had been utterly broken. She still had hope for her daughter, hoping that she could still be reformed, but after realizing how far she'd go for Jasmine -who turns out to be Lila's crazed obsession-, Alexa didn't know what to think anymore!

Then, while Alexa had been somewhat traumatized by her daughter, Jasmine, who had lead them to a hotel suite she "just got" after her unit had turned into a crime scene, had did her best to heal her from the event. Jasmine had practically glued herself to the woman. And somehow, Emilie Blanchet had suddenly been part of the equation.

After finding out that someone had broken into Jasmine's condo unit, Emilie -who had become Jasmine's best friend-, had went to look for Jasmine. And that's how they found their current situation, with Jasmine and Emilie sandwich-ing Alexa between them.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[3 Days]]

It took 3 days for the charges given to Lila were approved of. And there were a lot, and to mention some, it was Defamation, by multiple celebrities, Breaking-and-Entering, it was the incident with Jasmine's condo unit, Sexual Harassment, given by Jasmine -as Lila had been blatantly groping Jasmine, who "kept on giving Lila a chance to stop".-, Stalking, and Emotional Abuse -which was a type of demostic violence, but some magic was put in and yeah.-.

And not only that, but things blew up! Marinette's old classmates -sans Chloé and Sabrina- were sent to retraining camps, will have to do community work, and even be sent to prison and sentenced fines after 18 for Bullying [A/N: Bullying can send you to jail, according to what I had found]. However, after Marinette was convinced by her maman, Adrien had been charged with Aiding and Abetting a criminal -Lila-. It shouldn't have been possible, but Jasmine wouldn't be Jasmine if she wouldn't destroy their reputations, before completely destroying their bodies.

Emilie, who had found out what her son had did, had cried a lot, but Jasmine and Alexa were there for her, with Alexa going through the same thing Emilie was in, so it was more accurate that Jasmine was taking care of them.

Then, other than the students, Miss Bustier and Mr. Damocles were charged for Neglect, as they knew something wrong was going on between Lila and Marinette, but not doing anything °right° about it, as they decided it was easier to let Lila do what she wants.

And, as this all happened, with all the charges and sentences being given left and right, Marinette, with her blessed soul, had actually cried for °them°. She cried for her bullies, for the teacher and principal that had neglected their duty, that had neglected °her°. Marinette cried for them. Thankfully, she had her maman, her auntie, her girlfriends, her friends, and Alexa and Emilie, who never stopped apologizing as they felt it was their fault why she faced such injustice.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[1 Week]]

A week had passed since all the charges and shit were thrown, and things had calmed down. The charged and sentenced were sent back to Paris, France, where they'd face the consequences of their actions, together with the other students, sans Marinette's girlfriends, who had stayed for their beloved after Jasmine convinced their parents to let them stay.

Emilie and Alexa had also stayed with Jasmine, both being too emotionally drained. Jasmine, for her part, had always been there for them, always making sure that they were healing from all this.

However, while Jasmine was with the two emotionally scarred women, multiple clones of hers had executed her plans.

In one night, multiple convicted people in Paris disappeared, including Marinette's old classmates. When Alexa and Emilie found out about this, they had been emotionally attacked once again, but Jasmine was still there for them. Jasmine was there for them. Jasmine was there for them. Jasmine was there for them. Jasmine. was. there. foR. THEM!

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[One Of Jasmine's Clone's POV]]

I, who had been blessed to deal with Lila, the little shit that started everything, am quite amused.

Honestly, I'm somewhat grateful for her. Since it's because of her that Marinette was brought into my life. Sabine and Tom were definitely good people, even using their lives to protect such a waste. I also have to thank them, since their death gave me my Bug.

However, I'm quite amused right now, because I just found out what Liela's biggest fear was. It was her mother. I don't have the exact details, as the spell had limited function, but I just knew that Liela feared her mother. And not only that, but she was afraid of Little Bug winning.

And guess what, after combining that, Liela was now trapped in her dreamscape, unable to do anything as Alexa and Marinette completely dominate °me°! I honestly thought her fears were going to be more traditional, like monsters and such, or even be just ignored by people! But this....this was HOT!

Anyway, now that I had a clear image of being dominated by my own Little Bug, I'm sure once I go back to the Original, she'll see this, and her image of Little Bug will change, just like how it did for me.

I smiled to myself, looking forward for the future.

Also, this wasn't just little Liala's punishment. This was just one of her emotional and mental punishments. The physical punishment had yet to begin!!

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Jasmine's POV]]

As I hug Alexa and Emilie, who were spooning each other, in my new room in my bakery/house, I couldn't help but smile all of a sudden. Probably one of my clone's emotions reaching me even before they come back to me.

Anyway, I'm quite content with my life currently. And I'm sure it's just going to get better!


[A/N: And that's the end of the 2nd Volume! Next Volume would be Hololive!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And sorry for not actually adding the punishment part. I can write gory scenes, but writing overly torturous scense is more "meh" for me.]

BTW, a peek on what I have plans for the future!

[From Virtual Yandere To Dimension Hopping Yandere!]