

[[Jasmine's POV]]

Entering the building, I honestly wasn't surprised that it had a modern setting, as opposed to its medieval look outside.

Then, as my current tour guide, began to inform me of the place. "This HQ is, though we entered through a forest in the unimportant part of America, is actually in a dimension pocket, which makes it both part of, and not, the real world. Humans, naturally, wouldn't be able to enter the space, unless they knew where to look, but that wouldn't ever be possible." And while we were walking around, I didn't see anyone that was...humanoid. There were no body else that resembled humans, and rather, there were these chickens with uniforms walking around. And they didn't look like ordinary chickens, because they were blocky and reminded me a lot of Minecraft chickens.

However, I just ignored them, opting to listen more on Lilith's explanation. "This building is also magical in nature, as it creates rooms that its inhabitants needs and wants. You want a swimming pool? Just go through a door with the wooden sign with 'Anything' written on it, on top of it and *BAM!*, you got a swimming pool! You want a sex dungeon? Open a door that has the sign above it and you have just that! But there are already rooms that are set in place, and they all have plaques above them that tells you what it is! And, you could easily get lost here, but no worries! A map would appear on the wall whenever you need it!"

As Lilith continued her explanation, I eyed the top of the doors that I pass by and see one that had a wooden sign that exactly said "Anything", while the others were iron plaques.

"Of course, there's more to the place, but I don't know anymore than what I had just told you, 'cause I don't usually go here. But you could ask them!" Lilith suddenly stopped as she pointed at the edge of the hallway. Moving my head a bit so that I wouldn't be blocked by Lilith's body, I soon realized who she was pointing at.

And it seems that they had also noticed us, as Kiara, ever the lovable Phoenix, waved her hand excitedly while Death's apprentice was smiling politely, acting much more reserved that her partner -actually, I don't really know if they are actually "partners" or were just two friends being shipped together.-.

Then, Lilith, being the sunny woman that she was, immediately waved back. "Kiara! Calli! Hi~~!", the Succubi's Queen greets them, while I acted much like Mori, giving the two beautiful °older° women a small wave as we get closer to each other.

And once we were close enough, Lilith quickly started introducing us to each other.

"Jaz! I'm pretty sure you already know these two, but the tsundereaper is Calliope! And the chicken here is Kiara!" She smirked as she pointed at the two, glad that she got a reaction from them from her little jabs.

"Hey! I'm a °Phoenix°! Definitely much better than a chicken! And, for your information, Phoenix thighs are better than chickens! Does this..." Kiara points at her thighs, which was easily visible since she had such a short skirt, "...look like chicken thighs to you!? Huh?!"

And even though the Phoenix was shouting at her with flaming eyes, literal, flaming eyes, Lilith was unaffected and just waved it off.  "Okay, okay. You're not a chicken." Lilith admits, causing the Phoenix to huff in approval.

Then, deciding to finally be mature for once, Lilith finally properly introduced me to the two. "Anyway, this is Jasmine. But you'll probably know her more as Minhe, the Succubi Princess, which is true, 'cause I'm having her take over my place once I settle down." Lilith says as she becomes dazed for a moment. I already knew what my role will be in the future, so I didn't question Lilith again about her spreading it around.

Then, finally deciding to speak up, I finally greeted the two women in me "Maman" voice, as Julie lovingly calls it. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mori-san, Takanashi-san."

The Reaper's apprentice, being the more mature one of the two, was the first to greet back. "It's nice to meet you too. And Calli's fine, really."

And right after Calli was Kiara, who greeted in a bubbly voice, which was more...bubbly than Julie's, "And you can call me Kiara! Formalities are comple~tly unneeded!!" The Phoenix cheerfully exclaimed, completely something that she would do.

With her enthusiasm making me smile, I put a hand onto my lips to stifle my giggle, before I replied, "Then calling me Jaz is fine, outside of streams, of course. But when we're on the 'stage', Mi-chi's fine."

Lilith, who had pulled herself out from her daze, spoke up, her voice now back to its usual, gay(happy) tone, "Good! Now that you three are properly introduced, Jasmine! Calli here would be giving you a tour of the headquarters!"

Now knowing that I have two beautiful women becoming my guides, my nature as a Succubus kicked in, making me take Calli's hand, surprising the pinkette, and then kissing her soft, callous free, hands." Then I'll be in your care. And there's no need to be particularly gentle with me."

Then, with both my action and having told her that, the apprentice of Death had actually blushed! I liked how I got that reaction out if her, but it was short-lived as I was pushed back. Thankfully, I was able to balance myself.

Looking at the person who had pushed me, I immediately saw Kiara, with her air now resembling an upside-down fire! "Hey! That's °my° girl! Go get your own Reaper!"

I quickly understood what was happening to Kiara. She was jealous and was protecting °her° girl. But that wouldn't stop me, because how could I be a Succubus if a back down on a challenge? Giving Calli a wink, that made the blush on her cheeks redden a tad, I immediately changed my target.

"Now why would I settle for any other Reaper? When she's definitely the best? She also has a wonderful...thick....and tasty Phoenix with her!" The temperature had raised somewhat, but I ignored it as I held Kiara's hands as she began to sputter a, "Wha-wha-wha-wha- what the fuck!!"

__/__/__/[[Calli's POV]]

Seeing how Jaz had easily made Kiara flustered, I suddenly realized that I was in danger. Kiara was already more than enough for my heart, but to having another one? I just can't help but say, "Oh no. Why'd she have to be a much better Kusotori?"

Kiara, hearing this, went to look at me with widened eyes, with horror, surprise, and excitement.

"I heard that!"


[A/N: More HoloEN interactions next.

I hope I was able to get Calli and Kiara's personality in this short talk with Jasmine.]