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Akira's POV

As I open my eyes and looks around I see a room of nothing but white . If I look up it's white if I look left it's white right, down, forwards, backwards and anywhere else...is purely white. So with nothing better to do I start to stand up but I realize that it feels like 3 times earth gravity which is odd but crazier things have happened. As I start to walk around I notice that I have the clothes on that I died in after thinking for a while I realize I shouldn't be able to die if I'm already dead right?. I then rip of my shirt into a long line of fabric before using my nails to cut my wrist and somehow cause blood to spill out of my cut wrist. I wrap my torn shirt around my cut and let it take In the blood.

After what feels like minutes I unwrap the cloth from around my wrist and hope this works. Me: Welp...HERE GOES NOTHING!" I then grip the torn cloth and start to swing it around as I run around the white 'room'. As I'm running I start to see that outlines are made as the blood splashes on places. Me: This is really working?!?!" I then swing the shirt even faster in order to get more of the blood out of it. While doing this I hear something that sounds like a door open so I stop in my movements and hop behind what looks like a large plant pot. Me: What the hell was that?…' I then hear walking until the large being stops near the pot I'm behind seeing this I instantly cover my mouth with my hand and stop breathing. After a couple of seconds the being then sits down and the room is then split in half as the other side of the room becomes pitch black with a being that looks to be the sister of the being on the white side of the room.

Third person

As the being in the white room looks over to the one in the black room he chuckles before snapping his fingers to make everything my size and gives everything proper color. Now that we can get a closer look to the being in the white room we see a being that is of orc/elf dissent. But when looking over to the dark side of the room we see a female being of giant/anthro Black panther dissent. ????: So Zane would you mind telling me why we should have these two reincarnate at the same time as well as being together???" Asked the female being. Zane: well Alia it would be a shame if our nephew and someone worthy of him didn't have the ability to stay with each other now wouldn't it?~" asked the male being to the female one. The female known as Alia then looks at Akira and Jax. Alia: So you are the one that is worthy of my nephew?".

Akira POV

As I'm looking at the three people I see that the third person is a relatively tall Latina/Korean mix and has what seems to be C cups and a very large ass with white hair that goes down to her lower back. Me: What the hell are you guys talking about!?? That isn't Jax that's a beautiful ass girl standing there...speaking of Jax where is that fucker now that we are here we can continue our fight!". At that every moment three different reactions happen Zane my apparent uncle laughs as Alia my apparent aunt looks at me like I am the dumbest thing ever and the third is the pretty girl speaking in a semi deep but very feminine voice Jax:IM A TRANS GENDER YOU FUCKING ASS HAT" after Jax said that I was stunned for a little bit and in that bit of time she appeared in front of me and punched me into the ground. Jax: AND D-DONT CALL ME BEAUTIFUL YOU FUCKING PERVERT!". While I'm laying there I then put two and two together to make the number four after letting a little ADHD run out I understand that that's Jax and that I can fight him again. Me: I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS YOU BUT NOW THAT I KNOW IM GONNA PUMMLE YOU FOR GETTING IN A CHEAP SHOT YOU SHORT FUCK!!!!" I then jump out of the hole and punch Jax across the room. "DONT BE A PUSSY COME ON AND FIGHT ME LIKE YOU DID ON EARTH!!" As I rush towards him I open my hands to grab him but he uses his hands to clasp on mine witch leads our hands into a deadlock.

Jax: SO WHYD YOU TREAT ME LIKE A GUY ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU FUCKING MAMMOTH???!!!" I then glare at him. Me: ITS CAUSE I KNOW YOURE STRONG SO NOW TREATING YOU AS AN EQUAL IS AN OPTION AND THAT ALSO MEANS I CAN DON'T HAVE TO BE BORED YOU SHORT GREMLIN!!!!". We then start to trade blows with smirks on our face and a fire burning in our hearts.

Third person POV

Akira and Jax are getting at it again while destroying the ground that keeps reforming.

Time skip cause I'm lazy

Both of them are seen in a field with their back on the ground breathing heavily with there outfits covered in dirt. Akira: I *pant* won" Jax:...since you won...my names was...Is...it's Hannah" after saying that he punches Akira on his arm. Akira: Why tell me that? You do know I'm gonna address you as a dude and still call you Jax right?" Jax then looks at Akira with a hint of anger in his eyes. Jax: ITS CAUSE I WANNA BE A GIRL AGAIN YOU JACKASS SO JUST CALL ME HANNAH" after saying this The newly Dubbed Hannah starts to blush and curl up into a ball. Akira: Why are you acting like this dude? I don't have a problem with calling you that but I don't understand why you have to react like this" Hannah then starts to sit up With her hair covering her eyes; Hannah: All I wanted to do was impress you...I tried for 5 years in total...and you still don't feel anything for me…". Akira: What do you mean by that? I'm sure I would have remembered you if we ever met dude!" Hannah: Let me tell you a story Akira...maybe then you'll understand"

Flashback 5 years ago

The scene opens on a boy at the age of 9 getting punched and kicked by his Bullies Miguel, Kep, and Blue. Miguel: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE LIVING OFF OF MY PARENTS HARD EARNED MONEY YOU AFRICAN MONKEY!?!?". Kep: YEAH WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE AND YOUR HAIR IS WEIRD YOU FUCKING FREAK!" Akira then starts to cry as he is being kicked on the ground. Blue then walks over to the gate surrounding them he breaks off a wooden plank and slams it against the ground to give it a sharp edge. Blue: Now you're going to suffer~ AHAHAHAHA" as you can see these kids are...not in the best state of mind. Blue starts to run at Akira with the huge sharp plank as well as a sadistic glint in his eyes. But before blue can get to him the earth starts to shake and cracks appear in the ground luckily in the midst of the shaking Akira breaks free and starts to runs away from the group of Tasmanian devil's. But he had this gut feeling to look back and when he did...he ran towards them to push them away from the crack in the ground. Even after saving there lives they still hated him...so they pushed him into the crack filled with odd energy and left him there and ran to tell there parents about the 'good' they'd done.

Akira POV

I was in this crack for days and no one came to get me. I don't know how I'm alive but it seems that this energy is doing something to nurturing my body. I feel myself growing at an extremely fast pace and my hair feels like it's growing really long and I can kinda see in the dark now. It seems the only downside to this is me being put into a deep sleep for weeks at a time...I don't know how long I'll be down here.

Two week time skip

I groggily wake up to the sound of drilling. As I look up at the ground I start to see light. In my excitement I screamed Akira: HELP IM DOWN HERE PLEASE HURRY!" my voice seemed a little deeper but that was to be expected from my bodily mutations so far. After breaking threw the ground they pulled me out and covered me in a blanket. ????: Are you alright?? How long have you been down there?? How did you stay alive?" Asked multiple people from news companies. Akira: W-well...I deduct that the odd energy in the ground has something to do with my body growning faster than it should and nurturing me to stay in good health while in that environment…" after saying this they looked at me in astonishment. Stacy: My name is Stacy Abrams would, you mind telling me what happened in there in detail please?" Other news reporters then started to crowd around me and ask me questions. Akira: I would like my personal space at this moment because I need to reciprocate from that specific event" the news reporters seemed to ignore me and continue bombarding me with questions.

That was until someone shot a blank filled shotgun in the air. Leo: MY NAME IS LEO LUCK AND I SAVED THAT THERE BOY…SO YOU EITHER GIVE THAT KID SOME SPACE OR I TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF MY RIGHT TO SHOOT WHEN SOMEONE MESSES WITH MY CASE!" says the man with a gruffly voice and scowl on his face. The news reporters then ran away in fear of getting shot for 'messing with evidence' and took all of their gear with them. The tall gentleman then walked up to me. Leo: You are one tall child...and you've got some nice colored hair too! Ahahaha!" Says the man with a big smile on his face contrary to the scowl that was on his face earlier. Akira: Thank you for saving me sir but...I don't have parents so...I don't know how to repay you" I said while putting my head down and clenching my fists.

Leo: And why would that matter to me? I don't care if your parents where murders I would still take care of you" and that day...I felt I had someone to care for me. We start walking and he takes me to an ice cream shop where I see a little girl getting bullied by some boys. Bully1: YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US CAUSE YOU'RE A GIRL!!" He then pushes her. Hannah: My name is H-Hannah and I w-wanna hang out with you guys" says the girl with her head pointed down. Bully2: We don't wanna hang with girls there nasty and weaker than us" says the second one in a snobbish way. The third bulky pulls his fist back bust my before he can hit her I run over and deck him 3 feet away.

The other two bullies look at me with shock anger and fear in there eye's. Bully1: M-MY PARENTS ARE GONNA SUE YOUR PARENTS" I the laugh at them. Akira: That girl Hannah is now in my protection and if I hear or see you hurting her in any way I'm going to break every bone in your bodies" after giving them a...promise?...self invoked premonition? Well whatever it was he started to walk towards the girl and help her up. Akira: Hello there Ms.Hannah I'm Akira but you can call me Aki!" 'Pretty smooth going with nicknames you have yourself'. Hannah: Hi Mr.Akira and thank you for helping me...do you wanna be friends?"

1 year time skip first person POV

As I walk to school I see people talking about my hair and skin color again. 'Ugh this gets so annoying that I just wanna punch them *sigh* but uncle Leo says I can't hit them'. I then hear panting and look behind me to see Hannah chasing after me. I think it's pretty cool that she was affected by the green gas too. Hannah: YOU'RE TO FREAKING FAST WITH YOUR LONG LEGS!!!!" I chuckle at this as she is pretty tall for age as well. Akira: So are you ready for our B-Day Winter?" Hannah just blushes at this and stops talking witch I find very funny so I annoy her some more. Akira: It seems like summer is taking over now doesn't it?" I say as I drape my arm around her and walk closer. Hannah: S-stop giving me so many nicknames you fucking dolt" says Hannah with a red face.

Hannah POV

Hannah: Why does he have to say that stuff ugh he knows he makes me blush and he still does it...b-but I don't mind blushing if it's for him" Akira then snaps his fingers to get my attention witch makes me jump. Akira: We are at school now Misty so I think you should pay attention form now on" he always laughs after making me blush and pats my head with his hand that always makes me wanna cuddle. Akira and me go to our first and beat class ⒽⒾⓈⓉⓄⓇⓎ but don't get me wrong ⒽⒾⓈⓉⓄⓇⓎ isn't the best but our teacher still is. Ms. Zherety: Hello again class how are you guys doing on this fine day?" Every student: We're doing great Ms. Zherety!". Ms. Zherety: that's good that's good...hmmmmm soooooo" she then looks around the class and stops at me and Akira but smirks after seeing he's playing with my hair again.

Ms. Zherety: So miss Hannah why don't you tell us about the events that happened last year?" Akira then stops playing with my hair and kinda makes me mad but a grade will always be a grade. Hannah: Last year on June 6th an asteroid had broken through our defense system and released a powerful green electrical shocks of un know origin and knocked down big small and medium sized businesses. But the asteroid only affected things with lots of technology. The electricity then went into the earth and turn into a gas that traveled threw the earth that opened and closed pockets of space that trapped animals, people, and even clothes. Said items where trapped in the pocket with the gas while the shortest case was 4 days and the longest cases being 2 months aka Akira and I. Poverty and racism have also gotten worse yet no one seems to care as well as more brilliant children are often being born. People have also started to get r*ped, killed, and treated like trash by some people who where trapped in the gas. There is also a 'trend' starting that is to degrade people without parents witch I find horrible. And lastly the government is trying to bread the women and girls who got trapped in the gas while even resorting to kidnapping to breed with the females.". Random new kid:...T҉H҉E҉ F҉U҉C҉K҉I҉N҉G҉ W҉H҉A҉T҉?҉?҉!҉?҉"҉

The teacher then ignores the new kid. Ms. Zherety: Very good job Hannah and also very detailed so now that this boring history is over...Let's watch something on Netflix shall we?" the class the erupts in cheers for the teacher while Akira just hugs me in an almost vice grip...why do I love him?'.

Time skip of 2 years and Akira POV

Finally after all this time I'm getting into the school for elites. I've waited for so long and studied so hard and it just paid off. Hannah: Akira!!!" Luckily I turn around fast enough to catch her and balance myself. Akira: Hannah I almost fell why didn't you give me a better warning!!?" she just smiles at this and goes to my back and keeps her arms wrapped around my neck and her legs around my waist. Akira: So Hannah…" she then looks at my face and smiles; Hannah: Yes Akira?". Akira: What school did you get into?" Hannah: Oh I got into Galibar high what about you Akira?" I then look down in a gloomy manner. Akira: I got into Mace high" she looks at me confused, Hannah: Why are you Sad about that that's the best school ever!". I then huff, Akira: We won't be in the same classes let alone the same school" she then smiles at me and we start to walk in silence while looking at the pinkish/yellowish sky. Hannah: Leo Says he won't be home till 5 a.m. so we can stay at our hideout" and with that knowledge I start to walk to our hideouts but with a pretty bad feeling in my stomach.