Today is the day of my escape .I take out the screwdriver, I have hidden and then use it to take out the vent and plan my escape out of this shit-hole, I plan to become a mercenary everyone is always in need of a superpowered individuals for superpowered work and I am pretty superhuman.

So my plan is to get out of coalition space and sneak off this planet before the government can catch me and continue experimenting on me .

I take out the vent then get in I'm on my way out of the facility .when I hear a loud agonizing scream it reminds me of the countless hours of pure torture I went through the screams bring up the untold grief loneliness and isolation.

I felt whilst being experimented on. I feel alone maybe I could help them and have a companion to help me on my journey .

I have made up my mind to help this poor soul, so I do just that I sneak through the vent to the screaming individual were I see a poor red twei-lek looking girl covered in blood .This image has made me certain I want to rescue this girl so with my mind set on helping this girl.


I was born on a planet called Skagos , Skagos was a small desolate desert planet we relied mainly on hunting for food and we only had a single settlement on our planet with 100,000 people .

This is becacuse of the true rulers of this planet the Rognarr a violent bipedal and animalistic race with no thoughts other than sustenance we survived because of our ability of flight and how we could mask ourselves from the senses of the rognarr through are psionic powers.

Our race also evolved to have a powerful telekinetic manipulation ranging from elements to pure psionic energy but out of all my race I was the most talented and had the strongest link to our progenitor Skagoth the strongest and most powerful of our race legend says she fought of over 1,000 Rognarr I hope to one day be as powerful as her.

by the age of 5,I could fire psionic blasts that could rival the elders of our village and I would only get more powerful by the time I matured.

That was what I thought but I didn't know how wrong I would be . It happened as I was playing telekinetic catch with my sister Taroth a spaceship as big as our village descended upon us the only time I saw one was when I was three as it came to trade Rognarr claws we were cautious we have naturally become wary because of our kill or be killed nature.

That day the massive ship fired a device that activated with a a buzzing sound {purge buzz} sound, it released a mass of gas that encompassed our hole village .

I tried to hold my breath as many of my kindred did the same but it was all for a loss the gas eventually got into our bodies it acted quick first it killed the babies then it killed the weak then the strong until all that was left was me and my sister until I watched the blood seep out of her mouth and the life from her eyes fade out.

I was the lone survivor of my whole race my village was wiped out in a senseless genocide all my family laid there blood gushing out of there eyes that is when the men in suits came they looked around the hole village .

they found me laying there weak disheveled and they forced me on there ship they took me away from my home planet I cried for the hole time until I saw a planet , a planet that made my instincts flare telling me all that's there is death misery and I felt a major sense of dread when we arrived at the research center .

And on that planet I experienced what I expected dread , I got it in bucket loads I experienced fear and hopelessness they tortured me , until I could barely eat and speak they fed me a weird disgusting paste that did nothing but remind me of my dead family food and how much I missed it whenever I thought of home.

I could only think about their death pain and anger but then I saw something that shocked me a boy my age coming down from a vent looked at me and smiled and said, ''do you want to get out if this hell hole and blow it up,'' my heart skipped a beat I have only felt this feeling with my family It's something new something warm something homely. I started tearing up and said with a raspy voice ''please I Want to live I want to be free ''he then descended like my own little guardian angel in my mind I swore forever that I will do whatever's in my power to help you anything for giving me freedom.


When I saw the state of the poor girl the tears in her eyes the sorrow etched into her face I felt rage and an urge to destroy everything that harmed her or even touched what are these primal desires I calm down and ask her ''were are the people that did this to you'' .

''they they are in the left in the research area'' she said awkwardly.

''Do you want to get revenge with me'' I said.

''Mhm'' she said with a malicious smile.

''Oh bye the way what is your name mines Zaraxx '' ,I said embarrassingly .

''Satella my names Satella '' ,she says with a slight smirk.

''Now we got our names out of the way do you want to kill these fuckers'', I say in a menacing tone.

''Gladly'' she says with a fangy grin happy to kill her tortures and the ones responsible for killing her family.

''by the way what powers do you have I can fly and have super strength and the older I get the slower I age ''I say curious.

''telekinesis I can use psionic energy to manipulate things like matter atoms it gets stronger as I age and once I mature I can manipulate my age and slow down others and mine but I will be connected to them'' she said.

''That's pretty neat lets carrying on with the revenge ''said Zaraxx As I say that I punch the door and start ominously floating with Satella also floating to the dead men walking.

When we reach there we see two guards with plasma rifles


''Hey Johny I wonder when something will happen'', said the clueless guard number 1.

''yeah it has been strangely quiet John'', said clueless guard number 2.


When I spot the two guards I steal both there guns and stab it through their stomach making their entrails fall out as they slowly lose the light in their eyes and finally die in agonizing pain.

'' I'll give you all of the ones you want take your time make it as agonizing as possible for the torture they put us through '' ,I say with a grim face.

We then smash the door as we walk in the scientists look at us and turn white realizing their precious experiments have come to kill them.

Then they start screaming saying '''were all going to die'', yeah no shit sherlock I then say'' you want to go first'' I say darkly.

'' Gladly '' she says with a cold glint in her eyes she then starts lifting everyone of the ground and then slowly starts to twist there limbs all you can hear is *CRUNCH* *SNAP* *SCRUNCH* after this display I leave them in pain for five minutes and then stomp on there heads slowly crushing there heads killing them .

''You okay Satella '',I said as I notice her tucked in corner with her knees up to her chest crying I then move over to her.

''It's okay you got your revenge we both did whatever they did to you we got them can rest we made them suffer for what they did I'm here for you'' I say as she cries on my shoulder.

''lets get out of this hell hole aye ''I say as I tell Satella to ''follow me ''I then search for a ship off planet and find one flying over with Satella to the passenger ship and sneak into the cargo pit

''we did it Satella we escaped'' ,I said

''yeah we did thank you Zaraxx''she said sweetly laying on my shoulder and slowly falling asleep forgetting briefly from the burdens placed on her.

''I'm finally free'' I said with a determined face clenching my fist with determination on my face.