Chapter Six.

Ulric had nearly bitten his tongue off when he opened his eye to see his little nurse standing in front of him only holding a towel in front of her body. This time Ulric didn't know whether to curse or bless Xavier for want he provided for the staff.

Ulric had to swallow down every ounce of self-control when she had dropped to her knees almost as if she was offering herself to him. Though that feeling crashed a little seeing her pull out her pack.

However, he was not ready for when she turned to flee away from him showing Ulric her entire bareback. Right down to that round ass he wanted to sink his teeth into. He would have to warn her against running from him because he and his wolf both wanted nothing more than to chase after her then pin her down.

Predator Weres were known for their insatiable sex drive and Ulrics recent dry spell with Ann's naturally erotic body were not helping. Seriously it was as if the Goddess had shaped his little nurse from every male fantasy ever created, and Ulric did not mind at all. He wants to run his tongue all over that shape and mark every inch of that pale unmarred skin.

Well mostly unmarred, Ulric had noticed when she turned around that on her back in between her shoulder blades sat a tattoo. A bird wings tattoo but unlike the cliché fancy or realistic or overly artist tattoo there were two bright closed bird wings colored a dull royal blue. They looked simple and plain but somehow it just fit so perfectly.

Ulric nearly drooled at the sight imagining tracing it with his tongue in his mind as he claimed her from behind over and over and over again.

Damn it he had just gotten his hard-on down too. Ulric was soon distracted from this thought as Ann left the bathroom once again this time fully clothed. Not that it helped much.

She had dressed in another pair of jeans that hugged her perfect ass and hips just right. Though she wore a loose long sleeve t-shirt this time around to attempt to curb his attention, he was sure. It did not help since the shirt a v neck that stopped after showing just a hint of cleavage from those perfectly formed breasts of hers. Oh yes, she could defiantly make a boob man out of him.

"Talk" She commanded trying to make her voice sound strong but Ulric could see the slight shake in her throat, could hear her heartbeat staggering just slightly, could still see the slight tint of red on her face, smell the hint of arousal and curiosity in her blood, could imagine her cream thighs parted open for him.

"I want you." He growled not even meaning to utter the words. He wanted to be tactful, to charm and woo her. But damn that scent and body of hers.

"I know." She rolled her eyes a slight cold edge working its way into her gaze and voice. "I am not for sell. We good." She asked, he could tell she wanted him gone. But Ulric refused to go anywhere without her ever again. Were's lived a long time, some longer than others, but Ulric had lived a hundred and seventy-five years without her. He would not live another minute scratch that another second without her somewhere in his future.

"No." He stated shifting to stand from the bed and walk over to her ignoring the pain that came from below. "We are not good. Not until you are at our house, in our bed, baring my mark and carrying our cub." Making sure to pause only slightly between each item on his list.

By the Goddess, he loved the way her mouth fell open parting her lips and the red flush that covered her face. He wanted to do so many other things to make her blush like that. And he was more than happy to build the list in his head even farther.

Ann shook her head for a moment before returning her hard stare back at him but Ulric didn't care. As long as he could look into those blue eyes of hers, he would wait for eternity. Not patiently but he would wait for her.

"You, dear little nurse, are going to be the next Gia of the Stoneblack Clan. And I, Ulric Callahan Stone, am your new mate." He informed her leaning forward noticing for the first time just how small she really was. He whispered in her ear making sure to emphasize every last word. "Pleasure to meet you" then followed by licking the shell of her ear.

In response, she gave a slight gasp putting her hands on his chest. Ulric nearly lost it right then and there, he had to fist his hand to stop from pushing her to the wall and fulfilling the mate call at that very moment. By the Goddess, it was hard, so hard.

The bliss only lasted a short while before Ulric felt small hands pushing him back and he obliged wanting to see his nurse's face, loving every expression she made and cataloging it in his head.

"I beg your pardon?" The woman asked outrage covering her face that only drew him closer. Ulric gave her a sly smirk before replying. "Oh, you'll be begging." This caused an even more incredulous look to cover her face. Ulric was enjoying every minute of testing her boundaries. She was as pure as he thought and he was going to have fun molding her into a creature of pure desire he knew hid deep within this feisty little thing.

"Now see here, that is quite enough from you Mr. Stoneblack-" "Ulric-" He cut her off before she could continue on her tangent, he could feel coming. He would stand her scorn, he would but up with her resistance to what was inevitable for now. But he would not put up with her trying to defamiliarize their relationship just as it took form.

Ann set her jaw looking at his smirk with pure ire in her eyes. He could see the wheels turning and knew this was going to be the best hunt ever and the price the sweetest of all though what she said next squashed that excitement replacing it with pure rage.

"Mr.Stoneblack," She spoke again being she to add more power to the title showing that was what she was not interested in any familiarity. "I have played this found my mate game before. You know as well as I that Were's don't mate with humans. And I am sorry but I refuse to be tricked into thinking there is anything more at the end of this game of tag than your ego and bragging rights again."

"Who," He snarled not able to spot himself. Someone has dare play with his mate, claim her as their own when she was his. The urge to mark her was pulsing through him strong than ever but now he also had a stronger urge to hunt a kill whoever had the gull to play and hurt his precious treasure.

"What" She responded as a moment of confusion danced over her face her determined look weakening in effect. He didn't have the capacity at the moment to enjoy her new reaction as he growled out again. "Who lied to you and dare desecrate the mating call? Who had the gall to hurt you? What Were had the balls to try and take what is mine? Because I will tell you this he won't have then long."

He continued coming closer taking a step with each question until she was against the wall. He had not meant to corner her but his instincts tugged at his body. He put his hands on the wall by her head caging her in the protective circle of his arms. Ulric's instincts still pulsing through his blood. "And I can assure you I am playing no game. I soon as I am finished making some new balls for the pool tables in the Rec room, you can trust this. I am going to show you just how serious I am."

Ulric watched as her throat bobbed from the small gulp she swallowed. He was scaring her; he could smell it. He could feel it but he could not stop himself, because he was also exciting her.

Ann shook her head again as if trying to clear her memory of his words but he didn't pay attention he was just waiting for the name on his new hunting list. "Mr. Stoneblack-" "Ulric," he corrected her once again. She ignored him before continuing. "It doesn't matter who they were. The point is that I have don't this all before and I will not be fooled again. Weres don't mate with humans. They rarely if ever produce offspring and I know that's all Ya'll muscle heads care about. I am here with Doctor Ohwell until the end of the week then returning to the clinic." Ulric did not miss that there were more than one Were he would have to hunt. It made him wonder if she was touched yet or not. It didn't matter to him, but if she was whoever had touched her would be on the top of his list.

He did not miss either that his precious little nurse worked for the Doc. Oh, happy days. He was expecting the doc to come to his pack in two months to help with a few of the females who were carrying pups that were heavier than normal. What was pushing the visit up a bit and letting his new mate settle into their new homes even if she refused him now? "It does matter. Because those mongrels don't deserve to ever expertise the mate call if they would bastardize it like that." He ruffled before another promising smirk found its way curling his lips. "Human and Were's don't mate all the time but they do and trust me. We will have pups; we'll just have to be a little more vigorous and dictated than others. Plus, it's not the number of pups that matters it how well they are raised and the fun in making them."

Ann frown again still looking defiant even though she was trapped in his arms right where he wanted her. Ulric saw her eyes flick about as if trying to find a rebuttal and failing. "Th-That's not the point. The point is I am not playing this game of bed the naïve human girl. I will not be a plaything and I most certainly will not let others looked at me as such." She fired back at him her hands landing on his chest to push him away but Ulric did not budge this time and enjoyed the feeling of her hands on his chest.

"Sorry to disappoint little nurse but I am not playing." Once again, he leaned down locking his eyes with hers once again drowning in those vast sea-like eyes. "You are my mate I feel the call and I can smell that you feel something as well." He spoke closing his eyes to take a deep whiff of her drool-inducing scent as well as the anger and heavy underline excitement and hint of arousal from her. Oh, her body wanted him alright. Now he just had to convince her head and heart as well. "Now I would be more than happy to wrap your perfect legs around me right here and now and start the pup making. But I think maybe we should get to know each other first."

"Ex-Excuse me!" She shrilled in his ears. Most of the time that would have been too much for his sensitive hearing but in her voice, he could listen to it all day especially if it was calling his name. "I know your name is Ann. You are apparently well known around here, Nurse. So, tell me more." He watched as she bristled from his words enjoying the reaction. He made a challenge to himself to know what every facial expression she could make.

Ann huffed. "I believe that is none of your business Mr. StoneBlack-" "Ulric." He corrected her again "You'll be screaming it soon enough so might get us to using it." He grinned already itching to touch her.

"I most certainly will not!" She gasped pushing at him even harder yet still he did not move. This was too much fun for him.

"Oh, you will." Ulric leaned to her ear again to smell that erotic scent that kept growing but at the same time to see how far he could push her. "You scream and moan my name until you can't remember your own. I am a very good lover and I will make sure you drown in pleasure panting and begging for more." Ulric smiled at the tang of her need that started to fill his nose heavier than before. So, the little nurse liked dirty talk. Noted. "I once you're ready I will have you dripping wet begging and have your delicious little body swallowing my cock whole. You'll be forevermore like my own personal little slu-" before he could finish the details of the image building in his head lost in his own daydream, he was stopped. He had never got this lost in dirty talk or erotic fantasies and he was loving it along with very little gasp as his teasing pull from her.

He felt a sharp pain in his cheek that had been the cause of cutting his train of thought. He looked down at the girl in his arms. She was holding her hand to her chest breathing deeply rage painting her face. With his concentration broken Ulric now scented not only the need he had been trying to stoke but the anger and hatred, he had accidentally brought up. He blinked not believing that this small human woman had actually slapped him. In the momentary confuse she had ducked under his arm and run away.

He smiled to himself as he stood there watching her run. Yes, he had pushed too far and would deal with that small blunder later. For now, all he could think about was that his new mate had the courage and moxie to slap an alpha. Now he was sure now more than ever that he wanted- no need her for his pack.

And more importantly for himself.