Chapter ten

(I am sorry this chapter is coming out later then I had hoped. I am having a hard time with work life and now I am trying to write at least two chapters a day and revise and post at least one every day or every other day. Please be patient with me as I try and find my rhythm.)

Ulric hated how slow time seemed to move now. Ever since his little nurse had run away from him every second seemed to drag out to years or decades sometimes even centuries. Time had always seemed to fly by before but without his little nurse there seemed to be no point to time out all.

Patients had never been something that was worth he had really need but now he need it more than ever. He had to be smart to coax his mate to relax in his presents at the moment due to his little oversight in teasing her. It had been torturous to be at the barbeque that night smelling lingering wafts of his mate's scent every now and then. From the ground she had cleaned. In the food that must have been made by her. Her sent had even seeped into a few of the table clothes that had been set out.

All he remembered from that party was spending most of the evening in a lawn chair staring at the tree his Ann had found him under. Wondering how he could move that tree to his own clan house. It would be a nice surprise when he finally got his mate there to their home.

Ulric would never be able to think of something as solely his again. Well almost nothing. Ann was his and his alone. Her frown her rage her shock her surprise. They were all his experience. Her eyes her lips where for his imagination. Her heart her soul her body he would earn them but they would only ever be for him to touch and explore.

And he would touch, under the shade of that tree Ulric would lay his little mate down and taste every inch of her delectable skin before making soft gentle love. Then he would pin her to the tree before pounding into her generous body in a hot passionate fuck fest, then maybe back on the ground for another love making session that ended in an animalistic rut.

Ulric was smirking to himself as the scene played out in his head. HE could almost hear that heavenly voice moaning his name before his vision had been cut off.

Looking up at the dead being blocking his view to that fated tree Ulric found the brown head of the overly tanned Xavier. Ulric didn't remember much about that conversation either other than the sad excuse for an Alpha nearly to pissing his pants noticing Ulric foul mood. Only after forcing Xavier promise to move his mates and his fated tree to Ulrics territory did Ulric walk away. Xaviers promise to spare no expense following him.

That night he had called his mother. The Luna, who took charge when he was away. That is until his Gia, the next mother of life for his clan, was marked titled and in her rightful place beside him finally accepting both their fates. Even then Ulric doubt he would ever want to be away from her side.

It had been a long and boring conversation about the tree being moved, the renovations he wanted to be done to the clan house, and having the doc come over as soon as possible. The call had end with him promising his mother that he would explain everything to her on why he wanted everything done now when he was home.

That night had been even more torturous than the party. And for what seemed like the first time in his life, Ulric had relieved his own tention imagining his hand s his soft little nurse that was just beyond reach. It had not cured the problem but it allowed him to sleep and dream of his sweet Ann taking care of him.

The next day when he and the few pack members who had gone to the pearl night clan with him arrived at their home airport. His mother greeted and demanded answer from him all at the same time when they finally met.

Ulric would never forget the look of his mother storming over to him. Her five-foot seven frame seeming to be ablaze leaving ash in her wake before she stopped in front of him her greying hair falling into her green eyes.

"Hello son I missed you. Now please tell why I woke up to a call with you barking orders at me at one a.m.?"

Ulric shrugged his shoulders like a little boy who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I didn't bark anything. I simply let you know that there where somethings that needed to be done as soon as possible."

"And this couldn't wait till you got home why?" She asked ignoring his cheeky fain of ignorance.

"I found my Gia." Ulric stated causally walking to the car his mother had drove to meet him. He had said it as if he had point out a cloud in the sky. He almost grinned when not only his mother but the pack member that had been on the plane with him and the escorts that had accompanied his mother all echoed a loud "What!"

"Ulric Callhan! This is not something to joke about!" His mother called after a moment of silence. Once she collected herself, she stalked over to her son getting into the car. She had grown use to his antics and any other time Ulric would have laughed from the look on her face.

But his mother's comment only reminded that some other Weres had hurt his mate. Playing that kind of joke on her toying with her emotions and hardening her heart to the call. To him. Worst of all his little nurse still had yet to give him any names. Ulric started the car rolling down the window with a hard look on his face all humor turned to ice. "I am not joking. Get in the car mother."

He tried to calm down a bit but he was wound up tight. He needed a successful bloody hunt as well as a good long romp in the sheets with his Ann. Sadly he had to wait for the later the former however would take a moment to set up.

His mother shut her mouth as a knowing look crossed her face. She walked around and got into the passenger seat as her son rolled up the driver side window. Ulric drove of not waiting for any of his clan members or his mother's guards to get into the car. There were others for them to take and they had a long drive ahead.

They were in the car for a good while before his mother looked at him with a singular raised eyebrow waiting for him to speak.

"I really did find my Gia." Ulric said looking ahead. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his mother shift to look ahead as well before she began her questioning. "Alright then. Why is she not in the car with us?"

Ulric growled the memory of the look on her face when Ann had told him she was not a plaything. "Because she is human."

"What does that have to do with anything?" His mother asked turning to look at him again. Ulric knew that look in her eyes well. It was the look she would always give him or his cousin if one of them were about to be spanked for doing something stupid... Though he would have a much different look on his face if he was about to spank his Ann.

He smirked a bit at the thought of laying her across his lap bare bottom raised. "What on earth are you thinking?" His mother scolded. Ulric knew she could smell the desire seeping from his blood and the lust that clouded his head. He made no qualms about hiding it.

It made the plane ride home with him uncomfortable for his clan members. But Ulric didn't care he was in physical pain from needing his mate, they could deal with a little discomfort.

"I am thinking about my mate mother." Ulric shrugged turning down another road "I don't care if she is human or not. But she does. There were some pups parading around as Weres apparently that tried to trick her into think she was their mate."

Ulric's mothers gasp and outrage matched Ulrics when he had heard about his little nurses past as well. "So, she didn't believe me. In trying to get to …." Ulric had to stop himself to find the right words to use. "know her.I scared her off."

He could see that his mother's face twisted from just beyond the edge of his sight showing that she had an idea of what he had done. Ulric also noted that his mother did not look happy. That was alright he wasn't either.

"I only managed to find out her first name is Ann; she works with Doctor Ohwell and that she is absolutely perfect."

"Perfect?" His mother echoed and Ulric nodded his head.

"Yeah mom. Perfect." Ulric beamed his foul mood softening think of hi perfect little nurse. "She smart and kind and thoughtful but as a hell of a bite and a spine of steal. She can really spit fire if she needs too. She more beautiful than any living thing as a right to be." Ulric spoke his vision only half on the road as he pictured Ann in his mind standing in front of him holding only a towel in hand to cover herself her eyes daring him to misbehave.

He was so busy looking at the Ann in his memory he didn't even notice his mother turn to look at the road again a smile forming on her face. His mother finally believed that if her son was acting like a love sick fool already then, he most definitely felt the call. "So that's why you wanted me to call Oliver and ask him to come over earlier then planed."

"Yup." Ulric nodded. "We still have a bit before she and Dr.O leave Xaviers place. In the mean time I want to one. Try and get myself under control enough not to fuck up again."

"Wise choice." His mother agreed. "Though if you want to upgrade the on suite next to your room for her, I think that might not be the best idea. Can you handle her living right next door?" His mother asked knowing him all too well. Honestly Ulric had worried about that two but he could not stand her staying anywhere farther away from him once she was in their home.

He would have had her in his room if it was up to him. In his room on his bed and never leaving. Ulric had to growl shaking his head to push that thought away but it was never from his mind. "I will be fine. With her next door at least, I will be able to know where she is and that should calm me down." Emphases on should he commented in his mind. His mom made a sound showing that she was still not convinced.

"Two. Make everything as comfortable for her as possible. That way she can relax and let her guard down a bit. If she is not constantly on guard it will be easier to talk with her and I have to prove that I am serious. "

"That will be new." His mother teased under her breath causing Ulric to smirk, he was well aware that being serious in his personal life would be new. However, this was for his Ann he would do anything for her, the call demanded it. Ulric demanded it if it would get her to open up to him fast. He needed Ann to open her heart to him and maybe also her legs.

Ulric smirk grew. "Three, we need to get Ann introduce to as many key figures and clan members as possible. As well introduce her to some of the surrounding pack prides and herds we have treaties with. I want her face and name known as soon as possible just in case."

"Look at that. My son planning ahead." His mother teased him again causing him to chuckle. This was new to him. When was the last time he planned for anything other than his next thrill?

"I know right." He laughed smiling as he saw their clan house ahead. "Four, I want to make sure that Ann and I have as many chances as possible for me to try and win her over. And for Ann to win our people over."

"How are you so sure she will?"

"I know she will mom." Ulric smiled as the pulled up to the gates of their territory waiting to be let them in. "because she is my Ann."