Chapter 13 - The Pentagon Agency

"Which agency, I'm also looking for a job?" Dimitri asked.

"At the pentagon agency, they said they had a good job there and a big salary," the man said.

"Where is it?"

"I'm sorry I'm in a hurry," the man said and hurried away.

Dimitri followed him, but at the speed of the man from walking, he was lost the tracks, it had disappeared from his sight. He looks around but he can't find it.

And Dimitri thought.

"Hmm big salary, where is that agency? The Pentagon?" He said to himself.

And in those moments he looked for it. He looked it up on the internet, but he saw nothing.

He asked around, but no one knew.

Until, one day as he was walking to look for a job, he saw the man he had saw before, he came out of a building. And he saw that it looked happy to come out, he intended to catch up but suddenly he immediately took a taxi. Dimitri looked at the building and he went in.

Until he tracked down the pentagon office, located at the fifth floor.

He went inside and there asked.