Senpai ( the main character)

Let's see

Now my journey begins so I have to make my party and enjoy this game let's see which one should I choose to be my party member

Oh that girl looks good let's ask her


Girl : sorry I am not interested


I thought I had a chance in the game atleast

(Talking to himself)

But don't worry every best character gets rejected in starting

Senpai gets easily motivated and also gets demotivated easily also

After getting rejected by many players he decided to go solo

Then suddenly a boy appears to be a teenager asks him to join his party

Senpai accepted immediately

The boy gets so happy also because he was also rejected by many people

Senpai asked the boy

What is your name?

Boy replied shockingly can't you see my name on my left thigh

Then he looked at his thigh and it displays the name of the boy "wrath"

Senpai was so surprised that he did noticed it

So senpai asked the boy

Why did you approach me

Tell me tell me

His eyes were shining so much in curiosity why the boy liked him instead of everyone

The boy replied in a slow tone

Because no one was accepting you and I felt bad for you and I think it is wrong to judge someone by their name

Senpai cuts him in a middle

What is wrong with my name

Boy replied everyone thinks you are a pervert but not me I don't judge people by their body and name .

Senpai grabs his own head and lost in a despair and started talking to himself

Does this mean my life in game will also suck

No !!! No!!! I will correct my mistake

I just have to change my name

Ok it is nothing go to menu change the name

Admin:sorry ! You can not change your name until you complete the dedicated quest


Talking to himself

Nothing to worry I will just hide my name

Go to menu hide the name

Admin:you cannot hide your name until you complete the dedicated request

Senpai : this is some serious shit what will I do now

Wrath(boy) : don't worry I will help you to complete the quest for hiding the name

Why don't I just complete the quest and change my name

Boy : no you can't do that because I know that you will come again with a more stupid name

Why don't you just hide the name

Senpai: ok I agree with you

So now the question arises how do we get the quest?

Don't worry senpai

I will show my magnificent skill

A map which shows the quest according to what I am thinking

Senpai glares him with so much respect and appreciate himself that he recruited him in his party.

So let's begin with the nearby town

We need to purchase some equipment

Senpai what do you need

I need a sword and Armor

Same old

So what will you purchase wraith

I am a sorcerer so I will buy a wand,magic boost gloves and learn some spells.

You are sorcerer

Yes and what are you?

I am prince don't be stunned by it

Wraith: why did you choose prince you know the condition for becoming the prince you cannot achieve mastery in anything

Senpai: it's not that bad I will be able to learn every skills

Wraith: yes that's right but it will be very difficult to become king with this ability

What if some swordsman challenge you to duel

You will lose as long as you only use sword

Why did you choose the skill that takes so much hardwork you are in the game choose the easy and right way bro.

Senpai: don't worry I am a hardworker as well as smart worker I will become the first


Wraith: ok ok I understand let's go

They both entered the item shop and they saw the middle aged man and women working together in the shop. The women is standing on the reception welcoming us and the man is doing some work in the shop arranging the swords and other equipments .

Women: welcome adventures what do you need

There is everything you need in your brave adventures

Woah there is literally every thing here

Lets see

I have 100 gold coins

How much do you have

I have 200 gold coins

How do you have so much coin

My friend left the game at the starting and gave me his money

Senpai: You are lucky to have such good friends

Wraith : ok let's quickly buy whatever we need and go to adventuring.

Senpai: ok

After buying equipment and accessories they left on their journey

Senpai : how far is the quest

Wraith:only one mile forward

After some walking they finally reached their destination

The two guards were standing in the front of the gate

Senpai asked is this the entry to the quest

The guard said why do you ask

Senpai: we want to complete this quest

Guard: you can complete this quest easily by giving us 10 gold each

Senpai said no without thinking because he is against the bribery

Guard said okay you can enter but remember this is the very hard quest.

Senpai : don't worry

They both entered the quest

After going deep in the dungeon they were asked to enter their name

Senpai: first let me enter my name

Admin: you have a very good name do you also like anime?

Senpai: yes I love them very much and I don't want to hide this name but everyone thinks that I am a pervert that's why I am hiding it

Admin: I feel you bro don't worry

You have completed the quest I will give you the power to hide your name

Senpai : don't I have to kill some monsters

Admin: no you have penetrated my heart with love and sadness

And now don't waste your time you have completed and now I am transferring both of you to the city

Bye bye best friendo!

They both transferred back to city

Wrath : that was so easy bro

Senpai : he was so moved by my name.

Wraith : let's do some real quest now

Senpai: you have just stole my line let's go

Wraith: so what do you have in mind

Senpai: ahh nothing

Wraith: I knew it

Let's see on my map

It is showing the quest

"Help the villagers"

Senpai: ok let's go

We have to help the people and learn more about the NPCs and this game.