Hells bells

Arlo's P.O.V


Feeling very proud of myself, I went to celebrate with the new wolf brethren. We partied and danced. Well, I danced on the pool table to Taylor Swift and got unjustly tackled. Someone hating on the Swiftmeister is no friend of mine.

My actual brother put me to bed 'For my own good' allegedly. Ppppffft We'll see about that. I open my window and jump out. Landing on my feet like a pro. I take a bow. There is never an audience when you need one.

I went off in search of an establishment for one to get ones groove on. HUZZAH! Found one, a little rough around the edges but a dance floor awaits.

I enter the multicoloured light up club. "Eeeeek" I squeal and slide upon a light up dance floor. Disco vibes fantasy baby! Might as well feed whilst I'm here, as tacky as it is. Clubs are the easiest place to get food.

After having my fill, from a nice young man. Pete.... Paul or was it Joseph. I guess it doesn't matter. I proceed to show the mere mortals my God like moves. I've made some worshipers, who proceeded to give me offerings of many shots. "Bless you my child" I say to a girl handing me a drink. Then it happens.

Weaving through the crowd. Ginger hair, blue eyes and a beautiful freckled face. "HELLY?" She looks back and winks at me. I'm already pursuing her. It can't be, can it? Hels is gone. No more. Poof!?

I'm breaking my way through the crowd. Pushing people maybe a little too hard but I don't care. I need to see her. Even if its just my highly intoxicated brain playing tricks on me. I'm at the bar standing on a stool, scanning the perimeter.

Boop boop boop ....

We have a confirmed sighting. The top of the stairs at your 12. Over.


Deployment of Arlo confirmed. Over.

I litrally leap so fast for the human eye to comprehend and land in front of her small gorgeous frame. She smiles and giggles, that sweet symphonic giggle and takes my hand. I'm stunned in silence. I follow behind, letting the tiny hand guide me, in awe.

"Hells bells am I so glad to see you" I say in her ear. I catch a wiff of her hair. Ahh god she smells so good. I've missed her so much. Hels just giggles again and places a finger over my lip. She's real. I feel her warm finger on my lips.

My eyes wide, hopeful I'm not hallucinating. Helena places a kiss to the lips, that her finger just covered and I'm gone. "Hels" I whisper between her lips and she just tilts her head, her tongue sliding in my mouth renders me weak.

I break away, I have to hear her voice, I have to know if this is real. I look in her blue eyes and cup her face in my hands "Are you back? How ? Is this real?" Helena giggles again. I'm growing increasingly suspicious. This is far too long for my Helly to be silent. I will not allow it any longer.

I go to demand further from her but I see something in her beautiful blues that distracts me. Hypnotised by the swirl of ... I don't know what it is but ...

What was I doing? ....

"Arlo will you do something for me?" Yes, anything, just be real "Arlo?" I can't stare away from her eyes. "Good, You need to kill her for me" No problemo consider it done baby "Who?" Helena giggles again "You know who" I .... I do ... Do I even know my name?. Then something in her eyes snaps me back to reality. A white flash.

"Back off imposter" I say breaking out of her hold. "Arlo my love, it's really me. I'm free or I will be if you do this for me" Helena pouts her beautiful plump pink bottom lip. "NO ! BEGONE FOUL DEMON, YOU ARE NO HELLY OF MINE" I shout retreating away.

"Not once have you called me by the wrong name, nor have you said my three favourite letters since you appeared in my life!" I say turning away to run. Now that I think about it, the kiss was all wrong.

It hurts my whole being, she looks and smells like Helly. Her voice is identical but that's not my Hels! Nu-uh, no way! I didn't get very far before her delicate hand lands on back and I run into a large stone wall. Not just any wall. The palace wall?

"Aaahh no, not today Satan!" I state, racing for the door. When black shadow like snakes hiss and slither around me. Stopping me. I look straight at the imposter before me but she blushed and her gaze went to her feet. Don't do this to me. Please.

'Hel-a-fake-na' starts bouncing neversously like the girl I once knew. She starts slowly removing her dress. Revealing the beautiful skin with freckles fluttering all over it "Didn't you miss me?" She asks raising her eyes to meet mine. A small smile on her face. Cheeks tinted red.

Missed you? A part of me died when you did, or whatever happened to you. I didn't get a chance to respond. She glides over to me snapping me out of my thoughts. I catch her scent dancing in the air. I'm transfixed again. She pulls the zip down on my jeans and takes my dick in her warm and amazing mouth.

"Hels" I moan her name. My hand attempted to hold her head whilst she sucks and swirls her tongue around me. I hear the hiss and realise I can't move. I look down and the vision before me is a white haired and white eyed, snake covered shell of my Helena.

I dry heaved and manage to withdraw myself from that once beautiful mouth. Her hair and eyes return to ginger and blue and she looks up at me so innocently and it hurts "Arlo do you not want me?" Her voice quiet almost a whisper. Breaking my heart.

No Arlo, that's not her. You just seen her serpent features. In the words of Cher 'Shhnnnaaapp out of it'! "Get off me she-devil" I spit. With a groan from her, The facade drops again as anger seethes through clenched teeth. "FELIX!" She calls out.

A moment later a man bunned hipster dude strides in "Majesty" He bows. Of course this top knotted douche is called Felix. I roll my eyes. "He is able to break my haze" She shrieks and it's not the same angelic voice as before.

"Hmmm strange, did you not study the memory of your souls?" Wait, what? Souls like plural? Then I remembered what sexy orgy lady said. The snakes all being in one form or some shit. My one form, My Helena. Pain searing my insides and lacing my heart.

"Yes, Felix. Do not question me or I'll have your head. I don't understand, these two must be more than silly besotted lovers " He rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Mere love should be no obstacle" Whoah, whoah and whhhoooaahh buddy calm down with that 'L' word.

Janice said something to me about me feeling her presence and stuff. I'm an idiot. This whole time, I never felt or sensed her like I did before. I should have known. Helena is my ... My Ahhn... Animal. Ha. No. What was it? What did Janice say?

Huzzah! I remembered "Hels is my ANIME CAROLl?!" It came out more like a question, but it seems like that's what Janice said. The queen's white gaze pierces me and her snakes constrict with fierce rage. Her slitheryn servents start to bite me and I cry out in pain.

"Helly if there is any part of you still in there please come back" I sob. The queen laughs and turns her attention to hipster douche. "Lock him up. He will provide useful in getting the Florantine usurper to us"

The snakes appear before my face and strike.

Lights out.

fade to back.
