Ancient Inheritance

After returning to his house Lin Feng sat down and opened the box. There was a red crystal in the box which is smaller compared to blood crystal.

"This is truly the last opportunity for me to have a bloodline. Even if the quality of the bloodline is low, it only means I have to work harder than the other genius to surpass them."

"There is no room for failure, No matter what I must get this bloodline and step into warrior rank."

"I hope that I meet the qualifications required to inherit the bloodline."

"If this also fails I will have no choice but to enter basin forest behind the jade city to seek his luck or death."

After putting away these emotions, he started to meditate to reach a peak mindset. Soon he opened his eyes and picked his finger and dropped a few drops of blood on the bloodline inheritance crystal.

Soon the blood crystal started to shine. Lin Feng soon started to mediate with great expectations.


Suddenly a sound disrupted his concentration, so he opened his eyes to see that cracks started to appear on the inheritance crystal.

Lin Feng was shocked beyond words "Is this a fake inheritance crystal" he thought.

Soon the red crystal busted and revealed a transparent orb inside the inheritance crystal.

Lin Feng calmed himself and started to inspect the broken shards of the red crystal. After finished inspecting the crystal he started muttering to himself.

["It seems like someone used the bloodline inheritance crystal as a cover-up to hide this transplant orb. In this era, the value of an inheritance crystal is sky-high, so people won't even think about using such methods as a cover-up. Which take us to come to only one conclusion, that is this thing belongs to the ancient era."]

Such realization made him feel surprised.

"Inheritance crystal itself hard to find then what kind of treasure or it to be used to cover up under bloodline inheritance crystal ".

Lin Feng stretched his hand and touched the orb. He found that touching the orb feels like touching a jelly.

"Is this also a kind of inheritance crystal."

When such thought came to his mind he quickly pricked his fingers again and dropped a few drops of blood again. But there was no reaction.

Seeing that blood did not affect it, he started using many means like meditating with the orb above his head. After exhausting all his means for hours he felt a little tired.

Lin Feng took the jelly orb and said "Hey, I have spent a fortune to buy this stupid orb. I am at the edge of the cliff so let's all fall together."

After the speech he took out the orb and swallowed it. As soon as the orb entered his body it started to melt.

Lin Feng suddenly felt intense pain from his body. He felt that his body is going to melt, so he tried his best to stand the pain.

"Damn that stupid orb does it want me to die, no matter what I have to live, I have a lot of things to do".

"I have to become a strong cultivator, I have to see my parents again, l need to find a beautiful companion who will accompany me with my journey to become an immortal".

The pain inside Lin Feng started to get intense, he felt his whole body melting. Such pain can make many people faint but Lin Feng withstood the pain. His eyes were full of grievances. Through the hole in the roof, he saw the sky and started to shout.

"Why?....why does it have to me?"

"When everyone happily enjoyed their lives with their parents, I am here hardworking every day to meet my parents".

"When everyone at my age tries to lose their virginity, I am here working hard thinking about becoming a powerful cultivator".

"When everyone at my age uses the resources to get strong, I am here thinking that even without resources my hard work can help me surpass these people".

"No matter how positive I think at the end of my life these are all still a fool's dream".

"I wanted to live a happy life too....."

As he shouted, he suddenly fainted. Without his knowledge, certain changes were going around his body.

When Lin Feng opened his eyes he saw he was in an unfamiliar place.

"Where is this place? I clearly remember being at my home"!.

When he was wondering where he was, he suddenly heard a voice.

"How many eons has it been since I had a visitor?"

When Lin Feng heard this voice he quickly turned around to see that there was a throne. On this throne was a puddle of water in a spherical shape with a single eye. Its eyes resemble the transparent orb that he ate.

"Inheritance space"

This was the only thought that came to his mind. Legend has it that only powerful bloodlines close to immortality can create inheritance space to pass their bloodline.

"The name is Lin Feng. I obtained a bloodline inheritance crystal left behind by the senior and by using the crystal I came here."

Hearing this the one-eyed beast fell silent for a while and then spoke.

"I don't know what you mean by bloodline inheritance crystal but the thing that I left was a Dao inheritance crystal. This kind of crystal can be made only by the ancestors of a race. We use this technique to pass on everything that we had to the descendants."

When Ling Feng heard this his heart started to beat fast. He doesn't know what Dao inheritance is, but he knows the thing that the only ancestor of a race can create can't be ordinary.

The one-eyed beast saw the emotions of Lin Feng and said in a low voice

"Boy do you know that originally only the descendants of the same race can activate the Dao inheritance crystal".

Lin Feng startled and anxiously asked, "Senior means that I am descendant of a senior?"

"No I mean originally descendants of this seat can only open the inheritance but instead, you, a human race opened the inheritance".

"Do you know what this means?"

Lin Feng shook his head

"It means our race has gone extinct. Do you know what this means?"

Lin Feng had an ominous premonition. But still, he shook his head.

"Just like you, we are also abandoned by heavens"