Inheritance of a chaotic being

When Lin Feng heard this he asked hesitantly "Forgive me for interrupting your dreams senior, But if I were to accept your inheritance then will my appearance also look like a senior."

The one-eyed beast shook his head "It regrettable, but your appearance can't be changed. So you won't be able to inherit my handsome appearance."

Lin Feng was relieved when he heard the first half, but when he heard the latter half he immediately split blood.

"Senior it may be late but I still don't know the name of senior and his clan?"

"The name of the defeated person and destroyed clan, it's better to not learn from us".

When Lin Feng heard this he saw the body of the beast started to get blurry.

Lin Feng was shocked "Senior what's going on?"

"It seems like I don't have much time. I revealed too many heavens secrets which made me reach my limit. Now that a qualified person appeared its time to pass my will"

"Senior there is something that is bothering me, is the qualification for your inheritance is to have heaven abandoned physique".

The spherical water body suddenly started to float and moved towards Lin Feng and said

"If I wanted any heaven abandoned physique I would have found them at my era, I didn't have to wait for eons to find an inheritor."


"Then can I ask senior what is the qualification to be your inheritor?"

"Do you remember the last thing you said before coming into the inheritance space? There is only one requirement that is my inheritor's pursuit in his life should be happiness. My clan always has been lived under fear of being hunted so we never had the luxury to enjoy life? We focused our entire life running and hiding, without a moment of rest."

"We also wanted to live a happy life".

"So I hope my inheritor to enjoy every second of his life".

Lin Feng stood there silently without speaking. The beast appeared in front of him and started to transform into the appearance of Lin Feng, but this Lin Feng had a core on his forehead.

"My inheritance to you consists of fulfilling two of your wishes. One is to give you strength the other is to help you in finding you a suitable dao companion."

Hearing this Lin Feng asked, "Senior is there a need to find a dao companion?"

"Huh? Isn't your wish to find a companion and get rid of your virginity?"

"I never had such a wish. You are just twisting my words"

"Even though, I have to find you a suitable companion, when she close to you."

"What? She is close to me, does it mean that she is also in the jade city?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

"Although she is far, I just share her appearance through memory then you can recognize her."

"Do I need to look for her?" Lin Feng asked

"No you don't need to look for her. As long as you get stronger you can get stronger you guys will eventually meet each other. It is your fate".

"Now are you ready to accept my inheritance?" The watery figure of Lin Feng asked

Lin Feng quickly got on his knees and banged his head three times and said "I am willing Master".

Seeing the way Lin Feng address him changed from Senior to master, The shadow figure came close to Lin Feng and pointed at the shining core in its forehead, and asked

"As you can see the important part of our body is this core. We call it Life core. It can be moved throughout our bodies. As long as the core did not break you won't die. Even if your head gets cut off as long as your life core doesn't break, then you won't die. This life core stores life energy due to which you can sense the life around you without even opening your eyes".

"Next is the body of our race. As you can see our body is like jelly, our beings are between liquid and solid. So we can easily take the form of solid or liquid when needed. The special abilities of this body are

Extreme Regeneration - Even if the head cut off it can be quickly regenerated with enough energy supply

Body Transformation - You can transform into anyone's appearance including body structure

Concealed space - The body of jelly contains a small space that can be can conceal anything from heaven. The thing inside the space will be concealed from heavens eyes".

"These are all just the some of the innate abilities of our race but I think as long as one gets stronger they can open new probabilities to the limit of our abilities. "

"So now I will cover yourself with my body and let you merge yourself with the life core. A small part of the core has been cut by nearly 99%. So when you start to merge with life core I will break the small part of the core and go outside and destroy the core fragment which had your breath and along with my consciousness which will be concluded as the disappearance of you and our race."

Lin Feng listened to everything with amazement. When he heard the last part he hurriedly asked "Master is it so easy to deceive the heaven just like that?"

"How can it be so easy, when my consciousness gets destroyed the heaven will gather the consciousness and search the memory to get a clear understanding of whether the Abandoned by Heaven is dead. So I will rewrite my memories with yours when you succeed in merging the life core, then I will implement my plan".

"So can we start?"

"Senior please wait". Lin Feng hurriedly spoke.

"We don't have much time, so quickly tell what is it?"

"Senior since you said I will become a new race. Then I ask Senior to kindly give the name to newborn race."

The beast stared at him for some time before nodding "Well I will name it after you succeed in accepting the inheritance".

"Then senior there is something that has been bothering me for a long time. It just that you said you didn't even break through to the king realm then how did you know so many secrets about heaven?"

"I used the deviation technique in exchange for my life force. I remind you the life core contains a rich life force that is enough to make you immortal. I believe that among the chaotic beings our race will be ranked among the top 5 when measuring life force."

"Time is up. Let's begin the inheritance."

Lin Feng dazzled off hearing the words of the beast. It almost scared the shit out of him.

"Chaotic beings!!!!".