Chapter 2 - Star

She walks around her room. Gwyn was one who was fortunate enough to experience love when she met Herardo's father. So she had a child.

But he left her and went with another mannequin, Gwyn was very hurt by what Herardo's father did and she almost ended her life for melting herself, but when she found out that she was pregnant, she did not continue it and poured her life to Herardo.

Gwynn peeked out the window and saw Herardo come out of the house.

And she thought that the mannequins would definitely notice him, it because of the unique nature of Herardo, and she also thought that the mannequins will adore him more.


When Herardo came out of the house, he walked down the street.

And all the mannequins are distracted by him. Whoever saw him turn their heads like dominos.

"Who is he?" the mannequins said to her fellow as they saw him.

They didn't know that it was Herardo yet, that day is his eighteenth birthday and that's where his unique charm started to emerge that doesn't happen to others.

Herardo looked at them and happily waved at them. Herardo noticed that everyone was staring at him as if they didn't know him.

"Good afternoon everyone, don't you remember me?" Herardo said cheerfully.

"Who are you? We just saw you here?" The mannequins said.

"I'm Herardo!" he replied.

"Are you Herardo, Gwyn's son?" one of his neighbor said in surprised.

"Yes, it's me and no one else!" he response as he nodded.

The mannequins looked at each other and they looked back at Herardo again. And as they looked at it they noticed his usual gestures. "Oh yeah, you are Herardo!" Said a female mannequin. "Your skin is glowing! You are very handsome and very attractive!" One of the mannequin exclaimed.

And when they found out that he was Herardo, they approached him, until the mannequins had gathered around him, and everyone admired his appearance.

The female mannequins, on the other hand, couldn't control themselves and they got closer and wanted to touch him.

The mannequins hold his arms and they caressing it. Herardo could do nothing but let them touched him. He could do nothing because he was already surrounded by them.

But sooner or later he notices that everyone wants to touch him. The mannequins in the back struggled to get closer to him.

And the walking mannequins stop by just to find out why there is a unified commotion.

And when they saw Herardo's appearance, they also became interested in approaching him.

Until Herardo is in a lot of trouble.

He could not move and did not know what to do.

Meanwhile, the leaders of the mannequins arrived and it happened that they were walking nearby, and one of these leaders name was Tuscan. They saw the mannequins are in commotion and almost in chaos. They immediately went into commotion.

They saw female mannequins gathering around.

"What's going on here?" Tuscan shouted at the fussing female mannequins.

"They're admiring Herardo!" Said one of the male mannequin who was there.

"Herardo? Who is Herardo? " Tuscan asked,

"Gwyn's son!"

Gwyn is known in Albany land because she was one of few who had a child, only rarely do mannequins bare a child. "And why are they bothering Herardo?" Tuscan asked in wonder.

"Herardo is big now and he's grown a very beautiful mannequin!" Said one.

Tuscan frowned, unable to understand what is going on.

He thought that all the mannequins were beautiful, but why was only Herardo bothered by that.

Tuscan dismantled chaotic mannequins.

"Calm down, stay away from Herardo!" Ordered Tuscan.

And when the female mannequins heard what Tuscan said, they immediately turned around and gave way to him.

Tuscan approached Herardo and when he saw it, his jaw dropped.

He saw that its skins were shining and it had a strange attraction that no one else had.

He wonders why Herardo looks like that.

Tuscan was stunned as he watched Herardo.

He was tapped on the shoulder by a leader who was also with him.

"Tuscan!" It says,

Tuscan suddenly got up from amazement.

"Are you okay?" The other leader said.

"Don't you find him amazing?" Tuscan said.

"Yes he really is!" The leader said. Tuscan stared at Herardo and start to ask some questions.

"Are you Herardo? Gwyn's son?" Tuscan asked while looking at Herardo in amazement.

"Yes, I am, thank you for coming, they have been harassing me for a while, I don't know why," said Herardo.

"Because you have a unique quality that no one else has, you are glowing!" Said Tuscan.

"Hmm, I noticed that when I woke up this morning, today is my eighteenth birthday," Herardo said.

"Hmm, when you were young you had a unique personality, but it was more enhanced now that you are grown up," Tuscan said as he smiled. Herardo smiled back and he bids goodbye.

But the female mannequins approached him again.

They started to touch him again, as if they don't want to lose sight of him.

"Please don't touch Herado! Let him go!" Tuscan said, but the mannequins ignored him and they still continued to approach Herardo. They surround it again and forcefully holding it. Tuscan told the other male mannequins to help him drive away the female mannequins around Herardo.

The male mannequins helped to prevent the female mannequins from approaching.

But they can't stop them to get away from him. Herardo is started to get scared because the mannequins seem to be going crazy touching him, he can't move because they are already attached to him.

"Please help me!" Herardo shouted.

Tuscan does not know how to control the fussing female mannequins.

"Call others to stop these mannequins for touching him, they are too many!" Tuscan said to the other male mannequin who were there.

Not a moment too soon, Gwyn arrives, and she sees her son in trouble.

"Stay away from my son!" Gwyn shouted.

The female mannequins turned their heads on her and they suddenly stopped.

And they walked away from Herardo when they heard his mother's voice.

Gwyn glared to the mannequins who surrounds her son.

"Don't touch him!" Gwyn yelled and she approached Herardo, and she took his hand.

"Mother!" Herardo said when he saw her.

"Come on son, let's go home!" Said Gwyn.

And Herardo easily went with her.

They walked among the mannequins and everyone wanted to come near him again, but they couldn't do it anymore because Gwyn was with him. Herardo held on tightly to Gwyn.

And he felt a sighed of release, he found out that only his mother could stop the mannequins for approaching him.

When they got home.

Gwyn forbade him to leave the house.

"For now don't go out ," Gwyn said.

"Why are they bothering me?"

"Because you have a strange attractions like no other!" Gwyn replied.

"But why are they too much attracted on me?"

"Because you're the only one with that unique quality, I haven't seen anyone like you before, only now have I seen someone like you!" Said Gwyn.

"Why did I have this trait?" Herardo asked in astonishment.

Gwyn thought for a moment.

She remembers she conceived him in a star.