Chapter 7 - Doing a Ritual

"Why don't you imprison Valeria, when she can't carry out her plan with Melania?"

"Even if she is imprisoned, the mannequins can still sow, just because the queen makes it, she only uses Valeria!" Said Brando.


Misty returned to the mansion, Brando's mother Dhalia saw that she was in a hurry.

"Melania, where have you been?" she asked as she saw her walking.

"In Brando's office," Misty replied.

"Hmm, what did you do there? Why aren't you with him now? "

Dahlia asked.

"He was busy with the meeting so he didn't come home with me," said Misty and she immediately hurried to her room.

Dhalia gaze at her and followed her, and she noticed something in her actions.

In Misty's room, she walks around the room and seems uneasy.

And she thought of doing a ritual, she touched her necklace.


In a mall where people are busy shopping.

A girl glanced to a mannequin.

It released its mother and approached the mannequin.

She looked at it, and later she was shocked when the mannequin's eyes widened.

The child was startled and held her own mouth.

Her mother was looking for her and saw her looks stunned in front of the mannequin.

"My child, you're just there, come and let's go home, what are you looking at?" The girl's mother said, and she looked where it was gazing.

"Why are you staring to that dummy like that, let's go home," said the mother and she held the child in her hand.

But suddenly the child spoke.

"Mom, I saw her eyes move!"

Exclamation of the child. The mother looked at the mannequin again and saw that it was normal.

"You're really just a kid, what are you saying? Come on and let's go home!" The mother said and pulled her daughter. As the girl walked away from the mannequin she looked away again.

And she was surprised when she saw its hands move. She turned her head and looked at her deeply. The child screamed so loudly.

"Ahhhh!" The child cried. Everyone there looked back at the child.

"Why are you shouting?" They asked.

Unable to move the child, she was stunned while looking at the mannequin.

"I'm sorry my child was just hallucinating," said the child's mother and pulled her away.

But the girl did not move and she pointed out at the mannequin.

The people looked at the mannequin and were shocked when they saw it moving.

Everyone was shocked and they screamed, until they panicked. This is they start to panicked, and they run.

All the mannequins they see are moving.

There are people grabbing by the mannequins and choking them.

Guards approached and tried to shoot the mannequins.

But the mannequins continue to strangle the person they touch.


While Misty was performing the ritual, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Melania! This is Dhalia, can you open the door? " Said Dahlia while knocking outside the door.

That interrupts Misty's ritual.

Misty turned to the door.

And her eyes glazed over because she was stopped for what she was doing.

Meanwhile, at that moment, the mannequins in the mall also stopped.

The guards beat him until his body was shattered.

And in an instant they disappeared like bubbles.

In misty's room.

She opened the door and saw Dahlia looking at her.

"What do you need from me?" Misty said with a frown.

"Brando said you saw Valeria and Iris, do you know where they are?" Dhalia asked.

"I don't know where they are, and why are you looking for them?" she furrowed.

"Hmm, I already miss the two of them, I wish I could see them?" Said Dahlia.

"You already know that they are bad, so Brando drove them away, why do you need to see them?"

Said Misty.

"I feel like they're not bad, maybe they're just being accused?"

Said Dahlia.

"Who do you think will do the bad things they did?" Misty asked with a frown.

"I don't know, I feel like now that they can't do that thing," Dhalia said.

"The queen's evil envelops them, so they can do that, they make a deal with that evil queen, so let's be careful with them, don't talk to them, they might hurt you ," said Misty.

Dahlia sighed.

"What if we think wrong? Maybe the real culprit was just hanging around? " said Dhalia

"And who do you think will do that?"

"I don't know, but I feel something strange," Dahila said and left.

Misty felt even angrier at what she said.

She thought Dahlia was an obstacle to her plans. Dahlia turned around and was shocked when she saw that Misty was still looking at her, and her eyes glaring at her, its devilish look, her eyes glazed over.

Dahlia felt scared and hurried to her room.

And when it was out of Misty's sight she closed the door.

When Dahlia sauntered her room, she found her husband Felix watching TV.

And suddenly the news flashed.

Breaking News!

The mannequins at Sam Mall have been moving again recently.

And currently people are still rioting inside the mall.

And surprisingly, the mannequins suddenly stopped so the guards were able to destroy them, and in a flash they disappeared like bubbles!"

Said in the news.

Dahlia and Felix were shocked by the news.

"Oh no! The sowing of the mannequin is really starting, they are coming back again, Valeria did it! " Said Felix.

Dahlia was uneasy, felix noticed.

"Why aren't you upset? What are you thinking?" Felix asked.

"It doesn't seem like Valeria is doing that,"

"And who do you think can do that?" he nodded.

"I do not know, but I smell something fishy," Dahlia said as she shivered.

"How can you say it's not Valeria?"

"I don't know, but I feel like it's not Valeria,"

"And who do you think will do that?"

"Looks like Melania!" Said Dahlia.

"What are you, with all the dynamics you still think of Melania, you know the love story of Melania and your son Brando right?"

"What if the queen comes back again and it comes to her again?"

Dahlia asked.