Chapter 5 Laughter Cry

That evening, Matthew go back to his low cost apartment. He walks up the stairs to his house at seventh floor. Arriving at the front door, he takes out the key from his pocket and turn the door knob to the right. As he gets in, he switch on the light and put down his bag. The living room brighten up the surrounding area. The house doesn't have any room since it is only 18 metre square. It is small and can only fit two person at a time.

Matthew takes out a plastic bag from his bag. He bought mushroom fried rice for his dinner. It is still hot since he bought it not while ago. Matthew takes off his blazer and unbutton his school shirt until his chest level showing his chest muscle a little. Just about when he starts to eat the food, his phone ring. One message slides in. He picks his phone and read the message. It is from someone he saved as 'N'

N: Hve u found em?

Matthew reply. It is in short form and he hates short form.

Me: Not yet.

N: Ur job is ez. Find em n send me location. 10 thousand dollars on d line.

Me: I will tell you once I find them.

N: I will gve u another 1 mnth. If u can't find em, i will kill ur family.

Matthew curses out loud. He throw his phone away and ruffle his hair. He widen his eyes as he thinks about what will happen to his family. Then he smiles mischievously. He smiles to ear and suddenly laugh. If he can't do his job, he will lost his family. Not only that, he will also probably be killed. N is not someone he can trust easily. However, he put 100 percent chances that his lives and his family lives on the line. Thinking about how to survive in this cruel world hits him. Matthew laugh. His laughter become uncontrollable but with his fine looks, he still looks handsome even we laugh in madness.

"Is he okay?"

Ashley is not giving any answer because she is deeply thinking in her minds right now. Brian shook his head. His little sister is playing with her food for some times. Dad has already finish his food and wash the dishes.

"How many times has it been?" Ask Dad. When Ashley doesn't reply him, he looks at Brian. Brian look at his dad seriously.

"This is the 34th times she has been kissing with Omegas." Answer Brian.

Dad pretend to act shock.

"Holy moly, my daughter is a playgirl! Dad exclaims. He looks happy by the way.

"She is an alpha. No doubt about it. I bet there are more Alpha kissing Omega out there." Brian suddenly thinks about an incident.

"I'm proud of you. Finally you shown your true color." Dad add.

"Don't make me feels bad Dad. I'm just wanted to help." Ashley glance sharply at her Dad. Seeing her daughter making an angry face, Dad walks away to the living room.

"Ahaha.. I'll be right there whenever you need me." He is send away by Ashley's dead glare.

"What time is it now for my tv show.." Dad change topic. He reach the remote nearby.

"By the way, how was he? The omega you helped." Ask Brian looks concern.

"He is fine. I cover his scent with mine. So no alpha would dare to come nearby." Ashley report.

"That's good to hear. I'm glad you helped him." Brian calms down since he knows what is like to be in heat.

"I think, he might experience his first heat. He looks very afraid." Ashley add. Brian nod.

"It is normal to be afraid. He has no one to help. I'm so proud you helped him even though this is your 34th helping Omegas." Briad gives her a pat.

Thinking about 34 Omegas she has kissed before. One reason is, she helped them to cover their scent. To do something sensual to let them calms down from their own sensation. She can't do anything more than just a kiss to a stranger. Sometimes she hugged them to let her scent cover their bodies from other alphas. It is to prevent them from getting harrassment from opposite type.

"Sorry for you pills bro."

"No worry. I can buy it tomorrow. One is enough for me."

Ashley is still thinking about the accident happened earlier. She almost feels like a connection with the alpha woman she talked on the bus. It seems like she will follow her order. She can looks through her eyes. Is that what is like to be a leader to an alpha? That is her problem that she does not wish to share with her family because her Dad is Beta and Brian is Omega. If her mother still alive, maybe she can talk about it with her. Ashley misses her mother a lot.