Chapter 7 Competition Begins

The competition is now open for the third seniors to enter. It involves 5 schools total in city area. A message has been forwarded to people, and more peoples find out about it. The link is attached to register their name, school and their details. The prize is pinned on top of the website link. 'PRIZE : ALPHA LEADER'. Everyone can participate it including Beta and Omega.

After they had register their details, the website is deleted automatically. They will be forwarded another message about the rules. The prize is changed to 'Money Prize' as a bait prize. They already given the notice that the money prize is real but the mos important prize is the title leader. They now have one month to prepare for the final semester examination. Everyone is determine to win. Especially to become the leader for the 5 schools. To become famous. To become known. And to commands.

During recess in the cafeteria, everyone is gossiping about the competition. Ashley is eating alone again since Wendy is busy preparing for the competition. Suddenly a fine looking male student came near to her table. He smiles from afar when he saw Ashley. Ashley try to look other people around her making herself awkward.

"Hey.." Matthew join in.

"Hey." Ashley smiles. She pinch her nose a little as his scent making her disturbing. Matthew realizes her act and sit a bit far from her.

"Are you going to skip school today?" Ask Ashley. She try to start the talk.

"Why you always asking me to skip school? Do I look like a bad student?" Matthew smirks.

"Uhm.. Kind of. " Ashley looks elsewhere.

"That time I was in urgent." He reply. Whenever he talks, the scent is getting stronger. Ashley don't hate the smells. She wants to take a big sniff but people might think she's crazy.

"So have you heard. About the incoming contest? Everyone is talking about it." Ask Ashley trying to not think about the smells. Matthew slowly glance at her as he takes a dig in his meal.

"I wonder about the prize. Is it real?" Ask Matthew. He is not someone that can easily be fooled.

"It sure is. Look at our school, isn't it fancy? The prize is also suit the prestige school like this," Ashley try to persuade all her might.

"It is." Matthew is not taking interest.

Ashley poke her potato with her sporks. This guys is hard to win.

"Are you rich?" Ask Ashley bluntly. Matthew quite shock at the question but he does not mind answering.

"No. Why you ask?" Ask Matthew.

"Nothing. People like us need money to survive. I don't mind the title at all. I just need money to help my family." Ashley say.

"Well, everyone do." Matthew talks slowly when he thinks about money.

Until last night, Ashley has realized that she needed money so bad and she wants to take part in the competition. And not because of the title.

"I thought you are rich." Matthew teases.

"Huh.. Do rich people looks like this?" Ashley is referring to her face.

Well she is pretty, has a fair skin and high nose bridge. Her lip is thin and pink cherry in color. And she has a beautiful smile. She does looks like a rich girl who will spends her money and times for shopping and expensive stuffs. Matthew smirks thinking about it while showing his dimple on his left cheek. Ashley almost drop her sporks seeing that.

"Anyhow, I need money. What about you?" Ask Ashley.

"I will think about it." He looks away. There are something that he should do first before anything else.

As he is looking away, he realize that some of the female student is taking his picture. He is used to in the situation because of his looks. One thing that they doesn't know is his background. If anyone knows about his background, they would probably stays away from him.

"Hey, do you want to rob a bank with me?" Ask Ashley with a crazy idea in her mind.

"That's illegal. You might be inprisonment." Reply Matthew.

"If I don't win the study contest, I might think again to rob a bank." Ashley blurt out her thought. Or maybe rob Wendy. No. She is a friend! Ashley shook her head. Matthew smiles as he looks Ashley thinking hard.

After they finish their food. The junior students came in to the cafe for the meals because it is their turn. Ashley and Matthew casually get up from their seat. They walk together since they will headed to the same floor and their class is beside each other.

"Ashley Moon!" Someone calls.

Ashley turns to the voice owner. A male student with a mid fade hair on his temple runs through the crowd and came close to her.

"Kevin?" Ashley finally notices who is the male student. Matthew is still standing behind her and wait.

Kevin looks so excited seeing Ashley in front of him. Their distance is just 5 metres away. Kevin takes a deep breath as Ashley feels bad thing is going to happen.

"Ashley Moon, I like you!!!" Kevin shouts. A sudden love confession making all the student stop and be quiet for a moment. They focus on Ashley to give her answer after the confession.

Ashley looks around. She feels a drop bomb just fell on her shoulder. She takes a step back and almost fall on Matthew but luckily he push his hand at her back to stop her from falling.

"What are you doing?" Ashley whisper to Kevin but in half shouting voice.

Kevin then step closer and forward. He looks so confident with a smile on his face.

"It was my first kiss and I have fallen in love with you, Ashley Moon!!!" Kevin continues.

Ashley wants to give Kevin a good slap on his face for saying out loud her full name. What should she do then?

Everyone is shouting hurray when they hear about the kiss. They feel excited about the confession. Some of them are supporting Kevin and some of them feel disturbing. Before anything gets too intense, Ashley close her eyes and gather her energy.

The other day and on Sunday, she manage to captivate everyone in her gaze and scent. To command all of the stundent in the cafeteria with her gaze, she need to focus. If this is working, then she will command all of them to forget about all this. Actually she does not know if it will work. With just a few experience, how could she even confident to do that. Final resort she wishes that it will success.

"She is my mate." A familiar voice talks. Ashley make a weird face. Not this. She open her eyes. Matthew has already stand in front of her and cover her.

"Matthew?" Ashley grab his hand to stop him but Matthew casually put her hand in his instead.

Ashley almost drop her jaw as she is dragged into some kind of webdrama series. Ashley try to pull her hand but then Matthew looks at her and give the most handsome looks in his face. He smiles.

Handsome. Ashley thinks. Some of the female students are shouting when they see Matthew's smile.

Matthew walks hand in hand with Ashley passing Kevin and leave the cafeteria. Leaving Kevin at shock. He cannot believe with what just happen. Who is the man that just take Ashley Moon's away from him?