Chapter 11 Drawn in the Scent

Ashley and Matthew began to study together. During the recess, they would go to the cafeteria to eat, then they will sit on the bleacher at the gym to study there. Since the senior is busy studying, most of them use the classroom and library to stay until late night.

Ashley is sitting while putting her feet up on the front chair. She used to lie down when reading a book. While Matthew sit properly on the back seat chair.

"Have you read the last chapter yet?" Ask Ashley. Matthew lower his book and look at her. Raising his eyebrow to ask why.

"I finish reading this textbook twice but I still don't understand a thing." Ashley closes her book.

"You have to do the exercises too." Matthew add.

"I will do it before the examination day. I'm too stress right now." She puts away her book and pick up her phone. She doesn't want to continue reading.

It has been two weeks since she and Matthew start a study group together. They almost done all the exercise and revising all the chapter in all subject. Now, they are reading the notes before do more exercises in the workbook. Study is far away from over.

Ashley is busy texting in the chatting group of Faith and Hope Club. The president of the other school is busy preparing for their examination too. Everyone seems nice and still helping each other even though their are rival. Eric starts messaging in the group chat. He send a poop emoji.

Alexia: Euw.

Jay: Is that a poop from reading too much books?

Eric: Yes!

Tyler: Has everyone become crazy because of this contest?

Alexia: Me...

Ashley: I'm tired.. Sleepy and need FOOD!



Alexia: I haven't sleep for two days.

Ashley: Hey, go get some sleep..

Jay: 2 days are consider normal. Ashley, your president is not sleeping for 4 days.

Ashley: Wendy?

Jay: Yes. She almost looks like a homeless person when I saw her at the cafe just now.

Eric: We need to help her.

Ashley: Oh no. Wendy...

Tyler: You must slap her face for us.

Ashley is busy with her phone. She is lying down on the bleachers comfortably. Matthew try to call her a few time but she doesn't answer. She is too busy with her phone. Ignoring his call. Matthew takes out his phone from the pocket.

Ashley receive a photo from Matthew. Ashley open the message and the picture is her shoes on the bleachers. Ashley gets up and look at Matthew. He is reading a book. Ashley quickly take a picture of him reading a book and reply it to Matthew. As she waiting for a reply, Matthew send back a photo of her checking her phone. They are exchanging each other photos. Then another message from Matthew.

Matthew: I'm hungry. >,<

Cute. She thinks. Ashley glance at him and grin.

"Delete my pictures." She said.

"Why? You're pretty thou." Matthew replied. Pretty? Ashley blushed.

"You are not good at taking picture. Your photo albums must be suck." Ashley quickly turned away to hide her face. Matthew laughed.

"Ha ha.. Don't worry, I won't show you pictures to anyone else. Let's go find something to eat. I'm hungry." Matthew looks calm.

"Let's go.." Ashley follow. They both step down from the bleachers and get out of the gym.

They happily buy the rice cake at the stall nearby the school area. Everyone is having a stress time during a time like this. The senior students almost give up the study but they know even though without the contest, they would have to struggle to get a better score before entering the college entrance exam.

"Thank you!" Ashley receive two cup of rice cakes from the rice cake seller. She gives one to Matthew.

"Thank you." He say.

"You're welcome." Ashley smiles. The seller is watching them while smiling.

Matthew is a good looking guy and tall. His posture is great and have a nice jawline. His hair is always in clean cut and his appearance is clean. While Ashley is a beautiful girl with a beautiful smile. Her charismatic personality makes people want to be friend with her. She has a sparkly eyes.

"You guys are a fine looking couple." The seller praise them. Ashley and Matthew surprise.

"He's not my..."

"She's not my..." Both of them say it at the same time.

They look at each other. The seller shook his head and smile. Ashley and Matthew walks away after being awkward. They walk to the bus station nearby. There is no one around since it will be the last bus trip during the night. They will ride a bus code name C23 together. While waiting for C23, they enjoy the rice cake at the bus station.

"Do you have a preference college you want to enter?" Asks Ashley. She is still munching the rice cake that chewy.

"No. You?" Asks Matthew back.

"I won't go to college." Ashley reply calmly. Matthew looks at her.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because... I want to find a job. To help my family." Ashley answer.

"That's why you desperately need money.." Matthew conclude. Ashley nod.

"You're right. Because I'm poor. Money is the best solution for me." Ashley slurps the gravy that is still hot. Matthew is mumbling something but Ashley can't hear it because she is busy slurping the rice cake gravy.

"My dad, use to say to me. He wanted his children to finish school and get a degree. But because of our poor condition, we can only study until high school. My big brother didn't finish his school diploma though." Ashley shares her story.

"Your brother?" Asks Matthew.

"Yeah. My big brother. He is an Omega. He had his first heat in school. He got expelled because of his heat. HA HA.. Such a joke. Why did even they expel him because of his heat.." Ashley continues.

"Because Omega is potential to lose their mind during their first heat." Matthew tells a fact.

"Do you know someone Omega too?" Asks Ashley. She is taking interest.

"My family is Omegas. I'm the only alpha born." Matthew exposes himself. Ashley gasps.

"ARE YOU A...." Ashley wants to say something but it feels so wrong to say it in the public. It is like a taboo word.

"Yes. I'm a..." Matthew wants to agree that he is a rare bloodline but Ashley continue her words.

"A... Illegitimate son?" Ashley cover her mouth with the dripping sauce on her lips. Matthew feels like he wants to throw his gravy rice cake to Ashley in the face but he controls his cool.

Matthew want to say that he is a half pure bloodline alpha but maybe he will tell Ashley next time.

"I'm sorry. It is a taboo word to say isn't it?" Ashley continues.

"It is not wrong to say it. Half of it is true.. So you're half away from the fact." Matthew agree.

Poor guys. She thinks. To feel alone like he never welcomed, to feels like an outsider even though he has their ties, to be different because of his type. Matthew must feel alone all this while. Ashley put down her rice cake. She swallows the last bite and sit closer to Matthew. Matthew is still eating his rice cake.

"I will make you feel much better. Do you need a hug?" Ashley asks with a worry on her looks. Matthew take aback. What is wrong with this girl. Is she high.

"It's nothing to embarrass about being unwelcome, you're just happen to be in a wrong time in wrong place." Ashley pat his wide shoulder.

Ashley move closer and open her arms wide. She slowly pulls Matthew's body into her small arms. She lay her head on Matthew's shoulder comfortably and pat on his back. What is happening, Matthew thinks. Why is she suddenly hug him. Is he say something wrong earlier?

"I could feel a sorrow in your eyes when our first met. I feel pain when you're smiling. I feel your anger when you're laugh. If you need my help, just let me know. I will be here for you. You're not alone anymore." She say.

"Are you crazy?" Ask Matthew. Matthew almost cough with a ricecake in his mouth. It is the first time he receive a hug from a girl.

"I'm not! I'm worry about you. I always thought that maybe we can be a good friend. You and me. Don't you think so?" Ask Ashley. She say something to change the topic. While saying that, her mouth is stain with rice cake's sauce.

"I think so too.." Matthew reply. His hand instantly without any warning, wipe the sauce on Ashley's face.

Ashley feels like a wind pass through her face. Matthew warm's touch. His warm voices. His warm words.

Ashley looks into Matthew's eyes and their gaze in lock. Matthew could feel Ashley's gaze struck in his eyes.

A thunder growl and rains pour down in that moment. Ten minutes has passed and they still look at each other. Matthew still haven't let go of his hand from her face. They are drawn to each other. The scent of the road being wash away by the rain swoop the their scent into the thin air.