Chapter 18 The Fallen Heart

TW - Violent, death, swear word.

"STOP!!!" Ashley yelled from the street 50 metres away. She saw what happened and her heart dropped so hard when she saw Matthew punched Kevin. She was not expecting any of that.

"Oh no." Matthew took a black sunglasses from his bag and wore it. The sun is not even visible because of the cloud that time. Matthew wear the sunglasses to prevent from looking at Ashley's alpha eyes.

"How could you do that? Kevin is our friend!" Ashley hurriedly went to get Kevin on the ground when the black suit people blocked her. Matthew gave a sign to let her do her way.

"Kevin! Are you okay?" Ashley put Kevin's head on her laps. She brushed away the dirt from Kevin's hair.

"I don't have much time. You should come too." Matthew looked at his watch.

"Who the f*** are you?! Where is Matthew that I known?" Asked Ashley. Matthew scoffs.

"I'm sorry to pretend to be Matthew that you wanted to know. Unfortunately, I'm not as perfect as you thought." Matthew raised his eyebrow.

"I'm the type of guy of will explain thing before proceed to my quest. So will you hear a story?" Asked Matthew. Ashley stayed silent. She felt that the world has just turned from her.

"Here's a story, about a lost princess went off the grid and lived happily ever after AS PER STATED but we know how it ended. Then you was born. Said that the 'KING', or Mr President want you dead because you have this sort of command power to control people. Man! That was dangerous! It almost kill people. But anyway, Mr President want you to become useful, therefore he hired people to hunt you down. The people is ME. HA HA ! And we met beautifully like a novel that you read every night before sleeps." Said Matthew.

Shit. How did he knew that she liked to read novel before sleeps.

"Yeah. I did followed you but I'm not interested in your personal life. So we should hurriedly go and meet your grandfather before I kill you and your family." Said Matthew casually.

"Don't touch my family!" Ashley shouted.

"Oh she barks. Kid, your story has bound to happen anyway. Like any other princess story, they really want a happy ending. But what to do..." Matthew stop for a while.

" have to die." Matthew laughed sarcastically.

Ashley looked so surprised to see the different side of Matthew. It is like he has become another person and completely changed. She never saw a man laughing so forcefully like that. He has become completely crazy. If what he said is true, then, her family life is at a stake too.

"Let me see my family first." Said Ashley. Matthew stopped laughing.


"Have you not heard me Matthew? I WANT TO SEE MY FAMILY FIRST!" Shouted Ashley firmly with her fierce looks. Matthew almost lost his consciousness when he looked at her eyes but he tried to control his gaze.

"Shi... I almost fell into your stupid gaze. HA HA HA" Matthew said.

"Bastard.." Ashley wanted to punch on his face but she was so tired from searching for Kevin.

"Oh one more thing. My name is not Matthew. Lol. I'm so sorry I almost forgot about my identity after pretending to be a young guy name Matthew. My name is Nathan. Surprise!!" The guy jumped excitedly. He definitely gone crazy.

"What the.. What are you playing right now? Are you crazy??" Asked Ashley. She still at shocked.

"Princess, I haven't been told that you are this stupid but...yeah you are stupid. Let's keep it up with the story again, you were entering this school because you were escaped from people who hunted you and your family at your previous place right? Yeah I'm the one who hunted you down. Burn your house. Kill your neighbours because they were not giving any information about you guys. Eventually we kill all." Said Nathan happily.

"Faye.. You killed Faye too??" Asked Ashley. Faye was her childhood friend. She used to play with her at the beach and searching for crabs too.

"Ahh... I don't know them." Nathan shrugged his shoulder.

Nathan got a message from N. N was just his plan reminder. Mr President want to meet with the school directors tomorrow at their school. He has to bring Kevin and Ashley with them. After that, he will receive another job to kill the school directors before they spread the information about Mr President. It is going to be a long day. He hasn't take a rest yet.

"I'm getting old. I couldn't catch up a girl when climbing the stairs." Nathan cracked his back.

Ashley's got a severe headache as she wanted to accept the reality. So this is how she got betrayed from a trusted person, lost her friend, losing her family, losing all the hope that she had for life. She felt her heart was aching and forced to beat. All the story that Nathan said, it was true. Hearing the how the story will end just like that, she wanted to close the book quickly and open a new book.

"Hello? I'm sorry to interrupt your imagination Princess. I have to accept 10 thousand to pay for my loan. I have a sport to pay. Can you follow these uncles to the car. And bring Kevin with you too. I will meet you at the school tomorrow. BYE!" Nathan put his phone on a loud speaker and call someone.

Ashley got dragged by the black suit guys into their car. Kevin was lying beside her and they were tied with rope. Ashley looked out the window and saw Nathan was speaking with someone on his phone. He looked so happy. She wished to punch him in the face right now before die. She does not think about anything else than a revenge. How she wished she would meet up with her grandfather and steal the thrown. She wanted to become superior so people won't look her down. She want to kill the people who made her suffer. Ashley clenched her teeth.