

- Aftermath (Sonny 2)

          - Sliver Cloud Prison -

-The young man enjoys his ten minutes of smoking alone. Once that time passes, a young, dark skinned woman with long dark purple hair wrapped in a braided low bun walks into the railing area and sees the young man. Her hair is a sensitive dark purple, with some of the streaks dyed with a similar shaded green. Her lightly faded purple lipstick masks her pink lips, with the addition of three black ring piercings. One in her nose, and two on the outer lift of her left ear. The young man motions his head in greeting as he blows smoke out of his nostrils-

Young Man:


Young Woman:


-The young woman walks up to the railing and leans against it next to the young man. The young man offers a cigarette and the young woman nods lightly in acceptance. She takes the cigarette and puts it in her mouth, then the young man lights it for her before she begins smoking-

Young Woman:


Young Man:


-Both the young man and woman look out into the prison yard as they continue to smoke. After a short moment, the young woman breaks the silence by speaking up-

Young Woman:

You been gone awhile, Lux. We thought they killed your ass for a little bit.


Heh, dumb fucks ain't doin' shit to me. Faris convinced Dunham to get me out. Fucker wanted me in there for the rest of my life.

Young Woman:

I would want a fucker like you in a cell forever too if I was him. I mean, it's you we talking about.


Yeah, well, I don't got shit to say except it's good to be back. What's the important shit you wanted to talk about?

-The young woman turns to face Lux, then she reaches in her jumpsuit and pulls out a small folder before handing it to him-


The fuck is this?

Young Woman:

Open it and read it before you start runnin' your mouth shithead.

-Lux opens the folder and begins reading the contents. As he does the young woman talks to him as he follows the wording and pictures-

Young Woman:

We got hired. Didn't give me a name, just the blueprints to the prison and a way to escape.


Planning to spring us out huh? I could give two fucks about who it is, Jade. Is this shit viable?


Checked it out myself. We do this right, we can get out of here. Supposed to meet them at a meeting place out in Rason.


Good choice. The blue skins don't really patrol out there.


The sewer system will lead us right outside, but we'll have to get there on our own though.


That's fine.

-Lux finishes reading the contents and hands the small folder back to Jade-


You done, babe?



-Jade grabs the lighter from Lux then burns the folder and it's contents-


Is that dumbass awake yet?


Yeah, I woke his ass up and told him about it.


'Ight. Go do what you need to do. We'll meet up at his cell.



-Jade flicks her stubbed cigarette away then leaves the railing area. After a moment, Lux does the same and leaves the railing area as well. Heading towards his cell block, Lux walks down a few pairs of stairs and past two large, square shaped buildings. The entire prison is an isolated area, each with a electric fence or gate leading down a path towards each of the cell blocks. After a short walk, Lux finally makes it the last building of the eastern side of the prison, and enters after being frisked more than once by the guards-

           - Sliver Cloud Prison:

Cell Block D -


Motherfucker probably went back to sleep...

-Lux walks throughout the cell block, heading towards a specific cell on the second level. The smell is horrid, mostly caused by backed up toilets or the smell of the inmates themselves. There's only three levels, the second being much larger than the others. The first level is a spacious area with a smooth gray flooring with rusted streaks or moldy spots from food smeared all over it. It has multiple small metal tables that are barely a feet from each other, with the uncomfortable stool like chairs on each side-

-There are inmates in every direction. Some are sitting at the tables in certain groups playing cards, simply talking while eating, or subtly passing on certain items while they sit at the back tables. If you were to look up, you'd see prisoners in various colored jumpsuits walking back and forth throughout the second level, where all the cells are located. And where most arguments or silent killings happen-

-The final level belongs to the guards, who are diligently posted everywhere you look. The guards up there see everything with their cameras, even allowing drug exchanges to happen just some they can give the inmates more prison time. Some of the prisoners give  Lux a brief greeting as they walk by, while most of the guards give him the side eye-

-Lux walks to small cell on the western side of the second level and pokes his head inside. He sees a young, light tan skinned man with short ruffled laguna hair with one long black streak of hair sticking out at the front. The young man laying on a small metal bed in the left corner, snoring loudly as he sleeps-


Of fuckin' course...

-When out of combat, press square to interact with a person or object-

-Lux steps inside the cell with an irritated look on his face. He walks over to the bed, grips the young man's shoulder as he begins to shake him-


'Ey, Klaus.


Mm...fuck off, Jade, I'm tryna sleep...

-Lux backs away, creating a tiny gap between him and the bed. He then kicks the bed's side causing it to fall over, taking the young man with it. When young man hits the floor, he holds his stomach while groaning hysterically-


Ah, damm...who do ya think you are? I will fuck you up, you invisible being!


It's me, you shithead.

-Klaus instantly sits up, turning his gaze upward to look at Lux. He happily chuckles and stands up with a smile. He looks towards the side wall, where a few, dirty, battered stuffed animals are place in a row-


Well, shit! Look who's back guys! It's Lux! 'Ey woah there, Roger, calm down. Fuckin' Roger...always embarrassin' me.


You remember what Jade told you right?


Sure did. Manny wrote it all down- WHAT?! What do you mean you didn't write anything? Well, we would have paper and pencils if you went to the damm store. But you didn't, you stupid fuck!


'Ey, focus, dumbass. Red is red and blue is blue.


Right, right...red is red and blue is blue. I knew that.


Yeah, you did. Now go do what she told you to do. I'll use the rest of our cash to get us ready. We meet back here after you're done.


Yup, yup, got it.


Get the fuck outta here. And you had better do your job.

-Klaus leaves the cell, then Lux shakes his head lightly at the way he decided to walk out, skipping. Lux walks up to a small toilet then reaches behind it. He grabs a small wad of cash then puts it in his jumpsuit-


Alright, now I've gotta get some shit for us.

-You can now free roam the prison. Although you can only go to limited areas, there are places where you can interact with other prisoners, and get more comfortable with the area. When you're ready, return to Klaus's cell and continue the main story.-

-Lux roams around the prison block, he finds small items of use and battered materials. His wandering eventually takes him into the laundry area. There are many prisoners in black jumpsuits either folding clothes or putting them in the washers and dryers. A small young man with very short brown hair and glasses in the very back turns around when he hears someone walk in and frowns when he sees Lux-

Young Man:

Ah shit...You've gotta be kidding me...

-Lux walks up to the young man and motions his head in greeting-


Yo, Archie, wanna talk to you for a sec.


Halcyon...Finally out of confinement, eh?

-Archie readjusts his glasses as he chuckles lightly-


Word got out that you were supposed to be in there for a very long time.


Oh yeah? The warden can run his mouth all he wants. Need to see your inventory though.

-Archie sighs lightly, already assuming that's what Lux wanted-


Fine, fine...What do ya want?

-Through Archie, you can purchase weapons and gear for Lux, Klaus, and Jade. Lux wields brass knuckles, Jade wields a chain and sickle, and Klaus wields a curved butterfly knife. Keep this in mind when making purchases.-

-Lux buys weapons and gear for himself, Jade and Klaus. When he's finished, Archie nods in confirmation-


Got what you wanted?


Sure did. Good looking out, Archie. Since you always hook us up- and this is between you and me- you might want to check out that old sewer system. Shit might go down today.


The hell are you talking about?


Just sayin'. Might wanna keep that to yourself.


Alright, you fucking weirdo.


Be seeing ya, Arch.

-Lux leaves the laundry area and continues to roam around the cell block. He intersects with a few prisoners then decides to out into the prison yard. As he steps forward, he hears a deep male voice calling to him from his right-


'Ey! Bomba andante!

-Lux turns to the direction of the voice, and sees a tall, robust, dark tan man with short black hair approaching him. The sleeves of the man's gray jumpsuit is torn off, exposing his many tattoos on his arms. A few other prisoners are also behind the man, and they repeat what he says to Lux-

Male Inmate:

Bomba andante!

Male Inmate:

Heh heh! Bomba andante!

-Lux chuckles lightly at the name then sets his sights on the man-


Mateo, you fucker. How you been?


Eh, same shit as always, hermano. 'Ey, you finally out of confinement, eh? Didn't think Dunham would let you out.


Everybody keeps talking about that shit. He ain't doin' nothin' to me. All he does is sit his fat ass in that office and jack off whatever the fuck he's got left down there.

-Mateo crosses his arms then leans his head back slightly as he laughs-


Ain't that the truth. Me and my boys were about to work out. Come join us. We wanna see bomba andante pump some iron!

-The men behind Mateo laugh as well then yell loudly, seemingly cheering Lux on-

Male Inmates:

Bomba andante!


Alright, alright, I'll think about it. Now stop fuckin' botherin' me, I've got shit to do.

-Mateo and the men behind him walk off talking to each other while some still repeat the name-


Hm. Ain't a bad idea to get some workouts in. Still got time before I meet back up with Jade and Klaus.

-Interact with Mateo at the prison yard to play a sport, workout, or shadow box. Each activity will increase Lux's health, stamina or skill meter, and in rare cases, gain experience. The amount of activities you take part in will be confined by the time and day-

-Lux roams around the prison yard, talking to a few of the inmates standing around smoking, or sitting down on the mossy grounds. Afterwards, he decides to return to Mateo and his group, who are all crowded in the workout area of the yard-


'Ey boys, look who it is.


Figured I take you up on your offer.


Ha, ha! This is why I like you bomba andante. Come on and show us that strength of yours!

- Let's shadow box.

- Let's lift some weights.

- Let's play a sport.


Y'all up for a game?


I'll tell my boys to take the court for us.

-Lux plays a quick game of basketball with Mateo and his men. When they're finished, they return to the workout area. Mateo, who's in a hot sweat panting lightly, let's a wheezing laugh as he wraps a towel around his head-


Ha, ha! Thought my boys were good, but obviously, they not. Ha!


They did alright. Fuckers couldn't keep up though.


'Ey, I've still got some shit left in me if ya tryna do somethin' else.

- Let's shadow box.

- Let's lift some weights.

- Nah, I'm good.


Shit don't last forever, Mateo. I've got shit to do. But I ain't gonna lie, I had a little fun.


Ha, alright then. You change your mind, we'll be here.



-Lux leaves the prison yard and decides to return to Klaus's cell. When he approaches the cell door, he sees Jade leaning against the railing directly in front of it, with Klaus standing to her right-


'Ey, babe.


You two get it done?


I planted the bombs on the amplifiers. We have to work fast if we don't want to get fucked up.




Hm? Huh? Oh, yeah, I've got the bombs planted near the generator. Power'll probably go out after Jade's bombs go off.


Alright. Go over what we needs to happen, J.


There's five areas we need to get through before we even get close to the sewer entrance. Once the bombs go off, the power will be cut, then the emergency power will turn on. We need to at least get through halfway before everything restarts.

The areas will all have their own generators. We need to find them, and get rid of them before the Anti-Walls form. We won't have to worry about the amplifiers, not to say that getting through AAF soldiers is easy shit. It should be simple though. While all the chaos and shit is going on, we force our way through and get to the sewer entrance. Do I need to repeat myself?

- No, let's do this shit.

- Yeah, one more time.

- Let's wait a bit.


Nah, let's get the fuck out of here.


Just what I wanted to hear.

-Jade and Klaus have received and equipped the weapons and gear you purchased for them-


We'll wait by the door in the prison yard.

-With that, the trio head towards the prison yard, and wait a fair distance from the large door leading to the next area. This is it, their only chance of escaping. There's no telling what'll happen to them if they mess this up-

-The chaos finally begins, extremely loud explosions go off in different directions, a red light brightens most of the area as a loud alarm starts to blare. The guards at the door quickly react. They press a button on their uniforms, then dark blue armor forms around their bodies along with a helmet to match-

- Call to Arms (Sonny 2)

Sliver Cloud Guard 1:

What the fuck happened?!

Sliver Cloud Guard 2:

I don't know!

Sliver Cloud Guard 3:

Get the fuck back, inmate!

-The prisoners don't waste this clear opportunity to escape. All of the inmates in the prison yard begin to attack the guards that are surrounding them. Some of prisoners start to laugh in excitement as their bodies light up, beaming with power-

-They start to fly everywhere, throwing beams of energy at the walls and guards. The prison yard has suddenly turned into a warzone. Multiple guards are yelling orders, shooting their firearms in retaliation as they fight back the prisoners. One of the guards at the door grabs a small wall radio off it's placement, and begins yelling into it in a panic-

Sliver Cloud Guard:

Prison yard to HQ! We need some fucking backup! The amplifiers are down and the Abnormals are attempting to escape! Repeat! We need- GAH!

-The guard feels an immense pain and yells accordingly, he looks down and sees a giant hole in his stomach with a fist extended straight through it. The fist moves back and the guard falls down. Multiple guards run in front of Lux and pull out large shock batons, some reloading their firearms before aiming directly at him-

Sliver Cloud Guard:

You're not going anywhere Abnormal scum!

-Lux flicks his hand to wipe the blood away, then he puts on a pair of brass knuckles. Jade and Klaus walk up beside him. Jade's hair starts to flow upward as she lightly floats in the air. Dark purple aura in the form of streams and chains surrounds her body as she flies towards the guards and begins attacking-

-Klaus jumps up and down to get pumped up. Multiple streaks of electricity surrounds and flickers around his body. With extreme speed, Klaus starts to attack the guards alongside Jade. Lux smirks lightly as his body starts to light up a bright orange-red color. A orange-red colored aura surrounds his body as well, with the invisible waves of energy from Lux's body emitting throughout the entire prison yard. Suddenly, some of the guards start to scream loudly as they instantly explode into pieces. Keeping his cocky smirk, Lux assumes his fighting stance.-


Let's get to work.

-With the amplifiers down, Lux can now use his main source of power, Destro Energy. In addition to attacking, you can now press X to jump and hold to jump higher. You can also grab enemies using L2, and use triangle to throw them once grappled. Use combos to annihilate your enemies and try out different attacks sequences to see what you come up with-

-Notice the green and orange meter near Lux's face icon. The green represents his HP (health) and the orange represents his SP (stamina). Press and hold the L1 button to access skills that will consume stamina. In order for stamina to regenerate for Lux, he must be attacking and damaging enemies-

-There are at least ten guards in front of Lux, excluding the ones Klaus and Jade are already fighting. Lux dashes forward to avoid the initial gunfire, leaving a trail of fire behind him. Using his rapid momentum, Lux hits the first guard in front of him with spinning back fist, immediately following up with two quick jabs to the neck and powerful left hook-

-Staggered, the guard steps back, Lux extends his arm forward in reaction to grab him. He turns the guard's body towards the second round of gunfire, causing him take the hits instead. Afterwards, Lux throws the guard's bullet riddled body at the guards to his immediate right who are attempting to swing their batons. Lux dodges three more strikes from the guard's behind him, and counterstrikes by punching the ground, causing a mass explosion to erupt from it. One by one, Lux takes each of the guards with firearms with a swift and powerful combo. The waves of guards don't cease, as another squad of new guards enter the prison yard with their sights set on the trio-


More coming! Come on guys, we're tryna leave! What do you want, money? You want money, you animals?!


We don't have time for this shit! Quit fuckin' around and get rid of them, Lux!


You should learn how to ask for shit nicely.

-Lux slightly curls his standing body, rapidly filling himself with powerful energy. When he's finished, he yells and releases a deadly wave of energy that causes half of the guards to explode into pieces. Afterwards, he cracks his neck and smirks-


Heh, gettin' back in the grove of things.

-Notice the bright red meter at the top right corner of your screen. That meter is Lux's A-meter, which allows him to enter his Destro Form. In this form, Lux's damage and health will increase immensely and will never run out of stamina. When Lux's A-Meter runs out, he releases a massive wave of destructive energy that damages all surrounding enemies. Press L2 and R2 simultaneously to activate your A-Meter-

-Lux activates his A-Meter and enters his powered form. He yells loudly as his muscles become more toned. The energy from his body causes the top half of his jumpsuit to burn away. His body looks cracked, with black and orange lines flowing in every direction on his skin-

-Lux bursts forward, beginning to wildly and aimlessly punch anything in his way. Each punch causes a massive blast of fiery energy, burning away any guard victim to the destruction in one hit. To take out remaining guards, Lux clenches his right fist and raises into the air. A dark orange aura begins to flare uncontrollably around his fist, with a loud shout, Lux punches the ground, causing a enormous eruption that's destroys half of the prison yard, taking both inmates and prison guards along with it. As Lux slowly reverts from his Destro Form, Jade walks up beside him with annoyed look on her face-


Was that so hard?


Fuck off, I was havin' fun. Let's move.

-Lux runs up to the door, and with two swift left to right punches, he destroys it completely. The trio enter the next area. It's a large metal inning with a huge door at the far end of it. Red lights are flickering on and off as the loud alarm still blares. They can see prisoners fighting the guards, dismantling almost the entire area in the process-


The emergency generators are near the door!


Klaus, get the generators! We'll fight the guards near the door!

-Klaus salutes in a silly manner, then turns into a small ball of electricity and flows into the electrical lines. As Jade flies forward towards the havoc, Lux glances towards his brass knuckles-


Let's put this shit to good use.

-Using his Destro Energy, Lux utilizes his main weapons, the brass knuckles, by firing short burst of damaging energy called Gatlock Burst. As Lux continues to attack, his A-Meter will fill. The higher the meter is, the more effective the bursts are at adding extra damage, knock back, and armor breaking ability-

-Fight the AAF Prison Guards off alongside Jade for two minutes-

- 2:00 -

-Along with the guards, Jade and Lux have to deal with the insanity of the inmates, who attack anything they see. Using her free left hand, Jade begins raining down devastating, shadow like balls of energy which explode into sharp energy spikes that kill a small crowd of guards and inmates. A few of the guards begin firing upward at Jade, but are quickly stopped by Lux's leaping punches-

-After Lux takes out two of guards with firearms, he grapples onto an inmate before she gets the chance to use her powers. With a simple lift of strength, Lux slams the inmates onto the ground with a powerful vertical suplex. Jade wraps the remaining inmates and guards in a tight, shadowy chained prison. Lux grabs the chain that's sticking out, and lifts them into the air. He begins slamming them down onto the ground with powerful tugs and pulls, when he's finished, spins in a full circle and tosses them up into the air-

-Jade immediately follows up, she enlarges her sickle, covering it with purple aura before slicing the chained crowd into pieces. Once the area is clear, Jade and Lux look forward when they hear the door slowly opening, revealing Klaus on the other side-


Hey, I just saw you two fuckers a few minutes ago.

-Jade flies past Klaus then Lux pats his back and runs past him as well-


Good shit, Klaus. Now get your ass movin'.

-Lux, Jade and Klaus continue to fight through the chaos of the prison. When they get halfway through, they enter a larger area. The chaos has even spread this far into the prison, with small structures in the area completely broken into rubble. The trio see the emergency generators near the door, but they're covered by a blue wall of energy-


Fuck, they've got Anti-Walls over the generators?


I'll deal with it. Watch my back.

-Jade flies towards the generators, then Lux and Klaus assume their fighting stances-

-Fight off the AAF Prison Guards alongside Klaus for three minutes-

- 3:00 -

-Klaus rushes forward and begins running into a wide circle, attempting to take the guards and inmates out at once. His extreme speed starts to create a flicking pulse of electricity, shocking his enemies as continues to build momentum. At his preferred point of speed, Klaus leaps into the air. When he lands onto the ground, a wide electric wave pulses throughout the area, paralyzing all in it's way-

-Lux follows Klaus' lead and leaps into the air as well. He balls his fists up, and slams the ground with a hammer fisting strike, causing wide explosions that breaks into the clusters. The area is once again clear, and Lux and Klaus look towards the door that promptly opening, revealing Jade on the other side with her left hand on her hip-


Good shit, J.


You're welcome.


Onwards, my fellow warriors!

-Klaus makes a trumpet sound sound with his mouth, motioning his fingers as if he has the instrument in his hands-

-Lux sighs lightly then the trio run past the door, continuing to fight through the chaos of the prison. The trio finally make it to the door before the area leading to the sewer entrance and they see a large bald man wearing a blue suit with a black tie standing in front of it. The area is slightly quiet, muffled explosions can be heard from a distance behind them. Lux smirks, immediately recognizing the man as he steps forward-


Outta the way, Dunham. Your fat ass is blocking our way out.


Lux Halcyon. I'm assuming you and your little posse were behind this? You couldn't have done this on your own, you're far too violent to have coordinated this. Who's helping you?


Wow, what a stupid fuckin' question. It don't really matter who's helpin' us, just know that we're leavin'.


Hmph...you are not going anywhere Abnormal filth. I am the warden of this prison. Not a single one of you will escape me.


We'll see about that, fatass.

- Final Encounter (Sonny 2)

-Dunham presses a tiny button on his tie, activating a dark blue armor that covers his entire body. He then pulls out a pen and clicks it, which causes the pen to transform into a enormous rocket hammer. Dunham slams the hammer on the ground, then Lux, Jade, and Klaus assume their fighting stances-

- Marcus Dunham:

Warden of Sliver Cloud -

- Defeat Warden Dunham and escape Sliver Cloud.

-Klaus is the first of the trio to rush forward, he leaps into air shifting back and forth into flashes of electricity as he closes the gap between him and Warden Dunham. Despite wearing extremely heavy armor, along with a rocket hammer about the same weight, Warden Dunham still is able to move as if it doesn't affect him. Raising a small shield barrier with his left hand, he blocks the initials strikes from Klaus, who quickly leaps away as Jade begins firing dark balls of energy at the barrier-

-With a swift bash, Warden Dunham deflects the balls of energy to his left, causing them to damage a far wall. Immediately after, Lux dashes forward with his fist clenched, preparing to clash with Dunham. Dunham thrusts his shield forward to stop Lux's momentum, in quick reaction to Lux dodging the attempting strike, Dunham then swings his hammer horizontally before he can move again. Lux is thrown aback from the force of the swing, but quickly lands on his feet and rushes forward once again, this time with Klaus alongside him-

-Dunham strikes the ground with his hammer, creating a small eruption that Lux and Klaus dodge. Lux uses this opportunity to damage Dunham's armor, he leaps forward and unleashes a flurry of punches that ends with a upward knee straight to the head. Klaus begins to run alongside Dunham's shoulders and back, slicing and cutting into the small cracks in his armor to weaken it. Jade rapidly descends toward Warden Dunham, sickle in hand. She dodges his attempts to harm her with his hammer, she zips left to right, then zooms upward, cutting a fair chunk of his chest armor off before she ascend into the air-

-Once she's a fair distance away, she conjures two large spheres of dark energy into her hands, and flings them at Dunham's back. The impact causes Dunham to stagger forward, which gives Lux a chance to attack again. He clenches his left fist, then leaps into the air with a rising uppercut. He spins twice to keep his momentum, then descends back towards Dunham with his legs extending forward-

-Before Lux makes impact, Klaus jumps off Dunham's shoulder. Before landing onto the ground, Klaus swings his butterfly knife in a cross, and the strike causes a fracture in Dunham's armor. Dunham quickly turns his body and raises his barrier shield in an attempt to cushion the impact of Lux's descent, but his reaction is too late-

-Lux breaks straight through the barrier, directly clashing with Warden Dunham's chest armor. Blue electricity starts to spark and flicker around Dunham's armor. His chest plate is completely broken, torn off so that it exposes a part of it's interior. Feeling an overwhelming weight, Warden Dunham temporarily falls to one knee-

Warden Dunham:

Gah...Damm you!

-Notice the gray bar above the Warden Dunham's health. That gray bar represents how much armor an enemy has. When an enemy has armor, they cannot be knocked back nor can you damage their health until you've broken the armor. When you accomplish this however, you will cause that enemy to stagger and become immobilized for some time. The armor will start to regenerate after an armor break, so make sure you take advantage of this and rain down as much damage as you can-

-While Warden Dunham is immobilized, the trio use this opportunity to damage the extending sections of his armor. Lux begins to break down Dunham's back armor with devastating punches and kicks. Klaus begins to sabotage to protective metal covering his boots with swift, but impactful thrusts from his knife, and Jade flings multiple shadow balls at Dunham's arms and shoulders-

-The constant bombardment of attacks enraged Warden Dunham, he breaks out of his immobilization, quickly sprouting to his feet. He curls his body, then extends his arms outward to send out a pulse that forces the trio away from him. Afterwards, he activates multiple failsafes to assist him in combat. The floor below suddenly flickers with blue electricity, above the door are large turrets that begin firing powerful cannon rounds at the trio. Dunham yells at the top of his lungs as he raises his hammer above his head, the bulk of the hammer itself shifts into an enormous engine like weapon, bursting with igniting flames-

Warden Dunham:


-The battle becomes a game of constant hit and run. Although Jade can avoid the electric floor, she swiftly dodges the cannon fire from above whilst still attacking Dunham with her ranged strikes. Lux and Klaus have to continuously leap off the ground and propel themselves off the fractured walls to not only dodged the cannon fire and the electric floor, but to avoid the raging swings from Dunham's hammer-

-Through all the chaos, Dunham is still able to keep track of Lux and Klaus zipping about. He tracks Lux leaping forward, and swings his hammer in a diagonal angle to stop Lux's momentum. Once Lux lands on the floor, taking a sting of damage from the electricity, he looks up only to see Warden swing his hammer downward in an attempt to finish him off-

-Using his legs, Lux propel himself away, avoiding the vertical eruption caused by Dunham's strike. Dunham's rage is unrelenting, with continuously powerful and aimless swings, he begins destroying the floor and the walls in an attempt to harm the trio whenever he sees them-

-He's had enough. Dunham wants nothing more than to see Lux's lifeless body on the ground. He raises his hammer up once again, beginning to charge it's ignition in preparation for a devastating attack. Before he slams his hammer onto the ground, his hands are bound by a thick shadow chain. Dunham glances back, only to see Jade using everything in her power to keep him from using his hammer-

Before Dunham can react however, Klaus zips back and forth above him, then lances straight through the protection on his hands. Dunham loses his grip, as his hammer falls, Lux dashes forward and catches it. With his overwhelming strength, Lux begins swinging Dunham's hammer with ease, breaking down his armor piece by piece. At the end of Lux's wild strikes, Dunham is completely exposed, only having his suit and tie as protection-

-Lux throws Dunham's hammer away, then grips his collar to hold him in place. Five violent punches are unleashed onto Dunham, immediately afterwards, Lux shoves his hand onto his face, and begins charging up his energy. In between the sounds of Lux's charging, Dunham's muffled screams of mercy can be heard, although it's too late in Lux's eyes now. Dunham continues to scream as loud as he can, his head starts to expand and inflate like a balloon, until finally, it bursts into bloody pieces. After letting go of Dunham's headless body, Lux stomps on it's chest, then fires a ball of saliva and spit where the head used to be-



-Lux is completely filled with anger, he wants to crush Dunham's body with his feet for hours on end. That is until he feels Jade hold his arm to calm him down-


He's dead, Lux.


No shit.


Which means it's time to go. C'mon, the sewer entrance is past here.

-Lux knows Jade is right. With an annoyed huff, he follows behind Klaus and Jade as they leave the area. They then walk into a back area passing the door, where a large rusty grated pipe has odd looking water flowing out of it. Lux steps forward, then grabs the grate and tosses it aside. After dusting his hands off, he then motions for Jade to go ahead of him with a smirk on his face-


Ladies first.


Fuck you.

-Jade climbs into the pipe and starts walking forward, and Klaus and Lux follow behind with Lux chuckling lightly-