Negotiations (1)

 "A slave mark like that can only make them follow orders, yet they still could betray their master, but it would also notify their master as well with their location." Tanya elaborated a little.

 "Ahh," Wrik nodded in understanding. He thought for a moment before asking Tanya again. "Is this mark some kind of item you can buy from the Omega store?" 

Tanya nodded. "It's available on the store that was specially opened before the test, and the funny thing is that this slave brand only costs a thousand omega credits." 

"So the Omeganet approves of this type of practice," Wrik commented that was the reason he asked Tanya about the slave mark. He wanted to know if the Omeganet supports this type of practice or not, the answer would change a lot of things like how he goes onto the test. He was making a plan on how to use these things when he heard Tanya. 

"The shopkeeper said it would only last till the test."

Wrik nodded. "Did you buy any?"