Plans (2)

Wrik sighed in relief after his 146th maha point was formed. All he needed was time to develop it into a permanent maha point. 

"Where's Byul?" a voice call from behind. Tanya had awakened by the time he was training. She had an easy smile on her face as Wrik looked at her.

"I did not see her when I woke up either," Wrik answered as he stood up. "She should be somewhere near."

Wrik frowned when he said that, but Tanya was too lazy to notice that. 'How can I tell she was nearby?' he thought but found no answer. 

As Wrik had said it, the short-haired girl came into the room after a dozen more seconds, and Lora was beside her as well.

"Sister Tanya, you are awake," Lora almost jumped at Tanya. "Let's go for a bath. There's a hot spring here, you will love it."