"That was quite right, Pretty Bother," Lily opened her lips finally. "But we can't do anything about it. The image was already established.
Wrik nodded, sipping in the tea for the first time. He almost forgot about it during his speech. "We can't do anything about Scythe yet, but what we can do might be useful later."
"What do you propose?"
"Simple," Wrik smiled. "We will just copy Scythe. Create a symbol for ourselves."
"It may sound simple, but it would not be easy to take advantage of this. Scythe is already at his peak, creating something like that would be utterly impossible."
Wrik nodded, but he smiled as well. He already thought about a solution. All he needed now was everyone's approval. He could not do it alone, nor with only his friends. He needed help from Lily and her companion, and more importantly, he needed Dairyl.
"I have a solution for that as well, though it may sound a little crazy," he said.