"Who knows, there might have been tens of such candidates in the past."
Davin and others finally calmed down, hearing Wrik.
"So what do we do?" Davin asked again.
"We have to move first and attack before they are even prepared," Wrik said. "We will move tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" Lily arched her eyebrows and asked. "Isn't that a little earlier?"
"It is, that's why it will be tomorrow," Wrik said. "You have to prepare the men again and if any of the newer men like to join us—it would be a bonus."
Seeing her nodding, Wrik then brought out the omega cube from inside of his cloak. He fiddled with the blue cube for a second as a hologram of a map appeared above it.
"What is this?" Davin asked.
"This is where our friend Theiron is currently at," Wrik said, pointing at the red dot in the middle of the map.
"What?" Davin gave a start. And he was not the only one.