Chaos (2)

            "I'm going out," Anton said and stood up. He was worried since the start of the upheaval, but after seeing the danger signal from Wrik, he could not wait any longer. He was about to leave the barrier, but Balat stopped him.

          "Hold on," Balat said. "Do you have any plan on what you would do after showing yourself?"

          Anton pressed his lips lighter and thought. He actually did not know what to do, but he could not just sit around when Wrik was in danger. "I'll buy time for Wrik to get out," he said and put on the black helmet again.

          "Wait for a second," Balat said and called again with the red omega cube. "what can you actually do? You would be outnumbered by hundreds of soldiers."

          "I still go to try," Anton said, making a fist.

          "There was another way to buy time and you don't have to risk your life." The call finally connected.