Chapter 3: Rise of the Fallen Era

At normal times, Kence would have been enraged by now and start a fight. He already has a childish side with him but that was sometimes amplified whenever he is with Calter

That might be because Kence is really comfortable with his boyfriend. He can act however he wants. His most free moments are always when he was alone with Calter

Too bad that things are different now. His mind was still in a mess and he can't confront Calter yet but he knows that he should end their relationship as soon as he can

Kence is unwilling to struggle again because of the shitty thing called love

"I'm going home now" Kence said and wore a shirt to cover his bare upper body

Calter almost turned into a frozen statue because of Kence's action. Knowing his boyfriend, Calter was already prepared for Kence's anger. He was ready to coax him yet Kence didn't show even a small bit of anger

Just what is happening now? Could it be .... Calter's mind went to the nightmare that he had. In that nightmare, Kence wants to break up with him. But that shouldn't be possible, right?

Despite the disagreements that the two have, they still have a fairly good relationship. A nightmare is just a nightmare, Calter decided to trust Kence

But still, his boyfriend is really acting weird now and this is making him feel worried

"Home? Are you going to your mom?" Calter asked for clarification

In some ways, this place they are in now is already Kence's home. The two are living with each other and Kence will visit his mom at least once a week

Kence just nodded his head as an answer while his back was facing Calter. He doesn't have the mental capacity to continue staying with Calter especially since his mind was still in a mess after it seems that he experienced time travel

"It's already late, why don't you visit mom later?" Calter asked with a frown. It was already midnight, if it isn't urgent, Kence can just go when the sun rises

"It's okay, I need to see her now" Kence replied as he walks out of the bedroom without facing Calter. He was afraid that he would turn soft if he saw the worried expression of Calter

Kence exited the room, leaving Calter alone that heavily sat on the bed while ruffling his golden hair. He doesn't know why but he felt like he should have stop Kence earlier

Calter's body was suddenly assaulted by an uncomfortable feeling causing his body to leak out pheromones without his control

His mind turned into a complete mess and he felt like something inside him was awakened. If Calter was facing a mirror, he would see that his golden pupils are actually changing in color

The previous brilliant golden pupils that seem to make even the sun lose its shine were turning into a combination of blue and purple. It looks like his eyes hold a galaxy in it and the colors were also beautiful like the original but it was extremely chaotic


As soon as Kence got out of the bedroom that he spent a lot of time with Calter, he immediately runs to the mansion's garage and entered his car

Fortunately, there are servants serving for the night shift and Kence had them open the gates and he sped off back to his mother's place

Kence doesn't have his father anymore but there was still his mom. The two might not be as rich as Calter that is a descendant of the Sternix Clan but they don't have any financial problems at all

Money is not a problem for them but Kence is still too poor compared to an influential and rich family. That's the reason why the Sternix Family doesn't want him even though he has more than enough money to survive by working as an actor

In the past, Kence was one of the biggest stars in the field of acting. The time now might be 2 years earlier than his peak but he was already pretty famous

Thanks to Kence's talent, he has millions in his bank account at the age of 24. All of that money was earned by him using his own effort

However, it also becomes one of the reasons why he and Calter can't disclose to the public their relationship. Kence has to take care of his career while Calter wants to become the Master of the Sternix Family

Both of them mutually decided to keep their relationship a secret although there are already a lot of rumors since they are always with each other. A direct confirmation from them was the only thing missing

Thinking back on it now, Kence shouldn't have decided to hide their relationship. He is a person that originally doesn't believe in love but when he had his first relationship, he needs to keep it a secret

Kence's grip on the steering wheel tightened before he slowed down and repeatedly took a deep breath. He already got into a car accident, he shouldn't let himself be involved in another one

After some time, Kence finally reached his home. He exited the car and the cold wind outside assaulted his body. It made him shiver a bit but he didn't mind it that much

Alphas typically have stronger bodies compared to most betas and omegas. This little bit of cold won't affect him

However, the same was not true for his mom that is currently on the terrace while gazing at the sky while hugging a picture frame

"Mom, what are you doing this late? You will catch a cold" Kence scolded his mother. He asked what his mom was doing but he actually already knows it

Based on his mom's sad expression and the way she tightly hugs the picture frame, she is surely remembering his late husband

"Kence, why did you come here this late? Did you have a fight with your boyfriend? I told you that you should stop acting immature but you didn't listen to me"

Kence's mom - Ica, immediately removed the sad expression on her face. She doesn't want her son to see her in this kind of state as she is afraid that it would just make Kence worried for her

"Mom, am I really your son, why am I the one you are scolding?" Kence asked in dissatisfaction. His mom was always like this, siding with that jerk, asshole, bastard, douche, scumbag Calter. This is making him feel irritated

"Silly child, it was you that is always starting a fight because of the smallest things. How can I not scold you?"

Kence's lips rose from dissatisfaction. He went back here to calm himself but his mom just needs to remind him of that asshole Calter. How unlucky of him

"Fine, fine, I knew that I am not your child. Mom, go back in your room now, it's chilly here"

Kence waved his hand before exiting their two-story house. His mind was exhausted now and he directly went to his room to mindlessly think

Only now did Kence's rebirth/time travel starts to sink fully in his mind. This is not a joke or some kind of prank, he really returned 2 years in the past

This doesn't change Kence's resolve to break up with Calter though. Just as he thought before, he shouldn't have believed in this silly love, look at how he ended up

Kence absent-mindedly tossed around his bed, unable to sleep no matter how hard he tried

In the end, morning already arrives yet Kence still didn't get a wink of sleep. His phone continued to buzz as people are either calling or texting him

One of the callers might be Calter and that is why he is unwilling to check his phone. He still needs to ready himself to face the "final boss"

In boredom, Kence grabbed the remote and opened the television just in time for him to see a dead body

The channel was on the news and Kence was about to change it as he is not interested to watch such things. However, before Kence can do that, his interest was piqued by the things that the reporter said

"Last night, a 20 years old woman was unfortunately found dead in a dark alley. The cause of death was severe blood loss, almost all of her blood was suck from her body"

"There are bite marks on the victim's neck and people are saying that she was bitten by a vampire"

Vampire .... Kence wondered if they are true. Legends say that earth was originally a mystical place where everything was possible

Dragons roamed the skies, beasts walk on earth, and mermaids swim in the vast oceans. These things are common knowledge but not many people believe them anymore despite there still having some traces of the supernatural civilization. But because the earth died and mana was gone, all those mythical creatures vanish

It can't be helped, no one has seen any supernatural creature or humans with the supernatural ability for such a long time

To normal people, the legend was just like a fairy tale but Kence can't help but think that maybe it was true

Kence has more than one interaction with people of the Sternix Clan. Their pheromones were really different than normal people. It felt like a dragon itself was suffocating you if they use their pheromones

Not to mention, they also have inhuman strength. Just what kind of human can bend hard metals with their hands?

Maybe, the legends are true. Earth used to be a supernatural paradise but because of something that happened in the past, the so-called mana vanishes and no one can use magic anymore

"Argh annoying, why am I thinking like a child right now? I want to calm myself and move on yet this stupid television is showing me a picture of a corpse that had her blood got drained. If I sleep now, I might have nightmares"

Kence said that he might have some nightmares but he actually fell asleep soon due to mental fatigue. While he was asleep, he didn't know that his hair and eye color changes into icy blue ones before returning back to normal


Inside a mysterious space, a large and tall floating palace can be seen. The palace was white and gold in color giving it a sacred vibe. It was like the palace is not something that one can dirty by anyone

The palace was covered with white clouds giving it an even more ethereal look than it already has

Inside the palace, a man that has long white hair can be seen. His body was exuding a powerful aura as if no one can provoke him despite the man just standing there

The man was currently standing in a circular platform with the image of several dragons engraved on it that have their heads gathered in the middle area. In the middle of the platform was a floating golden yet dull-colored pillar

The man solemnly stared at the dull pillar before it glowed with a bit of golden light just to return to its usual state in the next second

Without a warning, another man appeared kneeling behind the white-haired man

This one has pitch black hair and even his clothes were black in color. It would make people think that his favorite color is black

If that white-haired man was exuding a dominant and overbearing aura, the black-haired one was not emitting any aura as if he wasn't even there in the first place

"Patriarch, the rise of the fallen era has suddenly begun without a warning. What are your orders?" The black-haired man asked with a respectful yet emotionless tone

His words would shock the old hags still on earth but he didn't show any emotion at all. It was like he is incapable of feeling anything

Instead of giving an answer, the Patriarch only these words: "A Phoenix has been born"

If it was other people, they would have been surely shocked by what the Patriarch said. Even the emotionless black-haired man shuddered a bit before regaining his calm

"This is good news"

The birth of a Phoenix was a momentous occasion for them but the Patriarch's next words made the black-haired man's thoughts change

"It was an Ice Phoenix"