Chapter 25: Counterattack (2)

An oppressive and dominating pheromones wafted in the air. The calming omega pheromones of Eriel tried resisting but it was slowly being subdued

Eriel's beautiful face turned red from so much anger before her expression contorted as she winced in pain

Kence was not being gentle at all. He was gripping Eriel's wrist with an iron grip causing her to feel pain

"L-let me go, you jerk! How can you do this to a woman?!" Eriel's thunderous voice resounded. Even if they are in a private booth, due to how loud her voice is, other people might have still heard her

"So what if you are a woman? Does that change the fact that you are a bitch?" Kence retorted in a despising tone

Kence never viewed people as boy and girl, or alpha, omega, or beta. As long as they are evil who cares?

Instead of answering, Eriel focuses on trying to get back her hand. But Kence didn't let her do that .. at least not in the meantime

Kence moved his hand and grab the glass of red wine he had already prepared for his plan

Most people will only fill the bottom of the glass but Kence filled his glass to the brim

After taking the glass, Kence then mercilessly poured it down to Eriel's head. Drenching her body with sticky red liquid

Eriel's eyes went wide open from shock. She ... a Noble Lady from an influential family was bullied like this?

What kind of man would do something like this? This stunned Eriel to the core as Kence never retaliated at her in the past no matter what she does

Seeing the 'piece of art' that Kence made himself, he was greatly satisfied and nodded his head

"Now, you look better this way" Kence said in an approving tone

"In the past, I never did anything to you not because I'm some sort of pure white lotus that is disgustingly innocent and weak. I just respect Calter since he was my boyfriend. But now that our relationship is over, don't ever think that I am meek and weak again. If not, who knows what will I do to you? I don't discriminate on any gender "

The more stunned and angry Eriel looks, the more Kence was satisfied. He always wanted to do something like this

Other people might think that Kence's actions were excessive but who the hell are they to think like that? They are not the ones that were tormented by this bitchy girl!

"And before you even scheme something again, think first if your measly intelligence is at the same level as mine"

After saying his piece, Kence grab another glass of wine and poured some into his suit. For this occasion, he even purposely wore white-colored clothes

The red color of the wine Kence splashed to himself was particularly glaring. After that, Kence even messed with his hair and wrinkled his suit

With a grin, Kence gave Eriel one last look. "What a bad day, I was bullied by the bitch that was the cause of my broken relationship" Kence said shamelessly before walking away leaving the stupefied Eriel

The things that happened were too fast for Eriel to react. She never expected that Kence will do something like this!

When Eriel finally manage to recover, she charged at the walking Kence but she just did more damage to herself

Eriel was about to pull Kence's hair when the latter turned back and kick her legs. The woman that can feel stickiness all over her body fell down heavily to the point that her bottom was experiencing might have been bruised

With a glare, Kence spoke again. "I told you, I don't discriminate genders. If you try to attack me again, I'll fucking beat you"

To hell with chivalry! If a man is an asshole punish them. If a woman is a bitch also punish her! People should be equal!

When Kence exited the private booth, he displayed his skills as an actor. His fist and jaw were clenched tightly as if he was holding back his anger

The wine stain in his white-colored clothes entered the eyes of many people and they thought that the home wrecker Eriel did that to Kence

As sly as Kence, he chose this restaurant as he knew that there would be many people that will dine here

A lot of reporters even came after they learned that Kence will come here. They hope that they would be able to interview Kence

The reporters turned into bees that swarm and invaded Kence's personal space. They were holding their microphones near his mouth to record whatever Kence will say

However, Kence just has a furious look on his face but he didn't say anything. Even then, the reporters thought that he was bullied by Eriel although what happened was the exact opposite


Inside the private booth, Eriel was still on the ground while thinking whether it was really Kence that she had met

The guy that can only previously look at her angrily whenever she made a move against him actually did this kind of thing towards her? This is too infuriating!

"Kence .. good, good, you actually dared to humiliate me like this!" Eriel said through gritted teeth before calling someone on her phone

It took some time before her call was accepted and Eriel immediately started crying

"Huhu ... B-Brother Calter" Eriel started to act like a pitiful maiden

In the other line of the call, Calter furrowed his brows. Truth be told, the only reason why he was tolerating Eriel was because of her family and guilt

In their childhood days, Eriel was Calter's one light and the two promised themselves to each other. If not for Eriel's past illness, they might have been married already

In the past, even Calter thought that the person for him is Eriel. When he thought that she died, he was even severely heartbroken

However, not only did Eriel come back alive. Her feelings for Calter doesn't even change

This made Calter guilty. After all, he did have some feelings towards Eriel even if that was only in his childhood days

When Eriel returned, Calter already has Kence and he wouldn't leave him. This left Eriel with a broken heart and as much as possible, Calter tolerated her because of the pain he had brought to her

After hearing Eriel's sobs, Calter creases his forehead while a frown appeared on his handsome face

"What happened?" Calter asked directly. His tone although not as cold as the one he uses to most people, it was still too cold for Eriel

The only person that Calter speaks with endless warmth was his only man. Although his treatment towards Eriel was better than the others, it still paled in comparison to Kence

"B-brother ... K-Kence ... h-he ..." Eriel has good acting skills too. She acted as if she wasn't able to finish her words because of her incessant crying

Hearing his man's name, Calter's frown deepened. In Calter's point of view, Kence is not the type of person that will do anything excessive against Eriel

However, now that Calter thinks of it, that might only be in the past. Kence respected him and the former didn't touch Eriel. But now that Kence broke up with him, with Kence's personality, he would never let Eriel trouble him again

Since Calter was extremely busy these days, he only knows that some rumors against Kence suddenly appeared before they were instantly cleared in just an hour

Calter didn't bother with the details that much. As long as Kence is safe and well, that is temporarily enough for him. He would just try to make Kence feel better when he returned. His work after all is also important and his family won't easily let him off if he messes it up

Thus, Calter didn't know that Kence's name was cleared by revealing the rumors' mastermind that is Eriel

This is not the first time that rumors about Kence were spread because of Eriel and Kence might have retaliated heavily since he is not in a relationship with Calter anymore

'Kence .... is this your way of saying that we are really over?' Calter thought and a pang of pain appeared in his heart

Kence was always strongly pushing him away ever since they broke up. Calter can feel suffocating pain at that

Although Calter is one of the people that knows Kence the best, his mind is also being clouded by his pain. He overthinks things and came up with the conclusion that Kence is really severing ties with him

This kind of emotional pain that Calter got was so painful he felt as if he was drowning in a boiling sea

"B-Brother?" Calter only recovered some of his senses when he heard Eriel's pitiful voice

With a sigh, Calter asked, "What happened?"

With that, Eriel started explaining what happened. She exaggerated it a bit to turn Kence into the evil one and she was the one that is bullied

Eriel even sent proofs of the bullying as the wine stains in her clothes were still there

Although Calter can somewhat understand that Kence won't think twice to retaliate, for him, this was still excessive

Kence knew that Calter would be forced to make a move to help Eriel but he still did this kind of thing. Calter was greatly disappointed