Chapter 36: Rhash losing his virginity?

Calter's words also returned Kence back into reality and he stops, he naturally can't let his Rut become the master of his actions

Calter's decision this time was the right thing, Kence appreciates what he did

Thus, Calter was able to successfully melt some of Kence's walls but it just makes his situation harder

Kence felt comfort after seeing Calter was such a 'gentleman'. As a result, he lowered his head and buried it in Calter's chest

The sound of Calter's fast beating heart entered Kence's ears and he felt even more comfort from it. But it also makes him want to be more intimate with the man underneath him

"Calter ... please get me some suppressants" Kence said while rubbing his cheeks a bit on Calter's chest. His tone was not the usual aggressive one

This is the Kence that Calter wants to return. After Calter successfully conquered Kence's heart in the past, Kence was this obedient and sweet

Kence won't get easily shy in doing intimate acts even outside the bedroom. He always likes hugging and kissing Calter

The change in his attitude was really a thorn in Calter's heart. But now that he is acting like this again, it makes Calter very happy

However, the coquettish actions of Kence also caused Calter's desire to grow. After a fierce tiger was tamer, it would act this intimate giving the conqueror another level of satisfaction

If Calter was not seduced at this, he wouldn't be a man!

"O-okay, g-give me a second" Calter barely answered and took out the inhibitors from his pocket

Calter originally wanted to get a glass of water but Kence directly swallowed the suppressants

The Pheromones that Kence was emitting without his control finally starts to settle down

However, the fire in the body of the two isn't just because of Kence's Rut. Both of them were still turned on but no one was making much movements

Calter just let Kence rest in his chest while his hand went to play with Kence's silver hair. It was very smooth and even gave off a nice scent

Different from his past actions, Kence let Calter do that. This is not the first time for them to be in this kind of situation but ever since Kence returned in the past, they didn't have the chance to be this intimate again

Kence greatly misses this feeling. He let himself indulge in the situation a bit

For some time, only the sound of their heavy breathing can be heard that is until Kence decided to move his body in a more comfortable position

However, as soon as Kence did that, he heard Calter's groan. As for the reason? Kence completely knows it

With his movement, his body brush passed Calter's hard-on

That woke up Kence from the illusion. His body jolted in shock as he quickly moved from Calter's embrace

"Y-you ... w-why are you hard?! Pervert!" Kence said with a red face. Remembering how he literally threw himself to Calter brought great embarrassment to him

But as usual, Kence became unreasonable and pushed all the blame on Calter

"How do you expect me to not be aroused when I smelled your Pheromones in Rut? Not to mention, you were even laying your head on my chest!" Calter answered in a matter of fact tone while feeling wronged

Kence is too unreasonable this time! Did he really expect that Calter is a saint that would not be aroused in the situation they were in?

Please! God knows how much Calter wants to do Kence at this time!

Kence also knew that it was not Calter at fault here. He quickly calms himself but his pride also wouldn't easily surrender

"Hmph pervert" Kence whispered but he didn't give Calter an even worst attitude anymore

Calter knew that his decision was correct at seeing how Kence was not chasing him out. Too bad that the ache in his lower body was still not taken care off

Deciding to strike while the iron is still hot, Calter showed his concern for his man. "Continue resting in the bed. Your Rut is still not fully calmed down"

Although Kence already regained rationality after taking the suppressants, his cheeks were still flushed. Not to mention, he also has a bulging erection

"N-no need, I'll just train again, if you want to you can spar with me!" Kence answered while taking a few more suppressants so that the effect of his Rut will go away faster

Calter can only shake his head helplessly. When Kence already decided on something, except for his mood swings, no ordinary means can change his mind


This outcome is already quite good. Not only did Kence not chase him out but he was also invited for a sparring match. This is truly small progress on Calter's part

Kence changed into another set of clothes first before they exited his room. The eyes of the people that they met along the way instantly landed on them

Actually, one of the reasons why Kence wants to continue training was because he doesn't want the Croel Family and servants to misunderstand things

If he stays in his room for a long time, people might think that he had sex with Calter

When Kence arrives at the training grounds again, he immediately saw a short man with pink hair running at him with teary eyes

"Kenceeee!!" Rhash cried out as he threw himself into Kence's embrace

Calter was instantly filled with jealousy and his hand even unconsciously moved to take Rhash away from his man

However, Kence saw that and glared at him. Calter can only take his hand back looking like a wronged puppy

Kence continuously pats Rhash's back while feeling confused. As far as he knows, Rhash is greatly pampered and loved by his family

While in the territory of the Croel Family, who could possibly hurt him?

"K-Kenceee! Help me, my sister wants me to do... u ... indecent s-stuffs!"

Towards the end, Rhash's voice became as quiet as a mosquito. Kence can sense the embarrassment from his friend and he knitted his brows

Indecent stuff? What does that mean?

Kence gave Aisha a look asking what she wants Rhash to do for him to react like this

Aisha glared at Rhash first that was sneaking a peek at her while still in Kence's embrace before answering

"Don't listen to that kid. It's not indecent at all!" Aisha said with a giggle that can surely take men and women's breath away

"We just want to awaken our baby's Bloodline and suggested that he sleeps with someone to help with that. How is that indecent?"

Kence instantly let out a loud cough after hearing that. Indeed, a Succubus Family really has a different mindset

Although Kence don't really care about how many sexual partners a person has, he still knew Rhash's personality

This boy is too innocent! Rhash promised that he will only do it with someone he really loves and of course, also loves him

Too bad that with his numerous failed endeavors in love, he remained a virgin. But even if Rhash did find someone he loves that also loves him, it would still not easy for him to do the deed

Rhash's only knows that sex = embarrassing adult stuffs that he also wants to experience with his special person before he dies. Beyond that, this kid was already completely clueless

Rhash's has the old-fashioned view about sex. That is also not bad since he just kept it to himself and also didn't discriminate against his family members. But if he was really asked to do it so suddenly like that, it was not weird that he would react like this. There was no way that Rhash will accept that suggestion

Rhash losing his virginity..... Kence can't help but shudder a bit. He can't imagine that ever happening in his lifetime!

The atmosphere instantly turned awkward for Kence and he let out another cough

"S-Sister ... I-I think i-it's fine even if Rhash don't awaken his Bloodline" Kence said to prevent his friend from losing his virginity

Hearing that Kence is on his side, Rhahs vigorously nodded his head. He stop hugging Kence much to Calter's relief while looking at his sister with puffed out chest

Now that Rhash gained a backing, he started acting arrogantly. "That's right! I don't need to awaken my Bloodline!"

The way Rhash acted with and without Kence's support was world's apart. He looks like a dumb kid that suddenly became brave after his brother came to back him up

That causes Aisha to threw a deadly glare at him for the second time and Rhash cowardly hid behind Kence

"The world is far more dangerous now than it was before! It would be better if you awaken your Bloodline!"

Turns out that it was this. Kence was already weirded out that Aisha suddenly wanted Rhash to lose his virginity

It was actually because of the state of the world making them worry for Rhash's sake

Although no one has the power to topple an entire army yet, in just two months, the humans saw how much their powers improved

If this goes on, it might not be too long before people that can destroy mountains in a single move appears