Chapter 77: Sugar in the sky

Compromise seems to be out of the question between this pair of lovers as they are both sets on achieving their goals

However, the original chase for punishment and escaping punishment turns into some sort of bonding for the two

Kence's loud laughter rang in the air as he managed to throw a snowball into Calter's face

Calter felt like his whole face is frozen thanks to Kence's action that causes him to laugh

"I see, you're happy, huh?" Calter said before he controlled the gravity around him. The original down pull of gravity was altered and Kence's body seems like a magnet that attracts Calter's body

Kence was still in the middle of laughing happily when Calter suddenly reached him

A warm set of arms were wrapped into Kence's waist as Calter gave him a tight hug as if the man wants to suffocate him to death

"Naughty kids need to be punished!" Calter said before suddenly attacking Kence's innocent neck