Chapter 126

Kence can see how the purple soul fire starts to shrink and weaken. In fact, even the pain that Calter is experiencing was lessening

This enabled Calter to have a sense of what is currently happening. His emotions were in turmoil, it was as chaotic as it can be

However, Calter knew that there is still something that is more important that he should pay attention to and that is removing the curse the lich cast in him

With the help of Calter's conscious action, the soul fire got more and more suppressed until even the smallest ember died out

With the disappearance of the soul fire so was Calter's dreadful curse. At normal times, Calter should be relieved at that. Even though it has only been around a week or since he got the curse, the few times that it erupted were all extremely painful

Even with Calter's pain tolerance, he is also afraid that he would take his own life just to escape from it