Chapter 3

Damien and I were staring at each other. Standing in the water soaking wet. From the look on his face I could tell he was deep in thought. All I wanted to do was kiss him. I'd gotten lost in his gorgeous blue eyes. Then he grabbed my waist from beneath the water and pulled me in closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He was like a foot taller than me. His neck craned and his lips brushed against my own.

My skin tingled at the mastery of his lips on my own. Before this point I only saw one purpose for my mouth and that was eating now it seemed as if eating was just a secondary function. I felt his tongue in my mouth. It was oddly satisfying. I brushed my fingers through his dark brown hair. Then he pulled away. A smile on his face.

"I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to do that."

He said. I felt his trance lift when his lips left my own. Unable to formulate words to reply his statement. I was in simple words speechless.

"Emilia?Are you okay?"

He asked me with concern in his voice. I mastered a quick nod in agreement as that was all I was able to do after he'd rendered me speechless with his mastery of his lips.

Then it hit me. I still have work to do.

"I-I must go. I have too much work to do."

I said as moved across the water to the shore and ran over to my house. I know leaving without saying much confused him. Maybe he got the impression I didn't like him but I did and that was the problem. There was too much going on in my life and I didn't want to overwhelm him with my own problems. He was truly a nice man. Handsome and charming, kind even but I didn't want to burden him.

I got home and found my father sitting on the threshold of the door. A large wooden staff in hand. The anger in his eyes was enough to petrify me. I slowly continued as his eyes met my own. His brown eyes showing no sign of reasoning or understanding. I already knew what he planned to do to me for not doing my duties.

"Father. I apologize for my laziness." I said before I was even in his vicinity.

"Get in the house. NOW!!"

He yelled as he pointed inwards with his thick wooden staff. I entered before him and he followed slamming the door behind himself. I closed my eyes and fell my knees and prayed silently.

"You leave this house a mess and you desert the rest of your duties and you think a mere apology will suffice?!"

He said as if he were asking a question. He wasn't. I however thought otherwise and tried replying him


He gave me a backhanded slap onto the ground. My tears began streaming down my face onto ground. His hands tightened around the staff and he beat me mercilessly. I wailed in pain each time he struck me with the wooden staff. Then the door burst open and I heard the voice of a man

"Stop you brute!!"

The man said. I was unable to recognise his voice from my position. I turned to look and it was Damien. My father angered at the man tried punching him in the gut but Damien responded by dodging then he pulled my fathers head to his knee and then kicked him to the ground.


He said then he gently carried me in his arms and walked out right before spitting on my fathers unconscious body.

He took me to the physician. He saved me.

"I- Thank you"

I said to him still in pain. He nodded then waited as I consulted the physician. The physician mixed together different herbs and created an ointment to put on my bruises. Then he wrapped me in bandages.

"I will be keeping you here until further notice. You should be grateful he found you when he did."

I remained silent thinking how my father could be so cruel to his own flesh and blood.

I can't go back not this time.

I knew that if I were to return he would surely finish the job and I didn't want to end up dead by my fathers hand. Not in this lifetime or any other as matter if fact. Damien walked into my room and stood beside my bed.

"If you need a place to stay while you recover. I have a spare room."

He said with genuine concern. I was still a bit reluctant to agree though I knew I had nowhere else to go. The alternative was death and the woods were unkind and extremely dangerous during the night especially with word of a a ravenous creature roaming the woods and killing people.

"Thank you for saving my life and for everything."

I said with a faded smile. Too many things on my mind.

I know I should be happy but I can't abandon my father. I can't.

I don't know what the heck I was thinking but I still wanted to go back to him to take care of him and even though I knew what fate awaited me at that house. I did not care. I simply couldn't bring myself to leave my only remaining family member no matter how cruel he was.

"I can't accept your offer. I have to go back."

His jaw dropped and he looked at me with a very confused look.

"He nearly killed you. What compels you to continuously risk your life?"

He asked me. I failed to respond to his question.

"In case you haven't noticed there are people willing to protect you from this  abusive monster. I can't let you go back not as long as I live."

He told me. I looked down then back at him. I guess I had no choice. Damien made that clear.

"Very well."

I said to him.

To think a man I met yesterday is already putting me before himself.

I couldn't help but think meeting him was fate but I still needed to know more about him. I couldn't help but feel as if there was more to him than meets the eye.