Pink Dresses

The next day, I excitedly went towards my closet to pick out a dress.

My love for pink was evident inside my well-lit closet, a mix of watermelon and peach covered the entirety of it.

I was staring at two rows of dresses in front of me, all of various colors and designs yet nothing looked special enough for Monty. Turning around, I found my shoes all lined up neatly on the right while my bag collection looked marvelously displayed on the left. At the far end was my full body mirror and two islands at the center, one for accessories while the other held my purses connected to a bench to sit on.

I turned back to the elegantly hanging dresses that I should focus on. I made my way to the beginning of the rack and gently skimmed my fingertips through the fabric of each dress as I slowly moved forward, my eyes closed.

I took out dresses that felt "right" somehow. One was soft and smooth while the other felt coarse yet warm with its protruding fibers embracing my fingertips.

"Should I wear this one or this one?" Now, I was choosing over two beautiful pink dresses, holding them both in exchange over my body in front of the mirror. "Ummmm…."

"This looks wonderful!" looking at a long rose silk dress "yet this also looks amazing!" comparing it to the pink wool dress I have on my right hand.

"Ugh! But he already saw me wearing both so I don't know! Maybe, I should ask him to accompany me to the market so we can both choose. It'll be more special that way!" I toss both dresses over the peach colored island bench next to me as I run happily back to my bed and plop myself on it again. Celebrating the great idea I just came up with, feeling excited for what tomorrow may bring or just simply seeing him.

Later that afternoon, I hurriedly went to find my cousin to ask permission to go out of the castle. Our mothers were busy discussing party preparations for next week, I didn't want to bother them

I ran into one of the maids and asked her where the King was

She said she last saw the King in the garden, he enjoyed looking at nature and always wanted flowers to be planted around the castle. The flowers' fragrance and the colorful landscape it brings to sight was what relaxes him, he said. I also enjoyed flowers but not as much as he did

As I sneaked out of the kitchen backdoor, I immediately spotted Monty which was always by my cousin's side. His towering height always made it so easy to find him even amongst the tall bushes covered in pink roses

"Your Majesty!" I greeted happily as I intentionally came across him

"Princess, you're dressed quite nicely today. Are you perhaps meeting someone?" he said sheepishly knowing that Monty was beside him

At the corner of my eye I could see Monty looking at me quietly

"I would like to go outside of the castle today." I said joyfully


"I just wanted to buy something for next week."

"Which is?"

"I don't know yet but I heard from the maids that a new merchant was in the village selling fascinating items, please brother!" I pleaded. The other guards were too far to hear my plea. Monty on the other hand, was used to me calling the King brother because the three of us almost grew up together.

They were both older than me by six years, Monty was the son of the previous Captain of the Royal Guards and being his mother was always ill he always tagged along with his father. The Late King knew of his mother's condition and had let Monty play with us whenever his father was busy, which was always. This lasted for years before Monty decided to join the Royal Academy to become a Royal Guard for the King.

"Don't you remember the outside threat you just told me?" he simply said, reminding me of what I heard the night before

"I'll be careful brother, I promise"

"I'll let you go on one condition, bring the Captain with you."

"Why?" I asked teasing Monty a bit

"What?" he was suddenly confused by my sudden rejection to tag along with Monty but he was quick to understand

I saw Monty's eyes widen in confusion as I question my cousin's decision to be escorted by him

"Because he's the best we've got and besides I have like a dozen guards here to defend me just in case someone attacks. You can't go out with a lot, it will be too easy to recognize you." he was keeping his voice low to not offend the other guards but frankly speaking Monty really was the best, he graduated top of every class he was in.

"Guess, I have no choice then." I was cheering in my mind as I saw Monty's annoyed face looking away.

I was about to walk away when my cousin said "Princess, change into something more simple before you go."

"But why?" I was happy with wearing my pink round neck sleeveless maxi-length belted high low dress

"Why do you think Captain?" my cousin asked Monty so suddenly that it took him a few seconds to answer.

He looked at me and said "You look too beautiful to be a commoner in that, Your Highness."

"Do you now understand why? Go on and change. Captain, make sure she changes before you leave the castle:" my cousin ordered as he pushed Monty's back towards my direction

Monty and I were now walking side by side and I looked back to thank my cousin, "I love you, brother!" I mouthed merrily, he just gave me a wink in response and continued walking along the path of flowers.


I was back in my room and picking out the most simplest outfit I could find. After a couple of minutes looking around, I pulled on a peach cowl neck side slit sweater paired with white skinny jeans and watermelon slip-on sneakers. I got out of my closet and flaunted my outfit over to Monty who was quietly standing near the door.

"How do I look?" I asked him with a smile on my lips

"You look lovely." he said while looking me straight in the eyes

"Thank you very much and you look as handsome as always!"

He also changed into a simpler white cotton-linen Henley long sleeve and grey chinos, keeping his black leather casual boots

Holding on to his arm I dragged him towards the door and out of the castle gates