
My heart was so full that day. I just smiled at him shyly and wrapped my arms around his as we started walking.

We decided to look around, it wasn't everyday that I got to go out with Monty so we wanted the day to be special

It was almost lunch time when we left the store so most of the people in the market went home or were eating. It wasn't as crowded as earlier

We went to a shop where there were different kinds of fish in buckets that were kept as pets, some were small while others were long, some looked dull and others were full of color. There were ones with large eyes while some almost had none. They were all beautiful in their own way

"Look! This one looks like it's wearing a dress" I said giggling as I point my fingers to a red and white little fish that had long flowy fins, looking like loose fabric dragged along the water

"It looks cute" Monty came to stare beside me as we both looked at the small fish inside a jar "It looks lonely, I wonder why it's all alone. Shouldn't they have friends? Like the others" I turned to look at a bucket full of orange fishes with big eyes

"If you let him join the others, he'll kill them" the old store keeper simply said. He was busy feeding the fish

"Why will he do that?"

"Because they're very territorial and don't want anyone coming close to them" he said as he tossed some food to another bucket beside us

"Even female fish?" I asked confused

"You can keep the females together but if you keep the male with the female, they might kill each other"

"Strange, why would they do that?"

"They just do, maybe it's just how they are"

"Thank you sir." I said as I left the shop in deep thought

"Are you okay?" Monty said sounding amused

"Men and women don't always get along, it even happens with fish!"

"I guess so, that's what he said."

"So we're a normal couple then!" I sounded triumphant

"Wait, how is it connected to us?" now he looks puzzled Hahaha!

"I thought we were weird because I've never seen my parents fight before"

"Really? Not even once?"

"Yes, so I was worried that we could've been incompatible or that we really hate each other."

"Every couple quarrels from time to time."

"I'm serious, mom and dad never fought"

"Maybe they were just good at hiding it."

"I don't know" come to think of it my parents never did fight, what's their secret?

"Your father's just very understanding so maybe that's why"

"He is, just like you." we looked at each other and shared a smile

"Let's go there next!" there was a shop that had holes and balls displayed

"Slow down" he said as I went ahead and ran towards it

The shop was full of vibrant colors, there were flags lining the sides and even lights that danced around it, what made it more compelling is how toys covered every corner of it

"Wow! I want to try, please" I begged Monty to let me play

"Only one game, okay?"

"Yes!" the funny looking man gave me 5 colorful balls

"All you need to do is shoot them in the holes and you win a toy" the man instructed with his rusty old voice

"Okay." I said confidently, surely this isn't so hard

As soon as I was about to throw the balls, the man pressed a button and monkeys started to block the holes. What's happening?

Surprised I miss my aim and the blue colored ball went flying against a laughing monkey and onto the floor

"That was nothing, I just lost focus" I began to aim again this time I was targeting the hole at the middle but the yellow ball hit the monkey again and I imagined it laughing even harder

"Why you, monkey!" I was starting to get pissed and threw 2 balls at the same time but again no success. It was the last one and I was concentrating hard at making this pink ball go in that I focused everything on it and I tossed it with all my energy "Please go in"






It went in!

"It went in! Yes! I want that pink bear please" I rejoiced with my hands punching the air

"Sorry miss, you have to shoot all 5 if you want a prize"

"What? You didn't say it had to be all five!" I was starting to feel cheated

"Let me try" Monty said putting down the shopping bags then paying for both our turns, he was handed 5 red balls this time

"Heh!" he's the Captain of the Royal Guards, surely he can shoot balls in that hole

He stood there silently, concentrating on the target and with one swift pitch after the other he threw all 5 balls into the hole

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I jumped in joy as the man had his mouth opened in shocked

"That one please" Monty said pointing to the pink bear I wanted

"H-Here you go." the stuttered as he handed the bear to him

"Here's your bear." I quickly grabbed it and hugged it to my chest

"Sad, I wanted to win it for myself" I complained as we were already a few steps away from the stall

"You don't want it? We can just return it" he said extending a hand to get the bear in my hands

"No, you can't this is our baby" I said hugging the bear tightly

"O-O-Our baby?" he was blushing again, is my boyfriend a tomato?

"Yes, this is our baby and we'll name her Daisy" I happily exclaimed as I caressed it's head to smoothed it's fur with my hand


"You don't want to?"

"Of course, I do. That was just so out of the blue..." he whispered

"You know, I can still hear what you're saying and besides, are you made of ketchup?"

"Huh? Why?"

"You're as red as a tomato again. Hahaha!" I said teasing him

"I'm not." he said defensively and turned his face away from me

I just laughed and held his hand, intertwining our fingers

"Come get your picture taken! For just 5 silver coins you can have a memory that lasts a lifetime!" one man was shouting nearby

"Let's take a look!"

"I don't know, he looks suspicious to me"

"Come on! I don't think he'll hurt us and besides what chance does he have against you?" I pointed out

"Fine but if he starts acting strange we'll run for it okay? I don't want to put you in danger"

"I'll never be in danger, I have you." at the corner of my eye I saw him smile brightly, one of those rare smiles of his

"We'll get 2 please" I said to the man shouting, giving him a gold coin

"Wonderful! Please get inside." he said, leading us into what looked like a room that had white cloth for walls and bright lights everywhere. A man was standing in the middle holding a weird looking device. It was shaped into a square and had a huge round glass in the middle and a square one on top

"Told you this was a bad idea" Monty sounded serious

"Relax, nothing's happening yet"

"Please leave your belongings to the side, don't worry there's no one else here aside from us then stand in the middle" the man holding the device instructed

"Can she be included??" I asked still hugging the bear to my chest

"Sure" he agreed

"What are they planning?" Monty looked like he was ready to fight if he had to

"Just do what he says" I scolded him

Monty left the bags a few inches from our side. Afterwards, we stood in the middle then I noticed that there was a white cloth spread out a few inches behind us.

"Please look at me and smile when I raise my hand" the man instructed again "Ready?" he then raised his hand

I quickly took Monty's arm and held his hand as I smiled then a white light blinded my vision for a millisecond

"Perfect!" the man shouted as a piece of paper came out from the device he was holding "Don't move" the light came again and another piece of paper was in his hands. He gently shook the pieces of paper and handed it to us "Here something to hold your love forever"

It was like a small portrait of us but in black and white. I looked so happy in it while holding Daisy and Monty was looking at me with beaming eyes and a gentle smile on his face. It was truly perfect.

"Our first family photo!" I exclaimed showing Monty the photo as he came back from getting the bags "Here, this one's for you and this one's mine" I said handing him his copy

"Thank you sir!" I thanked the man

"Thank you." Monty added as we left the well lighted room

"Now we both have something to look at every night"

"To look at?" he asked

"Yes, I always think of you before going to sleep." actually, he was always on my mind

"You're cute" he complimented

"I know!" I chuckled