Chapter 27 Memories of the past (16)

"Change? What change are you talking about?" My Academic changes?" or my behavioral changes?" which one do you mean Mom? Jun Pyo asked raising his voice in anger.

I Became a better person because of Su Min all of which you've always wanted and instead of showing appreciation towards the one responsible for that, You are expelling Her?"

Jun Pyo tilted his head sideways and said, "Mom, Since you've decided to expel her then Fine, I have no problem with that but along with her you have to expel one more person too, only then will i accept this.

Mrs. Gu looked up, hope shot through her eyes as she thinks her son was finally

coming to his sense.

Who do you want me to expel?" She asked expectantly.

"Me." I want you to expel me Mom!"

"What?!" Mrs. Gu widened her eyes such that they almost fell out of their socket

"Are you serious?" What are you saying to me?"

"Why Mom?" Can't you expel me?" why?" Because I'm your son?" Well let me tell you Mom, I'll cease to be your son The Day you send Su Min away from School!

"And for your kind information, if she leaves I leave too, And not just from school, I'll leave your house, and your lives as well.

Mrs. Gu found it really hard to close her mouth, is this really her son?" How could he have changed so much?" Is he bewitched?"

"Jun Pyo, Do you know what you are saying right now? You'll leave home?" Where will you go? How will you survive?" Can you live without all these luxuries which you've grown up to enjoy all your life.

"Can You work part-time so you could get a token amount of money?" Can you....

"Watch me Mom, And you'll know if I can!

Mrs. Gu had only wanted to scare Jun Pyo a little by mentioning his status, she didn't expect that he'd willingly want to leave everything behind just for that girl.

"Will you give up on your Status?" Your inheritance?" Your name?" Mrs. Gu couldn't help but ask.

"I will! Jun Pyo also replied fiercely.

"In fact Mom, the moment you expel Su Min, from that moment I will cease to be a Gu.

"Woah woah!" What is going on here? Mr. Gu asked as he walked in to see the house was on fire and the mother and Son were both spitting fire at each other.

"What's the talk about not being a Gu? Mr. Gu asked, because he had heard Jun Pyo clearly state that he will cease to be a Gu.

Mrs. Gu held her forehead and wept loudly as she spoke to her husband.

"Did you hear that, Si Hao?" He's denouncing us for that girl. He's going to leave home for her....

"Why would he do that?" Mr. Gu asked looking at his Jun Pyo.

"You should ask her." Jun Pyo said angrily.

Looking at his wife, Mr. Gu said, "What did you do?"

"I.... I did nothing. Mrs. Gu stated. Blatantly lying through her teeth.

"You did nothing?" Jun Pyo Scoffed

"Yeah right, you really did nothing. You only ordered and all the dirty Work would be done by someone else, right Mom?"

Still not understanding what was going on Mr. Gu Looked from his wife to his son. "Will any of you tell me exactly what's going on?"

"Si Hao..." Mrs. Gu wept and she points at Jun Pyo. "He wants to leave everything and us just because... Just because.... I... I... expelled that girl from school.

"What?" Mr. Gu exclaimed, he knew his wife has gone a little overboard this time.

"You did what?" Why would you do that?"

"I hate seeing her with my Jun Pyo. I hate the fact that she has him wrapped around her finger I hate the fact that he is willing to fight the world for her. I hate the fact he's willing to change on her behest, when we've all tried to no avail, I hate.....

"Hee Min, What are you Saying?" How can you say that?" What has gotten into you? Huh?" Mr. Gu was shaking Mrs. Gu to at least get her back to her senses.

"Shouldn't you be happy that your son is willing to change?" And instead of showing appreciation to the person responsible, You are expelling Her?"

Jun Pyo look at his father and shook his head. His father looked at him apologetically and said, "Jun Pyo don't fret, your mom is going to retract her expulsion order."

Jun Pyo nodded and said, "I'm sorry dad for Yelling at you," He looked at Mrs. Gu one last time before going back to his room.

"Si Hao, don't you think this is getting out of hand. I mean just think about it, our spoilt little Jun Pyo is willing to toil and work, he is willing to forgo his inheritance for that girl.

Mr. Gu sighed and said, "Stop overthinking, they are still so young now and after sometime they will tire out of their infatuation for one another and probably go their seperate ways, so why concern yourself over such unnecessary issues.

"You think so?" Mrs. Gu asked, hopefully.

"Yes." So just leave them be or you might lose your son." Mr. Gu advised.

He knew that Jun Pyo has fallen heads over hills for Su Min and whatever they say now would only fall on deaf ears. Hence he could only wait to see how far they can go with their young love.

Meanwhile at the Lee Mansion.

Lee Min Ho was pacing back and forth in the room, he was completely restless after his little talk with his aunt earlier.

"She's Leaving?" How could this be?" This wasn't part of the plan. It wasn't supposed to get to this." Min Ho thought inwardly.

"She was supposed to come beg me after having a fall out with Jun Pyo. Why should she suddenly get expelled now?" How is she going to come to me if she gets expelled?" Different thoughts were flooding his mind.

He had thought long and hard about what he wanted from Su Min and the only answer he got was really very complicated.

Though he wanted to get his revenge from her, he still doesn't want her to get hurt. Though he's mad at her for rejecting him, Still he's hoping she could come to him.

"What Kind of feeling is this?