Chapter 141 - Wonders Of Pregnancy

"Wonders of pregnancy so you mean she's acting this way because of the pregnancy Jun Pyo asked.

"Yes sir, she's acting that way because of the pregnancy hormones." The doctor replied.

"I don't understand what has pregnancy gotten to do with the way she is behaving," Jun Pyo asked.

"Well, sir according to the researchers. It was discovered that 85% of women get mood swings during their pregnancy."

"Mood swings?

 "Mood swings are like change of mood at every single moment. Sometimes they are happy and the next moment they become so sad or irritated. Some of them would even cry for unnecessary things and some will laugh for things that aren't even funny." The doctor explained.

"So you mean all of that is still going to happen with Su Min? Jun Pyo asked again.

 "Yes probably," said the doctor.

"Is there a way to stop this? I mean how can I get back my old Su Min," Jun Pyo asked the doctor.