Naruto x Sekirei - Part 3

Karasuba carefully assessed her opponent as he stood confidently in front of her with that infuriating grin on his face.

He held his blade competently despite the seeming carelessness of it and his phsysique suggested strength, all about size, reach and power. In spite of that, he moved with a sense of control and fluidity that contradicted his brutish appearance.

He'd already demonstrated the power to summon his sword and ice. If he had two, then he could have more, unlike her who was limited to just her bladework. He was almost definitely more powerful than her.

Good, she had been dying of boredom surrounded by all these weaklings. With Yume gone and Miya pretending that she wasn't a killer, there was nobody to challenge her. She could already feel it, the blood pounding in her veins at the prospect of a battle against a powerful foe. Benitsubasa and Haihane had already been warned not to interfere no matter what happened, even if she was losing, even if she died. It had been so many years since she'd last had a battle worth the name and nobody was going to take it away from her.

Neither one of them had so much as moved yet, but she knew that the man before her was a beast. The predatory gleam as his eyes roved over her body let her know that he'd picked up on a hundred subtle tells about her just as she had done to him.

What excited her most of all was the fact that not the slightest shred of uncertainty or fear entered his eyes or body language. He was utterly certain that he was better than her. Whether he was or not, finding out would be glorious.

On the other side, Naruto had noted that she had grasped her blade in a two handed grip that it was meant to be used in instead of her usual lackadaisical one handed grip. She was taking this seriously.


This promised to be interesting, even if he would have to hold back a ridiculous degree.

Before they started though, there was something that he felt compelled to do.

"Is it just me or are you guys hearing the Mortal Kombat theme song too?" Haihane asked in confusion, looking around for the source of the music.

"I can hear it just fine, I just didn't know what it was." Benitsubasa said.

"Oi, Haihane." Naruto called out, gaining the bandaged claw user's attention. "You play Mortal Kombat?"

"Sure do." The Blue Sekirei confirmed cheerfully.

"You should come over sometime so we can play."

"Don't go making friends with the people who are going to kill you asshole!" Benitsubasa exploded.

Naruto blinked at her, surprised by the random burst of temper. Ignoring the pink haired one, he turned to Karasuba. "Is she always like this?"

"Pretty much." Karasuba answered, still keeping a wary eye on him. She had a feeling that he was trying to provoke her into attacking by starting a conversation with Haihane.

"It's almost like having Sakura back." Naruto sighed nostalgically. "She was angry a lot too and she had pink hair….and can't forget about the fact that she was flat as a board." Not as flat as Benitsubasa, but she didn't need to know that.

"You fucking bastard, I'll kill you!" Benitsubasa howled in fury while Haihane was nearly convulsing in laughter.

Too angry to remember Karasuba's previous instruction not to fight, she charged at Naruto with every intention of punching his lights out. The fact that the Mortal Kombat theme song was still playing without any apparent source didn't help her irritation.

Used to being the stronger fighter in any battle she went for a straight on attack, which Naruto had no problem catching head on and then using his greater size to manhandle her into a one handed submission hold with chains springing from his back to tie her down instantly.

"Aw, don't be like that, I bet your nipples are really sensitive, how about you let me lick them and find out?" He said teasingly, knowing that she would be easily provoked.

"Those are for Natsuo-sama you sick pervert!" She hollered and tried to wiggle out of the chains to no avail.

"From what I know of this Natsuo character, he's more likely to be interested in my nipples than yours." Naruto mused and sat her down on his foot, preparing to launch her away. "Oh well, bye bye."

Karasuba and Haihane watched their temperamental teammate fly away with a scream for a moment before focusing back on Naruto, though Karasuba muttered 'idiot' under her breath.

"So, about that Mortal Kombat game….." Naruto prodded, once more looking at Haihane.

At this point Karasuba had just about enough of being patient and rushed at him, though much more carefully than Benitsubasa had done.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" She growled at him over their locked swords.

"Arara, what would that be?" He asked back, blinking innocently. "Setting up a game of Mortal Kombat with another player is a big deal for me you know. Akitsu won't play anything besides Sub-Zero and she's getting disturbingly good at it."

"I don't think video games are going to be your biggest problem after I cut your balls off." Karasuba retorted viciously and swung her blade again.

"It's decided then." Naruto said firmly. "You're going to become my friend."

"What the hell kind of logic is that!?" The Black Sekirei demanded over the clashing of steel and Haihane's chortling.

For the Blue Sekirei, this was hilarious. And the Mortal Kombat theme song was still playing in the background for this entire time.

"So far, every single woman that that has threatened to emasculate me has ended up becoming my friend, and this was before I became capable of growing them back. If you didn't want to be my friend then don't threaten to cut, tear off or otherwise remove my balls." Naruto reasoned. Granted, that list was mainly restricted to Tsunade and Sakura, but the point still stood.

"Are you even listening to yourself?" Karasuba demanded again, swinging at his legs at the same time.

Naruto jumped over the low blade and kicked out at her while in mid air, forcing Karasuba to dodge to the side as she was unable to bring her blade around fast enough.

"You know what? Nevermind, just die!"

Naruto kept grinning as the sword wielding Sekirei continued attacking him furiously, even chasing him to other rooftops in an attempt to cut him open. She was good, fast and lethal, but had obviously not been challenged seriously in a while. A lot like him in that regard actually.

"There is bloodlust in your footsteps Little Crow. Has it really been that long?" He purred at her as he continued evading and parrying her strikes.

"Yes! Give me more!" Karasuba demanded, her blood boiling with excitement at this battle. He was so good! Maybe as good as Miya or even better. She wanted to see how good he really was.

"As you wish." He agreed, using his much superior strength to shove her sword away and went into a spinning backhand that smacked across her face. He made sure to keep his fingers extended instead of making a fist so that it only stung and broke the skin on the inside of her cheek without truly injuring her.

It only seemed to excite Karasuba even more as she came back twice as viciously. Much to Naruto's amusement and intrigue, he could smell that she was getting seriously aroused.

They continued fighting in a stalemate for a couple of minutes longer until she pulled an unexpected maneouver and scored a shallow cut on his leg. He might be keeping his speed and strength way down, but it was still an impressive bit of sword work.

"Is that the best you have? Come on! Give me more!" She demanded again, driving at him in an almost berserker fashion.

Finding her passion for the battle to be rather infectious, Naruto complied and attacked from below, cutting through the roof of the building as he swung the Kusanagi at her. Surprise by the unexpected move, she was forced into a block that was rapidly overpowered and had her blade pushed up.

Off balance and not daring to let go of her sword, she was unable to defend herself from the knee strike to the gut that explosively forced the air out of her lungs.

"Yes, that's it! Show me what you can do!"

Naruto couldn't help but be amused at how battle crazy she was. He'd never met anyone quite so obsessed with a good fight before. Still, they had barely even gotten warmed up and the rooftops were already suffering damage. Karasuba obviously wasn't one to care about collateral damage or bystanders getting killed in the crossfire, but he was. If he was going to kill someone then it was damn well going to be on purpose.

"Well, I can't go too crazy here without accidentally killing a whole lot of people, so you're going to have to chase me if you want to play some more."

Karasuba's bloodthirsty smile widened. She didn't give a damn about the humans, but if he wanted to move the fight outside of the city before they got serious then that was fine with her. With this in mind she started jumping after him the instant that he leaped off the roof. She did stop in surprise however, when he swung his sword at the air and a portal opened.

Staring at the swirling, multicolored vortex that led to an unknown destination, Karasuba didn't need more than a moment to make her choice and jump through it. She was not giving up such a great fight just because she had no idea where that portal led.

Haihane and Benitsubasa(who had returned some time ago in a boiling rage), stared stupidly as the portal closed behind Karasuba.

"How the hell are we going to explain this?"


Karasuba landed lightly on a courtyard paved with large stones and looked around warily. She hadn't been sure what to expect after jumping through that portal, but this had certainly not been it. She appeared to be in the courtyard of a huge stone castle that had many towers and battlements rising into the steel grey sky.

Jumping on the nearest wall, her breath caught in her throat in shock. She was definitely not in Shinto Teito anymore. In fact, she would be mightily surprised if she was even in Japan. There were nothing but jagged, rocky mountains in all directions as far as she could see and she knew that there were no mountain ranges this massive in Japan. It was also bitterly cold, the freezing winds cutting to the bone. Why the hell would anyone build a fortress like this in the middle of nowhere?

"How do you like the view?" The voice of the man she'd chased here echoed from above.

Karasuba snapped her head up and saw him squatting on top of a tower, still ridiculously barefoot and barechested as if he was on a tropical beach instead of this frigid fortress in the ass end of nowhere.

"Where are we?" She shouted up at him to be heard over the wind.

"I don't feel like telling you that, I'm afraid you'll have to beat it out of me….if you can." Naruto teased.

Karasuba couldn't keep down her bloodthirsty grin even if she had tried. That was a course of action that she could certainly agree with.

"If that's how you want to play this game…." Swinging her sword, she sent a blast of energy and pressurized air at him with intent to main, but Naruto jumped over it and brought his own sword down on her from overhead.

Karasuba dodged the vicious blow by jumping down into the courtyard, seeing the wisdom of her own move when a perfectly straight cut appeared down the length of the wall. Naruto pursued her and they engaged in a high speed series of attacks, parries and counter attacks while a section of the severed tower crashed into the wall and collapsed it.

Karasuba was enjoying herself more than she had enjoyed anything in too many years to count. She lived for this, the crash of steel on steel, the thundering of her heart and the shockwaves of her opponent's blows echoing in her bones. Where before, the wind had seemed so cold that it would turn her blood to ice if she stood still for too long, now it felt good against her burning hot body. She never even noticed that her panties had become soaked or the thin trickle of arousal going down her legs, being far too intent on the fight to pay it any mind.

Naruto was also enjoying himself, though not to the same degree. Unlike Karasuba, who needed to put everything she had into the fight, he had to hold back. Not so much his skill, but his speed and strength. He was not even close to being pressed hard, but he hadn't expected to be. Still, the fight was enjoyable in spite of that and the smell of his opponent's arousal was rather amusing. He hadn't thought that Karasuba would get so turned on from a fight.

As their battle steadily tore apart the courtyard, Karasuba started having a hard time. There was a lot of rubble scattered around now from various missed attacks and it was limiting her manouverability. This was a problem, as the superior reach and strength of her opponent made it hazardous for her to stay in one spot for too long. She'd already taken a few cuts, as well as blows from his hands and feet and it was getting harder and harder to keep him at bay, much less mount her own attacks. Additionally, much to her consternation, the few cuts that she'd dealt him had already healed, which meant that only a killing blow would truly put him down.

Knowing that the battleground no longer favored her, She opted to change it in spite of the fact that she hated even that tiny retreat.

Jumping up on what appeared to be a high stone walkway between two different parts of the castle, she instantly started sending more air blades back at him.

Naruto countered them with air blades of his own and responded by throwing a few fireballs back at her.

Karasuba smirked to herself, having suspected that he would be capable of using more than just one element and cut through the fireballs, dissipating them harmlessly.

"That's not going to work, I can cut through any elemental attack." She taunted.

"Oh? Try this one then." Naruto responded with a smirk and raised his hand to the sky.

Karasuba snappred her head upwards, seeing the forming storm cloud that was lit from within with an occasional flash of lightning and instantly deduced what was going to happen.

"Fuck!" She swore and threw herself to the side, through an open portcullis and into the interior of the castle. Just in time too, as a violent lightning strike crashed into her previous location and annihilated the stone walkway, as well as collapsed the gateway she'd jumped through.

Wanting to get out of the darkness and back to the fight, she tried to cut through the wall only to receive a nasty shock as her blade clanged ineffectually on the stone, doing nothing but creating a few sparks.

Karasuba stared incomprehendingly at her sword, with which she'd easily cut through steel before but now couldn't cut simple stone. Even more perplexing was the fact that she'd been able to cut that exact stone not very long ago without difficulty. Behind her, a row of torches lit up all by themselves, illuminating a path through the pitch black darkness.

Pressing her lips together and lowering her sword down to her side, Karasuba muttered to herself as she started walking, her breath misting in the cold air. "I'm getting the feeling that I may have underestimated him just a bit."


"What sorcery is this?" Xanna demanded, glaring at the computer accusingly.

She couldn't understand it. Not very long ago, it had irritated her when Naruto had done this and now she was doing the exact same thing, constantly pressing the 'next song' button until it reached a song that she liked.

It made no sense! Why would she do that? She'd chosen all of these songs because she enjoyed them, there was no logical reason to be skipping any of them and yet she was doing so. She had absolutely no desire to remove them, but she didn't want to listen to them when they came on either, so she just kept skipping them until random chance chose one that she did like hearing and then she felt the absurd urge to just keep repeating that song for a while(coincidentally something that had also annoyed her when Naruto had done it).

Frankly, she was starting to think that there was some kind of undetectable compulsion on these music players.

"Uh…..Xanna-sama?" Yashima said nervously.


"Shouldn't we go help onii-chan? I mean…..he was about the fight the Disciplinary Squad."

Despite Akitsu telling her that Naruto was in no danger, she couldn't shake off the worry. The Disciplinary Squad had been every Sekirei's personal boogeyman for so long that she had subcconsciously started thinking of them as invincible.

"So?" Xanna asked without interest.

"Well….he could get hurt."

"Oh he's definitely going to get hurt, but only because he's an idiot that enjoys a little pain from time to time. Whatever Karasuba does to him, I probably do worse when we have sex. Don't worry about him, he'll be back soon enough."

"I guess….."


Karasuba stalked forward, starting to get pretty damn frustrated with this castle.

Soon after she'd left the collapsed entrance, she had started being periodically attacked by all sorts of strange fantasy shit. Such as animated suits of armor, walking skeletons, shambling zombies and a gamut of other weirdness. Aside from the various beasties, there was also the occasional trap such as arrows and spears from the wall, collapsing floors, moving circular saws and other such things.

The entire freaking time, creepy, ominous music of undeterminate origin had been playing and even worse, it was playing in such a way that it constantly threw off her danger sense. It randomly peaked, making her think that she was going to get attacked only for nothing to happen and it stayed calm only for a zombie to suddenly grab at her ankle.

At least it had taught her to beware any areas where there was any earth, it was almost a certainty that undead were going to crawl out of it.

Actually, the whole thing had left her feeling massively paranoid. Individually, none of the things that attacked her were at all dangerous, but all of them seemed inordinately good at surprise attacks. Not every suit of armor started trying to attack her, but those that did, did it with extreme suddenness and without warning. Any shadowy corner or tapestry could be hiding an enemy and it left her feeling wary of everything.

And no matter how tough she was, even she was not immune to the psychological effect of being constantly ambushed by the walking dead while that damnable music kept grinding away at her nerves. The torchlight was only intermittent and created deep pits of flickering shadow everywhere, further fraying her nerves.

At least it seemed to be over, as she could see natural light spilling into the darkness from the top of a large staircase.

Making her way to the top of it, she could do nothing but stare at the thing occupying the absurdly massive chamber.

It was a dragon, a real life dragon with glinting blue scales and a wickedly barbed tail. Two pairs of horns curved backwards along its enormous head. It wasn't like a Japanese or Chinese dragon that would have a serpentine body with small limbs, but a more western style one with a massive body and powerfully muscled limbs that ended with claws longer than her sword and thicker than her body. It also had wings that were currently kept close to its body. Judging by the size of them, the chamber was too small for it to be able to spread them comfortably.

Which made her wonder how the hell the huge thing had even gotten into this chamber, since she could see no opening even close to big enough for it to have come through. Unless the roof opened or something.

"….the fuck?" She said to herself. The shit that she'd had to deal with down in the darkness had been pretty weird, but a fucking dragon? Seriously?!

Apparently hearing her, the massive creature turned its head towards her and trained its golden, reptilian eyes on her and puffed out a short burst of steam, coincidentally exposing ridiculously large teeth.

Gripping her sword tightly, she sent an air blade at it only to watch in dismay as it broke apart on its scales without effect. She had no time to consider any alternative avenues of attack as the dragon apparently took exception to being attacked and responded with a inhale of air and an fiery exhale that she only barely dodged because of its sheer size. Even so, her Disciplinary Squad haori ended up being a bit singed, only adding to the ragged appearance that the previously inflicted cuts gave it. Idly she noticed that a more bombastic, action oriented music had started playing.

Seeing that the dragon was still recovering from using its fire breath, she closed the distance and slashed at the back of its hind leg, aiming to hamstring it. The dragon roared with pain and fury as her sword cut through the weaker scales on the back of its leg and retaliated by kicking back with that very same leg. Not expecting it to be so fast, she was hit full on and sent flying.

Karasuba rubbed briefly at her aching chest, glad to find that no ribs were broken, though she would probably have a bruise extending across the entire front of her body soon. If that leg had been in a better position to kick her, she'd have been dead.

She was allowed no more respite than that as another, smaller fire blast was sent her way, forcing her to dodge it again. She tried to rush at its other leg only to yelp and frantically dodge as a rapid series of small fire blasts tried to roast her. Apparently the dragon could manipulate the intensity of its breath attack and it was being disturbingly intelligent about it.

Finally it ran out of air to power its attacks and she took the opportunity to charge at it. This time, she anticipated the attack from its front legs and weaved around it. No matter how incongruously fast it was for its size, she was still a lot faster.

Instead of going for the other hind leg, she lashed out at the leg that had just tried to squash her, cutting through its massive tendons with some effort.

Instead of speeding away and exposing herself to its fire breath again, she stayed close in and dodged around its clumsy attacks. If the mythological beast wasn't crippled on two of its legs, this would have been suicidal, but now it was doable as long as she wasn't directly under it, where it could simply lower its body and squash her.

Karasuba was able to keep herself safe with only minor difficult, as the dragon was heavily favoring its crippled legs. Once she was in position, she inflicted a much larger gash on its uninjured front leg, causing it to crumple forward as it was no longer able to support itself. Taking the opportunity, she propelled herself upwards, opening a massive slash in its long, serpentine neck.

The dragon let out a dying roar and struggled to stay upright, but Karasuba could clearly see that it was on its last legs, barely able to even keep its eyes open as the huge wound she'd just given it bled a veritable waterfall of blood.

Breathing heavily with both exertion and a sense of victory, she smirked at the dying beast. "Just goes to show that size isn't everything."

She saw the tail only a moment before it smashed into her, having let her guard down. The force behind the blow sent her flying into the wall while her sword clattered to the ground, having been torn from her grasp when she'd been struck.

Slowly and very painfully, Karasuba got back on her feet, holding her right arm with her left and limping on her right leg. Both her front and back were screaming in pain and her thigh felt as if the bone had cracked. Her right arm was most definitely broken and would be no good for any kind of sword work until it healed. There were also several gashes along her stomach from the bone spikes on its tail, but they were fortunately not very deep. She was injured badly enough that she wouldn't be finished healing for a few days at least, which was very bad, as she doubted that she had a few days to lounge around.

Berating herself for being stupid enough to let her guard down around an enemy that wasn't fully dead, she looked towards where her sword should be and her face fell in dismay. The titanic, multi ton head had apparently decided to fall on that exact spot.

She glared into the still living dragon's serpentine eyes until they closed and the pained breathing of the beast stopped. There was no way in hell that she would be able to lift that thing to get her sword out from under it. She wouldn't have been able to do it even if she was fully healed.

With a metallic rattle, a portcullis opened on the side and she limped slowly towards it, having no choice but to leave her sword there.

Several painful minutes later, she came upon a mid sized room that looked more like the laboratory of some mad wizard than anything else. Of particular interest were two items sitting innocently on a large desk.

One was a sword, a nodachi to be exact and rather conveniently of the exact length and shape of her previous one. The only difference was the fact that it had a white hilt with the image of a snarling dragon head carved on the very end of it. Grasping it with her good hand, she noted that it was made of bone and felt rather comfortable to the touch. Unsheathing the blade, she was pleased to see that the blade was actually of considerably higher quality than her last one.

Looking curiously at the scroll that had been next to it, she opened it and felt like growling with fury at what was written on it.

Ryūyoku the Dragon Bone hilt Nodachi +3, +5 vs. Dragons and Dragonkin.

Carved from the wing bone of an ancient red dragon and tempered in its powerful blood, Ryūyoku's enchantments cause extra damage to draconic enemies. Due to its origin, it also incites the wrath of any dragon that sees it, something that any prospective wielders should be aware of if they intend to use it.

Incidentally, even though the blade is useful for fighting dragons, one should be aware that fighting dragons is generally a bad idea, for thou art crunchy and go well with ketchup.

Karasuba had been having the niggling suspicion that she was being screwed with ever since the first zombie had attacked her. Now, seeing the suspiciously convenient sword layed out for her to find along with that scroll, she knew that she was definitely being screwed with. It may not be something she was interested in, but she'd been around long enough that she had a very basic familiarity with Dungeons and Dragons. Being around Haihane helped, as that girl spent entirely too much time on video games and anime.

Sighing gustily to expel her irritation, she turned her attention to the other item.

It was a very ornate bottle with a bulbous bottom and a metallic skeleton around the crystalline glass. It was filled with a deep red liquid and topped with a cork. There was a scroll in front of this one too and she had a vague suspicion as to what it would say. Opening it confirmed her suspicion.

Potion of Full Restoration.

Drinking this potion will return the drinker to full health even from the brink of death. Wounds will heal, bones will mend and blood will replenish.

WARNING: May cause spontaneus, long lasting erections for men.

Rolling her eyes, she decided to believe it and grabbed the bottle, biting down on the cork and pulling it out with a pop. With only a momentary hesitation she chugged it, finding it to taste rather pleasant, much to her surprise.

Almost instantly, her body burned with sudden energy and for a moment it felt as if every muscle she had bulged with power before settling back down.

Flexing her arms in amazement, Karasuba couldn't feel any pain from the multitude of injuries she'd suffered when the dragon's tail had sent her flying into the wall. Her clothes were still in a bad way, having countless rips and exposing her stomach and bra to a large degree, but she was fully healed.

"Heh, I bet Takami or Minaka would sell their souls for even a drop of this stuff." She muttered to herself, noting in amusement that the remains of the potion were quickly evaporating so that she couldn't bring any back even if she wanted to.

Moving cautiously forward, her hackles were raised to the maximum because there was nothing attacking her and there was no more music. She was honestly expecting something to jump out at her from the wall any second now, the fact that it didn't only made her feel more paranoid.

Finally, she made it to what appeared to be a very odd throne room. It was circular, with a side corridor leading to a staircase suspended over a deep pit and a familiar portal at the top of it. A portal that she suspected would take her back to Shinto Teito.

Directly in front of her was a huge monstrosity of a throne made of black marble and styled into multiple spikes that made it look as if some abomination was trying to crawl out of it and up the wall behind it. Sitting on the chair was the very same horned man that had opened the portal that had brought her here and he was aiming a wide grin at her.

Once she took a few steps into the room, he started clapping slowly.

"Well done Little Crow, I'll admit that I was expecting you to get yourself killed fighting my dragon." He complimented. "It may interest you to know that there was no need to fight him. If you'd simply asked to pass through, he would have let you."

"You mean that thing could understand me?" Karasuba asked in shock, remembering that the dragon had been rather clever with its fire breath before she'd killed it.

"In a manner of speaking. I don't know how to create true life and neither am I interested in doing so right now, but creating creatures that can obey simple commands isn't too hard. They're nothing more than flesh and blood machines really, but it's something." It was also the main reason that Karasuba had been able to win her fight against the dragon, it was stupid as fuck because he didn't have a lot of time to program it with anything more than 'breathe fire, smash with legs and tail'. The idea of using several smaller fire blasts had been about the extent of his cleverness on short notice

"Are you going to tell me where the hell this place is now? I can't believe that a place like this wouldn't have been noticed by people, not to mention that no one would have built this castle in the middle of nowhere." Karasuba questioned.

"You're assuming that there are any people here." Naruto pointed out with amusement.

Karasuba had the distinct impression that 'here' was not referring to the castle.

"Just stop circling around the subject and tell me where we are already." She demanded impatiently.

"Oh fine, but only because you look so delicious in that ripped up outfit." Naruto conceded with a leer. "We are in my personal dimension. Aside from the castle and the mountains, nothing exists here. There is only gravity because I will it, there is only air because I will it. Everything here exists only because I want it to exist. I use this place to play around with various ideas and I thought it would be funny to make you do a dungeon run, though I had to do a bit of rushed improvising on the traps and monsters."

"You're telling me that you're a god here?" Karasuba asked sceptically, still not entirely certain that she believed what he was saying.

"Well, I'm a god everywhere, but playing around like this in an inhabitated dimension would be a bad idea. I can't just go collapsing one of those if I create some monumental fuck up."

"You know I don't really believe you." Karasuba said after a moment of silence.

"That's alright, you don't have to." Naruto responded casually and then suddenly flew at her with his sword drawn. Karasuba barely blocked the strike because of its speed and the surprise attack nature of it and even that was only because she'd never really let her guard down.

Over their locked blades, Naruto leered at the silver haired Sekirei again. "But you should believe that you'll be losing what's left of your clothes if you don't win this fight."

With that, the interrupted sword fight between them was renewed. They fought all across the throne room, each putting every bit of skill they had to bear against the other. Naruto had gotten a good feel for the level of her speed and strength in their earlier battle and was restraining himself accordingly to make sure that only skill with a blade would decide the winner.

Karasuba didn't let his threat rattle her and kept herself utterly focused on the battle. She needed the focus, because he truly was the best swordsman she'd ever fought. The few spars against Miya had always ended up being decided by the purple haired Sekirei's superior power rather than skill with a blade, though Karasuba had to grudgingly admit that it would have still likely ended with her loss. At least then, she wasn't so sure if it would be the same now, as Miya had spent years pretending to be a human while she had kept training.

In spite of being threatened with rape if she lost, or perhaps even because of it, she rapidly started getting aroused to an even greater degree than before. This was the kind of battle that she had been yearning for, one where everything was put at stake. If she won, then she would get the pleasure of gutting this infuriating man and if she lost, she would either die or apparently be raped. The danger of it excited her like nothing else possibly could.

The match up seemed fairly even at first, but it eventually began turning to Naruto's favor.

Karasuba was by far the most skilled sword user he'd ever fought, but he had too many advantages over her. She had very rarely fought a sword user that was her equal or better, while he had the stolen memories of Hashirama to draw on, a man that had fought against his near equally powerful rival Madara countless times and Hashirama had used swords in those fights often, even if it was not a nodachi.

Both Naruto and Karasuba were rapidly learning new tricks and figuring out the tricks of the other during their battle, but Naruto was learning faster. Additionally, he was also a far superior hand to hand combatant than Karasuba, which gave him another edge. The final advantage was his greater size and thus reach as well as strength, though it was a minor advantage in comparison to the other two.

Naruto went for a diagonal slash, which Karasuba blocked, but was forced to give ground as his leg lashed out to strike at her sides. She had quickly learned to avoid a Taijutsu battle, as she was sure to lose it. She already had several painful bruises to prove it.

Trying to take advantage of his extended leg, she slashed at it while simultaneously moving forward to close the distance. Naruto surprised her by twisting his body around her blade, so that he ended up supporting himself off the ground with just one hand. For a moment, Karasuba thought that she might be able to take his hand off at the wrist, as her blade was heading right for it, but he pushed away from the ground and over her sword, catching her right across the face with his knee as he did so.

Karasuba was sent flying away, but managed to catch herself on the wall instead of smashing into it.

What incredible movement. He could have easily lost a limb trying to pull that off, but he timed it perfectly and didn't lose his balance for a even a moment. She thought to herself as she wiped some blood away from her mouth.

Firmly gripping her new nodachi, she launched herself at him and started a ferocious attack that forced him on the defensive. After performing a triple feint, she managed to score a slash across his leg, though she took a fist to the stomach right after.

Coughing because of the force behind the blow, she was glad that he hadn't followed up with another attack. She wouldn't have been able to defend herself too well if he had.

"That was nicely done." Naruto complimented. "In the interest of keeping it fair, I'm blocking my regeneration from healing this wound."

"How generous of you." Karasuba said sarcastically, irritated beyond measure that he actually had to hold back to keep things fair, not having the slightest idea just how much he was truly holding back.

After that short exchange, battle was rejoined, Karasuba having to ignore the pain of many minor bruises and the one very serious one on her stomach, while Naruto was favoring his slashed right leg.

Neither one was a stranger to fighting while in pain and were able continue the battle for some minutes longer. Soon though, it became obvious that Karasuba was slowing down. Not only were her cumulative injuries taking their toll, but her arms had started burning with exertion some time ago. The force that Naruto had been putting behind his blows was nothing to sneer at and there were only so many times that she could block before her arms could take no more.

She kept on fighting with as much desperate strength as she could muster, but the battle ended when her guard was smashed aside because she no longer had the strength to maintain it. Immediately after, an open palm strike hit her chest hard enough that she felt her ribs crack and was sent flying into the wall back first.

Shakily, she picked herself up, keeping a firm grip on her sword and pointing it at him, though she knew that she was going to lose.

Naruto approached her slowly, with a slight limp as he still hadn't allowed his leg to heal, taking note of her harsh breathing and shaking hands. He was highly surprised when the silver haired woman did the sensible thing and attempted to retreat instead of continuing a battle that she was certain to lose. He'd been certain that it would never even cross her mind no matter what he threatened her with.

She had no chance of actually making good on her escape of course, but it was the principle of the thing.

Karasuba felt that she had a good chance of getting away as long as she made it through the portal. The idea of retreat galled her and she wouldn't be particularly unreceptive to the prospect of being taken by this extraordinarily powerful warrior that had completely defeated her, but it just wasn't in her nature to give in.

She was actually rather ambivalent to the idea of sex, it was something that had never really interested her. The only time she ever got aroused was during a good fight, which meant that she was highly aroused at the moment and found the horned man quite attractive because of it, but that didn't mean she was just going to let him do whatever he wanted to her.

She jumped through the portal and fell to the ground on the other side when it ended up being closer than expected. Before she could get up and figure out where exactly she was, Naruto came through after her and grabbed her by the hair with one hand and an arm with the other. Before she could react, she was lifted and pressed cheek first against a wall with Naruto's body pushing into her from behind.

She had time to notice that they were on a rooftop again and she was being pressed against the entrance to the stairway that allowed access to said roof for people who weren't capable of roof jumping.

"Naughty girl, trying to run away like that." Naruto purred into her ear and rather deliberately ground his crotch against her ass. He had a suspicion about Karasuba that he wanted to confirm.

The Sekirei in question maintained a stony silence and waited for him to tear her clothing off. She was pinned and too tired to keep fighting, if he wanted to do what he had implied he would do, it would be exceedingly easy at this point. Despite it all, her panties were liberally soaked due to the arousal she'd experienced in the fight.

Honestly, she was regretting the fact that she'd allowed Natsuo to wing her. At the time she'd done it because she knew that the homosexual leader of the Disciplinary Squad hated the world just like she did and he wouldn't annoy her with any kind of attempts to get into her panties. But having just fought the most exhilirating battle of her life, she wished that she could get winged by the horned man whose name she had never actually gotten. They could fight like this every day and if he really could create any kind of environment he wished as he had claimed, then that opened so many fun possibilities. Being winged so forcefully after being defeated in battle would actually be her idea of romantic.

Besides, the power boost that she had been supposed to gain from having an Ashikabi had been minimal, barely noticeable in fact. She suspected it had something to do with the fact that Neither she nor Natsuo could care less about each other. Or it could be because Takehito had been her adjustor and he'd done something different from the others, something that Minaka hadn't liked too much.

"Here I was, about to offer you an unwinging and you run away." Naruto crooned and extended his tongue to lick and errant drop of blood from the corner of her mouth.

Karasuba froze in shock, her arousal mounting again as the idea penetrated into her mind. If her winging to that little pussy Natsuo could be broken, then there would be nothing in the way of getting winged to the horned man currently pinning her to the wall.

"I suppose I shouldn't force it on you if you want to stay winged so badly, but I think I'll be taking a little something as a victory prize either way."

Karasuba tried to speak up, tried to say that she wanted to be unwinged, but all that came out of her mouth was a strained cry between pleasure and pain as he sank his teeth into her shoulder and pressed against her throbbing groin more insistently.

"You're pretty tasty Little Crow." He murmured into her ear. "It was fun, make sure to come see me if you want to go another round."

Upon saying that, he released her and teleported away, leaving Karasuba to fall to her knees, still leaning against the wall.

The silver haired Sekirei forced down a whimper as her painfully aroused body protested the sudden absence. She was actually still a virgin, but right now she wanted to be fucked so badly that it wasn't even funny. She didn't want gentleness, she wanted him to come back, unwing her and then take her right up against this wall and she wanted him to be rough about it.

"Fucking bastard." She cursed, suddenly realising that this had probably been planned. He'd been entirely too knowledgeable about her and could have conceivably known how to push her buttons just right.

In spite of that, she couldn't hold back a smile as she got back on her feet and began making her way back. It had been a glorious battle and she had probably learned more about sword fighting than she would have over years of training. Even if he had pulled a hugely dick move by getting her so completely turned on and then leaving her high and dry, it had been the best day of her life.

She knew that she was mostly pissed off over the fact that he'd manipulated the situation in such a way that she would be forced to ask him to unwing her, making her swallow her pride in order to do it. She'd have to act as if they were friends, which was exactly what he'd said they'd be, the infuriating bastard. The same for another fight really, because she doubted that the same approach would work twice.

But she would do it, she knew that she would. It had simply been too amazing for her not to do it.


Naruto grinned to himself as he watched Karasuba jump off, being careful not to jostle her injuries too much.

That had been loads of fun, especially considering the fact that he'd kind of done the whole dungeon thing on a whim.

Maybe he should make more of these dungeon things and drop people in them?

Shaking his head and mentally kicking himself for the idea, he put it aside. Playing with unsuspecting mortals like that was a good way to go way deeper into the asshole side of godhood than he wanted to. Now if they agreed to it, that would be something else entirely…

Either way he had a more immediate problem to take care of. Namely, his barely in control arousal. He'd been a hairsbreadth away from taking the silver haired Sekirei right up against that wall. The smell of her arousal had been teasing him for their entire fight and knowing that she actually wanted it made it seriously hard to resist, but this was better. Karasuba was almost guaranteed to come back for more and frustrating her might be worth a few laughs. He wondered how long she would last before she got royally pissed off at him for messing with her like this.

But that was all for the future, right now he needed to get back to his wife.

With this in mind, he teleported over to her and wasted no time grabbing her and kissing her. She was only slighty surprised by his forceful approach, having felt his arousal through their bond and returned it eagerly.

Not wanting to bother with making their way to the bedroom by foot, he simply teleported the both of them there, disposing of their clothes on the way.

He quickly nibbled his way down her collar bone and to one of her nipples, seizing it with his lips and pulling at it, her soft moan at the action almost causing him just get right to the main event instead of building up to it.

Xanna took a quick peek into his mind to see what had him so aroused and smirked at what he'd done to Karasuba. That might end up being amusing.

Getting an idea of her own, she pushed him on his back and settled herself on top of him in a 69 position. Naruto was perfectly happy with that and instantly inserted his tongue inside her, groaning in pleasure at the taste of her.

Meanwhile, Xanna observed the steel hard evidence of his arousal and decided to be mean. While he was working his tongue inside her with furious intensity, hers wrapped slowly around him and squeezed slowly, pulling on his member ever so slightly.

Naruto groaned into her opening and all but vibrated with the desire for her to do something more, which she refused to do, instead continuing her torturously slow actions that did nothing to give him the relief he was looking for, but made his arousal all the worse.

Trying to provoke her into doing more, he used his tongue to deliver an electric shock to her nerves, making her cry out in pleasure at the act and instinctively tighten her tongue around his member. Seeing that it worked, he continued delivering occasional electric shocks.

Some minutes later, Xanna was breathing heavily and finally lowered her mouth over him slowly until his entire length was in her mouth and down her throat.

Naruto kept up an almost continuous growl of pleasure as his wife applied an incredibly pleasurable suction to his aching manhood. Meanwhile, he kept up his own end, trying his best not to become distracted by the pleasure of what she was doing to him. Having been far more aroused than her when they started, he didn't last too much longer and released explosively into her throat.

He didn't manage to stay focused on what he should be doing with his own tongue while she swallowed down his release and licked up the last few drops but got himself back under control before she could get irritated with his slacking off.

Xanna raised herself up and turned so that she could grab on to his horns while he finished her with his tongue, which happened only a couple of minutes later. Just as she had done, Naruto eagerly swallowed all of her release, finding it to be as delicious as ever.

"I see you're ready for more." She murmured once her orgasm had subsided, seeing that he was once more standing at attention.

"A lot more." He growled back eagerly.


Akitsu cautiously entered the master bedroom, unsure of what to expect.

She'd actually been present when Naruto had teleported in and instantly started kissing his wife, but the horned blond hadn't noticed her at all. That was the only reason she hadn't gone in to join them earlier, figuring that they wanted some time to themselves.

But she really wanted in on the fun and she'd waited for an hour already, so it should be alright now. Most of her fears of abandonment had been assuaged already, but there were still a few lingering doubts and she didn't want to annoy them even if she wouldn't be discarded for it.

She found them to still be at it, this time on an armchair, with Xanna sitting in Naruto's lap and leaning on his chest with her back. She had her arms raied above her head and was using his horns as a handhold, while Naruto used one arm to fondle a breast and the other to rub between her legs even as he penetrated her.

Xanna noticed the intruder and beckoned her over. "Come here Akitsu."

Face heating up in anticipation, Akitsu discarded her clothing swiftly and approached. Without hesitation, she went down on her knees and started working her tongue on the spot where Naruto's hand had been previously, while she used one of her hands to gently fondle his testicles, encouraged by the approving growl he let out at the act.

Feeling hands grasping her hips, she started and looked behind her, much surprised to find another Naruto there. Seeing her shocked look, he grinned at her and gestured for her to continue.

Shaking off the surprise and feeling rather pleased by the unexpected addition, she went back to her previous activity, moaning in pleasure as her already slick entrance was slowly filled.

Having been at it for some time before Akitsu came into the room, both Xanna and the first Naruto reached their climax soon.

Once she judged that they were done, Akitsu pulled him out of Xanna and clamped her mouth over the opening and eagerly used her tongue to draw in as much of her self chosen master's delicious sperm as she could. Simultaneously she was also using her hands to pump his slick member, rubbing it against her breasts as she did so. She continued even when the clone that was taking her from behind released inside her and she reached her own orgasm.

Naruto and Xanna were content to let her do it instead of changing positions, finding the somewhat slower pace to be enjoyable for the moment.

Eventually, She couldn't get any more of his seed out of Xanna and she focused her attentions back on the horned woman's engorged clitoris, being rather rough with it by the standards of mortals as she pushed against it hard with her tongue and used her teeth to bite down on it semi-gently. The clawed hand that pressed down on her head encouragingly and soft moans told her that she was doing it right.

Her jaw started to hurt from the constant workout by the time she finally managed to bring them both to orgasm, Xanna only releasing a gentle trickle of fluid while Naruto liberally splattered her breasts with his seed.

"You're a mess Akitsu." Xanna said in amusement, looking down at the thoroughly soiled Sekirei.

"Master always makes a mess." Akitsu agreed, looking down at the drying sperm on her breasts and holding a hand to keep in what Naruto's clone left in her.

"Oi, don't go blaming me for this." Naruto defended himself.

"She has a point husband." Xanna commented casually as she stood up from his lap. "She was just trying to clean me and you messed the poor girl up completely."

"Well then I guess it's bath time." He responded with a grin.

"Shower first, we don't want to be swimming in your semen after all."

"I'll have you know that I've heard that sperm is good for the skin."

"I am a goddess, my skin can't possibly get any more perfect."

Naruto rolled his eyes with a grin at that argument. "Well then miss perfect, lets go shower so that I can clean your perfect godlike back and Akitsu can clean my perfect godlike back and my clone can clean Akitsu's back."

Akitsu happily nodded her head to that idea and made her way to the extra huge shower, inwardly hoping that something more would happen in there besides cleaning, especially if she had a Naruto both in front and behind her.