Naruto x Sekirei - Part 15

Naruto came upon a very interesting sight as he entered the room that his wife had commandeered.

Xanna had her back to the door, fully naked and obviously aroused if the small trickle of fluid that ran down her legs was any clue. She expertly wielded a paddle to put Akitsu through a delicious torment. His wife always did have a thing for domination.

Akitsu was chained to the ceiling and near gushing with arousal, her legs liberally streaked along with the floor under her. That girl sure did like her bondage. Every so often a little whimper escaped her as the velvet wrapped paddle struck her butt cheeks. There weren't any smacking sounds, seeing as the velvet was thoroughly soaked in the Ice Sekirei's juices. There were 'splat' sounds though.

"You started without me." Naruto accused.

"Oh do stop pouting husband, you were taking entirely too long." Xanna replied, not bothering to face him as she continued spanking Akitsu, but only hard enough to jostle her privates into ever greater arousal. The Ice Sekirei had long since developed a lovely sheen of sweat over her entire body and started panting for air as the release of an orgasm was kept just out of reach.

"I'm not pouting." Naruto pouted.

"Of course you aren't." She condescended. "Now will you come here or-...what is that on your face?" She interrupted herself and asked with some incredulity as she finally turned around to look at him.

Naruto looked down to see what she was talking about and then realised that he'd never done away with the long patch of silky beard he'd grown while messing with Miya. "Oh this? I grew it for fun earlier, whaddya think?"

She put away the paddle, getting something between a mewl of displeasure and sigh of relief from Akitsu, and stepped backwards a few steps so that she was in front of the Ice Sekirei. "I'm not sure yet. What do you think Akitsu?"

Naruto stepped closer so that the chained Sekirei would be able to see him. "It looks good on you master."

"Thank you sweetie." He said, stroking his newly grown beard. It was almost worth it just so that he could do that.

"...but you look better without it."

"Ouch, so mean."

"I am sorry master, please punish me."

Naruto chuckled and reached over to fondle her rather wet rear end, much to her pleasure. "So cheeky! I might actually have to punish you for that one."

"Yay...I mean, please be gentle master."

"That doesn't really work if you say it in monotone sweetie." Naruto sweatdropped.

Before Akitsu could offer up one of her clever replies, Xanna stepped forward, intently observing the new addition to her husband.

"Well, I suppose it has its uses." She commented, twirling it around her finger and then using her newfound leverage to pull him in for a kiss.

Akitsu bit her lip and rubbed her thighs together as much as she was able in her current position. Seeing the two people that she loved and adored above everything kissing was not working to lessen her arousal in the slightest. Nor did the bulging sign of Naruto's obvious arousal. The knowledge that the source of that bulge would soon sheathe itself in her made her pull on the chains holding her and a needy whimper rose up in her throat.

"Uses indeed." Xanna murmured once the long kiss ended. Then she pulled on it so hard that the beard was plucked out of his chin. "But it makes you look ridiculous."

"You didn't have to rip it out like it was a weed." Naruto complained, rubbing at his now smooth chin. It hadn't hurt for more than a miniscule moment, but it was the principle of the thing.

In lieu of a reply, Xanna smashed her lips on his again and firmly pressed her breasts against his chest. Soon, he too was naked and the situation was going in a very obvious direction.

"Please." Akitsu's plea interrupted them, the need in that one word so achingly clear.

"I did say that she would go first." Xanna said, taking a calming breath to settle down her own arousal somewhat.

"She does look like she needs it." Naruto agreed, his voice having deepened and become hoarser due to his own arousal. He didn't bother suggesting the use of clones, knowing that Xanna didn't like them. He preferred not to use them most of the time either if he was honest.

"What do you say to that Akitsu? Do you want me inside you?" He asked, walking around her until he was behind her again, dragging his hand over her hips the whole way.

"Yes." She whispered, nearly quivering with anticipation.

"And what if I decided to tease you some more?" Naruto purred, stepping forward so that his member was pressed into her lower back. With the height difference between them, one of them would need to alter their elevation before any coupling could take place.

"No, don't tease me anymore." Akitsu pleaded, desperately trying to raise her hips and take him insisde her, unsuccessfully. Her legs were shaking from the strength of her arousal and she couldn't bear the thought of any more teasing.

At this point, Xanna placed her hands on Akitsu's cheeks and leaned in until their lips were almost touching. "But that's the best part."

Akitsu shivered at the whispered words and the inviting breath that ghosted over her own lips, for just a moment forgetting the burning between her legs. The deep crimson gaze set in an impossibly beautiful face could always make her lose herself. Each of her lovers had their charms and the Ice Sekirei felt blessed that she could experience both.

Both were predatory and aggressive by nature, but in different ways. Naruto rarely bothered with subtlety, his strength openly displayed in the hard lines of his body and just as forward in sex as he was in his sense of dress.

Xanna was far older and had over time adopted a more subtle approach after getting bored of the direct one. Her body barely hinted at the unearthly power it contained and though equally dominant, she tended to enrapture the senses when playing with mortals. Just as she was doing to Akitsu now, leaving the Ice Sekirei stretching out her neck in an effort to press their lips together.

"Such a helpless little bird, you look lovely in chains Akitsu." The horned woman murmured, one hand sliding downwards to gently pull and twist the Ice Sekirei's nipple. At the same time, Naruto was using his hands to caress her shaking legs, making sure to keep far enough away from any erogenous zones that she wasn't pushed over the edge.

Both of them were perfectly well aware that the Ice Sekirei was more than ready, but she was just so much fun to play with. Seeing the usually impassive woman gradually losing control because of her rampaging desire was a delight every single time.

Akitsu gave a wordless mewl of frustration and tried to swing herself forward and backward, to no avail. She tried to freeze the chains and snap them, but the chakra constructs merely absorbed the power harmlessly. Tears of pure frustration escaped her tightly clenched eyes only to be licked away with an accompanying female rumble of pleasure.

She was almost at the point of screaming for the sheer sake of doing something to take her mind away from the unbearable ache of arousal in her nether regions when a pair of soft lips were pressed against her own.

Akitsu pushed herself forward desperately, trying to deepen the contact, heedless of the deadly sharp fangs behind those lips. She easily gave ground when an agile tongue began plundering her mouth, barely aware of either the fingers lightly kneading one of her nipples or the hands that took a firm grip of her thighs and lifted her into the air.

She had just started to suck desperately on the long tongue in her mouth, when she became aware of the fact that a large pair of hands was lifting her by the thighs and that there was now a hard, throbbing member placed against her entrance.

Akitsu's eyes flew open wide and she screamed into Xanna's mouth as she was filled with a single thrust, her arousal pushed so far that that one motion was all it took to trigger an explosively powerful orgasm.

Both Naruto and Xanna made only slight movements and the occasional chakra surge to the nerves to prolong Akitsu's orgasm as much as possible, taking gleeful delight in her muffled screaming, desperate thrashing and the virtual river of fluids she was releasing around the member lodged deep inside her.

When it was over, Akitsu's whole body was shaking uncontrollably, utterly soaked in sweat and still impaled on Naruto. She was breathing in short, shallow gasps and her head, with her hair plastered close to the skull due to the copious amounts of sweat, was resting on Xanna's breasts, held there by her hands. Despite her bedraggled appearance, there was a very out of place and rather silly smile on her face.

Naruto's legs were now just as soaked as her own and the floor was a lost cause. Even the futon a short distance away had not gotten out of it unscathed, the expanding puddle of Akitsu's honey having reached it.

"There there. We've been tormenting you quite badly, haven't we?" Xanna crooned.

"Y-y-y-yes m-m-miss-t-tres-s." Akitsu managed to stutter out through her shaking. "T-t-t-tha-a-ank y-you."

Another tear escaped from her eye, but this one was from happiness rather than frustration. They could have done so many other things with her. Naruto could have refused to sleep with her that first time, Xanna could have banished her from their bed at any time, she could have been used a few times and then discarded like she had feared they would do or she could have been just an extra body for them to play with until they got bored of her. But they hadn't done any of that.

Instead they had gotten to know her despite there being so little to know and were more than willing to play these games with her. They had put in the effort to learn what she liked and go through with it, which was certainly a lot more than anyone else had ever done. She had even been allowed to sleep in their bed and held close. Wanted, valued. Not a very long time ago, these were things that she had thought she would never be, but now felt that she was.

"Don't fall asleep on us now, we've only just begun and Naruto still hasn't filled your womb with his seed." Xanna chided.

Akitsu made some indistinguishable mumble. It was meant to be an agreement and a subtle understatement of how much she would love that, but it came out entirely unintelligible.

"You must be thirsty after losing so much fluid, drink from me." Akitsu heard Xanna urging and mindlessly obeyed, clamping her lips over the offered nipple and sucking on it with as much strength as she could muster.

"That's it, good." Xanna purred encouragingly as Akitsu started greedily drinking.

"That is so hot." Naruto growled, starting to slowly thrust into the Ice Sekirei, making her moan around the nipple in her mouth.

"You are so easily pleased husband." Xanna commented with a wry smile.

"I'm a man, seeing two hot women kissing or going at each other's boobs is a surefire way of turning me on." He defended.

Akitsu didn't really register their ribbing of each other, lost as she was in the sensations they were making her feel again. It wasn't as intense this time and she was only halfway conscious to begin with, but it was still very enjoyable. She just let herself drift on the waves of pleasure and mindlessly kept swallowing the delicious fluid trickling into her mouth, having become aware that she really was incredibly thirsty. There was no rising pressure that would signify an approaching orgasm this time, just a slow, lazy pleasure.

The rush of warmth that flooded inside her and left her feeling so wonderfully full was received without any great exclamation, unless a subdued moan of pleasure counted.

Naruto and Xanna exchanged amused looks as Akitsu slowly drifted off to unconsciousness.

"Huh, she doesn't usually pass out quite this fast." Naruto commented.

"Well, we did tease her quite badly." Xanna reasoned.

"True enough." He agreed and they gently let the snoozing Ice Sekirei down, pulling the sweat off of her and creating a bed for her. They'd take a bath together in the morning for a more thorough washing.

"Now it is time for our own fun." The horned woman said with anticipation, hands snaking around his chest from behind as he tucked Akitsu in.

Naruto grinned as he turned to face his eager wife, just as eager himself.


Miya had a fixed, incredibly fake smile on her face as she did randon things to busy herself while doing her level best to not think of what was going on in one of her rooms.

Naruto had 'requested' that they be allowed to stay the night at Izumo Inn, since 'it was late already' and they didn't want to be 'accosted by unsavoury people' during their walk home. Obviously it was a load of bull since, aside from being capable of teleportation, they were the most dangerous(and possibly most unsavoury) people on the planet.

But she didn't really feel that she had a whole lot of choice in the matter considering the agreement between them and she just knew that Naruto would have found some way to bother her even if she'd refused. She wouldn't even have minded so much if not for the fact that she knew exactly what they were doing in that room.

But it was all for the sake of having Takehito back with her, so it could be borne. It was still much better than many things that he could have demanded of her in exchange. No matter how much it irritated her, having him use that leverage to get on her nerves with his crass behavior was far from the worst that could have happened.

She had asked Homura if he could show the others which rooms they would be sleeping in, as she very conveniently had just enough rooms to accomodate Takami and Karasuba in addition to the trio currently engaging in illicit relations under her roof.

Karasuba was still a sore spot, but Naruto had made an unfortunately good point about letting go of her anger at the Black Sekirei for what she'd tried to do. They'd never be friends, but she was willing to attempt lowering the level of hostilty she had for her former subordinate. Miya was reasonably sure that Karasuba wouldn't attempt something like that again once Takehito was back. Her oddly relaxed attitude was also a factor that supported the idea of letting the past go, but Miya still intended to kill her at the slightest sign that she might make a repeat of what she'd tried so long ago.

Oddly enough, Kazehana had taken the Black Sekirei's newly laid back attitude as an opportunity to get to know her old teammate and the two of them had gone to laze about on the roof and watch the stars. There had never been any enmity between those two, nor any friendship due to Karasuba's prickliness, so it was not too odd of the two veteran Sekirei to spend some time together.

Her smile became even more strained as the hidden microphone in the room that the horned duo had taken for themselves picked up the renewed slapping of flesh on flesh after a short conversation and pause. It was more forceful this time and accompanied by the occasional beastly growl.

It's for Takehito, it's for Takehito, it's for Takehito. She repeated inside her head in an effort to lower her irritation.

It only helped marginally.

Abruptly, she turned around and started marching towards Matsu's hidden room. Surely the pervert would be doing something that was worth punishing?

Miya knew that rampant perversion was how Matsu dealt with her problems, which was why she turned a blind eye to it until she took it too far, just like how she turned a blind eye to Kazehana's drinking when she came to visit.

But this time it was Miya that needed stress relief and she got it by bludgeoning people who broke her rules.

Her other reason was because she wanted to make sure that they weren't being too hard on poor Akitsu. After all, who knows what those two perverts could have talked the impressionable Ice Sekirei into? At least, that was what she told herself.

In reality it was more of an exercise in self-flagellation, the same way that some people couldn't look away from a horribly maimed body even though it made them sick.

And so she marched with purpose towards Matsu's secret room, ladle in hand.

She had just turned the final corner on her way there when she blinked in confusion at the sight in front of her.

Why was she in the bathroom?

Eyes narrowed in suspicion, she made another run towards her destination, this time with far more caution.

She ended up outside this time, staring at her yard with no comprehension of how she got there.

"Uh, Miya?" Uzume asked cautiously once she stalked back inside.

"Yes Uzume?" Miya asked kindly, turning to face the Veiled Sekirei. She couldn't help noticing that Uzume was looking a bit flushed.

"Why are you holding that ladle like it was a sword?" The cloth using Sekirei asked a bit timidly, privately fearing that Miya knew what she and Chiho had done in the bathroom after Xanna had gotten them all hot and bothered.

"Don't be silly Uzume, I'm doing no such thing." Miya denied, adjusting her grip on the ladle to something less threatening and walking back into the inn.

While a confused and worried Uzume tried to figure out what was going on, Miya had other things on her mind.

Such as the fact that her mind was clearly being messed with. It didn't take a genius to figure out that either Naruto or Xanna was preventing her from reaching Matsu's room for some reason. That they were capable of such a thing even while...otherwise engaged...was more than a little disturbing.

And why were they doing it anyway? She had a feeling that she wouldn't like the answer to that question.


Meanwhile, back at the hotel.

"Do you think that Naruto and Xanna went somewhere?" Yuno asked curiously as she pushed along the absolutely loaded-with-food table. It was pretty late, but at this point, the hotel would bend over backwards to keep the horned couple pleased because of the amount of money they were paying it.

"What makes you say that?" Naoki asked, pushing along his own table.

"Because it wasn't them ordering room service this time, but one of those other girls that lives with them." Yuno reasoned.

"She's got a point." Shou agreed.

"Maybe," Naoki conceded. "but it doesn't really matter."

The other two couldn't argue with that and merely continued pushing along their respective tables in silence.

They had been trying and failing to make sense of Naruto and Xanna's actions and motivations for some time now and had gotten to the point of simply being very confused. Without more information, they weren't able to get anywhere.

They were very surprised to hear arguing when they approached the door to the penthouse. The door which happened to be open and through it they could see the back of a rather unsavoury looking individual dressed in a white undershirt and jeans. How someone dressed like that even managed to get through the front door, much less up to the penthouse, was a mystery in and of itself.

As they approached, they could see that he was arguing with a pair of twins dressed in skimpy leisure clothing.

"...just being like this because he unwinged you!" The scruffy looking man was insisting.

"Of course we are Seo!" The twin with the larger bust was saying, rather angrily at that. "I'd we'd still been winged we would have stayed with you no matter how much of a loser you are."

"I'm not that bad." The now named Seo denied and turned to the other twin. "Am I Hibiki?"

Hibiki didn't even hesitate to answer. "Yes, you are. You came here to convince us to go back to you, dressed like a bum as usual, and you've been drinking too."

"Aw come on girls, you know that's just how I am." Seo pleaded and tried to reach for them, or their breasts more accurately.

"THAT'S EXACTLY THE PROBLEM!" The as of yet unnamed twin hollered at him, arcs of lightning starting to crackle around her hands.

The eyes of the ignored bellhops widened at the display of supernatural power, connecting it to the scattered reports of such things happening over the city in the recent past.

Seo's eyes also widened and he lunged forward to block Hikari's power before she could fry him. Naturally, out of sheer habit mostly, he groped one of her breasts to do this.

"Hey, you don't get to do that anymore!" The normally calm Hibiki snapped and tried to force him off, only to have her own strength blocked as well, making her slump forward bonelessly.

Shou and Naoki lunged to grab the apparent molestor of women and drag him away from the two lovely twins. Seo was bigger and stronger than either of them, but there were two of them and despite appearances, Seo didn't actually want to cause trouble, he'd just been trying to convince his Sekirei ro come back to him after they'd left.

Uzumaki had just shown up and summarily unwinged them a couple of days ago, telling them that they could stay with him if they decided that Seo wasn't good enough for them. As it turned out, Seo was not good enough for them once they were unwinged. That had been rather upsetting for the scruffy Ashikabi and he'd gone for a few drinks, after which he'd decided to try winning them back. Something that may have been a bad idea in retrospect. At the very least, it had been a bad idea to do it in that order.

The two male bellhops dragged away a mostly unresisting Seo as the twins recovered and backed away from him.

The ruckus attracted the attention of the other occupants, causing beautiful women(and one adorable little blonde girl) of all sorts to appear in the doorways. The strangest sight however, was the appearance of a black haired, Asian, teenaged girl wearing what could have passed as a World War 2 era Soviet Union commissar uniform, though it was quite a bit more gaudy and lacked the hammer and sickle markings. Instead there was a plenthora of skull imagery on it, most notably on the distinctive hat and greatcoat.

The outfit was so over the top that it made even the relatively small teenager look imposing.

"What's this? A pervert is molesting women under Naruto-sama's protection?! Come on Shiina, FOR THE EMPEROR!" She roared and charged at Seo, whom she had never met before but instantly classified as the bad kind of pervert, unlike Naruto who was the cool type of pervert. He'd even made all these awesome cosplay outfits for her and Shiina. They were so good that it was really easy to stay in character.

"Yukari wait!" Shiina called desperately, shuffling forward awkwardly in the far too tight black leather...thing...that she had gotten him to wear. He liked his Ashikabi, but she definitely had some deeply strange personality quirks.

Yukari did not heed his words and charged full tilt at Seo, who was still being held by the shocked bellhops. When she came into range, her leg lashed out at full power and smashed directly into his crotch with enough force to lift him slightly off the ground.

Seo screamed the high pitched scream of agony that was distinctive for all men that had just gotten their family jewels hit like that and grabbed them in a futile attempt to numb the pain.

Shou and Naoki blanched with horror at the hit that their fellow male had just taken and let him fall forward so that he was on his knees, face in the floor and ass in the air.

Several moments of silence passed, most of them because of shock over what had just happened, but not all of them. Yukari was immensely satisfied with what she had done and was standing over Seo with her hands on her hips, only further accentuating the image of her being an actual commisar.

"Come on Shiina, our duty here is done." She stated with authority and stalked back to her room to try on a few other outfits, her Sekirei following close behind, mostly just glad to be out of sight while he was wearing the weird black leather...thing.

Then a sound of distress was heard from Kusano, who was upset by the violence and the scary outfit that Yukari-nee was wearing. Her power had been stabilized by Naruto, but the plants around the room still shivered in response to her distress.

Yashima acted swiftly, picking up the tiny Sekirei and carrying her off to another room where they would do something to calm her down. She had taken a shine to the small Sekirei and was the most tolerant of her little tantrums.

Once they got their breathing back under control, the thunder twins stepped around their whimpering former Ashikabi and approached the two bellhops.

"Thank you for helping us out like that." They said and each placed a kiss on one of their cheeks, making the two bellhops flush bright red in embarrassment.

"It w-was no big deal./Just d-doing the right thing." The two stammered over each other, barely understandable.

"You see Seo, if you weren't such a loser this wouldn't have happened to you." Hikari taunted from where she was leaning rather heavily into Naoki.

"Maybe we'll hook up with these brave guys who are obviously at least capable of holding down a job, unlike you." Hibiki added, leaning into Shou.

Seo whimpered, in far too much agony to care about that right now.

"Umm, excuse me." Shou squeaked nervously. "I already have a girlfriend."

Who would have murdered him if she ever heard about this.

"Mou, too bad." Hibiki pouted. "Hey Hikari, you wanna share yours? I'm not sure if I want to do this without you anyway."

"Sure, why not?" Hikari shrugged, causing her breasts to bounce aroud the now flaming crimson Naoki's arm. She'd gotten used to having her twin sister as part of a relationship and it would be weird without her.

As Hibiki moved to hug Naoki's other side, Shou shot his dazed looking friend a look of utter loathing. The kind of look reserved for a buddy that had just gotten so idiotically lucky that it utterly defied belief. Yes, he had a girlfriend of his own and had on occasion rubbed this fact in Naoki's face, but...twins!

"What do you say, think you can handle us both?" Hikari whispered hotly to Naoki, who was having trouble believing that he could be that lucky.

On autopilot, he wrapped his arms around the two girls waists and answered with as much confidence as he could manage to put into his voice. "Only one way to find out."

"Hikari-san, Hibiki-san," Kochō spoke from the side before they could move, adjusting her glasses. "I must advise you that it is extremely unlikely for a normal human to be capable of possessing enough stamina to to wear out even a single Sekirei, much less two."

"Oh we know, but we're feeling a bit horny and we can always play with each other once he gets worn out. That's what with did with him." Hibiki said, poking the still groaning Seo with a toe and making him tip over.

"Very well then." Kochō said neutrally and left the room.


Some minutes later, Yuno and Shou were going back down to ground level.

"So..." Yuno started awkwardly, trying to draw her moody looking coworker into a conversation.

"Twins! That bastard got picked up by twins!" Shou suddenly snapped in frustration.

"Seriously, that's what's bugging you so much?" Yuno asked flatly, clearly disappointed. "Would you have preferred to be single so that you could have gotten one too?"

"" Shou said somewhat unconvincingly. "But my having a girlfriend shouldn't be the reason for that guy getting a threesome with twins."

"You can say his name you know." Yuno rolled her eyes. "And why does it matter if they're twins anyway?"

"It just matters, okay?" Shou huffed. "You're a woman, you wouldn't understand."

"Anyway," Yuno changed the subject irritably. "did you miss in your preoccupation with Naoki's lucky break, that at least one of those twins can generate lightning and that the girl dressed like a commissar referred to Naruto as 'Emperor'?"

Shou was brought up short by that. He really had kind of forgotten about that, but it was understandable, because there were hot twins involved.

"You think he's some kind of galactic overlord that's gathering super powered humans for his Empire, or to conquer Earth?" He guessed.

"Well it would explain his inhuman appearance, endless money supply and Xanna's arrogance, but that commissar girl said they were under his protection, so I doubt he's gathering them to conquer the planet. More likely they're in danger from the Earth governments and he wants to keep them safe or something." Yuno theorized.

"And they were saying something about only liking that bum because they were 'winged'." Shou said contemplatively. "Think that has something to do with that bird tattoo we saw on Akitsu's forehead?"

"Hard to say, but that Kochō woman mentioned something about them being Sekirei, which means 'wagtail', so it might." Yuno said pensively. "Maybe Naoki will think to ask those twins."

"He won't." Shou rebuffed.

"He might." Yuno countered.

"I'm telling you, he won't." Shou insisted.

"It could happen."

"It could, but it won't."

"Maybe he'll remem-"

"Stop reminding me that he's having a threesome with hot twins damnit!"


"So the white stuff that comes out of a man's penis is called sperm?" Musubi inquired.

"Or cum, or jizz, or spunk, or baby juice." Matsu confirmed and expounded.

"Because it can make babies if it gets inside a woman's vagina, right?" The fist fighter asked with her usual enthusiasm.

"Yes, if he cums inside you it's called a creampie by the way." The Brain Type explained, somewhat unnecessarily.

"Creampie?" Musubi blinked. "Does it taste good?"

"Fuhuhuhuhu." Matsu chuckled with her glasses fogging up. "Depends on what he's been eating."

Musubi blinked again, confused as to how those two things were connected.

Unfortunately, she didn't get a chance to ask as Matsu had taken the opportunity to make a quick check of her various cameras to look for anything interesting and ended up staring with a rapidly reddening face at what one of them was showing. Reddening with arousal that was.

"Musubi-tan, go play with Mina-tan." Matsu said absently, eyes glued to the screen.

"Okay!" The fist fighter said excitedly, completely forgetting her confusion on the topic of creampies at the thought of trying out sex with her Ashikabi. It looked so much fun!

Once Musubi was gone, Matsu rewound the images until she got to the beginning and started breathing heavily at the sight of Akitsu being reduced to a quivering pile of pleasure.

"Oh my, Akitsu-tan really has been experimenting." She said to herself breathily, a hand already sliding under her dress to cup her soggy panties.

"So hot." She whispered upon seeing what the horned couple was doing to each other with their tongues.

On another screen, it showed Musubi dragging Minato to their room and eagerly starting to apply Xanna's lesson.

"Fuhuhuhuhu, looks like Matsu will be getting a lot of relaxation material tonight." The pervert said to herself with a chuckle, her panties dropping to the floor.


A short while earlier.

Takami bit her lip as she stared at Musubi dragging her befuddled son away. They'd been talking things over for a while already, but she wasn't going to stop him from spending time with his Sekirei.

With the rather unceremonious revelation that much of her son's cowardly behavior was tied to her own overbearing attitude, she'd felt the need to confirm it and confirm it she had. It had never really dawned on her that Minato might be at his most timid around her, giving her an inaccurate view of her progeny.

Either way, she didn't want to tell him that he couldn't go off with Musubi right after the long talk they'd had about this. She was determined to give her son some opportunity to grow instead of constantly cowering at the thought of her disapproval. She might have had good intentions when she'd pushed him, but she'd clearly taken it too far and everyone knew where the road paved with good intentions went.

With her son gone and everyone else scattered to do their own thing, Takami found herself alone with Homura.

"Some day, huh?" She said as a way of starting a conversation.

"I'm actually surprised at how well it went." Homura admitted. "I half expected Uzumaki to make corny passes at Miya and start having sex with someone right there at the table."

"That makes two of us." Takami muttered, wondering why that hadn't happened and what the blazes those two had talked about earlier. "Though I've still got a bad feeling that he's not done being a pervert."

Homura could only nod in agreement. Why else would they be staying the night after all?

Several moments of silence passed between them, neither really sure what to say and actually rather enjoying the fact that there wasn't any tension in the air. There had been far too much of that during dinner.

"Was my son always as bad as he was during dinner earlier?" Takami asked suddenly.

Homura took a moment to think about it before answering with his brow furrowed. "It's hard to say really, he's always pretty timid and tends to let women boss him around a lot, but he's slowly...very slowly been getting better because Musubi keeps expecting him to make all the decisions. I was actually pretty surprised at how subdued he was during dinner, he wasn't that bad even when he first arrived."

"I guess I really wasn't doing him any favors." Takami sighed, remembering that he'd been quiet as a mouse after he'd found out that it was his mother sitting next to him and not some random teenager that looked slightly familiar.

"Want to join me for a smoke?" Homura offered.

"I probably shouldn't." She said with a bit of hesitation. "Naruto healed my lungs and I haven't felt the urge to smoke since then. He also told me to try not to start smoking again and oh fuck I'm acting like a teenager that's about to sneak off to her parents backyard for a smoke." She finished with a horrified look on her face, not even noticing Homura's panicked look around at the profanity that had escaped her lips.

She'd been about to launch into an explanation of how she suspected that the horned man had purged the nicotine from her body as a way of getting rid of her physical addiction to the cancer sticks when the realisation had struck.

"Well, you certainly look the part." Homura chuckled once Miya failed to appear and remind them that foul language was not allowed in Izumo Inn.

"I do not." Takami grumbled. "Even if I look like a teenager, I have no intention of dressing like one."

Homura conceded that this was true. Even if she wasn't in her usual lab outfit, she was dressed far more like a mature adult rather than a teenaged girl.

"Ah screw it, let's go." Takami finally said, deciding to go for that smoke. "I'll just bug Naruto to fix me again later, he owes me for all the crap I have to put up with from him anyway."

Some minutes later she discovered that her body did not appreciate her attempting to poison it again. She'd rather forgotten how unpleasant it had been when she'd started smoking for the first time.

It also made her feel like a teenager again.


Minato gulped down air in relief and worked his sore jaw when Musubi had finally reached climax. His inexperience with the act had made him rather clumsy, but Musubi seemed to have been enjoying herself.

He'd been shocked, scared and downright mortified when she had dragged him to their room, wrestled him to the ground over his protests, ripped his clothes off and demanded that he lick her. He had no idea where she'd even learned about all this stuff, much less to be this forceful.

Well that was not entirely true. He had some idea. It could have either been Matsu or maybe one of the two scary horned people, whom he had heard were extremely perverted. He was actually rather mad at them for corrupting the innocent Musubi like this.

His Sekirei's approach and command of 'lick it, slave!' was certainly not something that she would have come up with on her own. He hadn't even been able to protest since she was so much stronger than him and his mouth had been covered by her privates.

That wasn't to say that he didn't enjoy it, even though he'd initially been terrified that the scary landlady would come to kill them. It had been decidedly...odd, to have Musubi acting like that, but she was a very beautiful woman and he was very fond of her. He wasn't sure if it could be called love yet, but he definitely didn't want to lose her.

After the way that Naruto had unwinged Matsu and she had instantly rejected him, he'd been brooding over whether the same would happen with Musubi if she was unwinged. On one hand, he didn't want it to happen for fear of losing her, and on the other he wanted it to happen because she deserved to have a choice.

He'd been simultaneously relieved and disappointed when Naruto had not offered to unwing her. After much agonizing over it, his inherently good nature had overcome the selfish part that wanted to keep her and he'd been trying to muster the courage to speak to Naruto about unwinging her.

He just knew that Musubi would take that very poorly even if he was doing it for her, which was yet another big problem.

A problem that had been averted when he'd felt the bond being gently severed while he was talking to his mother and Musubi was in the bath with Xanna. Musubi didn't seem to be aware that she wasn't winged anymore, but she was as affectionate as ever.

Minato would be lying if he said that he wasn't relieved by that, but that would mean that he would have to be the one to tell her about it. He was not looking forward to it.

Since Musubi had settled herself next to him with a pleased sigh, her large breasts pressing into his chest, it seemed to be the perfect time. Funny how having a pair of breasts squished against him didn't seem like such a big deal anymore now that he'd been more or less forced to lick her crotch.

"I'm so happy that Xanna-sama taught me how to experience pleasure with my Ashikabi." Musubi said happily.

Well, that answered that question and it was as good a conversation opener as he could hope for, Minato supposed. "About that...Musubi-chan, you don't know that you've been unwinged do you?"

"What?" Musubi asked in horror, surging upwards to stare down at him in shock.

"Don't worry Musubi-chan, it's ok!" Minato hurried to say, flushing in nervousness and inwardly cursing himself for just blurting it out like that. As a desperate measure, he said the first thing that came to mind. "You're still my Sekirei."

"But how could I have been unwinged?" Musubi wailed despairingly, clearly not hearing him. "Naruto-sama didn't even touch me."

"I think Xanna-san was the one to do it while you were in the bath." Minato explained, instantly regretting that decision when Musubi wailed even louder.

"But whyyyyyyy?" She wailed some more, starting to cry.

Galvanized to action at seeing her react so poorly, Minato managed to man up and kiss her.

Surprised into silence, Musubi abruptly calmed down and returned the kiss. The surge of power that usually accompanied it was gone, but she was being kissed so it was alright. They had only kissed a few times before and it had always been at her initiative, so this was nice.

"I still want to be your Ashikabi if you still want me." He offered tentatively.

"Really?" Musubi asked hopefully with shiny big brown eyes.

"Really." He confirmed with no small amount of relief. "I thought that you wouldn't want me anymore after the way Matsu rejected me when she was unwinged."

"Don't be silly Ashikabi-sama, I am your true Sekirei and would never leave you." Musubi said, her voice and expression uncommonly serious.

Minato looked at her in surprise, having never heard her speak with that kind of maturity. Then she blinked and the familiar cheerful visage returned to her face. "Ara? What just happened?"

"I don't know Musubi-chan, but I'm glad that you want to stay with me." Minato confessed, pushing the odd event to the back of his mind.

"Musubi will always stay with you Minato-sama." The fist fighter declared.

There was a short moment of silence before Minato suddenly yelped in surprise when he felt a hand fondling his now flaccid member. "What are you doing?!"

"Matsu-san told me that I should do this if your penis was 'soft', because we won't be able to have sex in that case." Musubi explained cheerfully. "Ooh, it's getting hard just like Matsu-san said it would!"

"M-M-M-Musubi-chan, are you sure you want to do this?" Minato stammered. Yes he had enjoyed what had happened earlier and he'd certainly been very aroused, but this was a big step.

"Musubi wants to experience pleasure with Minato-sama." Musubi confirmed. "Matsu-san told me that it's much better than masturbating."

Minato spluttered in shock at learning that his sweet, innocent Sekirei had been masturbating. He was shocked beyond words that she even knew what masturbating was, much less doing it. How had he not known that anyway?

While Minato was trying to make sense of the world again, Musubi had already climbed on top of him and was lining up her entrace with his member.

Before he could utter anymore instinctive protests, she impaled herself on it with a groan. Her maiden barrier had long since broken during a training session and she had written it off as that strange monthly bleeding phenomenon, nevermind that that had happened just a week prior.

"It really is better." She moaned, rocking her hips just like Matsu had shown her. She was also making sure to be gentle, because Matsu had warned her that she could hurt Minato-sama if she was too rough. That was really important, so she made sure to remember.

Minato was far too stunned to speak and just went with it. Of course, since he was a virgin, it didn't take more than a minute before he was ejaculating inside her. His warnings that Musubi should stop fell on deaf ears, the Sekirei having no understanding that children were a great deal of responsibility and enjoying herself far too much either way. Besides that, she did recall Xanna's advice that she shouldn't listen to Minato when he told her to stop. Her view of the horned woman was a bit soured by the sneaky unwinging, but this being Musubi, she had already mostly put it behind her in light of the fact that her Ashikabi still wanted her.

"So soon?" Musubi asked innocently, not noticing the cloud of depression forming over Minato's head at the words. "Matsu-san said that 'premature ejaculation' would probably happen. I wonder if this is what she meant?"

"I'm sorry Musubi-chan." Minato murmured, feeling quite ashamed. No man likes being told that they have no sexual stamina.

"It's alright Minato-sama, Matsu-san also said you would last longer next time." Musubi said cheerfully, not at all upset or bothered.

Minato perked up a bit at that, but was given no chance to comment as Musubi punched a fist into the palm of her opposite hand and exclaimed in realisation. "I remember now! Matsu-san said that this was a creampie!"

His eyes bulged in renewed surprise at the things that his former Sekirei had apparently been teaching Musubi.

"Do you want to eat my creampie and see if it tastes good Minato-sama?"


There was enough despereration in that one word that Musubi got the hint that this was one of those times where she should in fact listen to her Ashikabi during sex.

Minato was infinitely relieved and resolved to do something about Musubi's clearly spotty sexual education, no matter how embarrassing it was going to be.


Chiho and Uzume both giggled quietly as they snuck off into their own room, away from Miya's watchful eyes.

Despite their short and frantic tryst in the bathroom after Xanna had left, both of them were still feeling rather frisky and didn't want to be interrupted. They had managed to get away with some petting and fondling before, but any more than that and Miya inevitably came to stop them. They knew this, but were hoping to get away with it this time, since the landlady was looking rather distracted by whatever the hell Naruto, Xanna and Akitsu were doing.

As soon as the door was closed, they flew into a passionate kiss and started lowering themselves to the futon. Soon however, a niggling thought intruded upon Chiho's mind.

"Uzume, why aren't your wings showing when I kiss you?"

Uzume looked at her Ashikabi, startled by the question.

"I don't know." She said in worry.

"It is because I severed your bond while you were drinking from my breasts like a pair of infants." A third voice said in an amused tone.

Uzume and Chiho's heads snapped around to look at the horned woman sitting in a padded chair that hadn't been there before. Oddly enough she was naked, though her groin was covered by her crossed legs and her breasts by strands of white hair.

"You what?" Uzume whispered numbly, not even bothering to question why Xanna was in the room. Or naked for that matter.

"Unwinged you." Xanna repetead herself, still amused. "Naruto was intending to do it to both you and Musubi, but wasn't sure how to approach the subject without upsetting you, so I took care of it for him. You didn't notice because you were both too busy grinding your respective crotches against my legs."

"But I didn't want to be unwinged." Uzume insisted.

"Well of course not." Xanna agreed. "The bond was keeping you a willing slave to Chiho."

"Uzume-chan is not my slave!" Chiho retorted hotly, deeply offended by the accusation.

Xanna smirked back at the petite girl as she answered. "Indeed it appears not. Congratulations, you are among the bare handful of Ashikabi/Sekirei pairs that had a true partnership bond instead of a slavery bond."

While both Chiho and Uzume were pleased to hear that, they were still upset about having their bond severed without their knowledge, but Xanna continued speaking before they could say anything on the matter.

"Do not fret, it will be restored to you." She said dismissively and reached out with a tail to tap Uzume and restore her winging ability. "Now only a kiss is required to restore the bonding."

Neither of the two girls wasted any time in restoring their precious bond, sighing in relief as the wings appeared.

"Um, why are you here Xanna-san?" Chiho asked nervously. Now that the brief scare of losing Uzume was over, she really did wonder about the horned woman's presence in their room.

"Do you not recall that me telling you that I would be visiting you again?" Xanna asked back with an arched eyebrow.

"Yeah, but why?" Uzume took over the questioning, somewhat more boldly than her Ashikabi.

"To seduce you in order to irritate Miya by engaging in an all female orgy under her roof and thus retaliate against her for attempting to tell me how to act during dinner." Xanna answered bluntly.

Uzume and Chiho stared at the horned woman in slack jawed shock, finding it hard to process such a blatantly self serving reason for seducing someone.

"Um...sorry, but I don't want to sleep with you for something like that." Chiho answered with extreme awkwardness.

"Yeah, me neither." Uzume concurred.

"Interesting." Xanna noted dispassionately and quite deliberately spread her legs to expose her glistening sex. "You had no such compuction in the bath earlier."

"Well yes, but that was different." Chiho said, severely flustered by how shamelessly the beautiful horned woman was exposing herself and the memory of what had occured in the bath. She also found herself terribly curious if Xanna's privates would taste as good as whatever that liquid from her breasts had been. It certainly hadn't been milk. Not to mention that the constant motion of the ten tails behind her was as fascinating a sight to her as ever.

"I fail to see how. Neither you nor I sought anything other than pleasure in one form or another." Xanna pointed out, lightly dragging the claws of both hands upwards along her legs to draw further attention to her exposure.

"I think what Chiho is trying to say, is that we don't want to be used like that by you just to piss off Miya." Uzume interjected, being less affected than her Ashikabi by the display.

"Used?" Xanna seemed amused at the word. "Was it not you who was planning to organize an orgy with the intent of experiencing the pleasure that Naruto and I can inflict? Such could be yours if you would but submit to my intentions. If you must think of it as being used, then you would be using me just as I am using you."

Now Uzume was also looking flustered. She hadn't thought of it in terms like that, but it was true. She definitely hadn't had anything else in mind than her own pleasure when the idea of an orgy had popped into her head. She would have preferred that Naruto be part of it as well, since she found him attractive too, but unlike her, Chiho was 100% lesbian so any situation that included Naruto(or any man for that matter) as a sex partner had no appeal to her.

It just hadn't sounded that incredibly self-centered before now.

"Why do you hesitate?" Xanna continued in a more inviting tone of voice, dragging a hand across her sex suggestively. "Aside from finding you mildly attractive, I have no interest in you and will not try to divide you. You would have the pleasures you sought and I would have my petty vengeance, along with some minor pleasure of my own."

Uzume and even Chiho were vaguely offended at being considered only 'mildly attractive', as well as the implication that they would only be able to give her 'minor pleasure', but that was some fairly hard to refute logic. Well, if you were only interested in sex as a form of pleasure and nothing more. Even though it had already been established that both they had been previously more than willing to engage in sex with Xanna purely for pleasure, it still felt wrong to sleep with her after she had bluntly stated that she just wanted to do it to piss Miya off.

"I wouldn't want to make Miya-san mad at me." Chiho evaded, shifting awkwardly. The horned woman's sensual speech and movement were definitely having an effect and she legitimately found herself tempted by the idea.

Uzume was in a similar situation, also shifting slightly as her body remembered the burning arousal she'd felt in the bath earlier.

The smell that wafted to both of them served only to further tempt them.

Chiho's words were true though. They didn't even want to think of what Miya would do to them if she found out that they'd agreed to have an orgy under her roof with, fully knowing that Xanna was doing it to piss her off.

"It seems to me that you were about to do exactly that, but nevermind. Tell her that I clouded your minds and robbed you of reason, or even that I forced you." Xanna offered with relish, grinning at the idea. "It would be even better that way."

Uzume bit her lip, starting to become sorely tempted. Aside from wanting to experience the pleasure that had been offered, she did so love a good prank. Naruto's penchant for abstract pranks was something that she had always liked and this sounded a lot like something that he would do.

She exchanged a glance with Chiho and saw that her Ashikabi, while still uncomfortable, was also tempted. On impulse, she gave Chiho another deep kiss, which was returned after a moment of confusion.

"Wanna do it?" Uzume asked suggestively when it ended.

"I don't know..." Chiho trailed off uncertainly, glancing at the waiting horned woman whose tails were now slowly creeping towards them. It was very tempting, but it just didn't seem right.

"If you are too attached to your irrelevant morals to take hold of the opportunities offered to you, then simply say so and waste my time no further." Xanna said with just a hint of impatience, but her tails nonetheless creeping up the two women's legs.

This time it was Chiho who bit her lip, glancing at Uzume with a reddening face as the tails wound their way seductively around both their legs. The Sekirei had already implied that she would be for it and aside from the general belief that having an orgy was deviant behavior, she couldn't think of any reason not to.

From what she understood, it would simply be a night of pleasure with no consequences attached to it. It wouldn't cause problems between her and Uzume and it would remain as a purely sexual experience. It would also be a wonderful experiment that would finally let her experience sex with a super hot, supernatural woman with tails, a long time fantasy of hers.

"Okay." Chiho whispered with a raging blush, both from embarrassment and the sensation of the tails that had by now gone under her skirt and started fondling her rear end.

"Come then." Xanna invited, reaching her hands out to the two approaching women.

Just as she had in the baths, she grasped their cheeks in one hand each and guided their heads, but this time to her groin instead of her breasts. "It was discourteous of you to keep me waiting so long, so you will take care of me first."

Uzume and Chiho didn't resist, caught as they were in the same haze of lust as they had been in the bath. When they were on all fours with their faces in Xanna's crotch, she grabbed them by them gently by the hair while her tails tore their clothes off.

It was rather cramped at first, but Sekirei and Ashikabi learned to share the space while their tongues worked together to stimulate the horned woman's clitoris. She tasted just as good as the earlier tantalizing smell had promised and they quickly became moist with desire of their own. The tails that continued to tease them constantly only made it worse.

Unseen to them, Xanna grinned as she stopped blocking sound from reaching the rubber ducky in a corner of the room. It wouldn't do for Miya to know that this was going on specifically for the purpose of pissing her off after all.



Takami sighed as she settled into the futon, feeling unusually tired. She'd been so tense for the whole day that she'd exhausted herself just with that.

Sleeping under Miya's roof was something that she'd never expected to be doing, yet here she was. She wasn't sure what Naruto's exact angle on having a sleepover was, but she suspected that it was done specifically to tweak Miya's nose. If the purple haired Sekirei's irritable prowling through the inn was any clue, it was working. Since this was Naruto, he was probably having sex with someone(or several someones), while manipulating the situation somehow to cause maximum displeasure to Miya.

Takami found herself rather disturbed by the fact that she was so familiar with the horned blond's character that she could deduce all that. At least he'd be too busy to bother her.

"Aw, but I'm never too busy to bother my favorite scientist." A voice that would sound threatening if it wasn't so damn cheerful said, while Takami suddenly felt a large chest at her back and a hand on her hip.

With a sigh, she spoke in a resigned tone of voice. "If I'm your favorite scientist, then how about you leave me alone for a while?"

"But where's the fun in that?" Naruto asked quizzically.

"The fun is in letting me relax for a while without one of your stupid stunts to ruin it for me." She retorted.

"If you're that tense, then you really need to get laid." Naruto diagnosed. "Fortunately, I'm right here for you."

Takami groaned in irritation at his continued attempts to get into her panties. "Why won't you just accept the fact that I don't want to sleep with you?"

"Because my nose says you do." He retorted a touch smugly.

Takami took a moment to curse at her traitorous body and his overly strong sense of smell. That was just cheating, plain and simple.

"I'm still not going to sleep with you." She grumbled, doing her best to ignore the strong chest at her back and the hand on her hip.

"I'm honestly confused as to why that is." Naruto commented idly. "My exhaustive research on the subject tells me that women are just as capable of having sex for nothing but pleasure as men."

Takami snorted in amusement at that in spite of herself. Exhaustive research indeed.

Naruto merely grinned at the sound and continued. "You don't strike me as the type to get emotionally attached over a little penetration and you obviously feel at least a certain level of attraction to me."

"Has it occured to you that I simply don't want to have sex, period?" She asked sarcastically.

"Nope, if you really didn't want to, then you wouldn't smell aroused." He rebuffed.

Takami huffed at having her argument countered by his nose again. At least he wasn't being as forward this time as he'd been last time, even though the hand that was slowly stroking her hip was being rather distracting.

The last time she'd slept with anyone had been with Minaka, well over a decade ago. While she didn't regret her children for a moment, sleeping with that lunatic ranked fairly high up on her list of regrets. As one might imagine, Minaka had been just as self centered in bed as he was in all other areas of his life. She'd been young, stupid, in love and had firmly believed that he would change and improve over time.

Eventually, she realised that she'd fallen into the age old stereotype of a woman that expected her husband to change, while the man expected his wife to stay the same, only for the exact opposite to happen. She and Minaka had never gotten married, but it applied nonetheless.

She had never regretted shunning sexual contact and focusing on her work and children, it had made life a lot simpler. And now comes along this persistent pervert with his blatantly honest intention of sleeping with her purely for the sake of no-strings-attached sex, because he apparently found her both interesting and attractive. The problem was that he was stupidly good at seduction despite her resistance to the idea. Probably because of all that 'exhaustive research'.

"Why not go after Kazehana instead?" She asked to deflect attention somewhere else. Privately, she was seriously starting to consider just doing it. With him it really would be 'no strings attached' and she couldn't deny that she was tempted. It had been a long time for her and despite his behavior, he seemed like the type to take pride in making sure the women he slept with enjoyed themselves.

"Because I'm pretty sure she is the type to get attached over a little penetration and I've tempted fate quite enough already by sleeping with her once." Naruto murmured into her ear, lips twitching into a grin when he felt a shiver go down her spine.

While Takami hadn't known that he'd already slept with Kazehana, it wasn't much of a surprise either. He was probably right about the Wind Sekirei getting attached easily though.

"I'm surprised you're not making any moves on Miya." She said in another deflection, trying not to squirm when he started placing light kisses on her neck. She could have stopped him...but she didn't really want to. The temptation to just say 'screw it' and sleep with him was starting to become very strong.

Naruto sighed and spoke in a tone of confession."I was actually planning to do that at first, but I just...I just don't find her attractive!"

The frustration in his voice was too much for Takami and she burst into incredulous laughter. Of all the things that he might have said, that had not been something she'd expected.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up." He said with an eyeroll, though he was grinning.

"Why not though?" She asked once her amusement had subsided. "She's a lot more beautiful and exotic looking than me."

"Meh, it's not really a problem with her looks." Naruto shrugged. "Her personality though..."

"Too much of a prude for you?" Takami asked, sounding amused again.

"Among other things." He confirmed.

Aside from the fact that she was obviously still clinging to her long dead husband, Miya struck him as the type that would have a whole slew of things that she wouldn't have wanted to do in bed. While she certainly had every right to her own sexual preferences, Naruto wasn't interested in having 'polite intercourse'.

And that wasn't even mentioning the issue that he would have first needed to replace her husband to get her to even agree to it. To be blunt(and perhaps slightly rude), Miya was more trouble than she was worth. A lot more.

A thought suddenly occured to Takami due to the last part of this conversation. "...Are you trying to sleep with me right now just to piss her off?"

"It would be a bonus, but I'd want to do it either way." He admitted easily.

Takami was not even surprised and merely rolled her eyes. "Figures, but I have no interest in being heard through the walls."

Naruto snickered. "It's not the walls that are the problem, there's a microphone in that rubber duck over there and Matsu has a camera in the ceiling."

Takami's eyes widened and she instinctively tried to jump to her feet. She was prevented from doing so by Naruto's arm moving from her hip to being thrown over her chest and pinning her down.

"Relax, I'm keeping them disabled, but if you want to give them a show, I'll stop."

That reminded her of the fact that she was completely naked under the sheets except for her panties. It was how she usually slept and she hadn't thought to borrow a shirt. Now she suddenly became acutely aware of Naruto's hand nestled between her breasts, squeezing her against his chest with only the thin sheet between them. There was also no doubt about his arousal if the bulge pressing into her rear end was any clue.

The irony of her current level of dress did not escape her. She'd only had her panties left when she'd made him abort his previous seduction attempt and now here he was, continuing and she only had her panties on.

"Well? Do you want me to keep them disabled or not?" He purred when she didn't reply.

Takami shivered as she felt his chest vibrating against her back and the arousal which had previously been fairly low level started gaining momentum a lot faster.

"Y-yes." She'd meant to say that in a normal tone of voice but Naruto deliberately chose that moment apply some gentle suction to a particular spot on her neck, making her give an involuntary gasp.

"Okay." He said agreeably, continuing his ministrations and sliding his hand down her chest to lightly cup one of her breasts.

"That wasn't an agreement to sleep with you." She protested but didn't otherwise try to stop him.

"I know." He replied and maneouvered himself under the sheet with her.

Takami squirmed with both arousal and uncertainty, debating with herself whether she should stop him or not. She knew he would stop if she told him to, but the words refused to pass her lips this time.

The heat radiating from him felt even more intense now that there was nothing between them, as he'd apparently not been wearing anything in the first place. This slow approach was even more effective than the aggressive one he'd taken before. Despite being terribly aroused, she'd also gotten spooked that time, even if she wouldn't admit it. This time though, she was fighting to keep herself from moaning as his hand slid slowly down her chest and stomach.

Even as he started to gently rub her over the now damp panties, she was still telling herself just a little more would be fine and then she could stop him. The haze of lust lifted considerably when she felt a thumb being hooked into the waistband of her panties and sliding them down. Instinctively, she grabbed his hand and moved her legs to stop him.

"Do you really want to stop me now?" He asked rhetorically, the rumble of his voice reverberating in her own chest.

Takami bit her lip uncertainly. True, she'd stopped him out of sheer reflex rather than any compelling reason, but did she really want to let him bed her? Would it really be so bad? It wasn't as if he was expecting anything from her. There would be no real change in the relationship between them, no further expectations and certainly no children. Just a little pleasure that she'd long since sworn off. She wasn't even sure if she was stopping him out of mere principle of not sleeping with some pervert that just happened to have targeted her or because she actually had some tangible objection to sleeping with him.

She hated being uncertain.

"Will you still respect me in the morning?" She used the cliché joke mostly just to have something to say.

Even if it was terribly cliché, she could practically feel him grinning behind her, clearly amused. "I'll even respect you during."

Slowly, hesitantly, she let go of his hand and adjusted her legs to allow the removal of her last article of clothing and once tried to keep the conversation going to settle the nervous fluttering in her stomach. It had been a very long time for her, which made it feel almost as if she'd never done it before. Her newly teenaged body didn't really help that impression.

"Is that a fact?"

"I'd say that you can take it to the bank, but they might steal it." He riposted, sliding the panties off.

Takami couldn't help rolling her eyes at that. She still wasn't sure if he was being serious about the banks controlling the world from behind the scenes or not and he was no doubt having too much fun being vague to ever give a straight answer on the subject.

Further thoughts of the horned man's questionable sense of humor fled her mind when his rock hard member was inserted between her legs, not penetrating, but just...there, pressing up against her moist entrance and sliding against it insistently.

Naruto was well aware that she was still vacillating between giving in and telling him to stop and was giving her time to decide. The fact that she'd let things progress to this point merely meant that she was leaning towards giving in, which was what he was encouraging her towards by nibbling on her neck, fondling her breasts and various other things he was doing.

He didn't even feel bad about influencing her decision. Takami knew perfectly well what he wanted and nobody ever got laid without influencing the girl's decision anyway. Well, some people did...such as him occasionally, but in general you needed to influence a woman to before she would sleep with you.

Takami had been rather difficult in this respect, making him expend far more effort than usual on seduction, which actually made it all the more fun, but now he was certain that she was ready to finally give in.

Which was why he was rather surprised when she elbowed him fairly hard, making him fall away from her and lie on his back, staring at the ceiling. She couldn't actually move him if he didn't want to be moved, but that wasn't the point. It was the principle of the thing that made him move.

As he stared at the ceiling with a thoughtful frown, listening to her heavy breathing next to him, Naruto couldn't hrlp grinning like an idiot.

He was being cockteased. Him. By a mortal woman with no power whatsoever. He hadn't had this happen to him since he was a mortal himself and that had been by Xanna. She wasn't doing it on purpose mind you, but that's what it all boiled down to. Takami was apparently uncertain enough about whether she wanted to sleep with him or not, that she had this knee jerk reaction towards rejecting sex once she got aroused enough.

This went through his head in mere moments and was then summarily thrown out as a workable explanation of events when the de-aged scientist climbed on top of him without any prompting at all.

"If Im going to have sex with you, then I'm going to be the one in control, got it?" Takami said aggressively, sitting in his lap with the sheet pooled around their legs.

Naruto grinned even wider at her initiative. This was why he had most of his senses shut off or blunted 95% of the time, these surprises were just too delicious. Well, if she wanted the illusion of having some kind of power aside from what he allowed her to have, then he wasn't going to argue.

"By all means, I am at your mercy."

Takami shivered at the inviting purr of his voice. Intellectually, she knew that she had no real control, but it made her feel better. She was very horny and admitted to herself that she wanted this, but she didn't want to be lying helplessly on her back or sitting on her knees while this lumbering ogre kept thrusting into her.

With only a bit of hesitation, she reached down and took hold of his member, eyes going slightly wide at the size of it. It hadn't seemed quite that big before, when she'd only felt it with her legs. Catching sight of his amused look, she huffed and lined it up with her entrance.

It was already fairly well lubricated from earlier, but she still needed to be careful as she very slowly took it inside her because it had been such a long time since she'd last done this. Since she was bracing herself against his chest, she could feel as well as hear the pleased rumbling in his chest. It pleased her to know that he was enjoying this too, despite the slow pace of her descent.

Naruto gave her all the time she wanted and simply enjoyed the sensation as his member vanished inside her bit by bit. Takami was clearly focusing on her breathing, either to make it easier or to prevent any moaning from escaping her lips. Deciding to keep his hands busy while she slowly impaled herself on him, he reached out and started fondling her breasts.

Her breathing deepened further at the extra sensation, but she didn't otherwise react as she continued to very carefully sink downwards.

A couple of minutes after she'd started, she didn't need to support herself with her legs anymore and was instead sitting on his thighs, with his member buried fully inside her. Takami herself was taking deep breaths and trying not to gasp or squirm as he continued to tease her nipples. She was glad that he hadn't reformed her maiden barrier when he'd de-aged her, but it had still been slow going. She had needed to rise up several times before she could continue further down due to lack of proper lubrication and because she'd needed to go slow to let her inner walls stretch to accomodate him.

It had been so very long since she'd done this and if memory served, it had already gotten her far closer to an orgasm than Minaka had ever managed. She was grateful that Naruto seemed perfectly content to wait for her to regain her composture instead of moving, because at this point, he could have easily reversed the situation and she wouldn't have even protested.

Eventually, she felt in control enough to start moving again and under her, Naruto could only grin at the slow rocking motions. He wasn't quite sure what she was trying to achieve, but it almost seemed like she was trying to avoid having an orgasm while simultaneously working towards it. Either she was a genius and knew that this would ensure it would be all the more powerful or she was just being contradictory on autopilot.

It could be either one really. Well, no matter, he was enjoying himself and if she wanted to do it this way, he would certainly oblige.

With that in mind, he raised himself up using only his abdominal muslces and kept himself there so that he was able to apply his mouth to one of her nipples. The position put a terrible strain on both the back and abdomen, ensuring that most people can't hold it for long, but he was a god and thus not even inconvenienced.

A gasp escaped Takami when she felt sharp teeth ever so gently scraping her skin without doing any damage. Seconds later, a hand laid itself on the small of her back and encouraged her to start moving faster. Despite being on top, she felt that a considerable amount of control had just been taken away from her, but she couldn't bring herself to fight it since it had increased her pleasure a great deal. She could already feel her orgasm approaching and had started panting in expectation.

Then the hand on her back pushed down, locking her in place and preventing movement. She could feel his steel hard member throbing and pulsing inside her, promising so much pleasure but the hand locking her in place allowed none.

Takami squirmed, jerked, whined and growled as she tried to move but found herself unable to. She was so close and now she was being teased like this. It was frustrating.

"Stop that." She growled angrily, glaring down at him.

He grinned back at her infuriatingly and settled back down on the futon, once more giving her full freedom to do as she wished.

Takami took advantage of the opportunity and began moving with a lot more energy than before, no longer caring if the occasional moan escaped her. The familiar pressure of an approaching orgasm came again and she worked towards it with a fervor now.

From down below, Naruto growled his pleasure at his felt his own release approaching. When she cried out with her climax, he grabbed hold of her hips tighly and held her in place as he exploded deep inside her.

Instinctively, Takami tried to jump off him to prevent him from ejaculating inside her, even if it was too late already, but was held in place firmly. Her strength left her with the orgasm and she fell forward, muffling her own cries of pleasure by sinking her teeth harshly into his chest, helpless to do anything except enjoy the feeling of being filled up.

"Asshole." She gasped out without any anger when it was over, still lying on his chest and just feeling as the completely stupid amounts of sperm he'd released crawled through her, some of it further in and some of it out. She felt bloated and full, it was simultenously wonderful and somewhat disgusting as their conjoined genitals were slowly gummed up by the warm gunk flowing out of her.

"Mou, maybe I should have been the one worried about still being respected in the morning." Naruto pouted. "It's a good thing you're not my wife or this would contitute as verbal abuse."

"If I was your wife you'd get a lot worse than just verbal abuse you sick bastard." She snipped without heat. It was fairly hard to muster any real anger right now.

"Don't worry, I get it from Xanna anyway." Naruto assured her.

A moment of strangely comfortable silence passed before Takami felt compelled to ask a question. "Say...There's no chance of me getting pregnant from this is there?"

"But I thought you wanted my babies?" Naruto asked, putting fake alarm into his voice.

The scientist raised her head to look him in the eye, getting alarmed at his alarmed tone of voice and growled at the smirk on his face. "Stop messing around and give me a straight answer damnit. Is. There. Any. Chance. Of. Pregnancy?"

Naruto's smirk turned into a full on grin at her growling. It was adorable how hard she tried. "No, You're not going to be getting pregnant with some pseudo Hercules."


Another silence before yet another question popped into Takami's head. "You did keep all the recording devices disabled didn't you?"

Rolling his eyes, he answered in an exasperated tone. "Yes Takami, I did. Besides, Matsu was probably too busy watching Xanna seducing Uzume and Chiho either way."

"You mean your wife was having a lesbian orgy and you weren't there?" Takami asked incredulously. That just didn't sound like something that the horned man would miss out on.

"Chiho doesn't like all." He sulked. "I suppose I could have transformed into a woman, but it's just not the same. Not to mention that it feels kind of weird."

Takami snorted, not even surprised that he could do that. "Serves you right."

"Well, at least my lovely wife should be finished with those two soon."

At that very moment, a female scream ripped through the house. A scream that spoke of immense pleasure and sounded distinctly like Uzume.

"Or maybe not." Naruto amended.

"Miya must be going insane." Takami said idly. "I wonder how come she isn't trying to stop any of this."

"Mostly because she can't." He snickered. "I've set up seals that teleport her randomly to empty spots in or around the inn whenever she goes near an occupied room with any intention other than to have sex."

"So the only way she can interrupt someone having sex is...if she wants to have sex?" Takami asked rhetorically with an odd look. "Only you could come up with something that perverse."

"I know right? Even your son became a man tonight...well, half a man at least."

"Are you telling me that Minato lost his virginity tonight?" She asked in shock.

"Yep, just under two hours or so ago."

A quick mental calculation revealed this to be about the time when Musubi had dragged him off, which would make sense, it just hadn't been something that she'd considered would happen.

"I...honestly don't know how I feel about that." She said with a frown.

"Feel good about it." Naruto advised. "It'll be good for him and it'll force him to grow a spine to keep Musubi from inadvertantly making him her bitch. He seems to be doing alright so far, for a newbie."

" do you know how he's doing?" She asked suspiciously.

"I've been...remotely monitoring the situation." He replied shiftily.

"So you've been spying on him?"

"No, no, just...keeping watch for complications."

Takami snorted again at his evasions. "You'll make a fine politician Naruto."

"Oi, oi, I know I give you a hard time a lot, but there's no need for that kind of language." He told her with a deep frown.

Another snort from Takami and silence once more descended. It lasted a bit longer this time as the two of them just lay there, ignoring their post coital position for a while, until it was eventually broken by Naruto.

"Sooo...Which position do you want to try next? Missionary? Doggy style? Reverse cowgirl?"

"We're not having sex again Naruto, you're going leave and let me sleep."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that."

Naruto huffed and pulled her off him, quirking a grin at her groan. "Well if that's how you're going to be, then I'm going to pay Matsu a visit instead, poor girl has probably been rubbing herself raw."

"Real classy Naruto, real classy." Takami said sarcastically. "Before you leave, you're going to clean all this crap you left inside me."

"What makes you think I can do that?" Naruto evaded.

"Don't give me that! I know you're the type to get your jollies by leaving women bloated with your sperm, but I'm telling you to vanish it from me or whatever you do, because it's uncomfortable to be sleeping with this stuff leaking out of me for half the night. And clean the sweat too while you're at it."

Naruto huffed a lot more forcefully this time and did as she asked, privately rather amused at her prickly attitude. She must have done a lot of thinking over his abilities to have been able to guess that he could do what she was asking. Or she'd just assumed that he could because he was a god, which wasn't a bad idea, not at all.

And she was right, he did get his jollies by leaving women full of his sperm. One of his jollies anyway. She was the first one to have both figured that out and that he could easily clean it though. Just another quirk of a pervert with far, far too much power.

"There, you're clean."

"Good, now get the fuck out."

"Amazing, you got ten times more abrasive than normal after sex." Naruto commented in fascination. "I'm almost tempted to rape you just to see what happens."

"I'd kill you, that's what would happen." Takami snarked and turned her back on him, not feeling even remotely threatened by his last words.

"Okay then." Naruto said pleasantly. "Goodnight, Takami-chaaaan~." And with that he vanished.

"I hate it when he calls me that." The scientist muttered to herself and felt around for her discarded panties.

When she couldn't find them, she groaned in irritation and sat up to look for them.

"He took my panties." She said to herself in slight disbelief after a minute. Then she just shrugged. "Whatever."


Matsu was actually starting to get kind of bored of spying on people having sex, which nearly caused her to enter an existential crisis. Was Matsu still Matsu if she was bored of perving on people?

But really, no matter how awesome a certain piece of porn was, there came a point where it simply ceased to be awesome for a while. She was almost relieved that the all female threesome was coming to an end as Uzume and Chiho were clearly getting tired. That way she wouldn't have to stop watching and could instead say that there was nothing more to watch, crisis averted.

Matsu wasn't sure why Miya hadn't interrupted anything or even invaded her secret lair, but she was glad of it. Now she had a lot of relaxation material recorded, though she was disappointed that all the electronics in Takami's room had just up and stopped working soon after Naruto had showed up. She had really been looking forward to that.

"Been enjoying yourself Matsu?" An amused voice asked suddenly and without warning.

"GYAAH! Matsu is sorry!" The Brain Type Sekirei exclaimed in blind panic and curled into fetal position, expecting the Ladle of Pain to descend on her at any moment. She didn't even register that the voice was male and distinctly didn't belong to Miya.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at the cowering woman. She was naked and a bit sticky, having obviously been masturbating to the images on her multiple monitors.

"What has Miya been doing to you, making you so afraid just because she's a prude." He crooned and petted her hair.

Matsu uncurled herself, discerning who was talking to her now that her initial panic had subsided. "Naru-tan?"

"Mhm." He hummed, still squatting over her and petting her hair.

"You're naked." Matsu observed distantly, catching sight of his erect member being pointed at her.

"So I am." He responded amusedly.

The perverted Sekirei snapped out of her daze at the nakedness and hair petting in favor of satsifying her curiousity. "Why are you here?"

"Takami wasn't up for round two, so I came to see if you'd like to stop peeping and start participating." He answered honestly.

Matsu huffed in offense and turned away. She might be a pervert, but she didn't like being a consolation prize any more than any other woman.

"And you're not a consolation prize by the way, I was intending to come here either way." Naruto leaned in an rumbled into her ear before she could say anything.

"You wanted to sleep with every woman under Miya's roof?" Matsu guessed a bit incredulously.

"As many as possible." He snickered. "Miya and her prudishness is just too much of an irresistible button to do anything but push it. What do you say? You want to have a good time and give Miya the bird while doing it?"

Matsu's breathing deepened at the idea, sorely tempted. She had a lot of respect(and fear) for Miya and was indepted to her for hiding her from MBI, but it had been stifling to live under her roof.

"I could do things do you that no amount of fingering can possibly compare to and that extra large dildo you're hiding under the loose floorboard beneath your futon is just a silly toy in the end." He continued to tempt, sliding a hand down her back.

"How do you know about that?" Matsu asked in a surprised and aroused gasp. Not even Miya had found that!

"I have my ways." He answered noncommittaly and pressed a finger against her anus.

"What are you d-HNGH!" She started to ask in alarm only to interrupt herself with a loud grunt.

"There are plenty of nerves back here to play with, right now I'm sending a weak stream of electricity through your skin and directing it towards those nerves, where it forks out and goes on to stimulate the vaginal nerves that you've been abusing for the past few hours." He explained in a low growl, wrapping his left hand against her throat to keep her upright on her knees while his right stayed pressed against her anal opening.

Matsu panted in pleasure the brief resistance at the unexpected move leaving her. Her arms were pinned by the one holding her by the throat, or else she would have gone right back to rubbing herself.

"Now I'm changing over to regular pulses instead of a constant stream to keep you from reaching climax too quickly." He continued explaining what he was doing.

"But...I orgasm!" She gasped out between pants and would have collapsed forward if he wasn't holding her.

"But that would be too easy." He sadi pleasantly. "I could do that, but it's much more fun to keep you on the edge of an orgasm and deny it to you."

"No!!" She pleaded through her panting as the pleasure started to be almost painful.

"Not until you give me what I want."

" you...want?" She struggled to ask.

"Stop holding back out of fear that Miya is going to punish you for it."

Matsu was not entirely lucid at this point, being so lost in the pleasure he was both giving and denying her that she was desperately trying to free her arms to finish herself off, but understood that he was probably referring to how she was muffling herself to keep quiet.

She didn't really get time to answer though, as he pushed her over the edge without warning and in direct opposition to what he'd said before. It was so sudden and unexpected that a scream of pleasure ripped itself out of her throat, after which he allowed her to collapse forward on her futon.

"You evil man...Naru-tan." She panted, slumped helplessly forward over her knees, legs spread lewdly.

"I'm selectively evil, that's an important distinction." Naruto corrected. "Now, would you like to get a creampie, or would you prefer to find out how it tastes like?"

Matsu's eye widened and set got back up, staring at him accusingly. "You've been spying on me ."

"Since Xanna and I let you watch us and Akitsu, I like to think that I'm entitled to a little spying of my own." He countered.

"Ahaha, I guess so." Matsu said nervously, rubbing the back of her head.

"So, which is it going to be?" He grinned, getting back on track.

Matsu liked her lips as she stared at his erect member. Before they had split off to do their own thing, she had seen Xanna give him an enthusiastic blowjob and swallow everything without the slightest sign that it tasted anything but great.

The act of oral sex had always been a big turn on for her, but she'd obviously never done it or had it done to her. The further's she'd ever gotten was her one kiss with Minato and any attempts to take it further had either been aborted by Miya or her former Ashikabi had run away. A good thing in retrospect, but it had left her quite unprepared for this now.

"I'll do yours if you do mine?" She finally bargained. Sixty-nine for the win!

"Deal." He grinned.


Miya was seriously considering just going outside and leveling the whole inn at this point. What had started as illicit relations in one room had spread to cover nearly her entire inn! The only ones that were apparently exempt from this were Kazehana, Karasuba and Homura.

Oh yes, she knew that even Takami was in on it. Her microphone hadn't been working for some reason but that was suspicious in and of itself.

She hadn't even been able to stop Minato and Musubi, since she was teleported to somewhere else everytime she approached.

After a while she'd given up, retreating to her room, shutting off the microphones and trying to ignore it all. But even then there was no peace to be had, as the sound continued to transmit despite them being turned off. She just knew that the two horned menaces were to blame for that.

Morning was approaching and she had been kept up all night by the sounds of people having sex almost without pause. After Uzumaki had stopped violating Matsu and Xanna was done with Chiho and Uzume, things had calmed for a minute.

She had hoped that that would be the end of it, but it was not. They'd simply gone back to their own room and continued, louder, fiercer and even more animalistic. Akitsu had woken up too and sleepily asked to join, which led to the two deviants once more unleashing their beastly urges on her until the poor Ice Sekirei collapsed into unconsciousness again.

And then they gone at each other again! Was there no end to their endurance?!

Even holding the pillow over her head hadn't helped, the sound somehow carrying diectly to her ears.

It was only as the world became bright once more with the rising of the sun and birdsong was heard, that it finally ended.

Miya let out a sigh of relief but rubbed her aching head. She was exhausted, not only from lack of sleep but from feeling constantly angry throughout the night. And now she was supposed to get up and make breakfast for her tenants and guests like a good hostess.

At this exact moment, she truly wanted nothing more than to tell them all to get lost, but she couldn't bring herself to do that. She would however, be pointedly asking her new Emperor to hurry up with Takehito's resurrection and make a list of things that he wanted from her in return. She would have almost preferred that he demand she sleep with him, rather than this slow drive towards insanity.