...Marry Me?

BTR Part Seventeen- ...Marry Me?

You weren't quite sure what was happening but you were definitely seeing it. You had gone to the gym and stopped to get some food on the way back to the house and had nervously been checking the ring in the jewelry box all day and night. You had a very simple plan of just going home and eating and spending time with Noelle and popping the question out of nowhere, as you didn't want her to catch on to anything or that others had told you what she was wanting or fearing about this stage of the relationship. So imagine your shock getting home and seeing Noelle sitting in her bikini outside in the patio in the hot tub and the bikini clad woman sitting next to her was none other than Io. Io Shirai. Your first love, the woman you pined over and agonized over for so very long. You and her friendship had strayed since her wedding as you hadn't been able to properly separate your friendship from your personal feelings and even as she had come back to the states for a while now, working the Raw tours now after her NXT stint, you still didn't keep up with her as much as you had. So seeing her with Noelle today of all days just felt odd and sorta like a punch to the emotional gut. You came out back and said Hi and Io's eyes lit up and she says your name in Japanese and gets out of the hot tub and runs and hugs you tightly as you hug her back and looked at Noelle who just smiled as she comes and kisses you and tells you to get into the hot tub. You stripped down to your boxers and went and sat at the edge and put your feet in as Noelle got you a beer and she and Io smiled and she said she invited Io over cuz she had been hearing that Io was a little upset with you. You ask Io why and she does her best english to explain but Noelle tells her to talk to you in her native language since She knew you could understand and converse. Io says Noelle was right, and she had been lamenting to Asuka who must've told someone about how she was feeling a bit upset that you weren't as close anymore ever since the wedding. You tell her about the turmoil in your life and how you loved her and that things were just hard to accept for you. Noelle looks between the two and gets out of the hot tub as she asks you to follow her to get something which you do knowing she wanted to talk. She asks what she said and you tell her and tell her you're answers she sneers and says you shouldn't have pushed her aside. She asks if you knew she left her husband which threw you off completely. You said no and she tells you to go and talk with her, comfort her. You tell her you can't and she says cut it out. If you have to fuck her fuck her, but you're better then you've been towards her and she needs you. She takes your hands and kisses you and you knew this was the woman. She tells you she's gonna go and make some calls but to bring her into the room in a bit cuz she always wanted to fuck Io herself. She smiles and heads to the bedroom as you couldn't believe this woman. But man were you glad she was yours.

You headed outside and got into the hot tub next to Io who smiles and runs your arm as she lays her head against your shoulder. You have the conversation in Japanese and ask if she really left her husband. She said she didn't leave but chose to remain here. He was against her signing a new deal with WWE, but after her push and the better schedule she's gotten from the main roster call up because Trips really went to bat for her, she felt she couldn't just up and leave so she signed a two year extension which pissed him off. She says she misses him as he won't talk to her and that has been painful. You apologize for not knowing and she grabs your arm and says it's okay but that she wishes things with her husband could get better. You tell her to give him the time to get over it and if he can't, you will always have friends and opportunities anywhere she goes. Io looks up and you kissed her and the passion of all the time you had wished to have done this in such a moment came out, but there was also a feeling of disconnect, between your heart and your brain that didn't make this hurt or even feel as bad as it once may have. She kissed you back and you felt her tongue lapping against yours as she moved herself into your lap and began grinding her hips against your bulging length as she asks if Noelle would be and you quickly hushed her and said Noelle had given her blessing which made Io bite her bottom lip as she then tells you to fuck her then, which you weren't going to argue with. Io had slipped a keg from her bikini bottoms and your dick was spring up from the boxer flaps that it didn't take long to lower Io's cunt down over your length as she sucked her teeth in and cried out happily as you felt her tightness gripping all the way down the six and a half inches as she grabbed your shoulders and began to bounce, rocking her cunt up and off of your dick repeatedly as she kicks up the water around you two as she spears herself down onto your cock, her pussy a vice like tightness the entire time as you could tell she hadn't had a dick in a very very long time and the orgasm that ripped through her caused her to scream out your name as she clenched up so tightly you and her both moaned as it had to subside before you or her could even get back into a groove as she eventually began to bounce again as your hands found her perfect ass and squeezed tightly as she orgasmed again, locking up again around your length as she kisses you and shudders as you hold her ass in your hands as she grinds herself against your girthy length as she slowly rocked up and along as she asked if you were close to cumming and the feeling of her tightness and the look of need in her eyes started to make your cock throb immediately against her constricting inner walls as she can feel you and her moan and smile as this happened gave her the motivation to start rocking herself faster up and along the rest of your length as you used her ass and worked her down to add more force as she cries out in those classic japanese whimpers as she was working her cunt down vigorously before you felt a long and then the stars in your eyes explode as you started filling Io's cunt with cum, Io slowing down as she cried out your name and sank her nails into your shoulder blades as you groaned out as the pain of this only enhanced the feeling of her tight pussy milking your seed out of your body and into her womb as you let every drop fire from your cock and into her pussy, as she kissed you and giggled as she grinded her hips along the jerking length that was still impaled deep inside of her.

You pulled her up and she wrapped herself around you as she comments that she likes your abs and you smirked as she blushed and held firm as your wet bodies somehow made it down the hot tub steps without falling but you quickly took her to the floor of the patio and watched as she spread her legs to the side and kept her arms around your neck as your still achingly hard cock was inside of her, your hips moving in their own almost as you found her lips and kissed her deeply as you began thrusting seven inches in and out of her as her wet body shuddered under you as the suction of your wet skin slamming together made you even more aroused as the warm air made the feeling even better as you felt your balls hitting the under side of Io's asscheeks as you felt her moan out and cry in as she muttered in Japanese and them came against your driving length as you felt a tight resistance but didn't want to stop the pace you were pistoning in at as the second bubbling feeling in your balls began to stir as she moved her legs and hiked them up over your shoulders as it allowed you to sink another half inches as her feet rubbed against the back of your head as you felt an instant throbbing against her pulsating pussy lips as she tightens up and cums as you felt the strain of a huge load cumming and as you kissed her you groaned and grunted and pumped a few times before you pushed forward and began cumming, strands of warm seed firing off inside of her cunt as Io shakes and cries out loudly as she cums part way through your orgasm as she shakes as your dick jerks spurts of jizz deep into her womb as you felt the overflow of cum seeping between the two of your crotches as you and her locked eyes and kissed as you lowered her legs and laid atop of her for a few minutes and she rubs your head and smiles and hums contently as you moved out of her and felt your cum seeping down her thigh as you got up and held a hand to her as she took it and stood, you keeping her hand in yours as you led her to the bedroom as she looked a little nervous as Noelle sets her phone down with a smile and fingers her to come to her as Io looks at you and you simply not and smile as Io strips her bra off and climbs her semi wet body onto the bed as Noelle grabs at her and kisses her deeply and long before she pushes her onto her back near the edge of the bed as she begins licking at Io's cunt, sucking and slurping at your cum that was inside of her as you stroked yourself and watched as Noelle hungrily ate Io out as Io rubbed her hands through her hair as she grinded her lips along Noelle's mouth and tongue as she snaps her fingers at you and you come to the edge of the bed over Io's mouth as you swatted a bit and began fucking Io's mouth as Io just kept her mouth and tongue out as you stroked six inches in and out of her mouth and along her throat as Noelle sucks Io's juicy pussy lips before she runs and fingers her cunt at the same time as you felt yourself hardening in Io's mouth as you pulled out and and watched as Noelle moved Io and outs her onto her hands and knees as Noelle rubs her ass and smiles as she comments how nice it is as she looks at you hungrily and tells you to fuck her in the ass. Io asks if that's what she said and you say yes and begin to push into her asshole as she cried out and took in deep panting breaths as you worked your saliva soaked length about five inches inside before her anus locks up, Noelle holding her cheeks aside as you started pumping in and out as Io just moaned and shrieked as Noelle says she loves the noises she makes as you nod and focused on your thrusting as Noelle asked if something was in your mind. She must've seen some conflicting emotions in your face and you tell her you'll explain later which she just nods and says okay as she helps buck Io back into your thrusts faster and you groaned as you knew she was helping bring another orgasm out of you and she was right as your swinging balls began to stir as you felt the pressure mounting before you began to throb inside if Io's asshole and as Io screams out for you to cum Noelle just bites her bottom lip and wickedly smiles as she pushes Io against you over and over and over until Io shrieked and rubbed herself into a mind numbing orgasm that was enough for you to cry out and strain as you pumped wildly until you felt the spurting and burning sensation of a third large load leaving your dick and firing into Io's colon with abandon, coating her intestines as her ass muscles clenched so hard around the jerking girth that was buried into her rectum that you felt physically drained as your body mustered all it could before you pulled out and collapsed onto the bed, your mind going blank as you could only see Noelle going and getting behind Io to suck in her asshole as your eyes barely could stay open before you fell into a physically exhausted sleep.

You woke up a few hours later to find Noelle rubbing your hair as Io was curled up and passed out as she smiled and told you to come on, as you were led into the bathroom. You were groggy and tired but she had run a bath for you and her and you smiled and went and laid in first so that she could sit between your legs and lean against you as you held her, the nice warm water helping with some aches as she yawned as it was nearing midnight. You tell her you love her and she says she loves you too and you notice she had brought your clothes in from outside and thrown them into the hamper. You snickered and said the cat must be out of the bag and she asks why with a puzzled look which makes you smile as you move and get out of the bath much to her chagrin. You rummage in the pockets and can hear Noelle getting out as she asked what was wrong. You tell her nothing was wrong. That everything was perfect as long as you had heard. You turned and bent the knee as a naked and wet Noelle looked at you with tears forming as you opened the jewelry box and asked her those four simple words. "Will you Marry Me?" There was a delay between her tackling you and her saying yes as she kisses you on your floor and you hold her to you as she sobs happily and you eventually get her calm enough to allow you to put the engagement ring on. You and her kissed as she asked what took you so long and you smacked her ass playfully and told her there was something y'all needed to do in the end. She says of course and you keep your emotions in check as you tell her you needed to fly her back home. So that you could get your parents' blessing. She seems confused by this but you understood a custom that you needed and wanted to uphold. And even with her confusion you could see she would follow you into the gates of hell and this made this all the more important, cuz you knew you had the one.
