Two Years Later(Rebel Tanae)

BTR Part Twenty Eight-Two Years Later(Rebel Tanae)

Two Years Had Passed since that party from WM Weekend. And my how so much had changed. AEW had caught fire and WWE was as profitable as ever, but not as creatively free or expressive. You feuded with WALTER for the NXT championship for a few months into the summer and was called up shortly after where you experienced the same fate as so many others before. A short run as IC champ, a lackluster WWE raw tag championship run, and that was it. Floundering and frustrations after such promise in NXT. Trips and Shawn wanted you back a year later but Vince wasn't keen on it and when some cuts came, you championed to be let go and to your surprise you were. It didn't take long for Tony Khan, Cody and the Bucks to come to the house and convince Noelle for you to appear at Double or Nothing a few months later. The rumor Mill was churning and you knew people would be excited about you showing up at the show and so you laid low and talked over some ideas for your debut and how the feud with Lance Archer would go for the TNT Championship. Noelle and yourself had married and things had been good, great even, and you knew some of the independent ladies were excited to meet you, as by this point your reputation has clearly followed you. Noelle didn't seem to mind as she was allowed her own fun and she admitted she was intrigued by some thristes she was looking forward to. You trained and kept in shape and before you knew it the day of your arrival had come. You and Noelle got there early. You met up with a few former WWE talents that had flourished since leaving the mothership. Nicola Glencross Dain(Nikki Cross), Thea Trinidad (Zelina Vega) and your two favorite people, who were your best friends, Shayna and Jessamyn, who had jumped after some really terrible pushing by Vince. Trevor Mann(Ricochet) gave you a hug and Miro and you were talking about a future feud as Miro was currently feuding with Hangman over the AEW World Championship. Andrade had signed a year back after a nasty divorce much like the late John Huber aka Brodie Lee had done to get himself out. You and Andrade weren't friends, but you and Charlotte were cool and you and Noelle had been at her and Andrade's wedding so you two hugged and talked about the match you were going to be involved with. Tony eventually let you in on the angle for the match and you would be the last participant in the battle royale for a chance at the TNT Championship. You felt nervous as you hadn't had a high profile match in almost a year and even that wasn't like it was. Jessamyn eventually found you and grinned as she said just because you weren't at NXT anymore didn't mean that the pre match ritual was off. You smirked and watched as she took you behind a series of lockers and dropped to a knee as she asked how you and Noelle were while taking your jeans down and freeing your throbbing prick as she took a hand and began stroking you off as you made small talk as she giggled and said she missed your dick, even though she had sucked you off a few weeks ago at game night over at her place. You just chuckled and ignored her comment as she began to slowly take you into her mouth, her wet and warm mouth slobbering and moaning hungrily as she took you deeper and deeper with every slow and precise head bob as you groaned and held your voice in check as you could hear some voices entering the locker room. Jessamyn didn't seem to care as she kept a hold at the base and just moved her throat up and along your entire length, your eyes rolling as you shuddered and felt her other hand massaging at your swinging balls as she grinned at you and began to suck away faster, working her hand to jerk at what wasn't going down her throat as you covered your mouth and listened to the guys changing and talking as Jessamyn sucked and stroked faster and harder, your balls churning as you shuddered again and hit the locker as you groaned and bucked your hips as you felt Jessamyn locked her lips over your tip and use both hands to stroke your load out and into her throat as she groaned as you felt the first few strands firing down her throat as she swallowed happily, letting out a giggle that told you she didn't care about getting caught as her eyes locked with yours as you only closed them after the fifth shot of cum was sucked down at the same time as Jessamyn moved her throat up and locked her lips over the tip, drawing the last few strands down a bit easier before she let your cock "plop" out of her mouth as it was semi flaccid as she grins and kisses the tip again before she ran both hands along in a caressing manner as she wishes you luck and tells you she's proud of you. You thanked her and she told you not to drain yourself too much tonight and winked as she heads off and says hello to whoever was in the room as you collected yourself and got yourself dressed and began your pre match stretches and self affirmation.

You eventually finished up and went to go and talk with Tony and Cody, eventually finding Noelle talking with Darby, Nick Jackson and Mia Him, who had left a year back after her and Keith decided to leave WWE after their hitched handling. Keith had decided to sing with Ring of Honor, and Mia was an independent enjoying getting paid by anyone who wanted her on their big shows. Mia hugged you and Noelle gave you a kiss and told you she had a surprise set up for you after the match. You tried to get her to spill but she was playing coy as she and Mia just laughed and continued to chat up Nick and Darby as you met some of the other guys for the first time before running into Cody who was getting ready for a feud ending match with MJF. You went over a bit of your match specifics and then as his music hit began gorilla you went and found Tony who was talking with a group of the main players of the battle royal. It would come down to you and Pac and so the two of you went over how to play the finish. Twenty three minutes later. The main participants music hits and you begin to psych yourself up as you hadn't had a big moment in front of large ravenous wrestling fans in nearly seven months, and even then your last match was a dud lost on a main event taping. This was you being allowed to shine again and as your new music hit you hit the stage to the biggest pop you had ever received, and the thrill and love of being a wrestler after all the time and work you put into the business itself came flooding back.

The match was fun and fast and as planned, it came down to you and Pac, who tore the house down for the next six minutes before you were able to hit your "Palaces Burn" finisher and then toss him out before having a dream moment face to face showdown with Lance Archer which the crowd ate up. By the time you reached backstage everyone was clapping and cheering for you. Christian Cage gave you a hug and Kenny gave you props as Noelle hugged you and gave you a long kiss as you hugged her tightly and sobbed as you had been through so much frustration and anger and she had always been there and supported you. Andrade gave you a firm handshake and a head nod as Nikki Cross ran and tackled you down and hugged you as she was ecstatic for you. You gave her a head kiss and she helped you up as everyone was glad to see you there and it felt genuine and great. Noelle reminded you she had a surprise for you and that you needed to go shower and get dressed and so you headed to the locker room, running into some familiar and new faces as you got to the locker room and checked your phone, smiling as you saw so many former colleagues and backstage guys congratulating you. Even Trips had sent you a message saying he was happy for you which made you tear up again as you wish you had found a way to go back to NXT. You grabbed a towel and went and got the shower started as you thought about what Noelle's surprise would be and as you lathered up and got under the hot jets, letting the hot water take down your sweat and sooth your new forming bruises and aches, you heard a voice clearing and smiled as you knew the tone well. You turned as you saw a stark naked Britt Baker grinning from ear to ear. You and Britt had a great friendship and so you couldn't say you were surprised to see her, hand on her hip with a wry grin and a sexual hunger that was hardly matched hit standing to her left was a surprise as you had known Rebel Tanae but had never seen her in her milfy glory, her breasts heaving as she battered her eyes which were filled with list as Britt strutted torstds you and ran a hand along your chest and then down over your stiffening manhood as the sight of both beautiful naked women was enough to have you erect. Britt went to her squatting position that you knew well and she began to massage your cock, working it between her hands as Rebel comes over and kisses you before you could say anything as Britt giggled and told you she was happy to have you here. She admitted that being damn near neighbors wasn't good enough for her and as she said this she began to take you slowly and methodically down her mouth and into her throat, one hand stroking what she couldn't fit as the other rubbed her clit, Rebel kissing and exploring your mouth with her tongue as she broke it to look you in the eyes and tell you she was excited to finally have a piece of the Adonous she had heard so much about. You told her she was being too kind and Britt slurped off and told you to shut up and then snapped at Rebel to get down and have some fun as Rebel quickly did, going to her knees as she grabbed your coxk with both hands and began pumping away, slapping your dick against her large beautiful breasts before she would stick about six inches down her throat and suck quickly and vigorously as Britt moved Rebels wet hair and held it as she would then force Rebel to suck faster or gag down more than she could handle letting her off only to catch a breathe as Britt grinned and talked trash to the both of you while forcing Rebel, happily you could tell, to deep throat your twitching and rock hard manhood and as you groaned as you felt your balls stir, Britt knee the cue well and she pulled Rebel off and pulled her up, turning her around and making her bend to present her ass and pussy to you as Britt spread her friends ass cheeks and winked at you as she told you to pick a hole and do what you did best. You grinned and grabbed Rebel's hips as you lined up and wiped the cascading water from your eyes as you moved your hips in and slowly began to push your throbbing nine and a half inch cock deep into Rebel's pussy.

Rebel was screaming as she whipped her hair and head back and bellowed loudly as the few minutes of you slamming into her cunt had caused her to orgasm in droves, Britt snacking her ass cheeks as they bounced back against your waist as you stroked seven and a half inches deep and hard in and out of her, the water adding an extra layer of slapping sounds, which only made you grunt and moan as the sound and sight of your cock drilling in and out of Rebels surprisingly tight cunt was only making your arousal more and more as you looked at Britt who could sense what you were thinking. She moved closer to you and kisses you before asking if you wanted to cum and Rebel screamed excitedly for you to cum inside of her, Britt grinning as she asked you again and you could only nos as you were trying to focus on not blowing a load already but Britt, the master of the mean girl type taunting told you not to hold back but that you would owe her load and it didn't take much from that to close your eyes and groan louder and thrust faster as you felt your swinging balls quickly churning and stirring a big load and as Rebel placed her hands on her knees and thrusted herself back to add more friction to the harder thrusts, Britt just kissed and nibbled in your ears as she dirty talked you and that was all it took, your eyes opening as you cursed loudly and began to fill Rebel's tight cunt with a large load, your hands squeezing her hips tightly as you rocked her back against her, Rebel doing her best not to slip on the tile floor as you groaned and grunted with each strand of cum that you were pulsating deep into Rebel's well fucked cunt, Rebel shuddering as she pulled herself off of your dick only as the last few spurts had finished pooling up inside of her milfy womanhood. You groaned as Britt quickly got to her squatting position again and began to aggressively pump and stroke at your still semi erect dick as she told you you owed her a load and she began to suck on your rod fast and hungrily as you shuddered and groaned as the sensitivity and pleasure that were mixing together were causing your dick yo twitch as Britt worked tirelessly to get you erect again and slapping your thighs she snaps her fingers with your dick still in-between her lips as she motions for you to get down, which you do as she gets between your legs once you were on your back and gets her soles lined up against your manhood as she smacked her forehead and made the remark about not thinking of this sooner. You laughed as you looked to see Rebel was on her backside, watching carefully as she slowed fingered your cum back inside of her while rubbing at her clit at the same time as Britt with a focused face strokes you off using her feet, which was achieving her ultimate goal at getting you hard as a rock again. You simply moaned and enjoyed the sensation of her footjob as the water pelted down on your chest and mound and before long Britt unwrapped her feet and moved herself into a reverse cowgirl position over your achingly hard cock, Britt grabbing at your knee while aiming your dick against her cunt as she lowered herself down and cried out with a pleasurable yelp as she then giggled and moaned as she sunk her cunt nearly eight inches deep, her nails stabbing into your knees as she began to rock her hips back and forth, your eyes watching as her ass bounced alone as she rocked herself up and down against your cock, your hands merely gripping her hips to steady her as you let her dictate the pace as she began to fuck herself wild and fast up and along your hardness as she would cry and shudder when her cunt would lock up and tighten as she came, your voice breaking every now and again as the added pressure was an incredible feeling and as minutes passed the water became less hot and more lukewarm, and Britt was forcing another hard and violent few slams down over your rod to get her eighth or ninth orgasm out by this point. Rebel began to chant for you to cum and Britt moaned and bit her bottom lip as she giggled and nodded and began to join in with Rebel. You closed your eyes and gritted your teeth as you began to buck your hips to meet when Britt would crash down and the opposite frictions crashing into one another caused you and her both to moan and groan loudly and as this went in for a few minutes, another body trembling orgasm rocking Britt and seizing her cunt up over your driving rod, you cried out her name and held her down as you pushed your hips up and in as deep as her womanhood would allow and began filling her cunt with seed, strand after hot strand of warm jizz coating Britt's inner walls as you filled her womb with your seed, Rebel cheering for you as Britt just moaned and let her matted hair stay against her exhausted face as you kept yourself buried deep inside of her until the last drop left your balls and shot into her pussy.

The three of you, basking in the best sex glow, finished showering together before you left the two women alone when they decided to have a little fun with each other, and with a smile you dried off and dressed as you texted Noelle and she texted back that she hoped you enjoyed the surprise and that you had something left for when you guys got back to the hotel. You told her you always did and even with the amount of action that had happened the last few hours, you were always up for the challenge. And in the first time in a long time, you started to feel like the guy who had started that stupid crazy list in you head all those years ago. You grinned at this and grabbed your gear and headed out to talk with some of the guys before catching an Uber to the hotel. The start of the new journey officially began.
