A Late Night Workout

BTR Part Forty One- A Late Night Workout.

Noelle was pushing her hips backs against you as the water cascades down from the shower head as you held her ass cheeks and pumped your hips back and forth, Noelle shaking as she cries out your name and palms the glass as you pulled out and slapped her ass with your cock, making her giggle before you put it back inside of her cunt, Noelle moaning loudly as her cunt spasmed around your dick. You and Noelle hadn't seen each other in a few weeks from her work trip and had been at each other all day and night for the next few days. She worked her hips back and took nearly all of your length deep within as you moaned and leaned down and kissed her wet and bare shoulders as you moaned and felt your swinging balls beginning to bubble as you tell her your getting closer, Noelle nodding as she smiles and then throws her head back as she starts to beg for her husband's cum, your eyes rolling as you closed them and shuddered as you worked faster for before pushing in and smacking at her ass as you began cumming deep within her pussy, spurt after spurt of hot cream filling her cunt as her pussy locked up and drained the rest of your load deep into her wanting womb as you leaned down and she turned her head as the two of your made out passionately while you held inside of her until every drop of cum left your body and resides in your wife.

The two of you finish taking the actual showering and drying off and dressing you went over what night to go out with the Barnyashev's (Miro and Lana aka CJ Perry) you hashed out the best night and you sent the text to Miro to have him confirm if that would work. You and Noelle then headed out for the day, going to lunch with Kayla Braxton, Mckenzie Mitchell and some of their friends who had accepted Noelle as part of their little clique. You didn't really wanna spend all day with a bunch of hot women who were going shopping and planning to day drink all day but you wanted to spend time with your wife and this was the only way to so that, but a few hours in you could see that Noelle could see that you weren't having the best time. She gave you a kiss and told you to go home and have someone over and you thanked her and told her you'd see her later on. She tells you she'll call you when she's coming home and you kiss her again and get an Uber to head back home. You texted some of your guys but didn't get any response back but Cody did call you to tell you about the signing that was being announced tomorrow. German Keku was a young up and comer who had all the skills of Lance Archer and Undertaker. He was a cut and sculpted Spaniard who you had met a few times when he was working as part of the NXT UK brand. He got the exposure and went to AAA for the last few years and had apparently talked with some of the more prominent guys who worked back and forth for AAA and AEW and put pen to paper. Cody asked about doing a program with Keku once you took the belt from Archer at All Out which was the first you had heard about taking the championship. He explains he and Tony are hearing about how great your G1 matches are and that by the PPV everyone will know again how legit you are and they'll have to seize on that moment. You thanked him and asked for German's number so you could start a rapport. German texted you back and you decided to invite him over which thankfully he accepted. You stopped off at a local market store and grabbed a few cases of beer as you returned home and got the patio set up as German arrived about a half hour later, the two of you shaking hands and half hugging as you guys made small talk until you grabbed some beers and took seat at the patio, hooking your music up as you guys began talking about your careers since you left the WWE. His English was fairly good and he had a suave nature that made him come off great and you were sure he was probably slated to feud with Andrade and you talked about the prospect of your own program. He worked better heel which was great for you and as talk about work turned into personal life and aspirations the day turned to night and a case of beer had been finished off before he yawned and decided he was ready to go and crash at his new place. You offered for him to stay in the guest room but he was needing to get unpacked still and so you got him an Uber and made lunch plans for later this week. You checked your phone and got the confirmation from Miro for y'all's date night while Noelle had sent some I love you texts and memes but nothing about coming home. You pissed some of the beer out and tried to think of something to do as you browsed your phone and thought of who you could hit up. You grinned and texted a number asking I'd they wanted to work out. They sent a text back with work out in quotation marks and you just replied yes. You got a thumbs up, a heart and a kiss emoji and went and got yourself some water, trying to sober up a tad as you got into workout clothes and looked to see the time as Noelle still had called to say she was coming home. You eventually heard the doorbell an hour or so later and opened it as Charlotte Flair walked in and smirked as she gave you a hug before asking how you had been. You told her about everything as y'all headed to the back and got into your ring, Charlotte asking how AEW was treating you. You said you couldn't complain and she scoffs as she said Andrade says the same thing as you asked how they were. She feigns a smile and says better, which was good as you knew they had a very rocky relationship behind the scenes but all did seem well the last few times you had asked her. You both hit the ropes and she asks where Noelle was and you tell her about her day and she laughs and said she understood why you needed a workout. You chuckled as she ran into you and took you down with a headlock and the two of you chain wrestled fkr about before you had her pinned down, Charlotte moaning as she reached down and began to run along your growing erection as you grinded against her mound while still keeping an arm of hers pinned. You eventually met off and stripped your shirt off as she did the same, both of you making out before you kissed down her neck and then over her large but beautiful fake breasts, sucking her nipples as she moans and scratches up your back as you continued to suck on her tits until she began to yank at her booty shorts, and thong as you moved down and pulled them off past her feet as you put her right leg over her shoulder and began to slowly, teasingly lick at her cunt, Charlotte beside herself as she slaps the mat and lurches her body up as she moans out loudly as you began to more consistently lap at her pussy lips, spelling your name against her folds before you would clamp your mouth over her clit and draw upon her juices loudly which would make her squirm and cry out before cumming, your lips finding her pussy lips as you slurped down her vaginal juices with glee as she would moan your name and curse out loudly the more you increased your sucking and licking as she started to finally beg for your large dick to be inside of her. You didn't want to keep her waiting and obliged her by moving her and moving her onto her side as  you kept her leg over your shoulder while aiming at her slit and rubbing the tip against her folds, making her squeal as she moans and glares at you before you grinned and started to enter inside of her as she began to pinch at her own nipples while crying out as you pushed deeper and further into her juicy womanhood.

Minutes had passed and even with the moon up high the night was still and hot and your sweaty body crashed into Charlotte's cunt with a reckless abandon as her cunt locked up a few times when she came but the majority of her small quicker orgasms were just a pulsing that added more wetness and you were moving like a blur now, rocking against her pussy as your knees were generating the power as she just stayed in a constant state of arousal as she moaned in a continuous hum that would break whenever she came. You eventually lowered her legs and moved her onto her back, palming the sides of her head as you began to use your hips to generate your force as she gripped your ass and started to dirty talk you as you locked your toes against the mat and delivered harder thrusts, your sweatt bodies slapping together loudly as her wet cunt was making the "squish" sound as you pounded her pussy raw, Charlotte moving a hand up and grabbing your face as she kisses you before she starts beginning for your load, her voice going from demanding to sweet and innocent which only made your swinging balls churn harder as she giggled and smiled as she could feel you throbbing inside of her cunt now. You put your forehead to hers and pumped away for another few minutes as it built and built, Charlotte unable to focus as she would cry out and cum and she grabbed the back of your head and pulled your harder against her as you rocked faster and faster, speeding up to get your load out as you shuddered and felt your muscles burn as she begged again, screaming loudly as your throbbing had stretched her clamped down inner walls and you grunted and then felt your body grow hot as you pushed in deeply and began to let loose, Charlotte giggling happily as she cooed and bit her finger as shuddered and feels your warm seed firing out in globby strands deep into her awaiting and womb as her cunt spasms and trembled against your pulsating rod as your dick jerked the final few strands of cum inside of her before you leaned down and kissed her as you held yourselves together for a few minutes before breaking the kiss and looking at each other with a smile as you pulled out of her and got up woozily, getting out of the ring as you ran and jumped into your pool, Charlotte laughing as she rolled out and quickly ran and jumped in as well. The two of you swam about and talked a bit, kissing and holding each other before you heard a voice clearing and looked to see Noelle, head cocked, arms folded as she waited for an explanation. You say you had just finished working out and Charlotte slashes you and laughs as Noelle chuckled and says you're unbelievable before she stripped down to nothing and joined the two of you in the pool. You just smiled and knew you were in for a long night.
