The Dotted Line (Yuki Kamifuku)

BTR Part Forty Three-The Dotted Line (Yuki Kamifuku)

You headed back to the gorilla and cursed loudly as the match you had just had with John Silver didn't go as well as you wanted and though you were assured it was fine you just didn't feel good about how it was. You apologized to John and he told you it was fine and yet you still weren't satisfied. You went and talked with Tony who was with Shida and Kenny and he asked what was wrong as he could see your face. You told him about the match and the three said that it was fine and pooped well but you weren't having it. Kenny said he loves your power and Shida asks you if you would be willing to help them with something. You raised an eyebrow as Tony suddenly seemed to catch on and he snaps his fingers and nods as Kenny calms him down as Kenny explains to you that all week the three of them had been trying to sign up a free agent Joshi who came to visit the states and get a nice check for some tapings with the company. You knew they were talking about Yuki Kamifuku, who was a talented and gorgeous Joshi wrestler who had left Stardom to try and find a more lucrative job. You said she was probably just doing the normal making the America rounds to drum up more exposure to force Stardom to lay her what she felt she was worth and Shida said that was probably so, but that if they could get her to sign, she would be a major boon for the company, and Kenny and Tony seemed to agree. You asked how you could help and Shida said you have a way of persuasion and that maybe you could use your charm to get her to sign. You gave Jenny a look as he hit you in the pec and called you a stud and said it would be a great signing for them. You sighed and looked at Tony who asked nicely to at least try for them and you relented and said of course, but couldn't guarantee anything and the three smiled and thanked you profusely as Shida gives her number and tells you she'll set up a meeting for the two of you tomorrow. You nodded and headed off as you didn't like feeling like you were being whored out but Yuki was beyond cute, she was downright gorgeous, and so the frustration melted away as you showered and made your way home. Noelle gave you a kiss and got you a beer and a meal she tried out, you talked about the days and you asked how the match looked, Noelle again saying that it came off well which made you groan as you tried to explain why it wasn't. You then told her about going out tomorrow to try and get Yuki to sign with the company and Noelle burst out laughing as she called you a man whore which made you get uk and huff off as she called for you even though she couldn't stop laughing. She eventually goes and finds you at the outside patio, and sits by you as she tells you it's alright and that you should feel great about them having so much faith in you. You lament that what if you can't close the deal and she says that if they couldn't, then it's okay if you can't either. You hold her to you and thank her for always being so helpful and sweet and she nestled against you as she says that she loves you. You tell her you love her also and the two of you spend a nice evening, cuddles together, talking and enjoying one another's company.

After a morning blowjob that resulted in her leaving you with a state of blue balls which you found to be just mean, you showered and got dressed as you had a brunch set up from Hikaru to meet with Yuki. Noelle wished you luck as was stuck inside for the day doing zoom meetings and so you gave her a kiss, got into your car and headed to the address that Shida had sent you. You arrived about twenty minutes later and found Yuki already seated at an outdoor patio, you spoke to her in Japanese to introduce herself and she smiled and said you were very fluent, standing as she extends a hand her long beautiful legs stuck out from under beautiful sundress as she looked like she was enjoying herself soaking up the American sunshine. You shook her hand and sat across from her, ordering a drink as you told her a bit about yourself, Yuki seeming to finally put some things together as she said you were "that American" as she told you about Shida, Kairi, and some of the others who had talked about you. You chuckled nervously as you hoped it was mostly good things, Yuki playfully saying "mostly" as you liked her spunky attitude. She asked if you were the closer, and you shrugged that depended entirely on how the day went. The waiter came and you ordered food as you talked about her career and what she was hoping to do as she explained how she loves wrestling but the opportunity to do more is always alluring. You call her in it which seems to surprise her as you give your opinion about what she may really be doing. She grins and chuckled and shrugs slyly as she takes a drink and asks what you planned on doing with the rest of your career and you said your goal was the same. Wrestle, retire, and stay involved in the business in some way much like your father had. She talked about growing up and seeing your dad and hating him cuz he was the foreign heel manager and you told her stories about growing up as a foreigner in Japan while everyone knew your dad was the asshole guy from wrestling. You talked through the brunch and asked her what she wanted to do for the rest of the day. She smiled and told you to surprise her and so you called ahead at a local mini golf/laser tag/bowling place and got a reservation set up as you paid for brunch and showed Yuki to your car as you headed to the place while telling more stories as she was enthralled by your life and as you got to the place, you asked her which she prefers to do first. She smirked and said she likes to bowl and so you guys got the shoes and went to your lane as you and her played three games where she smoked you, even with you legitimately trying to win. She poked fun and you told her to get ready for the mini golf as she mocked you and said that she would beat you at that as well. You scoffed as you talked smack to her and thirty minutes later she was cracking up as you wanted to throw your club as she had beaten you again. She did a little pose and stuck her tongue out and you had to give it to her even though you were seething a bit. She mocked you as you went and set up for laser tag, the two of you teaming up with some others and you enjoyed watching her have fun as she jumped and ran and every now and then you could get a glimpse of her hustler underwear which surprised you as would turn and look away before she could catch you, but you had feeling she was doing it on purpose. An hour later the two of you were back in your car, heading out to a mall as she had wanted to go shopping for some outfits and you were enjoying her company so you didn't say no. She talked about some feuds she enjoyed having and who the best and worst Joshi's were in her opinion. She spoke highly about Kairi who had really helped her develop over the last few years since she came back. You gave her some stories about Asuka whom she said was her favorite and Yuki blushed as you talked about the fun Asuka could be in the bedroom, Yuki giggling as she slapped your arm but didn't say anything else.

You shopped with her for a few hours, hitting various places as she browsed and tried things on asking for your opinion. You did your best to not show your ignorance of fashion but she didn't seem to care as she was just happy to show off and see your face light up, and as you asked if she was hungry she shrugged and said she could eat. You set up a reservation at a nice little restaurant while answering, Kenny, Shida and Noelle back throughout the day about how it was going. Noelle pressed you to close the deal with some winky faces as you sent her a flipping off emoji as Yuki finishes buying her new outfits and asks where to go next. You told her about the restaurant and you made your way there, waiting for a half hour before being seated as she says she hasn't been to anywhere fancy in america since she had been here and you chuckled and said the standards were definitely different here then back in Japan. She talks about the stark differences she notices when she's here and you both compare and contrast as you try to be fair and biased. You ordered drinks and food and spent the next two hours telling stories and after settling the bill, she takes a sip and asks where to next, her tongue tracing along the rim as she grins as you asked her what she felt like doing. She leaned over and said she wants to see how great of a closer you can be. You said you think you're pretty good and she coolly asks for you to prove it. You grinned and didn't need to be asked twice.

As you came into her hotel room, she had already been pulling and grabbing at your shirt as you jotb made out like high school children as you took your shirt off and kicked your leg back to close the door as she ran a hand along your chest and pecs and signed happily as she got you to the bed and wrapped her king legs around your waist as you grinded against her mound as she sighs and moans as you licked and softly bit at her neck and along her chest line as she moans your name with a flourish that makes you bulge against your jeans as she reached for you and tries to pull them down and so you quickly move off and stand, taking them down along with your underwear as Yuki quickly strips her sundress off taking her bra off as you stopped her from stripping her underwear down, biting and kissing along her inner thighs as you took the fabric within your mouth and slowly peeled then down as Yuki moans happily as she rubs her hardening nipples as you got her underwear down to her ankles and pulled them off as you massaged and rubbed her nicely pedicured feet, Yuki, taking the left foot and running it along your growing manhood as you sucked along her toes on the right foot while stopping to lick and kiss from her heel up to the top of her sole, Yuki slowly but carefully massaging her other foot along your rigid member as you moaned and quickly set her foot down after sucking on her big toe for a few minutes, leaning down as you kissed uo her legs and bit her inner thighs again as she yelped and cooed before your tongue found her pussy, a nicely trimmed pubic mound resting a top of her cunt as you began to hungrily suck and kiss along her wet slit, her folds being flapped about as your tongue wagged about and then went in fast semi circles along her clit as she shudders and grabs your hair as she pulls it and throws her head back letting out a loud yelp as you feel her cunt spasm against your tongue, your mouth quickly latching to her lips as you slurped down her orgasm juices as you loudly moan and suck her juices down before beginning to barrage her cunt again with your tongue, Yuki crying out that she can't take it anymore as she slaps at the bed and pulls at your hair again as you feel her legs shake as her pussy drenched your tongue as you attempted to suck her excessive juices down again but too much of it coated against your chin and jaw as you leaned up and moved into position as you kissed her, Yuki aggressively licking and slurping at your mouth to taste her own juices as you lined your throbbing member against her slit and rubbed it slowly, Yuki calling out for you to fuck her as you grinned and moved your hips as you pressed against her womanhood and began to slowly penetrate her, Yuki crying out before she kissed you to drown out her screams as you were able to slowly get about six inches inside before meeting some extreme tightness even with how soaking wet she was. The tightness was enough to cause you to moan as you winces and tried to get a bit more inside of her but nothing happens as her cunt had locked up and the extra attempts was only hurting you and her and so you decided to just work with what you had and began to rock yourself in and out ad Yuki grabbed at your shoulders and hooked her legs behind your knees as your were going at a nice pace, the rhythm somewhere between love making and hardcore, the sound of your hardness crashing consistently in and out of her tight cunt as the "squish" sounds of the constant thrust is audible as you and her moaned as she yips and moans constantly as you kept up the steady pace as you felt your body reacting to her constricting cunt as she locked up along your pumping cock, letting out a loud yelp or scream as you felt her inner walls trembling as your prick began to throb, the added build of your orgasm making her orgasm again as the feeling of your manhood stretching out her already intensely tight womanhood causes her to beg for your cum as you put your forehead to hers and earned you would have to go faster which she simply nods and begs for as the pace changed and you began a rapid, more intense thrust as Yuki cried out and grabbed your arms and just squeezed tightly as she felt womanhood being thoroughly fucked as you grunted and groaned loudly as you kissed her and began to feel your breath laboring as your throbbing prick expanded Yuki's tightened walls as she spasmed and orgasmed while her voice sqeaked and yipped as you cried out as you let out a loud bellow as you pushed as deep inside as her vagina would allow as you began pumping your hips a bit slower as you fired strand after strand of hot jizz deep within her cunt, Yuki shuddering as your body felt tight as the heat from her cunt made the sensation of your orgasm being even more pleasurable as you closed your eyes and let the feeling wash over you as you felt some cum already seeping between your crotches as her smaller womb was already filled to the brim as her inner walls were so slick with her juices that none of your cum was sticking to it. As you and Yuki made out passionately, you slowly pulled out of her as your dick had begun to slowly subsided and you could feel your load seeping out almost immediately as it drizzled onto the bed between your bodies as you got beside her and watched as she giggled and shuddered as she rubbed her sweaty thighs and then scooped up some of your cum and licked it clean off of her fingers.

Yuki turned and propped herself up on her elbow as she asked how you enjoyed getting around as much as you had. You said you tried not to think about it and she laughed as she rolled her eyes and then reached down and grabbed at your semi flaccid member and asked if your stamina was as legendary as she had heard. You raised an eyebrow and she asks what she could do to help get you back and you told her which made her laugh as she moves and gets between her legs as she sat up right against your mound and let her long legs walk up your chest as she stuck her toes directly into your mouth as you just moaned and began to jerk yourself as she rubbed her pussy and breasts while you gleefully sucked and licked on her toes, feeling yourself harden in your stroking grasp as Yuki comments about how you're the biggest she's ever had and that as she tastes her cum filled twat while dirty talking you, your stroked yourself a for another minute, listening to her as you sucked her toes and that was enough as you yanked her legs and pulled her on top of you as she got up and dropped to her knees as she used both hands to jerk you off before she moved herself up and lowered her snatch down over your rigid shaft as Yuki cried out loudly as you grabbed her ass and held her cheeks as you buried your heels into the bed and began to thrust immediately, not allowing Yuki's tiny cunt to accommodate your girth as she screamed and cried out as you slammed your six inches upwards inside of her as she reached down and palm your chest, holding on for dear life as for the next several minutes you proceed to give her everything you had, your legs growing weary as your lower back was burning and your brow was sweating, but the tightness and the way her face would twist and she would smile as she came, the quick bubbling of your second load was imminent and you tell her such as she could feel you again stretching out her inner walls. She tells you she's not on the pill and she can't chance another load but you tell her you're fixed and get tone immediately changed to her begging for it and as you grunted you closed your eyes and made a loud groan as you held her down with your grip on her assas she started orgasming the moment she felt your load firing up into her womb again, coating and mixing with her excessive juices as you just pumped every drop of hot seed deep inside of her cunt as she yipped and cooed as her body trembling and she collapses against you, your hands rubbing along her back and spine as you stayed together in this embrace until your cock receded and you could feel her cunt seeping out your load mixed with her juices. You eventually moved her onto her side and pulled her into a cuddle as you kissed her shoulders and listened to her moan as she was half asleep and eventually you began to feel the drowsiness of the day and night and both of you were soon fast asleep.

The next morning came and you quickly checked your phone as you could hear the showering running as Yuki was getting herself together for the day as you called Noelle and apologized profusely but she cut you off and asked if you closed the deal. You loved her and just said you weren't sure and she tells you to call her when you know something and hung up. You looked at your phone as you shrugged and went to join Yuki in the shower, Yuki grinning as she lathered you up and gave you a nice massage as you and her fooled around but didn't so much else as you dressed back into what you showed up with as she got into one of her new outfits. She came and sat in your lap as she wrapped her arms around your neck and thanked you for the day and night. You said the pleasure was yours and feigning a cough you tried to bring yo her signing without it coming off awkwardly which it still did. She grinned and said you knew what the answer was back at brunch and you nodded and chuckled as you expected as much. She said if she thought things could be different in America for her and someone like you she would've signed but that her heart belongs back home. You understood and she gave you a kiss and said to bring your wife next time you're in japan so they can meet, and so that she could show her why japanese women were the best. You both laughed and left the hotel as she got herself a ride with some friends to spend the day with as you were ready to get back home and tell Noelle about everything. You parted with a cheek kiss and a hug and you watched her head to her Uber as you sent Shida a text saying you couldn't get the signature. She texted back that she knew you tried your best and that was all you needed to hear as you started your car and began the drive home. A thought crossing your mind as you drive to cross Yuki Kamifuku off of your still ongoing list.
