All Out Orgy (Multiple)

BTR Part Fifty- All Out Orgy (Red Velvet, Dani Jordyn, Tesha Price, Catalina Hagar)

All Out weekend had arrived and you were ready for it. The final G1 matches had been aired and your matches with Kota and Ospreay netted you two 5 stars, the first of your career. So many people called and texted you to tell you how happy they were and how awesome you looked and it made you validate all that you had felt and said those few months back. You texted back and forth with Miro and Yuki the most as you had learned from him that Hangman was legitimately injured and would be dropping the belt to Miro, making this the first card where every title was changing hands. You couldn't believe it but you were so happy for Miro who was gonna crush being the champion and he says the same for you. You, Moxley and the wife's arrived at the hotel having paid for the luxury suite and the women went and got themselves another uber to find an adult store to pick up some toys for the planned "after-party" you met up with Eddie Kingston in the lobby and the three of you shot the shit and chatted up as you got to the suite and surveyed about making sure there was enough beds, couches and loveseats as requested. Satisfied with what y'all had you made some drinks and waited for the wives to get back as Noelle showed off the bounty of two strap ons, two double sided dildos and special strap-on with a large vibrating dildo attached to it. The five of you drank and then caught an Uber to get dinner as the next day was gonna be a busy, exciting and exhausting day but the spirits were high, and the anticipation even higher.

Throughout the course of the day there was a flurry of activity going on around the arena, and you could barely keep up. Noelle was off to hang with Mckenzie Mitchell and some of the women who were coming tonight and you ran into Andrade who was stoked for tonight as Charlotte was flying in sometime that day to hang out and partake. You ran in Jade who gave you her same scowl but with a little more tenderness and you grinned as you told her you'd win her over. Nikki slapped your ass and said the favorite always gets what she wants and she hugged you and gave you a long kiss before she ran off as she was also amped for tonight. You ran into Lana who was happy to see you as she gave you a hug and wished you luck. You searched for Lance and kept running into others who wanted to talk, eventually finding him and going over the match meticulously until you felt comfortable with how it was gonna look. Cody and Tony came over once y'all were done and hyped you up as the G1 matches really had them excited for your TNT title run and you told them that if even one person buys the PPV because of those matches it was a huge success and they seemed to agree. You went to get changed as the kick off matches had started and in doing so you called Jessamyn and told her to meet you in the locker room you were at as you weren't breaking tradition. She came in as you were getting stripped down and some of the guys took the que and left as they clapped for you, Jessamyn flipping them off as she came over and dropped to her knees as she asks if you're ready, while call you "champ" right as she took your tip into her mouth. You nodded and she giggled as she bobbed her head back and forth for several minutes, working diligently along your shaft as she strokes you off and massages your balls as she tells you she isn't going to fuck you because she wants to wait for tonight and so so sucks, massages and strokes all in one terrific motion, your legs shaking as you felt your load building rapidly as she grins and smiles and sucks along the tip feverishly while stroking your load out of your balls and into her mouth, your eyes crossing as you closed them and moaned loudly, grabbing the back of her head as you pumped your hips as your load shot down Jessamyn's throat, Jessamyn moaning happily as she sucks along slowly and can feel you throbbing inside of her mouth as you shot every drop deep down her throat, Jessamyn slurping off as she giggled and wipes her lips with a finger as she wishes you luck before winking and walking out as you nodded and collected yourself before changing into your gear and getting yourself stretched out and ready for the match. It was the biggest most important match in your short tenure and you didn't want to disappoint. It was time to show that you were the real deal.

Andrade and Keku kicked the show off and had a hell of a match that really showcased how great both guys were and you gave Keku props and a hug and told him he was gonna be a star. Kenny and Cody did the same and as he went to talk with Tony they asked how you felt about waiting a few weeks to let Keku turn heel as Keku had expressed his desire to be a heel. You didn't mind and they asked for you to pick someone you could feud with and you picked Rey as you thought you and Fenix would have some really great matches based off of how well the first match you had with him went. Cody nods and Kenny hits your chest as they went back to their duties as the battle royale for the shot at what would be Miro's title begins and you and Lance went over the match again with you asking if he was okay with you trying your new finisher on him. The Palaces Burn finisher was fun but it didn't have the same pop you felt and so you came up with a new finisher, Final Judgement, which was essentially an Xplex that turned into a sit down powerbomb. Lance said he could handle it and as the battle royale ended with Jungle Boy winning, the two of you psyched each other up as your match was next. Your music hit and the arena went wild as you played it up while Lance made his quick and energetic entrance and the two of you brawler about the ring before getting into the ring and officially starting the match. Twenty minutes went by and the crowd was exhausted. Chair shots, Lance powerbombing you onto the security railing, you dropping him with a Meteora off of the stage and barely able to break the ten count. The crowd was for it all. Signatures were hit, close calls. Lance setup what was surely the finish, a blackout through a table in the ring but when you kicked out right as the ref shouted Three the crowd popped and Lance sold his frustrations well before you countered another attempt, hit two Palaces Burn back to back and got Lands to kick out which sent the crowd into a frenzy. You got time count from the ref and as you both got to your feet you traded blows and he went for another blackout but you turned it around and hit a flipping ddt before grabbing him and hitting the Final Judgement which had the crowd hot as they counted along with the One, Two, Three and with that, You were the TNT Champion. You celebrated and let the crowds cheers wash over you before you went back to gorilla and was immediately wrapped up by Lance who said that was fucking awesome and you agreed as you got your props, hugs and congratulations from everyone you ran into. Noelle found you and jumped into your arms as you kissed her and posed with her for a photo with the belt she would put on social media you were sure. Brian Cage lifted you damn near over his head as he hugged you from behind and Tony said he believed in you which made you feel welcomed and even more confident in your decision. You went to shower quickly and change and pack up so you could catch the rest of the show, and you caught the tail end of the tag match where Proud and Powerful took the belts from Bear County in a wild match. You and Cody talked and went over some ideas to pitch with Rey as the other matches went off without a hitch as Paige came and jumped about as she psyched herself up as she was nervous and you went and comforted her as she got hugs from Noelle and Renee as everyone fried to calm her down before her music hit and she went out to the biggest pop of the night so far. Britt hit the ring with an equally loud ovation as she had been the most over star besides maybe Darby through the companies tenere and the two put on a brutal twenty three match that saw Paige crying in the middle of the ring after the one, two, three and you wiped your eyes as you knew how hard she worked and how much she wanted it. She celebrated and then headed back to a standing ovation and much love and adoration and she hugged you and you both sobbed as she thanked you for being her friend and for supporting her through all of this. Moxley and Renee hug and congratulate her as Moxley says he and Renee are heading out to get the suite ready as some people were already heading that way. You asked Noelle if she wanted to go and she smiles and says she'll stay with you and so you hugged everyone and stayed behind to watch the main event, a hard hitting brutal last man standing match that saw Miro take back his gold for his second title reign. He came to the back after addressing the crowd and he got a nice ovation and you went and hugged him as the two of you posed with your new belts. Lana ran and jumped into his sweaty arms as everyone congratulated him and Tony addressed those who were still there for putting on another excellent PPV. Miro goes to shower and get dressed and you asked if anyone needed help and Cody told you to go and have fun and that he'd see you there. You found Kenny and the Bucks and they were throwing a less tawdry party at a different hotel and you asked Lance if he wanted to come but he was a good Christian man who didn't really partake in all of that. You found Britt and Rebel and offered your Uber to them as you and your wife headed out with the two women as Adam was face timing Britt and glowing about her. You felt a bit awkward as Adam hadn't talked with you since the Renee podcast but you both said what's up and talked like nothing has ever happened and so you let it be as the twenty minute ride ended with Britt getting off of the phone and the four of you talking before getting into the elevator and reaching the top floor where the entire penthouse was buzzing as Moxley and Eddie were getting everyone who was already there sauced up. Moxley says you'll give everyone thirty minutes and so as people kept trickling in you were letting Noelle meet everyone and Miro and Lana made a big show when they arrived and everyone cheered for him as he took three shots and then grabbed you for a shot as you, Ethan, Miro, Moxley and Eddie took one down. Kip and Penelope arrived and Moxley checked the time and whistled loudly as Noelle and Renee went and grabbed the toys they had bought the other day as you, Moxley and Eddie addressed everyone about how great the show was, and how when you work hard, you play harder which everyone agreed too. Moxley separated the men and got a count as Moxley rattled off your name, Ethan's, Miro, Eddie, Kip, Jake Hagar, Darby, Keku, Andrade and Cody whom he said would be here. As he said that Andrade and Charlotte walked in and Charlotte grinned and spun about as everyone "Wooed" at her Moxley called Andrade over as Moxley laid out the rules. Rule 1. Women got as many orgasms as they wanted and could tap out whenever.

Rule 2. All the men were only allowed to cum twice, and after that you were out as Moxley didn't want an all nighter going into five morning which had some people including Renee and Noelle booing as he flipped them off. Moxley then ordered what was the biggest and best rule of them all.

Rule 3. Have Fun.

And you knew he meant that. Because being here with these people was fun. Not just for the sex and the craziness that came with it all, but for the way everyone came together to help this still young company grow and thrive, in which they were allowed to be themselves and try new things. It wasn't perfect but no job, no company ever is. You looked about the women who had all begun to undress as the men fanned out you took inventorying.

Penelope Ford, Britt Baker, Rebel Tanae, Paige, Nikki Cross, Jade Cargill, and Charlotte were bunched together near the first bed as Charlotte and Jade jawed at each other a bit about who had the better body. Near the middle of the room by the second bed was Noelle, Renee, Leva Bates, Dani Jordyn, Allie, Red Velvet, Aubrey Edwards, Amanda Huber and Tesha Price. And strapping up with the two normal strap on's were Shayna and Jessamyn, naturally as Lana, Thunder Rosa, Catalina Hagar, Madi Wrenkowski, and Mckenzie Mitchell who was heading over nearer to Noelle and Britt. Everyone began pairing up as you stripped your shirt off and went over to your wife as you kissed you and ran her hands along your abs and down the side as she and McKenzie kissed and then dropped go their knees and began to strip your shirts and boxers down as they took your dick into their mouths and began to trade off as Jessamyn was already laying into Madi's youthfulness pussy as her screams were slowly drowning out the moans and groans from all over as Kip was being tag teamed as you were by Penelope and Rebel ad Eddie was eating out Rosa on a couch nearby as Moxley was getting sucked off by Renee who in turn was being eaten out from behind by Nikki Cross. Ethan was on his back and was being rode reverse cowgirl by Paige as she cooed and rocked her hips down as Jade and Charlotte were still talking shit to each other while the took turns to suck off Andrade as Jake and his Wife were teaming up and eating out Leva Bates on the third bed near the bar as Darby was behind Britt and fucking her fast as she was bent over and sucking off Keku as Shayna was forcing Dani Jordyn to suck down and lubricate the strap on as Tesha Price and Red Velvet were on a couch 69'ing each other as Allie, Amanda and Aubrey were on the bed behind you, sucking and licking all over each other as the doors to the suite opened and Cody and Brandi came in a "hey'd" everyone before they quickly went and grabbed a drink as they undressed to join as Mckenzie sucks up to the tip and giggles as Noelle fondles your balls as Lana was bent over a love seat as Miro was humping quickly in and out of her cunt as Brandi and Cody fanned out, Cody going and getting himself sucked off by Aubrey and Allie on the bed as Brandi and Amanda grabbed one of the double sided dildos and began to work it into themselves as you got Mckenzie and Noelle bent over near the foot of the bed and pushed yourself inside of Noelle as you began fucking your wife as Renee was moaning out as she was her husband's face as Nikki was bouncing up and down along Moxley's cock as Rosa was crying out and muttering in spanish to Eddie as he crashed into her between her legs as Ethan was crying out and groaning as he was closed his eyes and bucked wildly as he came inside of Paige, Paige groaning as she grinded her hips back and forth as Charlotte and Jade were face to face, kissing and groaning at one another as Andrade was fucking Jade and Keku was fucking Charlotte. Darby was getting Britt to cry out as she came along his cock around the same time that Dani was grinding back and shuddering against Shayna's wild thrusting as you moaned and pulled out of Noelle and went back to fucking Mckenzie as Allie and Aubrey had the other double sided dildo and we're crashing their cunts against one another right beside Amanda and Brandi who was doing the same thing. Rebel was on her back as Kip was fucking her hard and fast as Penelope went to the couch and took Red Velvet from Tesha who went to go and suck off Cody on the bed as he had been watching the four women with their two double sided dildos. Rosa crying out as Eddie was groaning and straining as he came inside of her, Lana breaking away from her husband as she lets Eddie have his moment before he pulls out and goes to get a drink at the bar as Lana bends over and shakes her ass at her husband who enters her while she begins to suck at Rosa's cum filled twat as Paige was focusing on Ethan and sucking his cum covered dick as he was still in his back in the floor as Jade cries out loudly as Andrade forces an orgasm out of her just Keku was plunging his much larger and girthier manhood into Charlotte's ass, Charlotte moaning out loudly as Keku yanked her hair and began crashing back and forth violently as you watched Noelle and McKenzie move onto the bed as Tesha was bouncing up and down on Cody's cock as Amanda and Brandi pulled out the double sided and gave it toNoelle as you grabbed Amanda by her ankles and yanked her down as you got between her legs and began fucking her cunt rapidly as Brandi licked over her nipples.

Darby was crying out as he came inside of Britt's pussy while Kip groaned and was doing the same inside of Rebel. Miro was now having Rosa bouncing up and along his dick as Andrade cries out and cums deep inside of Jade which causes Charlotte to forcefully begin fucking herself back against Keku's slammkng hips as Eddie was now being ridden by Catalina Hagar as Leva was being ass fucked doggystyle by Jake, Brandi switching her place with Amanda as you got between the beautiful ebony woman's cunt as Cody was rocking back and forth in and out of Aubrey's cunt now as Shayna had Renee bent over and was giving her pussy a hard and fast pounding as Noelle went and grabbed the vibrator strap on and was fucking Britt with it, Britt screaming as the inner part also had a vibrating sensor that was stimulating Noelle's clit as she thrusted and so they were both losing it. Allie had you on your back as she strokes you off while sucking you down As Tesha and Amanda were making out and rubbing each other's clots as Jessamyn was fucking Red Velvet doggystyle now while Lana bad gone and began sucking off Darby while Kip was being jerked off by McKenzie as Rebel was holding her pussy lips open as Nikki sucked and licked at it as Moxley was now in between Madi Wrenkowski's legs and fucking her pussy hard as Shayna was fucking her strap-on didlo in and out of Dani Jordyn's asshole. Paige was riding cowgirl now over Ethan's dick as Charlotte had gone and grabbed Cody, Aubrey moaning as Cody was fucking her from behind and as she looked about she saw you being ridden by Allie and huffs as she got off of the bed and went and found Noelle, pulls out of Britt with the vibrating strap-on and bends Aubrey over as she begins fucking her pussy as Allie cries out and scratches your chest as she crashed her cunt down repeatedly over your dick. Miro was crying out and straining as Rosa was milking another dick with her latina cunt as Miro shudders and fills her pussy with his load as Moxley was being ridden now by Penelope fast and hard on a loveseat as Moxley was grunting as he held her large ass in his hands as Ethan cries out and bucks upwards and cums for his second and last time inside of Paige again as Paige kisses him and silences his groaning as he rubs his hands all over her body as she grinds back and forth and then gets herself up and off as she blows him a kiss and goes and gets on the bed with Jessamyn, Madi and Red Velvet, Paige lifting her legs up as Red Velvet began to suck at her pussy lips as Ethan went and took a parting shot, which Moxley had told everyone prior was what they needed to do when they left. Ethan headed out and closed the door behind him as Miro went and grabbed Britt and pushed her against the closest wall as she bent herself down and got her cunt railed by the big bulgarian as Rosa was having her cum filled twit eaten out by Catalina as Eddie was huffing and sweating and he groaned loudly as Catalina moans and then coos as she  pushed her hips back and took all of Eddie's cum as he blew his second load, Eddie cursing as he took his time before pulling out, Eddie grabbing his clothes and taking the parting shot as Catalina and Rosa got into a sixty nine as Jake was moaning and huffing as he was getting ready to blow inside of Leva's ass, Leva crying out as she was rubbing her clit with a hand Nikki Cross got into the bed and grabbed Paige and pulled her into a nearby couch with one of the double sided dildos as the two went ass to ass in doggystyle and began to crash back as the worked the dildos into their cunts, Allie slammed down a few times and came against your prick, which was the last straw for Rebel who pulled who off and grabbed you and got you into your knees in the bed as you entered Rebel's pussy from behind, grabbing her hips as Allie rubbed her pussy lips and cooed as Noelle was still slamming into Aubrey who was screaming now. Darby was getting sucked off by Renee as Jade was slamming herself down reverse cowgirl against Keku as Andrade was being sucked off by Amanda and Allie as Brandi was being reamed by Jessamyn on a couch while Moxley groaned out and grunted loudly as Penelope rode him wildly and used her bouncing to force his load out and inside of her as he strains and laughs as she kisses him and grinds back and forth quickly as she stirs his dick about inside of her as you felt yourself getting dangerously close while fucking Rebel as Cody was dripping sweat while fucking Charlotte's cunt as she rocked back and eventually got him to groan and explode as he filled her cunt with his first batch of seed. Kip was beginning to cry out and McKenzie was slamming herself up and along on his dick on a couch while Leva was being fucked by Shayna now on a loveseat while Rosa and Catalina were taking turns getting Jake hard again as Kip eventually blew his load and cursed as Penelope got off of Moxley and dipped a finger inside of her cunt, tasting it as McKenzie gets off of Kip and goes and jumps onto the couch with Paige and Nikki, hovering her cunt over Paige's mouth as Paige locks her mouth to it and sucks while still rocking back using the double sided dildo. Kip and Penelope gather their clothes and take the parting shot.

Keku was fucking Brandi Rhodes doggystyle on the bed where Jessamyn was now being taken down by Tesha Price who has the strap-on on as Dani Jordyn had come and gotten you inside of her asshole as Rebel sucked and licked at Charlotte's cum filled cunt. Jade was being ass fucked by Cody over the end of a couch as Jade, while Moxley was pumping himself in and out of Noelle's pussy as Renee and Rosa were using the second double sided dildo on themselves. Britt has the vibrating strap-on and was fucking Red Velvet with it as Catalina Hagar was getting her pussy fucked quickly and rapidly by Andrade who was muttering in spanish as Jake was ass fucking Nikki Cross wildly as Paige was being fucked by Shayna. Keku began to loudly groan as Brandi rocked herself back and harder against him as she took his youthful load deep within her cunt as Darby was the next eliminated as he couldn't stop himself from blowing inside of Lana's cunt as she had been working him over hard the last few minutes. Miro flipped him off as Miro was being sucked off by Amanda and Madi as Darby flipped him off back and laughed as he took his parting shot and left, as did Allie, who didn't want her husband to get too upset as she said she would be back before 2 am. You felt sweat coating and dripping down your brow as you fucked Dani's large ass and before you could cum, Charlotte pulled her off and told you you could only cum inside of her cunt. And she got on her back and licked her fingers while rubbing her clit as you got between her legs and began pumping away hard and fast, closing your eyes as you could heard Noelle crying out as she orgasmed against Moxley's thrusting and that combined with Charlotte kegeling her muscles along your driving member finally got you over the edge and you exploded deep inside of Charlotte, who moaned and groaned loudly as Andrade looked up and grinned as he smacked Catalina's ass and pumped faster as Jake grabbed Nikki's hips and began thrusting wildly as he groaned and began cumming inside of her ass as Nikki just giggled and moaned as she rocked back and slapped her big ass against his waist as he pulled out and wiped his sweaty face as Andrade pulled out of Catalina and went to get sucked off by Mckenzie as Jake asks his wife if she's gonna stay and she said she was and so he took his shot and left as Jade angrily bucked back trying to get Cody to cum but couldn't and in her frustration she pulled herself off and went took the parting shot while scooping up her clothes and leaving as Charlotte flipped her off as you pulled out and laid on your back as Dani grabbed Charlotte and sucked and licked at her cum filled twat as Noelle went and grabbed Paige away from Shayna as Shayna went and got onto the bed with you, Dani and Charlotte and moved Dani aside so she could fuck Charlotte as Renee got onto the bed and and got between your legs, sitting on her backside as she work her feet along your dick and stroked at it as Rosa took the strap-on from Tesha and was now fucking Nikki Cross in her pussy on a couch. Jessamyn taking the double sided and grabbing Amanda as the two worked it inside of them as Miro was now getting sucked off by Tesha as Lana was riding Moxley after she had sucked him hard again. Keku being stroked and sucked off by Catalina and Aubrey as Andrade was getting sucked down by Rebel as Britt was still using the vibrating strap-on to fuck Red Velvet. Renee eventually is satisfied with your hardness between her soles and she gets over you in a squatting cowgirl and lowers her asshole over your dick as you gritted your teeth and groaned as she cries out and bounces slowly up and along your length as Noelle and Paige were fucking each other's cunts with their fingers while 69'ing.

Some times passed and everyone was still going at it full more, Keku slamming inside of Charlotte's ass and making her cry out as Renee had moved to let Tesha Price have a ride in your cock as she plunged her cunt up and along. Andrade eventually couldn't hold himself back from cumming for the second as he was huffing and moaning while his muscles tightened as be crashed in and out of Lana and Lana bucked herself back and grinded her hips as she worked his load out and got it poured deep inside of her pussy. Dani Jordyn, Leva Bates, and Madi Wrenkowski had tapped out prior to Andrade and he said something to Charlotte in spanish as Charlotte just nodded and grins as she bucks herself back against Keku's dick as Andrade takes the shot and heads out. Tesha fucks herself silly as she cums hard as and she grabs your chest and cries out as she grinds about as your hands rubbed her ass and you slammed up inside of her and forced another quick and sudden orgasm as you watched as she shudders and pulls herself off of your dick as she curls up and moans happily as you got off of the bed and grabbed Paige and Noelle and got them bent over the bed they were on but before you could enter Paige, Catalina Hagar grabbed you and dropped to your knees as she sucked you off as Keku pulled out of Charlotte and was now fucking Renee standing missionary as be had her pinned against the closed window as he was fucking hard and violently as Moxley was fucking Britt in her ass on the couch as she had given Shayna the vibrating strap-on and she was crying out and cumming at the same time that she was forcing Amanda into convulsing orgasms fits as Tesha got off the bed and went and took the parting shot as Red Velvet has the regular strap-on and was fucking Aubrey with it as Brandi was getting her asshole licked and eaten out by McKenzie as Cody was fucking Thunder Rosa in her ass on a bed as Miro was getting sucked off by Lana and Rebel as Paige and Noelle were laying in the side of Catalina and were sucking on her nipples as as you had her legs draped against your shoulders and you were crashing into her hard, your balls swinging and slapping against her ass as you could Renee crying out as Keku was grunting and groaning and soon he was slammkng erattically as he filled Renee's cunt with his second load and she kissed him and called him a perfect stud as he thanked her and set her down as she cupped a hand over her trembling pussy and she went and grabbed Lana and made Lana suck at her cunt as Miro began to fuck Rebel in her ass Keku slapped you in the back and went and took the parting shot as Cody pulled out of Rosa and went and got onto the bed as he got mounted by Aubrey as Red Velvet took her strap-on off and went and got onto the bed with Paige and pulled her away as Noelle kisses you and then gets off and grabs the double sided dildo so that she and Brandi could double up as Moxley was fucking Mckenzie on her back as Nikki Cross grinded her cunt against McKenzie's face as Lana and Renee got into a 69 on the floor as Amanda took the Vibrating strap-on from Shayna who was tapping out as she took the parting shot as Amanda began fucking Jessamyn with it as Britt was now riding and bouncing up and off of Cody's cock, Cody groaning and straining as he began cumming deep inside of her as Britt called him her bitch and kept slammkng down as Brandi says her man tapping out and she apologized to Noelle and pulled herself off and went and gathered her man as they got dressed and took their shots before heading out, Amanda and Jessamyn finishing up as the vibrating strap-on took a lot of them. They took the parting shot and left not soon after Miro grunted and groaned while he began filling Rebel'd ass with his cum as he cursed and laughed as he wiped his face and pulled out of Rebel after telling his wife she could stay if she wanted. Rebel taos out as she moans and sucks at her cum soaked fingers as she caught some of Miro's cum and two took their parting.  shits and headed out.

Catalina, McKenzie and Britt each had a long and hard ride on your cock, and you were tap them all out while still not blowing your second load, but Moxley was determined not to cum before you either and as he finished fucking Paige into a crumpled heap, she called it a night as well and Moxley began to work on Aubrey as Red Velvet was sucking you off as she says she can taste all the different pussies which was kinda hot and she got onto all fours as you pushed into her pussy and gripped her hips and bucked back and forth as Renee was using the vibrating strap-on and fucking Noelle in the ass, Charlotte and Thunder Rosa were fucking each other with a double-sided as Nikki was using a regular strap-on to fuck Lana in the ass as Red Velvet was crying out and groaning loudly as her cunt locked up over your dick tightly, drawing your orgasm closer as you shuddered and groaned as Moxley fucked Aubrey into a screaming orgasm tbag causes her to tap out as well as he pulls out and goes and begins to have Rosa and Charlotte suck him off as Aubrey goes and takes the parting shot as she head on as you made Red Velvet cry out and cum hard again, Velvet collapsing against you as she panted and groaned as she kissed you and got off before she wobbly grabbed her clothes and headed out with the parting shot in hand. Moxley was ramming in and out of Charlotte as Rosa came and pushed you into your back as she mounted you and rode you hard and fast as Charlotte cries out and cums hard against Moxley was a red and sweating mess, Nikki and Lana grabbing Noelle and Renee as Lana took the vibrating strap-on off of Renee and began fucking her ass with it as Nikki started fucking Noelle's pussy. Minutes passed and eventually Rosa grinds against you and slows down as her cunt spasms but as this happened, Moxley groaned and began to cry out angrily as Charlotte laughed and used her kegel muscles to milk his second load out of him and deep inside of her, Moxley cursing as he pulled out and finished his load over her mound and inner thighs and went took the parting shot as he then went and load out on the unclaimed third bed as he was staying in the suite. Charlotte rubber her cum filled twat, got up off of the floor and woo'd as she headed out with a parting shot as Rosa pills her hips off as she came again and she curses as she wanted to be the last one to get you off. She kisses your sweaty chest and goes and gets onto the bed and sucks at Moxley's prick as he drank water and just watched as you got onto the bed with the girls and asked who wanted to be the lucky one. Renee lulls herself off of Lana's strap-on and asks if she can be while looking at Noelle who just moans and bites her bottom lip nodding as she then looks at Moxley who flips her off  and she giggled and climbs up and gets ready to mount you before Nikki pulls out of Noelle and starts to complain that she was the Favorite and therefore she should get too. Renee raises an eyebrow and Noelle pulls her down and takes the vibrating strap-on from Lana and says she'll finish Nikki, and Nikki just claps and goes and gets beside you on all fours as Lana shrugs and goes and gets onto the bed with Moxley, draping herself over him as she and Rosa kiss and both take turns stroking him off as Renee began to rise you,her hips moving back and forth quickly as she she grinded and bounced and screamed and moaned loudly as she could feel you throbbing inside of her as the entire day was finally reached its climax and as Nikki cried out and reached and took your hand into hers as Noelle fucked her cunt and came against the vibrator that was humming against her clit as she slammed back and forth inside of Nikki, Nikki orgasming and shaking as she rolled her eyes and cries out loudly as You closed your eyes and grunted as Renee asked if you were ready and you could only nod as she slammed herself down fast and hard for a few more minutes before she held her hips down over  seven inches as you grunted and began cumming deep inside of Renee's pussy as she giggled and moans as she rocks her hips back and forth, her inner walls trembling as she tightened up and squealed as she came part way through your orgasm as she let you finish spurting every drop deep into her womb as she pulled off and kisses your cheek as she staggers and stumbles and fella everyone to get their ass to the parting shot as everyone looked worn down and coated in sweat and you all took the shot into hand, flipped each other off and drank the shot down before Lana and Rosa gathered their clothes and headed out as Nikki chose to stay and sleep in the bed with you and Noelle as you and Noelle smiled and kissed as Moxley and Renee cuddles together on their bed as everyone else drifted off into a well deserved slumber.
