Behavior Correcting

BTR Part Fifty Three- Behavior Correcting.

The Dynamite taping with the match with Rey was a hit, and you retained the title before Keku confronted you with a promo which was the beginning of his subtle heel turn. But you were thinking of other things when you took your shower and prepared to leave. Maki Itoh was back for a month is tapings and matches and was being her typical self. You had promised to find a way to make it up to her and to get her to be a little less abrasive and aggressive but it was working after two days of her constantly calling, texting and just being a annoying little shit, you texted a friend and asked if she could help you out. She seemed enthused when you laid out the plan and was completely onboard. You let Noelle about it as she was still a week out from coming home and she said if you think it'll work then it was worth a shot. You invited Maki to the house to talk and hangout and she said she would be there, with lots of F you's and selfies and you turned your phone down and went to bed so you could try and get this all over with. When the morning came and you awoke, you had a sense of anxiousness about the day but as you got your run and shower over with you thought about it in a bit more of a optimistic light and you got a text from your friend saying she would be there soon, as Maki was also on her way. You changed into some easy to take off clothes and before long your backup arrived and you filled her in on everything as you let her read and see all of the messages you got from Maki since she came into the states. She said she could help and you felt better as Maki called and said she was here about ten minutes later. You opened the door and she waltzed inside like she lived here, whistling as she comments about how big your place was as you shut the door and turned to see her on her tippy toes as she slapped you and said she warned you about Miho, and that you didn't listen and now there was all this heat about things that she couldn't argue against but she didn't and doesn't know what happened. You asked about what was happening but she doesn't say anything else as she just called you names and curses and as she did your backup barked at her to shut up and she turned and began to fangirl and scream and point as Asuka comes over and outs a hand on her hip and glares at her as Maki runs over and asks to shake her hand but Asuka slaps her, hard, hard enough that it sorta took you by surprise. Asuka tells her to shut the fuck up and to stop being annoying but she just keeps fangirling and so she smacks Maki again and then grabs her by throat and choked her till she shut up, Asuka grinning at you as you shrugged and Asuka licked the side of Maki's face, pushing her to get knees as she grabs your waistband and pulls you directly in front of Maki as she asks her if she wants your dick. She tries to speak but can't as Asuka is still choking her so Asuka asks her again and Maki nods as her face is turning red. Maki pulls your gym shorts down and frees your hardening cock as Asuka looks at it and coos happily as she yells at Maki to start sucking you off and to stay quiet and Maki uses both of her hands to stroke at your dick from the base and she began to take you into her mouth, Asuka growing impatient with Maki's more methodical approach and she screams at her to go faster as she grabs Maki's head and begins to violently force her to Bob and choke down over your cock, your voice breaking and groaning as you listened to Maki struggle to breath as Asuka forced her to suck you down, Maki gagging and her eyes welling up with tears as she pushed at your knees even when Asuka was forcing her down and eventually she yanks her off and throws her down onto the floor as she snaps for her to watch and learn as Asuka squats down and begins to suck you off, her hand stroking at the base while she takes you down like the expert she was, back and forth she bobbed her head as Maki wiped the drool and saliva from her mouth all over her chin and she began to take her clothes off as you watched Asuka hungrily sucked you off while she pulled off and snapped at Maki to get over her, Maki coming and getting on her knees as Asuka slurps off and kisses your tio before she aims your dick at Maki and the two begin to trade off sucking you down as Maki adopted Asuka's more aggressive approach as Asuka would nod and rub at Maki's breast as she would call her name and smack her face as Asuka asks if you were ready for her and you nodded as Asuka snaps for Maki yo go upstairs and Maki does as she's told as Asuka begins to take her clothes off and she tells Maki to go and get face down, ass up. Asuka gets onto her back and pulls you down to the floor as Maki goes up the stairs and looks back like a scorned puppy as you push inside of Asuka's pussy and she threw her head back and arched her back as she grabs at your hips and holds as you began violently thrusting into Asuka's cunt, her legs wrapping around your knees as you slammed deep and hard into her Asuka barked for Maki to hurry up and Maki runs up the stairs and disappears down the gall as Asuka just moans and groans loudly, yipping as her ass smacked the floor as you drive seven inches deep and hard inside of her trembling cunt as she tightened up and she screamed when her orgasm finally broke. You palmed the floor by her head and she grabbed at your ass and squeezed as she giggles and feels you grinding and slowing down as you worked in and out as her pussy spasms and she cums again as she reached up and bit at your neck as she cries out and shudders as her pussy drenches you dick as you slowly began to pick up speed again as Asuka yips and yelps as you slammed into her again fast and hard and you felt your manhood beginning to throb as she grabs your face and kisses you as she starts demanding your cum and you felt your hips thrusting wildly and erratically as you pushed in deep and closed your eyes as you kissed her and began pumping your hips as she kisses you back as you started filling her pussy with seed, spurt after spurt of hot jizz pouring inside of Asuka's spasming tight cunt as she rolls her hips as you left yourself deep inside of her until every drop of cum was pooled up inside of her womb and she laughs and bites at your bottom lip when you kiss before she asks if the other one deserves to having a turn. You said if you wanted peace maybe you should and she sighs and tells you to get up and go upstairs as you pull out and help Asuka to her feet as the two of you march up the steps and head into your room.

Maki was doing as she was told, head down, ass up, but she was muttering and talking to herself angrily hit she shit up when she heard Asuka snaps at her to be quiet and Asuka went and got onto the bed and began to lick at Maki's cunt from behind as you watched and strokes at your semi hard length, Asuka looking at you as she turns onto nhrt back and tells Maki to sit on her face which she does as Asuka holds Maki's thighs and eat at her pussy as she extends her legs and you and wiggles her toes, giving you permission to use her feet which you do as you got onto your knees on the bed and grab her ankles, wrapping her soles over your dick and pressing them against the side as you rock your hips back and forth and began to give yourself a footjob using Asuka's pretty feet. Maki was yipping and crying out as Asuka was licking orgasms out if her as you fucked her feet until you were hard again and you let Asuka's feet go as Asuka rolled herself out from under Maki and told her to resume the position again as Maki whimpers and does as she's told as Asuka looks at you and tells you not to be gentle and you nod and mount Maki, slapping her ass cheeks as she moans against your pillow as you push slowly inside of her as she shuddered and yipped loudly as she cries out as you felt her being unnecessarily tight as you slowly worked yourself in and out as Asuka went and got onto her knees as she spread Maki's ass cheeks and tells you to stop being nice and to fuck her, to put her in her place. Your hips in kind began to react and you started to rock back and forth violently, pulling nearly kjt to the tip before jamming back inside with such force that Maki was screaming but Asuka would bark at her to shut up and would ask her if she was gonna harass you anymore, Maki crying out no, you kept slamming hard and slow, and Asuka asked if she was gonna keep sending hurtful and mean messages, and Maki screams no, Asuka slapping her ass as you kept going hard before Asuka tells you to ease up as she thinks she's learned her lesson, Maki crying and nodding as she apologizes profusely as you gripped her hips and began to rock back and forth in a more pleasurable rhythm, Maki moaning and yelping now as Asuka positions herself in front of Maki and snaps at her to eat her out as Maki hungrily begins to lick and suck at Asuka's wet and cum filled snatcl as you worked in and out of her pussy for several minutes, Maki rocking her hips back as she came and spasmed constantly eventually locking up to a point that her cunt was applying a constant and tremendous amount of pressure and you tell Asuka that you're getting closer and Asuka grins and tells you to fuck her in the ass and Maki coos and goes to plea but Asuka glares at her and Maki says nothing else as she just goes back to eating her out and you pull out and grab some lubricant you and Noelle used sometimes, your tongue daring and licking at her asshole before you poured a large slob of the lube over her asshole and began to massage and finger it into her colon as she moans and fells Asuka that the lube is making her insides hot and Asuka rubs her face and she tells her to try and relax and that she'll love having your large American dick inside her asshole and as shebl says this you begin to work into her asshole and she cries out and shudders as you worked slowly back and forth and got about five inches inside before her colon locked up and you couldn't get any deeper inside and so you just gripped her ass cheeks and began to rock back and forth using your knees to generate your power as Maki cries out and can barely focus on Asuka's cunt as as Asuka was getting frustrated and and was holding Maki's head down against her pussy with a hold on her hair as she forces Maki against her cunt as she grinds and moans as she rubs her clit against Maki's tongue as you fucked the former pop idol's rectum with a growing abandon as you felt your balls were stirring as her asshole was entirely too tight even with the lube, and the tightness, combined with Asuka's moans and her aggression and the way the hot sensation of the lube was feeling as you drive in and out of Maki's anus, you began to grunt and grit your teeth as beads of sweat fell and you cried out and told Asuka you were cumming as Asuka just nods and bites her bottom lip as she cums against Maki's mouth as Maki was moaning and then crying out as she says she can feel you throbbing and you soon began blasting ropes of jizz deep into Maki's colon, coating her Intestines with your hot seed as you closed your eyes and slapped her ass a few times while bucking your hips and letting every drop pour deep inside as of her as Asuka rolled off and let you pull out of Maki as she collapses onto her stomach and face and just moans and pants as Asuka raises a hand and you high five her as she kisses you and says she should be a good girl now, you thanked her and she tells you to come see her sometime and you promised her that you would, which made her giggle and hug you.

Asuka dressed and left a while back and you took a shower and let Maki sleep, setting some waters around as you called Noelle and told her about the day which made her want the sordid details but as you wanted to tell her Maki came downstairs and so you told her you'd call her back. You hung up and asked if she was okay and she smiled and nodded and came and sat at the barstool at the kitchen island. You were making dinner and she asked about Asuka and you told her she was always aggressive like that which Maki nodded as she seemed reserved. You told her about why you asked Asuka there and Maki said she understood, she knew she was being petty and annoying and a bunch of other words probably but she just couldn't keep her emotions in check. She liked you and you understood a bit more that she meant that in a more than just sleeping around way. You said you should've known and she says she shouldn't have gotten her feelings mixed up with a married foreigner but she did, and the stuff with Miho so soon after she decided she had those feelings just made her feel so worthless and so she was lashing out. You offered her a beer and she took it as you talked about everything and aired it all out, continuing the conversation through dinner and afterwards where she helps you with the dishes. When it was all said and done, the two of you agreed to be friends, best friends even and she seemed okay with that. You knew she would always have those stronger feelings but you knew who had your heart. She asks if it was okay to stay the night and you didn't see why not. She straddles your lap and locks her arms around your neck as she kissed and grinded herself against your growing bulge as you picked her up and took her upstairs to have another fun night, with new boundaries set and a friendship more solidly forged.
