Queen Slaying (Anna Jay)

BTR Part Fifty Five-Queen Slaying (Anna Jay)

When you picked Noelle up from the airport and took her to lunch she could tell something was bothering you and as you ordered she asked what was wrong. You didn't wanna say anything but she pressed and you could see the concern in her eyes. She asked about what happened and you gave her the details about everything from the two weeks she had been gone and what had happened with Io. She smirked and nodded and you bore your soul about whether you were a good man and she shushed you and told you you were having a moment, a panic it anxiety attack because you slept with a woman you had feelings for. She asked if you wanted to leave her to be with Io and snapped a no quickly and sincerely and so she told you there's nothing to be upset or worried about. That while she loved Io also and she understood what was between you two, as long as your main desire and concern was to be with her, then you guys were as solid as a rock and the foundation was there. You wiped your eyes as you told her you didn't deserve her and she grinned and said she knew that but she wanted you and she leaned over and kissed you and said when you're unfocused and thinking like this your ring work suffers. You nodded and she told you all about her trip and even some of her wild sordid tales and you suddenly felt a little better as her stories were far more salacious than anything you had done. You paid for lunch and brought your wife home, spending the day in the pool and talking out your feelings and fears before ordering out and catching up on your shows before making love together and calling it a night. When you got up that morning the two of you showered together and you and her spent some time browsing online for some new furniture but nothing seemed to catch either of your eyes. You told her you had to head out and get to the arena for tonight's dynamite and she told you she'll see you there as you kissed and took an Uber, texting Keku about the angle for the night as you were going to help out backstage and film your dark match early.

When you got to the arena you met up with Miro and Jungle Boy who were preparing for the TV title match that would headline tonight and you got attacked from behind by Taynara who kissed your cheek and was asking you about your title run as she was going to try and convince Tony to let her have a feud with Paige. You eventually found Kenny and talked to him about what you and Keku went over and he seemed to like it and with that you went and got yourself changed and stretched out for your dark match which was a quick ten minute match with a small but lively crowd. You went back and showered and changed into your outfit for the night and Noelle called you and asked where you were as you went and found her hanging out with Tay, Paige, Christian Cage and Ricky Starks. The six of y'all shoot the shit before you kissed your wife and told her you'd come find her as you had to go shoot the backstage promo that would air later. And when you found Keku he was talking with Lance and Paul Wright who were offering their insights on how to convey being a better big man heel. You shot the angle twice and everyone seemed pleased with it as you went and talked with Cody before finding Noelle and watching the show play out. She casually drops to you that she set something up for you so you could stop fretting and get some confidence back and you said that you were fine but she gave you a look and told you you wouldn't be disappointed. She told you when and where and you shook your head as you asked who she was trying to hook up with and she casually dropped Ricky's name which made you groan as you both laughed as you were sure she was semi serious. The show went off of the air and the dark elevation matches were being filmed when you went backstage and chatted up Tony, Christopher Daniels and Dustin as they went over some plans for the next few weeks of build to you and Keku's match that would be happening in a month and a half at Full Gear. You checked the time and Noelle had texted you saying she was going to hang out at the house with Paige, Taynara and Ricky and you shook your head as you told her to have fun as she sent you the address to the apartment complex that you were told to go hit up once you were finished here.

You left and got into an Uber and made your way across town and after an half hour ride you got to the apartment complex and went and found the apartment number, knocking on the door before a female voice told you to come in. You walked in and looked about before you saw Anna Jay sitting on her couch, legs and arms crossed as she didn't seem thrilled but she shrugged as she nodded and said she figured it was you, as Taynara only ever got excited talking about one of two people. She got up and came and walked around you running a finger along your chest and around your shoulders as she makes a face and then smirks as she says she was messing with you and offers you a drink. You take a water and the two of you talked for the first time one on one since you've known her and you found out she was pretty down to earth and normal. Her fiance was out of town and she was having some intimacy issues with him for a while and Taynara was setting this up as a means to help her get out of the rut. You told her about why you think Noelle and Taynara put you to this and she laughed and inquired more about your relationship with Noelle. You gave her the details and she seemed surprised that so many wrestlers could have such an easily open relationship. You asked about her and her fiance and she says that they're open to a degree but that when they married he was hoping to pretty much be exclusive and you understood that. You asked how she felt about it and she said she was okay with it until he started not wanting to be as intimate with her lately and she was having doubts but that she loved him and she was gonna make it work until she knew she couldn't. You said you admired her for that and she thanked you as you talked for another hour before she asked you if you wanted to take it further. She looked at you and you shrugged and said you were cool just talking but Anna laughed and said Tay and probably Noelle would know if nothing happened. You nodded and said you wanted to just be considerate and she told you to shut up and grabbed you into a kiss, her luscious full lips pressing against yours as you made out like high schoolers as you could taste her lip gloss as she moaned and pulled herself into your lap as she whisked her hair back and asked if you would make her feel like a wanted woman. You said that was your speciality and she giggled and ran a finger down your neck and along your chest as she kissed you and got off and pulled you up as she took you into her bedroom and shut the door. She wasted no time once the door shut and pulled her top off as you took your shirt off and got out of your slacks and boxers as she finished getting out of her pants as she was wearing a nice lace bra and panties, Anna dropping to her knees as she grabbed at your erecting rod and she looks at you as she says Taynara wasn't lying which makes you grin as Anna runs and looks your cock over as she ran a finger along your surgical scar and asked what that was. You explained you had a vasectomy and you could see the wheels turning as she bit her bottom lip and started to stroke at your length as she admits she doesn't let men cum inside of her cuz she's not on the pill but that she'll think about letting you and she winks and began to suck slowly along your length, taking you down methodically as her hands kept stroking as she would bob her mouth along four and a half inches, your hand moving her hair from her face so you could watch as she gleeful began to take you down further, gaining confidence as she moaned and groaned more and more loudly and proudly as she would catch your gaze and smirk before she would suck up to your tip, leaving her lips wrapped around your tip as she flicked her tongue back and forth and causes you to squirm and groan as you grabbed the back of her head and a took a hold of her blonde hair, Anna increasing her bobbing tempo as she loudly slobbered and moaned as she sucked down six inches while a hand massaged at your balls and you groaned and pulled at her head to make her go faster as she grabbed at your thighs and let you take over as you began to rock your hips and fucked her mouth as Anna just moans and gags as she would choke her down for a few moments before pulling out and letting her catch her breath as she would wipe the excessive drool over her mouth and over your dick as you decided you wanted to have a taste and so you pulled her up and threw her into her bed, Anna giggling as she threw her legs up and stripped her panties off as you grabbed her legs and kept them pinned up into the air as you leaned down and flicked your tongue against her delicious looking pussy as she wraps her hands around her thighs and keeps her legs straight up as she began moaning loudly as she shudders as you had quickly and surprisingly licked an orgasm out of her cunt as you slurped down her juices before you began to circle and press your tongue along her slit for another minute as Anna cries out and moans your name as you felt her pussy spasm again and as that happened you leaned up and presses her legs against your shoulder as you lined up and pushed inside of her pussy, Anna crying out loudly as she grabs at the bedsheets and holds on tightly as you groaned and slowly penetrated her.

You were both moaning loudly as you had moved her closer to the middle of the bed as you still had her legs pressed together and against your shoulder as you were in your knees and using your knees to generate your stroking as you crashed almost seven inches repeatedly in and out of her pussy, Anna unstrapping her bra and finally throwing it off as she massages and rubs at her nipples as she moaned and bit her bottom lip as you kept her legs pressed against you as you rocked your hips quickly and rapidly, spearing her cunt as she moans out and shakes as her pussy spasms along your driving length as you spread her legs and placed her legs against both shoulders now as you got a better look at her as you watched her smiling face look at you as your hips rocked faster, Anna's breasts slapping and clapping as her body was rocking more along the mattress as you picked up speed with her legs further apart now, your hands palming the bed by her head as you leaned her head down and kissed her softly as she wrapped her hands around your neck and began to make out with you as you pumped into her faster as you felt her pussy spasm around your dick as she tightened up and you groaned and placed your forehead to hers as she runs a hand along your chest as she moans and says in a sultry voice that she wants you inside of her, every drop and you nodded and she locks her eyes with yours as your grind your hips in and out a little more sensually and slower as she gasps and coos as she can feel your throbbing intensify as you stretched her constricting womanhood as she came, rolling her eyes as you grunted a few more times and pushed in as deep as her cunt would allow and began firing strand after hot strand of jism deep into her womanly chasm, her hands rubbing against your shoulders as she threw her head back and let out a low and cute little squeal as you pumped slowly, firing off ropes of seed into her womb as her pussy locked up again as she orgasmed halfway through your firing load and the two of you kissed as your held your bodies together while your orgasms finished and subsided, the pulsing of both crotches making for an intense come down as you wiped her hair from her sweaty brow and looked at her face as her smile warmed you and you kissed her nose while pulling out and laying beside her as she moaned and ran a hand against your chest as she thanked you. She bit at her thumb after a moment and then looked at you with a spark in her eye as she asked if you could keep going. You grinned and simply nodded as you could see the wheels turning when she grinned.

Anna was crying out and moaning and cooing as her ass slapped down along your thighs and waist as she was leaning forward and holding onto your ankles as she was working her hips down and slamming her cunt over seven inches as she rode you wildly in reverse cowgirl, your hands roaming all over her ass cheeks as you just moaned and watched as she was picking up speed, her ferocity intensifying every time as she got close to cumming and she would grunt and growl as her pussy spasmed and her cunt locks up bit she would grunt loudly and force herself to keep up the fast and slam harder as she whipped her head back and moaned as she giggles and then positions herself as she leans a bit back and palms the bed by your side as she pushes up on her legs and is on her feet and arms in the crab walk position as your hands grabbed her hips and you began to rock upwards inside of her pussy, Anna just holding on and keeping her balance as you fucked her fast and furiously with as much force as you could muster from the position as she grunts and moans and you feel her pussy wettening as she bounced her hips down to join in your upward thrusting as the rapid "fap" sounds was so loud it matches when she screams and you kept this up until your legs and hips tired and the moment you felt her orgasm wash through her again you turned your hips and moved her onto her side, pulling out to get a better angle as she reached back and pulls at your head as you place your head on top of hers as you held her leg up and pushed back into her on her side as her ass was bouncing against your mound as you crashed seven and a half inches deep as she moans and cries out her pussy locked up and you kissed at her cheek and kept thrusting as you crashed into her more rapidly as she cries out your name and hisses for you to cum, the added tightness of her locked up pussy as you thrusted faster and closed your eyes as you moaned and groaned as you slammed faster and harder and began to buck wildly as each grunt that came after you began filling her womanhood was for each spurt that you were fucking into her womb as she coos and moans happily as she reaches a hand down and massages her clit as she feels every drop firing deep inside while coating down along her extremely wet cunt as some was already seeping out of her as she turns her head and pulls your face to hers as you kiss and kept yourself buried inside of her even a you jerked and pulsated, only pulling out once your dick had begun to soften and she turned to face you as she laid a kiss on your nose and smiled as you nodded and took deep breaths as she laughed at you.

You stood at her doorway and she was wrapped up in a robe as she smiles and says she gets married in six months and that she hopes you'll get to have some more times together before then. You say she doesn't need that boost unless she wants too and she grins and hits your chest and thanks you before you nodded and saw the Uber pull up before you nodded and headed out as Anna watched you go before shutting the door. You got into the Uber and shut the door as you gave him the address and went to your phone to text Noelle about how it went and she sent you a bunch of emojis as you chuckled and leaned back as you were worn out but in the best way possible.
