Sauna Lovin'(Lana Austin)

BTR Part Fifty Seven-Sauna Lovin'(Lana Austin)

You had never been in a sauna before and this place that Miro has brought you two down was in Orange County. You both got a workout in and he decided afterwards he was gonna hit the pool first before the sauna and you went straight to the sauna after Miro told you how to get there. The place was a frequent get away for wrestlers, at least so he had been told and you had seen a few independent and lesser known guys here, before you and Miro talked with Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green who came all the time apparently to relax and have fun. You eventually excused yourself and went to the sauna, the experience completely different as you walked in and was blasted immediately by the heat and the thick white layer of steam that clouded your vision as you only had a towel wrapped around you as you went and found yourself a spot and sat against the corner and crossed your arms and legs as you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You did this a few times to try and relax as the heat and the steam had made your body completely covered in sweat as you wondered what the hell the point of this was? Still, you were always open to trying new things and so you sat in the sauna for about a half an hour before you heard the door open and someone walk inside, your eyes unable to focus or see anyone as you called out for Miro and didn't get a response. You waited for a moment to see if the person would respond and yet they didn't. You shrugged and leaned back, closing your eyes again before you opened them as you heard the footsteps draw closer, and you finally could recognize the shape of a pale woman, smirking as it looked and seemed like Paige and as you went to say something you quickly snapped your jaw as you recognized quickly that it wasn't, though there could be reason to mistake. You had seen this wrestler before and she smiles and sits beside you as she had a towel concerning her entire torso as she introduced herself as Lana Austin, an indie wrestler you knew was working for Impact now. The sexy brit looked a lot like Paige, even down to the body type and you even admitted you almost called her Paige as she giggled and shook her head as she said she gets that an awful lot. You introduce yourself and she says that she knows of you and that Miro asked her to come and keep you company. You asked her why he would so that and she chuckled and shrugged as she whipped her hair back and looked at you as she ran a hand along your thigh and said she asked him if the rumors about you were true and he told her to go find out for herself. You smirked as she moves your towel off and your erecting cock twitches as she gasps happily and runs a hand along your length as she said she'll have to help keep the rumor going now. You didn't even bother fighting or tell her not to get on her knees as she slid off of the sauna bench and whipped her towel off as her pert breasts exposed her lovely erect nipples as you could tell she had a slightly bigger ass then Paige, the pale cheeks sticking out through the thick steam as she licked her tongue slowly from the base to the tip before she sucks over the tip and causes you to squirm as you wiped the pouring sweat from getting into your eyes as Lana moved her mouth up and along your length as she was stroking from the base and taking down six inches easily as she slurped off to the tip and slapped it against her tongue as she cooed and laughed, her accent coming in thick as she sucked the tip and then stroked with both hands as she drew over the tip and causes you to slap the wall as you were both feeling an intense pleasure and slight discomfort. You eventually relaxed as she began to suck you down more casually and hungrily, Lana waving some of the steam from her face so she could watch your face as you were groaning loudly as she could feel your throbbing in her hand and I'm her mouth, Lana moaning as she increased her bobbing and began to gag herself as she let excessive saliva drool down her already sweating face as you gripped the back of her head and bucked up as she held her mouth down over four inches as she strokes the rest and begins to drain your load from out of your balls, through your dick and down into her relaxed throat as she groans happily as she feels thick spurts of globby seed firing down her throat as your muscles felt both loose and tight as you were a drenched mess as you shuddered as you hadn't had an orgasm that intense from a blowjob in a while. You leaned back and panted loudly as Lana slowly slurped off and kissed at your tip before she stood up and waited for you to notice her standing over you as she bites at her finger and smiles while rubbing a hand along her pussy as you just grinned and nodded.

Lana's head was thrown back, her legs were behind her and draped on your knees as she was bouncing up and down as your crashed in and out as your balls hung and lightly tapped against the bench as she worked her cunt along seven inches as her hands were touching your shoulders and her fingers dug in as your hands were gripping her large pale ass as you helped rock her up and along as you sucked at her left breast as she had her back and was just crying out in a constant groan as your rocking her down as she bounced added an intense friction as your entirely wet bodies slapped loudly together as you alternated to her other breasts which causes her to yelp before she slows her bouncing and grinds her hips back and forth, stirring your dick along her tightened up inner walls as she came and pulled your face up to kiss her as she bit at your bottom lip and pulled while you kept crashing up and forcing her to drop down as Lana shudders and begins moaning out again as you moved from her ass and to her hips, Lana grinding her hips back and forth as she orgasmed quickly again as you kissed her sweaty chest and up and under her chin as she moans and tells you you need to show her you're as great as everyone says and you quickly pulled her off and turned her around, getting her onto all fours as she moans and feels your hands rubbing and smacking all along her nice full ass as you spread her cheeks and licked at her pussy from behind as she grabbed at the back of your head and pulled you further into her as you licked and sucked away hungrily, feeling Lana spasming as she curses loudly and shudders before you quickly moved up and mounted her from behind, Lana pulling her legs together as you pushed into her cunt and felt her crying out as you wrapped a hand around her throat from behind and pushed your other hand against the small of her back as you rocked her back against your as you thrusted in, picking up speed as you pulling her too you as you thrusted intensely, Lana crying out as she curses and just rolls her eyes as you felt her pussy spasming along your driving length as you were thrusting into her with a reckless abandon as you pumped in and out with a ferocity that was making her scream now as you were pretty sure that you had made your point, and so you slowed down a bit as your sweaty bodies were completely drenched, your swinging balls churning quickly Lana could feel you throbbing against her constricting walls as she threw her head back and cries out your name as she rocked her hips back and shuddered as she slammed back quickly as you thrusted a few more wild times as you then grabbed her hips and held her back against you as she moans and laughs happily as she can feel you firing off another load, this time deep inside of her cunt as you shook and closed your eyes as beads of sweat dripped off and onto her body, mingling with her sweat as her cunt spasmed and took in your entire load as her womb slowly overfilled as you filled her pussy to the brim, your bodies staying pressed together as you left yourself inside of her until the jerking and pulsating subsided and she pulled herself off and turned around and blew a kiss at you as she laid out on the bench and coos happily as she runs her breasts as you say back and just collected yourself as you felt faint.

Some minutes passed as she really rubbed herself and tasted the mixture of her juices, sweat and your cum. Before long the door opened as the two of you made small talk and you heard Miro with all his bluster asking where you were and you lead him your way as he sees you wrapping up as Lana was stretched out, still nude as she moans and looks at him as Miro asks if you wanted to go and get a swim in while he "enjoyed" the sauna. You looked between the two and nodded as you told Lana to get your number and she said she would as Miro smacked your chest as you lost them in the steam as you headed out, the cool breeze of the central air once you left the sauna room feeling amazing against your hot and sweaty skin as you decided a dip in the pool wasn't a bad idea, you headed down the long stretch of road and whistled as you felt loose, relaxed and ready for whatever else came in the daym
