Back to the Grind

BTR Part Sixty Six- Back to the Grind

Elayna Black aka Cora Jade was one of the names Sasha had given you about helping out. When she went to the WWE from the indies and a few appearances from AEW she has been promised certain things and well, even in NXT those things never came to pass, even though she was a talented worker. Noelle was doing her best to have her Agent friend track down a way to get you and Cena into a room together but that was taking time. You would have Cora over when you got back to Florida as you were staying a few days in Dallas for the live taping or Dynamite where you and Andrade would main event in a TNT Championship match. You didn't know why you were thinking about this as your hips were bucking up and your dick was gliding seven and a half hard inches repeatedly in and out of Charlotte Flair's cunt as she was completely nude aside from a white jacket she was wearing which she said she liked because it made her feel powerful. You weren't gonna argue with her as her breasts bounced and clapped begins the open jacket as she slowed down and bellowed a loud moan as she leaned down and giggled while kissing you as she grinded herself along, stirring your achingly hard manhood as she came hard, her lips kissing under your chin as she raked her fingers against your chest and began to ride you faster and harder as your hands gripped her ass and you forced her to bounce more as you dug your heels into the bed and used the balance to force yourself into her faster, Charlotte crying out as she tossed her head back and screamed as the rapid "fap" sound was all that drowned her screams out as you gritted your teeth and groaned out as your pistoning upwards thrusts was beginning to cause your load to stir as she felt your cock throbbing against her inner walls and she leaned down again and kisses you while her lips hover against your as she begins beginning, rather, demanding that you cum inside of her and you slowed your pace down to a more assertive pounding, each groan you both deliver against the others lips a reaction to every hard thrust and smack that your hips were doing as you crashed into her for a few minutes as she didn't stop demanding and asking for your load and as the throbbing reached its apex, she shuddered and kissed you while groaning loudly as the pleasure was too much and you felt your muscles strain and your face to red as you held her down with your grip on her ass and began firing strands of seed deep into her pussy, Charlotte's cunt locking up and trembling along your pulsating member as you flooded her womb with seed and she kept her hips pinned down as she took every single drop and kissed along your lips and chin before she smiled and tells you that your not was far from over. You knew that already but didn't say anything as she pulled her hips up and turned and sat on her backside to your left as she ran her feet along your cum covered dick and did her best to give you a footjob though she wasn't the most graceful at it. You helped her by grabbing her feet and keeping them wrapped against the middle part of her soles as you rocked your hips and fucked her feet as she just moaned and giggled while calling you a pervert. You ignored her taunts though the way she looked and smirked as she said more was really getting you aroused and hard again, and she pushed a few fingers into her cunt and fucked some of your seeping cum back inside of her before she moved herself off of the bed and went opened the blinds to the top floor suite you were in, Charlotte doing a little dance while shaking her body as she leaned against the glass and tells you to come and fuck her ass. You get off of the bed and grabbed a water as you drank half of it and then poured the rest over your head as she giggled as she then yelped when she felt the cold and wet droplets hit her skin as you mounted her from behind, placing your dick inside of her cunt again and grabbing at her hips as she leaned against the window and let you bounce her against the glass, her breasts smacking the glass as she had her face flush against the window and just moaned as you got yourself slicked with her and your cum, before pulling out and putting yourself into her asshole with a slow penetrating motion that causes her to slap against the glass and scream out before you got nearly seven inches deep. She turned and looked at you and just smiled as you knew what had to be done. You didn't waste her time and the pace quickened immediately, your head watching as your cock thrasher in and out of Charlotte's rectum as your swinging balls began to stir slowly as you just groaned and listened to her body smack against the glass as your powerful thrusting was forcing her to scream out whole she had a hand between her legs, Charlotte eventually buckling from the leg shaking orgasm caused by your anal assault and her own masturbating. You continued thrashing yourself back and forth as your hips pushed all the way and pulled out nearly to the tip as you would ram yourself deeper into her colon and she rubbed her pussy furiously while she continuously bucks against the opened window as you felt your dick throbbing against her anal canal as she was a muttering and groaning mess, your own voice picking up as you grunted louder and louder with each passing slam and within the minute you closed your eyes, cries out and felt Charlotte buckle as she cooed loudly as you began coating her Intestines with your seed as thick ropey globs filled up her anal chasm as Charlotte moans and rocks her hips back and forth, coating her anal walls with your large load as you just left yourself inside of her until every drop had dispensed within her. She eventually pulled herself off as your dick just jerked and pulsed and she took you by your dick and brought you to the bed, letting you get towards the middle as she draped herself vertically along your legs and began to suck you off as you just moaned and closed your eyes as she sucked your softening manhood until she had gotten all of the cum and juices she wanted off as she eventually crawled up and laid beside you as you both moaned and rubbed each other's arms as you cuddled with her and fell asleep.

The next morning came quickly and Charlotte woke you up and offered you a chance to bathe with her and so the two of you got into the hot tub/bath as Charlotte worked the controls and got the temperature nice and hot as she made your spread your legs and she ran her hands softly up and along your length as the two of talked about the night and why she had come by. On one hand she was there because she didn't want to sleep alone because Andrade was out late with Keku, Saraya-Jade aka Paige, Thea, MJF, Rey Fenix and Ricky Starks. She also knew he was probably gonna end up fooling around with either women or some bar slut and she just wanted to have some fun. You reminded her that when you invited her to the room you had really wanted to talk with her about the public calling out of Vince and she seemed hesitant to say anything as she turned the water off and continues to just play with your dick under the water as she admits she has been given the world from Vince, but that she was unhappy being away from Andrade, and through their issues they really did love one another. You understood that but asked why she would want to speak out if it came to it and it had more to do with her lost pregnancy a few years ago. She and Andrade had conceived a child but she lost it early and didn't handle it well, Vince punished her for it, even knowing what she was dealing with. She lost her big spot at Mania, and went through a lackluster year that made her confidence and everything else suffer. You asked why she never said anything to you and she said you were dealing with all of your crap and didn't need to take on her mess. You sighed as she fought back tears and said she just wanted to be happy, and right now, she was able to do that everything had to go through WWE and any bucking back was met with added on time to contracts, wage garnishments, or flat out embarrassing losses to devalue and worsen their morale. She says Stephanie and Hunter and some producers have tried to do what they can but nobody has really been able to get to Vince. You said that was going to change and she shrugs and said she wants to believe in you and the plan but she wasn't sure. You simply asked her to let you get what you could get done and that if she wanted to speak out she could, he wouldn't pressure her. She smiled and said she could always use a little convincing and you said if that was all it took you wouldn't have even bothered asking in the first place. The two of you laugh and make small talk as you go over the match with Andrade and she tells you about some moves Andrade can pull off but he just hasn't wanted too. You thanked her and told her you'd find a way to bring it up and you eventually get out and towel off as she says she'll see you tonight at the taping. You get dressed and grab your gear back before calling Noelle and talking with her as the wall to the Arena was only about seven minutes. You got to the trainer's room and made sure your shoulder was shot up as it was still lingering but the x-rays were negative and you were starting to feel better. You did about an hour or rehab type stretching exercises and then went and found Tony and Cody as they chimed in with the Anarchist title and asked how it was going. You made sure nobody else could hear and filled them in on where you were as Tony didn't think you could get Cena, but Cody seemed fairly confident you would. You switched the topic to the match and they signed off on the ending and so now you just had to get Andrade to sign off on it. You hung around the lounge and shot some stuff for BTE before you got a text that Andrade was here and you met up with him in the trainer's room as you, him and Thea talked and then went over the match. You mentioned some spots and threw out the moves Charlotte told you about which he seemed to know immediately but he didn't say no and instead opted to so one or two as he wanted to save a few for when he actually won a title. You understood the sentiment and once you had the match mapped out and the ending okayed you went and got dressed and stretched out as the arena began to fill and the Dark/Elevation matches began to be taped. Within the hour the show had started and you shot a backstage promo with Keku and Thea who promised to watch your back with Ethan as you then tried to keep yourself loose and ready as you grabbed the belt and went and got it polished up so it would pop on screen. You went to gorilla and went over the ending again with Andrade and Tony and then began hyping yourself up as Andrade hit the ring first for the main event of the evening. You were only weeks out from Full Gear and you wanted to be sure you were healthy going into the match with Ethan but you needed to bring it tonight and so when your music hit, you hit the stage and the ring with the amped up energy of a ppv quality match. You two locked up and went slow to start the first five minutes but the last 12 minutes was a back and forth intense close finish energy draining (as J.R put) slobberknocker. The two of you had great in ring chemistry, and you sold for him as well as he sold for you and the crowd ate it up. When Ethan ran down to cause a distraction which nearly got you a rolled up lose, Keku attacked Ethan and the two fought away from the ring, freeing you up to hit Palace's Burn, pick Andrade up with Thea cheering you on as you dropped him with another Palaces Burn for the one...two...three The crowd popped and you had Thea run in with the belt and hold your arm up as you began to sell that you weren't quite sold on her, which was to begin the angle when her and Keku eventually turned on you. Keku came back and clapped for you and held your other arm up as you sold that you weren't quite sure about this as you broke from them and went to pose with the belt with the fans as Keku asks Thea what was wrong and she just looked at you and smirked as they went off the air. Cody came out and the four or you played around a bit with the live crowd before heading back to let the last batch of Dark/Elevation matches get going. You and Andrade slapped hands and hugged and you said he was awesome and Tony apparently agreed as he had decided that Andrade was going to win the gauntlet match and face Miro at the end of the year Dynamite special once Miro goes over Darby at Full Gear. The guys clap for Andrade and you clapped for him as well and offer to get him some drinks as Charlotte runs up and hugs him up as Saraya-Jade and Nikki hug and kiss you as they say the match was awesome. You thanked them and told them about going to get drinks as you went to shower and pack up as you decided to leave your gear and lock it up in the assigned locker and be back for it in the morning as you had an afternoon flight back to Florida. You caught up with everyone who was going with you guys and the group of you manage to get to the bar and get an area to yourself as you all order drinks and food and keep it flowing well into the morning as Saraya-Jade and Charlotte are doing karaoke together as you watched the others dance and cheer for them as you and Andrade were pretty sauced. He suddenly grabs your shoulders and drunkenly says in his beat english that he was sorry. You raised an eyebrow and asked about what and he gave you a look as you understood. He said when he did that (breaking your skull) he was doing it out of love. He cops that he shouldn't have ever done it regardless but he looked at his wife and he smiled as he said that ultimately there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her. And you told him you knew how he felt cuz you would've done it if Noelle asked you too and he seemed relieved almost to hear you say that as he was on the verge of tears. He says he doesn't deserve your forgiveness but that he feels that it's a sin he can maybe finally absolve himself of. You tapped drinks and downed yours while deciding to call it a night and you settled up for everyone and headed out without any fanfare as you caught an Uber to the hotel, face timed your wife and caught some sleep.

You awoke feeling hungover and you took a long hot shower before getting backed up and grabbing your bags and getting into an Uber that takes you to the arena so you could grab your gear. You grabbed the bag talked with some of the crew guys and then headed to the airport, getting checked in and taking some photos with fans as you hung out in the VIP lounge before the flight. You caught some more sleep during the flight and smiled broadly when you saw your wonderful wife waiting for you outside, Noelle pulling you into a long kiss as she helps you load the bags into the car and drives you home as you talked about the match which she says looked amazing. She plays with your hair as you told her about Andrade and she smiled as she fawned about you saying you would do horrible things for her which makes you give her a look as she giggled and laughed while admitting that if that hadn't had happened, maybe the two of you would've never met and had gotten close. You talked about those days you spent at the Foley household and how they all really helped you get through that scary and uncertain time in your life. You got home and brought your stuff inside before Noelle made you a late lunch and the two of you sat on the couch for the rest of the evening, catching up on your shows together while pigging out on junk food.

The night slowly turned to morning and you finished an episode, made love once you got to the bedroom and fell asleep cuddled together in each other's arms.
