Figuring Things Out

BTR Part Seventy Four-Figuring Things Out

Sonya was despondent as she paced back and forth in your living room as Noelle looked at you with a concerned look. You had gotten home from the dynamite taping in Chicago where you had a TNT title match with Andrade that tore the place down. Though you didn't need the help Keku and Thea made a distraction and helped you retain the belt though you didn't like that and let them know it which was the beginning of the splinter for your little alliance. When you got in from the flight Noelle had texted you that Sonya was distraught and at the house and you didn't understand what was going on. Sonya was talking a mile and minute and eventually got her to calm down enough to have her explain what was happening. She explained that since she went through her breakup she had been emotionally adrift. And that taking her first actual dick from you and Miro at the full gear orgy was making her have a crisis of identity. You asked why she couldn't just identity as a bisexual and she didn't want to be a hypocrite if it I ever got out. Noelle grabbed her and held her in a hug as she explain that she was still a lesbian and that she was still who she always was but that she's allowed herself to experience the pleasures of men which doesn't make her hypocrite it just makes her experimental. Sonya says she loved it and that she couldn't get it out of her but she was scared of what those feelings were making her. You sat by them and assured her she was just Sonya DeVille, aka Daria Rae Berenato. And that could and would never change. She smiled and sobbed as she lamented the break up and the stalker incident had really made her question everything and Noelle smiled and reassured her and held her and offered to take her upstairs and cheer her up. You grinned and Sonya just chuckled and said she would love that as the two went upstairs so you could get your me time in and relax as you could hear the various screams and moans upstairs for the next few hours as you caught up on some of your shows and texted Morrison about working out and hanging out the next day. Eventually Noelle came down and said she somehow got Sonya to fall asleep and she was in the guest room as she straddles you and kissed you as she asked how the show was. You talked for an hour and eventually decided to call it a night.

You didn't know how long you were asleep but you knew that as you awoke that something was laying between your legs and yoh eventually got enough clear vision in the dark to see Sonya had her hair tired back and was bobbing her mouth along your fully erect member, as she had apparently been at it for a bit and she held a finger to her lips and licked at your tip before she winks and whispers that she hopes you remembered how good her throat skills were. You nodded meekly and she began to suck you off more and more hungrily as you stifled a moan and groaned as she rubbed at your balls and stroked at what she couldn't get down into her mouth. You told her Noelle wouldn't mind and Sonya slurps off and says that she does though and you didn't bother to question it as you let her suck away for several minutes before she deep throated herself for a solid minute, only pulling herself off as she gagged and wipes the excess saliva along your dick while her watery eyes locks with yours and she tells to come on as she pulls you off the bed why keeping a hold over your dick and you waddle with her into the guest room as she quickly throws you down onto the bed and straddles you as she was already naked. She tells you she wishes she has tried your dick all those years ago when you were making all the women in WWE crazy and you just smirked and said it was never too late and she moaned and smiled as she lowered her cunt down over your throbbing prick, covering her mouth from screaming as you just grabbed her ass cheeks and held on as she rocked herself up and down, generating her own momentum as she speared her cunt hard and fast down along your massive prick as you just grunted and moaned as she fucked herself in a wild bucking frenzy as she shuddered and came hard as her cunt clamped up tightly along your dick as you closed your eyes and strayed off your load as the tightness from her cunt was exquisite.

Sonya dug her nails into your chest and continues to rock up and down as you pulled her further back onto the guest bed as she moved up onto her feet and began to squat fuck you now in the cowgirl position as your dick plunged seven inches in and out with a wild fury as you gripped her ankles and slammed upwards to Meet her crashing down as the torque between your thrusting and her bouncing added to the pleasure as she crashed down hard and came so hard that she collapsed onto her knees and laid her body complete over you and you wrapped your arms around her back and held her to you as she screamed and shook as you felt her pussy completely drench your dick in her cum as you looked to see that she had basically squirted as your lap and the sheets were completely soaked and you dug your heels into the bed and slammed up as she just rolled her eyes and mutters your name as you crashed into her extremely wet cunt L and as she got her bearings she pushed up and kissed you while her breasts rubbed against your pecs as she gasped and moaned and cried out as she tightened up make and more before while your dick began to throb against her tightened up inners walls and you tell her you were going to cum, Sonya giggling as she keeps crashing down as she asks if you were still "fixed" you nodded and she moans and tells you to cum deep inside of her and that alone coming from her voice was enough to push you over the edge as you grunted and cried out loudly as you bucked up and buried inside of her deep as she moans and cums right as your dick began pulsing like mad as you shuddered and groaned as your first few spurts fired out in thick globs deep within Sonya's waiting and untouched womb as you flooded her pussy your massive load, your crotches pulsating together as you kissed her to drown out your loud moans as you felt every drop fire up deep into her as she shuddered and came again towards the tail end of your own orgasm as she grinded her hips back and forth slowly and steadily.

You two cuddled together in the guest bed for a few minutes as you assured her and comforted her until she fell asleep and you skipped out and went and got back into bed as Noelle stirs awake and asks if she's okay. You smiled and kissed her cheek and said you think so as she turned over and cuddled you close to her as you moaned contently and fell asleep with your wife draped over you as you both slept in a comfortable slumber entwined together.

End of chapter.