
BTR Part Seventy Eight- Assurances

Jericho was heated. Cody and Tony were concerned as your wounds were apparent. Your arm was bruised up and your left eye socket was heavily bruised and you had learned you had a crack in the orbital bone. You shot a backstage angle were Penta beats the living hell out of your backstage and the makeup team did a great job covering up the attack wounds. After everything was shot and Doc Sampson gave you his recommendation for a few weeks off, Jericho slammed his hand into a wall and said he wasn't going to let anyone do that to his guys. You calmed him as best as you could but Jericho wasn't having it. Kenny called you the Anarchist and asked if you were going to back off. Tony and Cody seemed to want you to say yes but Jericho answered for you with an emphatic no. You agreed and went home to Noelle who was scared and distraught as you and Nia had told her about everything that had happened and was said. Nia was asked to leave as Noelle was going to hurt her and you hoped Nia would be by your side when the time came and told her to give Noelle space. Over the next few days some of the others had heard and when Braun resigned it made everyone furious. Morrison and Taya had stayed over for a few days with you and Noelle and James fatality was reported to have confronted Braun and the two got into a fight where James apparently beat his ass. The dirt sheets reported that James had huge heat but they only reported it for the fight and not the reason behind the fight. Well wishes a plenty came by through the next few weeks and Mick had to come and fall you and Noelle down as you both got into a heated argument as she wanted you to stop but you weren't going to because you already had the support. She eventually just let out that she was scared and you weren't going to let anything happen to her. Rhea had come by and the two of you had some fun which made you feel better as she was still on board. You eventually began to work out and get back into quick ring shape as everything for the build with Keku had to have been postponed for a bit. As you worked towards your dynamite return to have the match with Penta, you got a call from Becky who asked you to stop by her and Seth's place in Iowa which was on the way to your show. You checked in with Noelle who was staying with her parents while you were gone and took a flight to Iowa and would take a rental car to Wisconsin where the dynamite show was being held. You landed and got the rental before making your way to Becky's who greeted you with a smile and a hug as she could see the shiner still and her demeanour changed as she asked how you were. The two of you talked and she showed you the baby who was asleep as she made you drink and began to fill you in on the details of what was happening. She was working essentially as your spy as she was thought of as being pro WWE which was code for pro Vince. Every call up from NXT whether they were helping you or not where getting the main brunt of the heat and Triple H was apparently losing his shit about. She then went on to say that some of the staunch Vince guys Usos, Orton, Riddle and Braun now were trying to suss out anyone who had issues and squash them both physically and mentally with Vince's blessing. Some were thinking of switching or not saying anything at all since Braun switched but you hadn't told Braun any names just that others were on board. Becky and Sasha were doing their best to keep the females on board and Seth was working quietly too though he was admittedly less thrilled now then he had ever been. James won a lot of points by sticking up to Braun and now was viewed as an alpha among the men. You chuckled at her little dig and she smiled and took your drink from your hand as she asked how long you had before you needed to hit the road. You gave her the time frame and she merely bit her bottom lip which was all the motivation you needed.

Becky was moaning loudly as you had her legs pushed up against her chest as her feet were bent and her feet were pushing against her chest as you were rocking your dick eight and a half inches deep, the bed rocking and shaking to your hips thrusting as she would bite at her arm to stifle her screams as her orgasms hit hard, her pussy trembling around your driving dick as you pulled her feet up and placed both big toes into your mouth as she giggled and mocked you with her playful Irish accent as she pinched at her nipples and cried out your name as you continued to plunge deep and hard as she shuddered and moaned as her attention to her breasts the throbbing of your dick and the pulsing of her inner walls as it milked your throbbing manhood became too much and you let her toes fall from your mouth as you moaned out louder and louder and slammed deeper which causes her to yelp as she begged for your load and you worked back and then pushed in hard and as deep as she felt your release, your balls draining as the load ripped through your dick and began spurting into her wanting womb as she rubbed her hands up and rubbed them down against your abs as you shuddered and felt Becky shiver as she began to cum half way through your orgasm as your crotches pulsed together as she moved her legs and spread them wide against the bed as you held yourself up and slowly pulled out as she rubbed at her thighs as then pushed a small trickle of your seed back inside of her as she rubbed a foot against your still twitching length and told you she wasn't done with you. You shook your head and took a deep breath as she pushed her feet together and began to stroke your dick but thankfully you were still rigid as there was just an extra level of sensitivity as you groaned as she rubbed and tickled her toes along your length as she stuck her tongue out and giggled as she says that she's gotten Seth into her feet which makes you chuckle as she moves up and grabs your flipping you onto your back as she grabbed your dick from the base and slapped the tip against her slit as she rubbed her cum seeping slit against it but stops as you both hear the child in the next room coughing but eventually it goes quiet and she grins and slowly lowers her cunt down along your length as she pushes her hands against your chest as your hands grabbed her toned ass.

Becky was slamming herself for minutes with a need and want as your hands spread her ass and worked her down as you dug your heels into her bed and slammed up as you worked nearly inches hard and fast repeatedly into her bouncing slit as your previous load added more "squish" to the "fapping" sound they filled the room as your crotches crashed together over and over again as she raked her fingers across your abs as she leaned down and kissed you for a long passionate moment before she reached down and pulled you out and lined you up against her asshole as she moaned and shuddered as you felt her move up to reposition and you sucked at her beautiful full breasts as she worked herself down over your shaft, pushing your cock deep into her rectum as she moaned loudly as you reached down and pulled her cheeks apart to allow her to work herself down a bit easier as you still sucked at her right nipple, Becky cooing loudly as she grimaces as she gets another inch deep inside of her asshole as you watched her grab at your shoulders as you felt her begin to bounce her hips up and down as your dick pushed in and out of colon, six inches working in easier and easier with every bounce and passing moment. Becky bit her bottom lip and she came hard, her pussy pulsating as the anal barrage was hitting all of the right spots and you worked into her with a renewed energy as she and you kissed and jawed at each other playfully as she felt your throbbing intensify against her anal walls as you continued thrusted up wildly as she demanded your load as her demands and voice was intense, her tone hard and callous as she slammed her asshole down as you just jawed back and the two of you just trash talked as you smacked at her ass and crashed upwards deeper and she eventually broke and cries out loudly as you grunted and held her down over nearly seven inches as you flooded her anal canal with cum, spurt after spurt flooding her insides as you coated her intestines with your second load as she leaned down in a sweaty heap and just panted against your body as her breasts heaved against your pecs as she moves her sweaty hair from her face and kissed at your face as your hands caressed along her hips and her ass as she slowly lifted her ass off as you felt some cum drip out and land against your mound as she laid to your right and draped her arms and legs around you as she closed her eyes and the two of you just breathed heavy and held one another.

After about twenty minutes the child had awoken and was asking for her mom and she got up and put a robe on as you dressed and hurried into the living room as she brought her child out and you played and held her for a bit as Becky assured you she has your back. You thanked her and after about another hour you decided to hit the road and get to the hotel. The entire ride there you were in the Bluetooth set talking with Noelle, and eventually James who had called and gave you the details about the fight. You told him you would meet him for lunch and James said you needed to call another old friend that you hadn't stayed close to. You sighed and said you didn't know and James said to try and hash shit out. You hung up with him and thought about Mitch McGuiness for the first time in nearly two years. The incident from two years ago seemed to replay through your mind and you shook it and pushed the emotions down as you continued to drive through the dead of night, conflicted by what you wanted to do next.

End of chapter.