Hashing it Out

BTR Part Eighty One- Hashing it Out

You and Mitch sat across from one another at a back end of the bar you had chosen. James was sitting at the end of the table and the waitress brought you drinks as you and Mitch avoided one anothers gazes but you would get a look at face and could see there was a sense of shame as he didn't seem comfortable at all being in your presence. James broke the tension and told a story about having to talk with Vince after the Braun fight and you and Mitch piqued a bit but still avoided saying anything until James said it was time for Mitch to do some talking and for you to listen and be open minded. You folded your arms and said you would try. Mitch drank at his beer and nearly downed before the first words to be said was he was sorry, which admittedly put you more at ease as it seemed genuine as he had tears in his eyes. Lacey had had her second child and Mitch was positive it was his but she wasn't willing to leave her husband or even do a paternity test. From then on he started partying hard and hanging with Darion and Darion was Darion. He also admitted he became jealous of your life. Your relationship with Noelle and the success and praise you had. The friends who were loyal to you no matter what. Guys like Orton and Darion, they just filled his head with such bullshit that he just started to believe it. He struggled to get the next part out but James coerced him to be upfront. Mitch finishes his drink and admits he had started to fall for Noelle as well. After Lacey and how sweet and kind you both are to him he took Noelle's friendliness as a sign of affection and he let it stew. James admits he had heard that Darion was talking Mitch more than once to go for her and that he was a better person for Noelle then you which only made your blood boil as you drank your beer quickly. Mitch said he's started to see the business as it really is and that they only used him to help facilitate their own standing. He wasn't bitter. He was disappointed he didn't cape up and realize who his true friend was. He wasn't asking for forgiveness or to even be friends again. He just wanted to be able to sleep better at night knowing he tried to make it right. You nodded and simply reached out to him and said you forgave him and he shook your hand and wiped the tears from his face as he thanked you. But you admitted you weren't sure how Noelle felt and that ultimately any kind of reconciliation lied with her and with him coming clean to her. James smiled and ordered another round but you said you had to get going soon and told Mitch to come by the house around 8pm tonight and he'll have his chance to say what he needs too. You finished your drink and thanked James and shook Mitch's hand before heading out as you had another person you wanted to be able to talk to and you weren't sure how this was going to go.

Noelle had a virtual meeting with her Agent and he had told her about being able to set you up a face to face with Cena as he was one of his clients. But that was still a ways away as Cena was currently filming for the second season of his Peacemaker HBO Max show. Noelle was always getting ready to star in a few episodes of a wrestling show on Starz called Heels, and so she was then going to spend the day training with Morrison and Taya. You sat in the meeting room as she relayed all this to you through facetime as you were waiting anxiously in a rented out office in Miami that was a good deal out from your place. It apparently had to be here and as you eventually got off with your wife and just dicked around your phone the door to the office opened a familiar strut strolled inside as Stephanie McMahon, Vince's daughter and the Chief brand officer of WWE came inside, shut the door and locked it, didn't utter a word and went and sat across from you, mean mugging you as you didn't say anything before she berated you. For leaving. For causing all the uproar that was happening and you pushed back and argued back that this was her father's doing and nobody else's. She screams that you were ungrateful and you let her get it all out as you tell her that Vince sent goons that threatened your wife and physically assaulted you. She says they didn't go dad enough and you angrily stood up and told her she was purposely being a bitch. That if she didn't think there was an issue she would even have taken a meeting. Why the secrecy? Why even be here if all she was gonna do was cape up. She folded her arms and didn't say anything as she moves her tongue from cheek to cheek and got up and walked around the table as she looked you in the eye, that familiar look of hunger, desire and power burning through you as you felt your heart skip as she squatted down, her powerful toned legs showing off her impressive milfy physique as she worked at your belt and lowered your pants down as she pulled your dick free and just admired it as if seeing something she had missed. You didn't know what to say or do as she just softly palmer near the base and began to suck and lick along the tip as you just watched the most powerful woman in professional wrestling begin to vigorously suck your dick, her eyes looking up as you can see the intensity as she began to take you further and further down, and you grabbed the back of her head and steadied yourself as she sucked away along eight inches with ease, her hands moving down as she caresses and massage your balls while the other hand rubs at her cunt from under her Business skirt as she deepthroat herself and didn't even gag as you groaned happily as she forces your hand to rock her back and forth and you took the hint and face fucked her with a rapid motion as she finally began to gag and choke which only made her shudder as she probably came against her rubbing her fingers as she pulled off with an audible "plop" as she stood up and unbuttoned her top as you quickly undressed as she stepped out of her skirt and revealed she had no panties on as she took her bra off and let her beautiful breasts free as she grabbed you and pushed you onto the table as you crawled back on the large conference table and watched as she grabbed your thighs and leaned down as she sucked you off as you laid on your back, Stephanie moaning happily as she made your cock extremely slick as she drooled and spitted and sucked all along every inch before she moved up and wrapped her large gloves along hour throbbing member as she just stared into your eyes as you kept your neck pushed up to watch as she began to tit fuck you on the table.

She worked her massive breasts up and along your dick for s few minutes before she pressed them tighter together and let you buck up as she held her mouth open and her tongue out and would catch the tip against her mouth as she eventually decided she had waited long enough and she crawled onto the table over you and spit into your mouth while calling you a horrible slur but your dick just twitches as it feels the wet and hot heat from her hovering cunt slowly lower down along your prick as you groaned loudly and she moaned happily as your hands grabbed her ass cheeks and held firm as she had one leg pressed against your side and her other leg hiked up as her heeled foot was pressed against the table as she used the leverage of her one foot to push her body you and down along your hard dick as she speared herself down as nine inches crashed deep and hard in and out of her cunt as Stephanie rolled her eyes and came within thirty seconds her pussy drenching your lap but she didn't slow down and kept up her rocking assault along your dick and you grabbed her ankle and pumped your hip up to add more torque to the pounding as your mounds crash together violently and hard and after a solid minute of this she tightened up with a kegel and came hard that she slowed down and you rolled your eyes and groaned loudly as she shuddered and you felt her quickly pull off as you dick throbbed with aching want as you were close to orgasm. She decided to slowly suck and lick and edge your orgasm to a halt before she moved and got onto her knees as she turned herself around and got into a reverse cowgirl position over your dick be she leaned up and moved your tip to her asshole as she slowly lowered her ass down along your aching hardness, both of you moaning and gasping as she slowly worked herself down and along as she allowed her ass to ease up and relax along seven inches before she held her cheeks to the side and rocked her hips back against your dick as you merely just gripped her hips and held on as she fucked herself slowly at first before beginning to buck herself back and forth with more aggressive pacing.

You gritted your teeth and let Stephanie do all the work as she rocked her asshole down along your dick for minutes on end before she pulled off and eventually turned over onto her back as you moved and got on your knees and went between her smooth and toned legs as she cums from the penetration between her legs as you felt her instantly lock up around your manhood as you slowly worked in and out of her cunt as she grabbed your arms and draped her legs around the back of your knees as you rocked your hips back and forth with faster strokes as you speared nine inches deep into her cunt as the table rocked and her ass cheeks bounced against the table as she threw her head back and cries out loudly as she came hard and you felt her drenching your throbbing length as you tried to focus on anything else as you leaned down and kissed and sucked at her tits while she raked her fingers along your back and after another minute you felt her pussy spasming as she locked up and held the kegel as she locked eyes with you and demanded you cum inside of her which was all she needed to do to get you over the edge as you felt her cry out "yes" repeatedly as you began to release your large load deep into her womanhood as you pumped your hips erratically as she slapped at your ass and hips as you flooded her cunt with spurting strands of hot jizz. Your muscles strained as you were buried deep inside of her as every creamy drop splattered her inner walls and laid deep within her womb as she panted and cooed happily before she pushed you off and out of her as she rubbed and played with her cunt as you breathing was labored but you eventually collected yourself and went and got off of the table and began to dress.

Stephanie dressed after a few moments the two of you decided to try and start the conversation again. She says you were right. Her dad was old and out of touch and was starting to lash out at everyone. She explained how his complete dismantling of NXT was Hunter's last straw and that she was only taking this chance to meet with you because Hunter wanted to talk. You were shocked by this and she gave you a time and place and told you to bring Noelle as Hunter was a man with thrusts and needs like she was and that an offering was long overdue. She said this office would be under reservation in your name and you could use it however you needed to over the next few months. You thanked her and she nodded and told you that she didn't think this was gonna be successful. Nick Khan had a good sway over her father and her father had some very talented and popular pushers to use to counter anything you did. You told her you knew this could be done and that you had an ace in the hole potentially. She told you not to be late when the day came and without looking back she left the room. You called Renee and told her to book the oral sessions in a month's time. She asked repeatedly if you were ready to do this and you nodded and said you think it was the time. She agreed to it and you left the office and made your way back home while stuck I'm horrible traffic. You got home to Noelle showering and complaining about the training but you told her she would be fine which just made her madder. You deescalated it as best as you could by talking about the meeting with Stephanie and how you and her would be going to the Levesque residence in a few weeks. She nodded and said she was okay to do whatever had to be done and you thanked her and offered to make dinner when the doorbell rang. You looked at the time and cursed as she asked what was wrong and you told her to dress and to meet him downstairs. You went and answered and a clearly nervous Mitch stood at the door way and as you let him inside Noelle was coming down and brushing her hair as she stopped and looked at you and then to Mitch. You told her to listen to him and at least let him explain. Mitch went into everything that he said to you and apologized profusely as Noelle didn't give away any kind of emotion which was making you nervous. Mitch eventually wrapped everything up and she looked at you and asked if that was it. You nodded and she strides over to Mitch and slapped him hard. Mitch took it and as he did she grabbed him into a hug and told him he better never turn his back on you guys again or she would never forgive him. He clutched at her and hugged her back as he promised not to as you smiled and went to grab the beers out of the fridge as you were glad to have your old friend back.

End of chapter.