A Taste of the Simpler Life

BTR Part Eighty Three- A Taste of a Simpler Life.

Sarah Rowe formerly Sarah Logan had heard you were in town for filming Dynamite and had asked for you to come by. Her husband had the child on the road with him and his family and she was tending to the farm alone for the next few weeks. When you got to her place early that morning you hadn't seen her in a while and she filled out nicely, in the same way Brie Bella and Becky Lynch had matured into their post birthing bodies, Sarah had filled out her already beautiful curvy into a mom strong type build and as she pushed you onto the muddy ground near your rental car, pulling your jeans off and slowly sucked at your hardening dick you thought back to those years back when she and you fucked at the creek and you instantly just decided to go with it as Sarah licked and sucked happily before she pulled her panties off from under her dress and mounted you as she cries out loudly as you moaned and gripped her ass as she pulls her dress off and threw it to the side near the house as her knees sank into the mud as her pussy dripped with desire as she sank herself down deeper. You moaned as she took her muddy hands and places them on your chest as she rocked her hips back forth as she quickly grinded and stirred your dick along her inner walls as you moved up and kissed at her full and heaving breasts as she smiled and giggled as she asked how the drive was. You leaned up and she slowly twirled her hips as you kissed her and said it was fine as she gasped and groaned as she rocked her hips down as she then pushed you down and the mud splashed up around you as she rocked her hips down as she began to shudder loudly as her pussy locked up around your dick and she collapsed on top of you as she kissed your lips as you rolled your hips and pinned her arms as you began thrusting her in the missionary as mud slapped about around you as you fucked her cunt hard and fast and Sarah just cooed and screamed happily as you fucked her pussy wildly as her toes curled into the muddy dirt as she came hard and she wrapped her arms around your shirt and pulled you harder on top of her as you grabbed around her head and bucked your hips forward in and out repeatedly as you groaned felt your orgasm building as she gripped your ass and squeezed as you continued driving hard as her hips bounced against the mud as your crotches mashed together for another few minutes before you pushed inside and let it loose, flooding her pussy with seed as Sarah moaned out happily as she gritted her teeth and cooed as you moaned out loudly as you filled her cunt with seed, spurt after spurt filling her hungry womb as she giggles and rubs your face as she welcomed you back to her farm the only way she knew how. You laughed and kissed her as she moans as she feels you pull out as her pussy slowly leaks out a trail of your seed as she stands and tells you to take off your clothes.

You did as she asked and she went and put the clothes into the washer as she gives you a pair of overalls and tells you need some work done. You do as you're told and the two of you did some quick house work before heading out as she showed you about the added stuff to the farm and how to do some of the chores she couldn't do without her husband around. You did your best with her coaching and helped her milk her cow, pluck a chicken she kills humanely as you collected some eggs and helped her out up some more fencing to keep the other chickens in a bigger pin as she showed you where some coyote problems had been happening. You marveled at her and eventually she went inside to change the clothes over as she gave you a beer and told you to take a break as she washed her hands and prepared a lunch as you asked about how life was. She talked for a good hour as she cooked and served you as she detailed how much she enjoyed her life now. And that even the simplistic flavors was enough to keep her happy. She missed her friends but she didn't miss the business. Her husband did and that's why he was hanging on with WWE. You asked her about what she heard about what was going on and she shrugged and said that she knew enough but that she didn't care. You asked why she invited you down and she was coy and took your plate and said there was more to be done. You noted that and headed off with her back out onto the farm.

As the sun was slowly setting you stumbled back inside of her house more tired then any one hour match you've ever done. Sarah was still energetic and ready to go as she said the clothes were probably ready but that you needed a shower. She showed you to her bedroom and the master bath was pretty large and modern and she said that the simple didn't mean they lived like savages. You chuckled and groaned as you were sore and caked in dry mud and sweat as you took the overalls on and stepped into the shower, as Sarah undressed and did the same. She thanked you for helping her out as she would have to worry about something until Erik came home and she rubbed her hands along your muscles as the hot water cascades down. You turned and smiled at her as she coated her hands with soap and began to rub and massage at your balls as your dick slowly hardened and she moves her hair from her face as you locked eyes as she grinned and worked her hands up and down along your hardening dick as she turns herself around and bends over after bit as she spreads her large and round ass and tells you to so what you do best as you mounted her from behind and make sure to keep your balance as you pushed your dick inside of her pussy as you had met the water rinse the soapy suds off as you pulled her hips against you as you thrusted in, Sarah moaning as she pressed her check against the shower as the nozzle sprayed against your chest and ran down your body and over her ass as the wet slapping sounds drowned out both of your moans as eight inches pushed inside deep before pulling out to the tip as you would yank her hips back and then thrust inside at the same time as you bucked into her repeatedly as your balls swelled with cum as her pussy was naturally tight and whenever she would cum it would latch up so tightly that you could only grit your teeth and groan and continue to push through as your dick was a throbbing mess inside of her as she looked back and whipped her hair to the side as she begins to dirty talk you as she bucked her hips back and twerks her hips back as she milks your dick as you closed your eyes and groaned loudly as she pushes back harder and harder as she felt your throbbing increasing against her inner walls and after a few more moment she pushed her hips back and held her cunt down as deep as she could allow as you flooded her pussy with another large load as you shuddered and groaned out loudly as you slowly ran your hand along her ass before you would buck wildly as the sensation would send a shiver through you as you pumped her womb with your cum as you eventually pulled out after a few moments of letting your crotches pulsate together as she smiles and wobbles a bit as She keeps her balance and helps you finish showering as the two of you laugh and are playful with one another until she turns the shower off and the two of you shower and get dressed.

You both sit on the porch and admire the setting sun as she offers you dinner but you say you had to get to the hotel before midnight so you had to hit the road soon. She asks if you were ready for what was about to happen. The marks. The dirt sheets. The retaliation from Vince and how it could affect people's lives. You promised you weren't doing this without support from high up people and she said if you succeed you would be changing wrestling forever. You said that was the goal. She nodded and tapped beer glasses as she said she wished you luck but she needed to tell you her husband was going to be team WWE and she just wanted to tell you face to face that she couldn't speak out against her husband but also didn't want to put herself against her friends from all over. She was happy with the simple life and she wanted to give you a taste of it before the madness began. You thanked her and finished the beer in a sweet silence before you told her you had to go. She hugged and kissed you and told you to text her from time to time. You said you would and smiled as you waved at her as you pulled off and used your GPS to get to the highway and get back on the road towards the city. You had to admit to yourself that it was a nice little slice of life and that you admired her for being able to stay away from the business and live the life she wanted. But that wasn't for you. You ate, slept and breathed wrestling and right now you felt what you were doing was changing the industry for the better. You knew this with all your heart as you drove through the night.

End of chapter