Can't See Me

BTR Part Eighty Seven- Can't See Me.

Deonna shoved her hips back harder than you were expecting but as you held her hips and felt her crashing back against you wildly. Deonna had come into town and Chelsea and Taya had asked you to have some fun with her as you owed her. The last week had been crazy and when Deonna talked about how she had blossomed away from NXT and wwe as many others had, it had of course, caused more controversial opinions to further down. Braun and The Usos were being lauded backstage for their handling of Ricochet and Morrison who were speaking up more loudly backstage. Samoa Joe, a once staunch all of indie wrestling was now flipped much like Seth was and was hassle NXT talent backstage but in a heated fight with Kyle O'Reilly, got kicked in his jaw in a tassel and had his jaw dislocated. Kyle was suspended and Joe was shelved. The ugliness was especially being thrown at the numerous women who had decided to speak up more. Bayley and Sasha were seen as ungrateful. Alexa Bliss of course happily clapped back and Eva Marie and Michelle McCool mocked detractors and said the others were being whiners. Thankful Mickie, Deonna, Brie Bella and even her sister Nikki were speaking out and caping up for Sasha and Bayley. Deonna looked back at you as she moaned and smiled as she twisted her hips back and forth and her beautiful large ass slowly rocked back with a quick pace as her cheeks slapped against your waist as you kept your grip on her sides and slammed into her to add more torque and this added pressure causes her cunt to clench up as she shuddered and moaned out loudly as you grabbed her hair and pulled her head back as you increased the tempo of your thrusting and this caused the sounds of your mounds crashing together to pick up in your bedroom as she grabbed your sheets and slammed back before she slowed and came again. You pulled out after this orgasm and turned her over as you grabbed her small but thick legs and placed them to your chest as you folded her up a bit and pushed back inside of her cunt as your arms pressed down by her head as you used your legs to generate your up and down thrusts as your dick easily slid in and out of her cunt as right inches pistoned in deep as her pussy was a dripping wet mess as the next few minutes were filled with Deonna's screams and the bed shaking and rattling as you were thrusting away at a furious pace. As you plunged deep and hard, Deonna shudders and cries out loudly as you feel her tighten up and stay locked up as you dick felt a great velvety resistance as she begs for your load and you continued to thrust and hump as her begging and dirty talk as she slapped at the bed and pulled at the sheets causes her cunt to spasm along your throbbing dick as the added wetness and tightness of her orgasm finally pulled your load from your balls and slapped collapsed on top of her as she wrapped her arms and legs around you as she held you to her as you exploded deep within her spasming cunt as you filled her pussy with a large glob of stranding seed as you slowly rocked your hips and and forth and felt your hardness being coated with her juices and your jizz as the sloppy *squish* sound fills the room as you felt your load deep between your crotches as you had overloaded her womb with your large load.

After a while you both made way to the pool and she lamented about everything that was happening as you shared your thoughts but she wasn't having it as she thinks you made a mistake. You couldn't say anything as she said she felt like things were going so good, and that WWE wasn't interested in any other company and now it would adopt that everyone was the enemy and now nobody could feel safe because who knows how far and vast Vince's retaliation would be. You snickered as you told her not to fret too much. She seemed puzzled but you assured her things would work out. She said she wanted to believe you and you asked her to just be patient. You eventually ordered dinner and the two of you hung out until she was picked up by Chelsea who thanked you. You eventually called Noelle via facetime and began to pack for your trip to LA to see her for your second time. You would also be able to go and finally meet up with John Cena via Agent. She talked about what she had been reading from the dirt sheets and how some people were still being super creepy and scary towards her and she was afraid she would have to get rid of her social media. You apologized for this but she sighed and just lamented that she was just venting because this was just so ugly but she knew it would be. You told her you loved her and headed off to get some sleep.

When you awoke you cleaned up the house a bit, made breakfast and caught a Uber to the airport. Within a series of hours waiting and in the sky you made it to LA and got yourself a rise to the hotel Noelle was staying out of. She greeted you with jumping into your arms and pulling you into the room so she could give you a long and eager blowjob as you eventually came deep into her mouth as she sucked and swallowed every drop before she told you to take a nap as she knew you were jet lagged. You took her up on that as she went to shower and brush her teeth as she got ready and went over her lines as you slept for a few hours before she woke you up and asked you to come to the set with her. You went happily and she introduced you to the cast and crew after a short ride to the studio lot. It was here that you met her agent again and he gave you the information you needed for your meet up with Cena. You thanked him and he took you to get a coffee as Noelle had to go to the set. You asked how she was doing and he admitted she was more talented than he thought but she was still gonna need to find the right roles. You were surprised by his candor and his honest tone. You asked him if he had made a move on Noelle yet and he chuckled and said he hasn't but not from a lack of wanting, but he had enough women he was dealing with as is and so he just wasn't as interested as normal. You chuckled and thanked him for being honest as you traded stories before he said he had to go and that you had places to be also eventually. You thanked him and called Maryse and told her you were in town and she shrieked happily and said she would see you soon as you had made her promise the last time you were in LA that you would take her for lunch. You took a cab to an area she texted you to meet with and you got a large hug and cheek kiss as the two of you found a nice little corner and she smiled and asked how you were before going a mile a minute about how Miz was wanting to knock your teeth in. You apologized but she said she had it all covered and that it would be fine eventually. But he bled WWE and you were threatening his livelihood. You asked about her thoughts and she shrugged and shook her large chest as she said she was doing pretty good outside of the WWE machine. You ordered drinks and your lunch and the two of you just chatted away and she asked about what was going on and you did your best not to give up too much as Brandi's words stuck in your mind. Eventually you told her you had to get going and she touched your arm and just smiled as she said she wasn't planning on letting you get away that easily. You shook your head and chuckled as she just seductively parsed her tongue along the front of her teeth as she grinned.

The two of you were in the women's bathroom at the farthest end stall as Maryse grabbed your face and pressed her lips against your as she panted loudly as her breasts were free from the top and we're smacking together as they brushed against her chest as you were gripping her ass cheeks and holding them firmly as her cunt quickly bounced up and along eight inches as you were sitting in the toilet and moaned in a low groan as she rode your throbbing dick hard and fast as you leaned your head in after she threw her head back and cried out as she came hard as you felt her drench your lap with orgasmic juices as you used your grip on her ass to continue bouncing her down along your length as you sucked at her beautifully large tits as she shuddered and came again as she covered your mouth as she began to buck wildly, slamming herself down with such force that you were glad she covered your mouth as she was covering her mouth with her other hand as her violent bucks caused your orgasm to bubble tremendously and she shuddered and tightened up so much that she couldn't move and so she stayed down, pulsating so intensely that her kegel milked your throbbing member and you exploded, strands of seed spurting deep inside of her womb as you moaned and pulled her down to kiss you as you filled her up with a large load that splattered her trembling pussy walls as she seized up tightly and came halfway through your orgasm as your crotches pulsated together as you pulled her into a kiss and gave her ass a nice squeeze as she grinded her hips and and forth as she moans and breaks the kiss as she caresses your face and smiles as she tells you she'll keep Miz away but that's all she can do. You thanked her and she pulled off and cupped some of the leaking out semen and slurped it off of her hand as she put her breasts away and hiked her dress down as you watched her look out of the stall as you pulled your underwear and pants up and headed out quickly when she gave you the coast was clear.

You paid for the lunch and made your way to the lot where Cena was shooting his comedy and you got signed in and waited in the lobby for a half hour before his Agent came and told you to follow him. You went down a hallway and was led into a room where Cena was writing out checks and he stood and smiled and shook your hand as he said he had heard and seen some matches of yours and the two of you talked shop for a bit as he was able to multitask while his Agent was on the phone. He said he was happy for Noelle starting to work in the business and even talked about how he admired your dad's contributions to the business. You knew Cena was a student of a game and you respected him for the kind words. You then asked about why he agreed to talk to you because you knew he was a busy man and admitted as much. He laughed and said he saw what was going on and knew his words carried a lot of weight in WWE. He had been telling Vince for a long time things needed to change and he needed to push younger guys instead of orbiting everything around Reigns and the old guard. He stood up and told you to walk with him and the two of you headed out as he explained his thinking about what was happening with an 80 year old Vince McMahon and that he loved him but he wasn't in a position to be what was best for business. He turned to you once he reached the set and asked if you could get him connected with Renee Young. You said of course and he said he would say exactly what he told you but on there. It wasn't so much a bashing but a critique, but his words would shake things up and that should help your case. You asked him why he was willing to burn the bridge and he shrugged and said rather calmly he was loyal to wrestling and WWE, not Vince. What was best for the business was to ensure WWE adapted as they always did, but which they were unwilling to do now. If he didn't love the WWE he wouldn't be willing to say anything. You gained more respect for him then you thought up coule and he shook your hand and told you he would be in touch. Before he headed off he stopped and turned and asked you to remember that you were willing to change wrestling, but it had to include WWE. There couldn't be a larger share of the pie without it. He asked you to remember that as he made his way to the set and left you in a silence as you contemplated his words and thought about how you perhaps needed to change your approach. You smirked as you headed out and gave Renee a call to explain what was about to happen next.

End of chapter.